#Bitcheslovecannons Sabaton es una de mis bandas de Power Metal favoritas -y quizá la única que sigo activamente escuchando-. Me gustan casi todas sus canciones, y adoro escucharlas cuando salen en la selección al azar... de hecho, tan buenas me resultan, que verlas emerger de mi poblada lista de temas viene a sentirse como una suerte de premio... casi como ganar la lotería tras una compra impulsiva del boleto. Pero no todo es color de rosa con ellos, ya que existe entre su cancionero un dudoso item que casi destruye irremediablemente mi amor por ellos... una composición explícitamente anti-argentina. No voy a entrar en detalles con ella -no porque no pueda, sino porque sería amargarme innecesariamente-, pero diré que se llama «Back in Control», y que trata del conflicto acontecido en 1982. Terminada la introducción, vamos a comentar un poco de la banda en si: Sabaton inició su ilustre carrera musical en medio de los hielos suecos allá por 1999. No fue de hecho un gran arranque, ya que en un principio parecía que la banda no tenía rumbo, y acabaría hundiéndose entre las tempestades de nieve que inclementemente azotan año a año la región de Falun (de la que son oriundos). Pero entonces, cuando el duro invierno europeo dió paso a otro brillante mayo, comenzaron a enderezar sus caminos por medio de una lucrativa firma con el legendario estudio Abyss, a su vez que incursionaron con el sello italiano Underground Symphony. Con todo, la música de la banda aún se sentía desaborida -y esto poco tiene de extraño, ya que lo que hacían era imitar los estilos de los grupos que habían sido sus directas inspiraciones, pero sin desarrollar el suyo propio-, por lo que decidieron cambiar de enfoque, y concentrarse en uno de los temas mas explotables que alguna vez ha tenido la industria musical: el bélico. Pro británicos, pro soviéticos, pro germanos... poco importaba, comenzaron a poner acordes como si de hábiles arañas negras se tratase, tejiendo cada nota en el pentagrama con innegable maestría. Habían encontrado su musa y estilo. Después del éxito de su álbum «Primo Victoria», le dieron motor a ese tema, explotando al máximo cualquier clase de conflicto armado del que tuvieran noticia (y haciéndolo bien, además). Básicamente, si un arma era disparada, o alguien terminaba cortado a la mitad, Sabaton haría una canción de ello. Mas claro, esto tiene un tinte comercial oculto -porque NADIE puede vivir solo de ideales-, y es por ello que muchas melodías son pensadas para venderse en Europa, y remarcan cosas como la caída del ejército alemán, la llegada de los soviéticos, o las acciones contra contra las mejores posiciones del Reich; hechos destacados de la historia germana, como las poderosas divisiones blindadas Panzer, o la ENORME trayectoria del respetado Zorro del Desierto, no obstante, son ilustrados de forma correcta -teniendo algunos sus propios álbumes-, pero de forma superficial... muchos de estos hitos militares son contados con la intención de evitar las victorias del Eje, y solo se concentran en las unidades. No se puede culpar para nada a los músicos por esta decisión, ya que la sociedad europea no está preparada para entender que no todo germano era un asesino, pero sin lugar a dudas me choca un tanto lo poco que desarrollan esta acción -cuando hablan sin problemas de cosas como el desastre militar ruso en Finlandia-. Extrañamente, la Primera Guerra Mundial es retratada de forma cenicienta, usando los temas que la tocan para recalcar los males de la lucha, y deseando que no se repitan (estas son, por supuesto, algunas de sus producciones mas emotivas). Bueno, me zarpé escribiendo... pasemos ahora a los temas (he elegido veintiséis de ellos, -con su correspondiente letra-, pero desde luego hay muchos mas): Ghost Division Spoiler [YOUTUBE]jsdawgd0azk[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Fast as the wind, the invasion has begun Shaking the ground with the force of thousand guns First in the line of fire, first into hostile land Tanks leading the way, leading the way Charging the lines with the force of a furious storm Fast as the lighting phantoms swarm 200 miles at nightfall, taken within a day Thus earning their name, earning the fame They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division) Leaving or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread Always ahead, as the blitzkrieg rages on Breaking morale the with the sound of blazing guns First in the line of fire, first into hostile land Tanks leading the way, leading the way Leaving a trail of destruction to a foreign land (Waging war with conviction) Massive assault made to serve the Nazi plan (Wehrmacht's pride, ghost division) Communication's broken, phantom's are far away Thus earning their name, earning the fame They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division) Leaving or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread Pushing the frontline forth with a tremendous force (Far ahead, breaks resistance) Reaching the way for panzer corps (Shows no fear, self-subsistent) First in the line of fire, first into hostile land Thus earning the name, claiming the fame They are the panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division) Leaving or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread Panzer elite, born to compete, never retreat (ghost division) Leaving or dead, always ahead, fed by your dread Metal Machine Spoiler [YOUTUBE]Y8hJddMR8ZU[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler I have a phobia A fear of the dark Afraid to shoot strangers The animal talks Guns scare me shitless But love gun's my friend The sentinel's