"In a world without Don La Fontaine..." Cita: The legendary movie voice guy known as Don LaFontaine passed away on Monday at the age of 68. Entertainment Tonight is reporting that LaFontaine passed away of complications from Pneumothorax, a condition that is the result of a collapsed lung. Why am I writing this tribute to Don? Because even though you might not know it, Don is the voice that you recognize from nearly every last movie trailer and every last movie voiceover. He's got that deep, thrilling voice that you'll instantly recognize the moment you hear it. He may never have been seen in any actual movies, but to me, he has been and always will be the voice of movies and movie trailers. Don and his voice will most certainly never be forgotten. http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/09/...aine-has-died/ 5000 trailers snif
Ahora van a tener que buscar a algun imitador barato para seguir haciendo trailers. Yo muchas veces me pregunté... si se muere este tipo... seguirán haciendo trailers?
Cuando leí el título de la noticia en google (q era exactamente ese!) había entendido otra cosa que nada q ver xD No sabía que hablaban de la muerte de Don La Fontaine