Dragon Ball Online (officially abbreviated as DBO) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game being developed simultaneously in Japan and South Korea by NTL, set in the Dragon Ball universe, first introduced by the Dragon Ball Japanese manga in 1984. Dragon Ball Online takes place on Earth, 216 years after the events at the conclusion of the Dragon Ball manga series. A beta testing of Dragon Ball Online was initially announced to begin in South Korea, during the summer of 2007, though development was delayed by nearly a year, and it is currently scheduled to go live in Korea by the end of 2008, and in Japan in 2009. No North American release has been announced as of yet, though in a press conference held in South Korea on February 14th, 2008, NTL expressed interest in releasing the game to a worldwide audience. Series creator Akira Toriyama has a great deal of creative control over the project, both contributing to and supervising the story and art design, including character and location arrangements. It has been stated that Toriyama has been working on character designs for this project for the last five years. Storyline Dragon Ball Online is set in Age 1000, exactly 216 years after Son Goku left the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai to train Uub in Age 784, in Dragon Ball Z. During this period time, a number of notable events have occurred, including the appearance of a Majin race, the arrival of what appear to be Yardratians in the Southern Galaxy, and most recently, a gulf forming in time. The Earth has also been divided into pieces by a villainous organization known as the Dark Eye, which is led by a mysterious individual. It is worth noting that Dragon Ball Online ignores the events of Dragon Ball GT, and even appears to contradict some aspects of the anime (for example, the Yardratians, who did not appear in the manga, look completely different in DBO and the Dragon Ball Z anime). Gameplay As with other MMORPGs, players control a character avatar within a persistent game world, where they will be able to explore the landscape, search for the Dragon Balls, train to compete in the Tenkaichi Budokai, aspiring to become like the warriors of legend, as well as interacting with NPCs as well as other players. As in most MMORPGs, players will be able to obtain money and experience which will allow them to level up and obtain new abilities. Players will also be able to participate in "Timemachine Quests", in which they will receive guidance from Time Patrol Trunks, in order to travel back in time and take part in notable aspects of the Dragon Ball history. To date, three playable races have been announced: Human, Namekian, and Majin. Saiyans no longer exist in the world as of Age 1000, and will not appear as a playable race. Players will also be able to create their characters as children, allowing them to age over time, much like characters in the Dragonball series. A wide variety of skills appear to be available, including energy attacks such as the Kienzan or the Kamehameha. Players will additionally have access to weapons, including gloves, guns, and staves as well as to Bukujutsu, the ability to fly using ki energy. Trailer: Fuente, Wikipedia
en 1 topic ya hablabamos de esto pero creo q era entre las cosas del desvirtue xD había en internet algunas "screenshot" donde muestran a alguien q se creó un saiyajin y no se si trunks lo va "guiando" en el juego con algunos conceptos básicos.
Desde q escuche sobre este juego lo q me dio mas curiosidad es como van a hacer para darle un buen balance entretenido a las distintas razas... como hacer para q no todo el mundo elija saiyajines xD
Yo jugué al Mod de Dragon Ball del Lineage II y me aburrió en 2 horas Espero que este este bueno, vienen amenazando con sacarlo hace como 2 años. Bah, pensandolo bien tanto no me importa total no creo que le juegue
Alguno jugó a los mods de Half Life? El de la linea del 1.6 era interesante para jugar un rato un multiplayer...
counter strike es un mod de half life si vamos al caso.. xD asi q le debieron haber jugado supongo ¿?
counter strike es un mod de half life si vamos al caso.. xD asi q le debieron haber jugado supongo ¿?