coming But is this the end Riding on this crazy train I'm going paranoid Watch me lose my mind And break the law (Breaking the law, breaking the law) I'm a metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm a metal machine The rainbow in the dark is shining I'm only metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm a metal machine The kings of metal ride the sky Is this st. anger The ultimate sin Or have I really A black knight within The gates of Babylon Are open and wide Shout at the devil There's nowhere to hide Fighting for the world to keep The wild child in it's cage Broke my metal heart Against the wall (Against to the wall) I'm a metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm only metal machine The rainbow in the dark is shining I'm a metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon Come touch my metal machine The kings of metal ride the sky *SOLO* Come touch my metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm a metal machine The rainbow in the dark is shining Come touch my metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm a metal machine The kings of metal ride the sky I know my metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm a metal machine The rainbow in the dark is shining Come touch my metal machine No we will never fall We're masters of the world Come suck my metal machine No we will never fall We're masters of the Nuclear Attack Spoiler [YOUTUBE]R-kp-B9XZFc[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Dropped from Enola, a city erased, threat of the future displayed A power unheard of a power unseen Flash out of nowhere, the sky is burning At 8:16 AM Tokyo control realized something was wrong Reports of explosions, destruction and pain Air raid from hell city gone in a blaze August in black, B-29's coming back Prepare for nuclear attack Warned but did not heed Prepare for nuclear attack Extermination Strike back Chose not to believe Another nuclear attack From the southeast came the second attack, threat of tomorrow unveiled 11:02 on the 9th of August Over the valley, like ball lightning The bomb detonates and the land turns to waste, barren for decades to come The factories burning, the steelworks destroyed Surrender your war else you'll perish in flames Second attack, B-29's turning back. Far from fame Spoiler [YOUTUBE]-DFyOwageKo[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler As the great war is over and lost He's been wounded in war, he returns with awards Into battle again far from home From a far distant land, our Marshal command. Own, siblings sent to their death His wife payed the ultimate price Still, as the war rages on You are our guide Far, far from the fame Far, far away from the fame But we still remember your name Karel Janoušek We mourn the day that you died So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride When the war has been fought and been won Our Marshal returns, to be thrown into jail Facing torture and years behind bars When he's finally back, life in ivory black Own, siblings sent to their death His wife payed the ultimate price Still, as the war rages on You are our guide Far, far from the fame Far, far away from the fame But we still remember your name Karel Janoušek We mourn the day that you died So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride Far, far from the fame Far, far away from the fame But we still remember your name Karel Janoušek We mourn the day that you died So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride Far, far from the fame Far, far away from the fame But we still remember your name Karel Janoušek We mourn the day that you died So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride Lyrics courtesy of: <a href="http://www.phonelyrics.com">phonelyrics</a> Metal Ripper Spoiler [YOUTUBE]jdt73mY9Gj4[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler You're in for surprise, you're in for a shock In London town streets when there's darkness and fog I'm going down, all the way down I'm on the highway to hell from here Blessed by the night, holy and bright Called by the toll of the bell Oh Mr. Crowley did you talk to the dead Sleep with the devil and then you must pay Abandoned land come on in child take my hand Hear a rising force Watch the damned they're gonna break their chains Through the night you can hear them Twisting you mind and smashing your dreams Blinded by me you can't see a thing Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised Blood on your face you big disgrace A strand of silver hanging through the sky Touching more than you can see Appears like a wonder without any move Gonna get close, closer to you Abandoned land come on in child take my hand Hear a rising force Watch the damned they're gonna break their chains Through the night you ALL ABOARD, Hahahahaha Abandoned land come on in child take my hand Hear a rising force Watch the damned they're gonna break their chains Through the night... Abandoned land come on in child take my hand Hear a rising force Watch the damned they're gonna break their chains Through the night you can hear them 1648 Spoiler [YOUTUBE]gSdms2Fr3FA[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler While Europe speak of peace, all other battles cease There's a man who aims for more than he can reach Blood, All over Prague On fire Burn All of Bohemia set ablaze Stand on their own The road to the city has been blocked Denied (They're denied) To enter the gates Though they tried (Though they tried) When Prague was called to arms They fought them on the bridge Their freedom was at stake Stand and fight, the city is burning Knigsmarck