ando buscando este juego por miles de paginas pero en las q esta hay error alguieen me puede mandar los link para descargar este juego los q sepa desde ya muchas gracias
Claro yo entre en esa pagina para descargarlo pero tengo este inconveniente y no se como resolverlo: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT NOTICE: You cannot download more than ONE file at a time, or you will be BANNED from several hours up to a week. Please disable possible download accelerators such as Download Accelerator. However, download managers such as Getright or Go!Zilla WILL work. If you keep getting the "you have been tricked!" page, get the "linkstealers.txt" file, or are unable to resume downloads, please read this section of our FAQ for possible solutions. Basically, you need to set referer information for this site in your download manager to "" - please check documentation that comes with your manager on how to do this, and our FAQ page for more information. Last important note: if you are using download managers such as Getright or Go!Zilla, please disable "automatic segmented downloading" in program configuration first. Segmented downloading automatically splits the download into multiple files at once, so you will be immediately banned. Please also wait until all pop-up ads load completely before clicking on the download link. Otherwise, you might get a "file not found" error. We regretfully have to use this banning system to conserve bandwidth, which is extremely expensive. See the FAQ for more information on banning. To start the download, note down the 5-letter word you see in the following picture (below the HOTU logo). Please reload the picture (in most browsers, by right-clicking and then select "load picture" to make sure you get the most current code: Now, please type the 5-letter word you see above (EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS, i.e. capitalization matters) in this box and press the ENTER key. Your download should start immediately. Note that if you are using a download manager (GetRight, NetVampire, etc.) and it doesn't capture the download link (for future resume) when you click ENTER, please read this section of the FAQ for a possible solution: Are you behind a very restrictive firewall (one that doesn't allow outgoing packets to the server to port 8080, and responses back from that port)? The default value should work for at least 95% of people, so don't change it unnecessarily. If you are, enter the code here instead: This would be a good time to support us by clicking the sponsor's banners you see above and below this screen, and read the How You Can Help page on what else you can do. Due to very heavy bandwidth costs we pay every month, your support is crucial to keep these downloads free. Thank you in advance. If you will be redirected to "Tricked" page or downloaded the "linkstealers.txt" file instead, you have done something wrong (nothing related to banning, though). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bueno, no voy a traducirlo todo porque no tengo ganas, si realmente te interesa podés usar el traductor de Google, que no se va a equivocar mucho. De todo eso lo que importa son dos cosas: 1- Sólo podés hacer una descarga a la vez (o sea, un juego a la vez) ni usar ningún acelerador de descargas. 2- Abajo de la imagen intermedia con el logo de HOTU hay una serie de números y letras, la tenés que transcribir tal cual (o sea, respetando las mayúsculas) en el primer espacio para escribir, y si no te funciona, en el segundo. Creo que con eso te tiene que andar, cualquier cosa preguntá de vuelta y veo cómo te puedo ayudar.
Bueno, paso a comentar que este juego esta subido en muchos lugares, pero lo malo es que no es una version completa, faltando los archivos de video que son fundamentales para entender la trama del juego (de lo contrario solo te podes limitar a disparar a mansalva por ahi sin motivacion) Nadie tiene la version full o el cd del juego?