La cosa es que me bajé los 2 CD. Monto los dos en el Daemon y lo instalo. Cuando crea los accesos directos entro... se pone toda la pantalla negra y vuelve a Windows. No funca!!! Que puedo hacer? Ya le puse la compatibilidad con W95 (tampoco anda)
si no y mas recomendado, es jugarlo con win 98 emuladolo con VMware o el virtual pc (para mi mejor siempre el VMware)
para hacer andar el juego en dosbox tenes que montar la unidad del cd con mount d: d:/ -t cdrom -noioctl luego la unidad del juego. tambien tenes que configurar el sonido anda al setup y pone soud blaster 16 con address 220 y irq 7 o 5 (dependiendo el juego) proba con eso
Ya lo hice andar en XP!!! con esto: references: VOGONS :: View topic - How to run Discworld II on Windows XP VOGONS :: View topic - Discworld II and Windows XP IGDB // The Internet Games Database ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My initial problem with Discworld was that I couldn't run the game after I'd installed it - the screen would fade black, then it's come back to the desktop. I found out about using DOSBox to get the game to work from a friend, but probably due to myself being a bit of an idiot I actually couldn't get DOXBox commands right or something. But seeing as most of my info came from this forum I figured I should probably still put the thread here. If you're handling DOSBox alright then just use these instructions. Now, I don't know if this method will work for everyone, but I got my game functioning quite nicely. Wink Please tell me if it works for you too! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install the game normally with the CD. Reboot as needed. 2. In your CD's files, there should be a folder that says DW2. Copy ALL the files inside, and paste them into the DW2 folder on your harddrive. [Drive:\...\Folder where you installed the game\Cache\DW2] --> Initially when I looked in the folder, there were only about 6 or 7 files in there. 3. Download these files disc.txt vbeplus.exe univbe.exe *4. I think when you download the files, the have capital letters in them. Change them all to small caps, it just makes it easier. 5. Put the files vbeplus.exe and univbe.exe into the main folder where you installed your game. [Drive:\...\Folder where you installed the game] 6. OPEN the file disc.txt AS A TEXT FILE. Do NOT convert to a .bat file. The file will list things like "copy %SOURCE%\DOSCONF %DEST%". Use this list and copy ALL the files from the CD that are given. These include: DOSCONF DW2.BAT DWB.EXE GERINS.IMJ --> This file wasn't on my CD, but there was one that still had the .IMJ extension, mine was labled ENGINS.IMJ instead. INSTALLD.INF RM.DRV SAMPLE.AD SAMPLE.BNK SAMPLE.OPL SETSOUND.EXE SETUP.EXE TITLEDOS.BMP UNINSTLL.EXE - and any other files with the .LST and .DIG extentions Paste these files into the main folder where you installed your game [Drive:\...\Folder where game's installed] 7. Download this patch, unzip it's contents into your main folder. Replace the files when requested. [8' - Rename the file Dwb.exe in small caps so that it's dwb.exe] 8. Rename the DW2.bat file so that it ends in .txt instead. Open the file and you should see something like: @echo off dwb Underneath, type in vbeplus.exe, univbe.exe, dwb.exe so that it looks like this: @echo off dwb vbeplus.exe univbe.exe dwb.exe - Save, and change the file back to .bat --> If you try double-clicking DW2.bat, the game should run, but not have any sound. <-- 9. Further instructions from another thread: krmchp wrote: + download VDMSound 2.10 from here + install VDMSound 2.10, taking care to restart the computer before using it (maybe better read this guide) + set the sound: - right-click on SETSOUND.exe in the Discworld II folder and select 'run with VDMS', - the VDMS configuration wizard opens, select 'Use a default configuration', click OK - You can check 'remember my settings' before clicking finish or not, read the description the wizard provides for more info. - a DOS-window opens, choose 'select and configure digital audio driver', press enter - select 'Creative Labs Sound Blaster or 100% compatible', press enter - select 'Attempt to configure sound driver automatically', press enter - select 'OK', press enter, select 'Done', press enter, close the window The sound instructions continue after this first section, the can be found here. The reason I'm not including the rest of the instructions here is because I actually couldn't open the DW2.bat file with VMDSound to change the compatibility (I'd get an error saying that VDMSound could not find the CD). But anyway, I tried opening the game to see if it would work and the sound was working fine, but a little bit choppy (which I guess is from not being able to change the sound compatibility). I was pretty happy with just getting the game to work, so I'm satisfied with the sound being a little dodgy. If you can get VDMSound to open the file then I suggest you do use the instrustions from the other thread. *Also, if you can get VDMSound to open the file, please tell me if you did anything differently so that I can put the solutions here (and fix my own game too haha Wink ). And thus concludes my tutorial. Happy gaming Laughing Out Loud
ha ta bueno (es casi lo mismo que hay que hacer para que te funcione el grandiaII en xp) deci que yo no tengo ese problema porque uso el VMware con windows 98
Tengo montado el primer cd en la unidad L con el Daemon Cuando llego a la parte de cambiar de disco, no puedo porque no puedo salir del juego (con el multitask) porque cuando vuelvo se cuelga y no puedo seguir. Si monto las dos imágenes en distintas unidades no me reconoce el segundo CD de cualquier forma. Que puedo hacer?