lost, stopped him at Karluv Most. Stained by blood, their brothers die side by side Did what they could Died where they stood Their city has been besieged, all hell on Prague unleashed As the cannons crush the walls, the city shakes Fear Is spreading Hate Increasing Death And pain is all that Sweden brought Rise and strike back The walls of the city has been breached Reclaimed On that very night Unsustained They did it on their own They fought them on the bridge Their freedom was at stake Unconquered city on Vltavas shore Start of the conflict and end of the war Unconquered city on Vltavas shore Is protected by its people And thirty years ago the war begun It has returned to where it started Aces in Exile Spoiler [YOUTUBE]_nqpSHGvhd8[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler In the skies above the isle Aces In Exile prevail! From near and far they arrived, join the force Ready to serve the Allied command Sent in the training, though they already earned their wings They were ready to fly they were fit for the fight Once in the air the battle begins They've proven their worth now they fly for revenge Fighter pilots in exile fly over foreign land To the story be heard tell of 303rd Fighter pilots from Poland in the battle of Britain Guarding the skies of the isle Even at night shadows cover the ground And the fighting goes on from dusk till dawn With the claw of the Reich with the claw of the eagle! They were ready to fight, they were ready to die Up in the air, the battle goes on They've proven their worth, now they have their revenge Fighter pilots in exile fly over foreign land Tell their story again, tell of 310 Men from Czechoslovakia in the battle of Britain Guarding the skies of the isle Over the battlefield brave men long way from home Few are the chosen ones sent to the sky to die Over the battlefield brave men long way from home Few are the chosen ones sent to the sky to die (Ooo) fly - it echoes in history Turning the tides in the heavens above Fighter pilots in exile fly over foreign land When the battle has been won, tell of 401 Fighter pilots from Canada in the battle of Britain Guarding the skies of the isle On wings of history they turn from home To live eternally sky bound they roam In all of history, never before Was more owed to so few Fighter pilots in exile! Carolus Rex Spoiler [YOUTUBE]WnAvNdVyJB0[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Min tid nalkas, denna tid går mot sitt slut. Hela Stockholm ser mig krönas, kanoner skjut salut. Ingen ed lagd, ingen ed jag svär! Kronan kommer ej från kyrkan, den kom direkt från Gud. Jag visar min styrka genom strid. Född att regera, att föra krig. Knä om knä! Min tid är här Över Norden jag härskar, med det arv som jag gavs Gång på gång Sjung Carolus sång Krigets konst jag behärskar Låt mitt namn sprida skräck Gång på gång Sjung Carolus sång Än en gång, sjung Carolus sång Född att härska, leda mina män i strid. Ingen man kan mig befalla! Jag lyder under Gud. Hör min order, ifrågasätt mig ej! Vet att sådan är min vilja, och därmed ska det ske. Sida vid sida uti strid, med karoliner går jag i krig, knä om knä! Min tid är här Över Norden jag härskar, med det arv som jag gavs Gång på gång Sjung Carolus sång Krigets konst jag behärskar Låt mitt namn sprida skräck Gång på gång Sjung Carolus sång Än en gång, sjung Carolus sång Allt jag ser, hela vilden skall stoppa mig Hela Europa ska böja sig för min armé Vad jag vill skall bli mitt och jag dräper dig Min vilja ske! Bevisa min styrka genom strid. Född att regera, att föra krig. Knä om knä! Min vilja ske! Över Norden jag härskar, med det arv som jag gavs. Gång på gång Sjung Carolus sång Än en gång. Krigets konst jag behärskar Låt mitt namn sprida skräck Gång på gång Sjung Carolus sång Än en gång, sjung Carolus sång Gott Mit Uns Spoiler [YOUTUBE]yVg28azacaM[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Spent the night in formation, To the battle we marched in the dawn... We were ready to die for our king On the fields of Breitenfeld Fire at will Aim for their cannons Counter attack Thunder of guns Gott mit uns As we all stand united All together Gott mit uns From the old world's demise See an empire rise From the north reaching far Here we are On September the seventh We filled their hearts with fear Seven times they attacked on that day Seven times they retreated Cavalry charge Follow that banner After the king Freedom we bring Gott mit uns As we all stand united All together Gott mit uns From the old world's demise See an empire rise From the north reaching far Here we are Breaking their lines Thousands of soldiers Run for their lives Legends arise Gott mit uns As we all stand united All together Gott mit uns From the old world's demise See an empire rise From the north reaching far Here we are Hellrider Spoiler [YOUTUBE]1wN5RMWPixc[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Engines are running our blood burns like oil Head one by one down the highway Tires are screaming leave trails on the road The sirens of death heading our way We'll always be one step ahead We'll not fall back Pedal to metal rock hard and ride free The philosophy of a rider Don't use the brakes ride on faster instead Adrenaline taking you higher Fall back in line or stand away We like it fast Into hell we ride fast as lightning Enter the darkness the weak ones will pay Ride through fire cause revolution That is a hellrider's way Crushing the traitors to no man we kneel The power is at our command Nothing can stop us it's head over heel United together we stand If it's too hard then you're too weak You're in our way Into hell we ride fast as lightning Enter the darkness the weak ones will pay Ride through fire cause revolution That is a hellrider's way Engines are running our blood burns like oil Head one by one down the highway Tires are screaming leave trails on the road The sirens of death heading our way If you ain't tough enough to play Get out our way Into hell we ride fast as lightning Enter the darkness the weak ones will pay Ride through fire cause revolution That is a hellrider's way Midway Spoiler [YOUTUBE]OaYchEJBZMY[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Send them over the waves, our sentinels They report in the news, position of our foes This battlefield's been chosen, tactically in advance Time to alert our fighters, we're soon in range Midway We'll meet at Midway Naval war Calling all men to deck, got to be airborne Head out into the sun, descending on our foes This is the crucial moment, in the heat of the war To fly and hit our targets, down in the waves Midway, display their might Ordering carriers, admirals at war We'll meet at Midway to win the fight Tactics are crucial, naval war Far from shore, a pacific war Bombs are falling from the skies It's a bomb run day, it's the naval way A blood red sun is on the rise Far from shore, a pacific war Bombs are falling from the skies It's a bomb run day, it's the naval way A blood red sun is on the rise Midway, display their might Ordering carriers, admirals at war We'll meet at Midway to win the fight Tactics are crucial, naval war Midway, display their might Ordering carriers, admirals at war We'll meet at Midway to win the fight Tactics are crucial, naval war Midway Panzer Batallion Spoiler [YOUTUBE]E9Tye_bzl9U[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Under this sun no shadows will fall Piercing our eyes as we charge An armoured battalion on course to the East Closing the end of its march This time we're here to finish a job Started a decade ago Driving the animals out of their holes To bury them 6 feet below Armoured tanks of mass destruction Killers in the east Rats who dares to stand before us Feel our guns go live Death in the shape of a panzer battalion Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a Man cannot outrun our panzer battalion Thousands of tons of armour and guns Making its way through the sand Our panzer battalion is back for revenge Artillery sweeping the land First strike is ours no mercy is shown There's rivers of blood in our track Breaking their lines of defence with our tanks Infantry watching our back Blow their SAM sites clear for air strike Ready for the storm Minefields swept there's no surrender Feel our napalm burn Death in the shape of a panzer battalion Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a Man cannot outrun our panzer battalion Death in the shape of a panzer battalion Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a Man cannot outrun our panzer battalion Under this sun no shadows will fall Piercing our eyes as we charge An armoured battalion on course to the East Has reached the end of its march Armoured tanks of mass destruction Killers in the east Rats who dares to stand before us Feel our guns go live Panzer Battalion Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a man Panzer Battalion Purple Heart Spoiler [YOUTUBE]xBw7rkT54MM[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler When we signed up for the army to a rangers company armed with M16's straight into the war Then we served under the banner clad in US stars an stripes and on moonless nights we marched for endless miles Once we were soldiers once we were young we have found our peace we've seen the end Fallen in war we belong to history fallen in war sleep 6 feet below Heart of the brave cannot bring me back to life fallen in war still brothers in arms We have fought in distant conflict and for all to many years seen our friends go down wounded dead or lost Know that peace comes at a high price it may take a thousand lives and a deep belief sacrifice of men Shining heart beats no more buried deep deep in cold earth shallow grave in my motherland here I stay lay in darkness forever Stalingrad Spoiler [YOUTUBE]oV7SXIq2uMo[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Fresh from moscow over Volga came to comrades aid city in despair almost crushed by the führers army Oh it's colder than hell Hitler's forces advancing The sound of the mortars the music of death a grand symphony See your friends fall hear them pray to the god your country denies every man dies alone and when your time comes you will know that it's time Stalin's fortress on fire Is this madness or hell The sound of the mortars the music of death we're playing the devils symphony our violins are guns conducted from hell Oh Stalingrad Mratnimiat Are you playing do you follow the conductors lead no one knows you no one cares about a single violin Play the score of the damned know the devil within The Hammer has fallen Spoiler [YOUTUBE]_9aGQeJIOCo[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Here I am standing, darkness all around. Thinking of past, taken my last breath, the air is cold as ice No one close to hear my voice Did not leave me with a choice Heaven will you wait for me? Will I find a way, will I find a place Will you let me go in peace Will I find a way to the other side. Sad are memories from the life I lived Cannot go on, cannot go further I has to end right here For the things that I have done All the girls I lost and won Let me rest in peace at last Will I find a way, will I find a place Will you let me go in peace Leave behind those dark days No I ask again will you hear my cries Then you realize why oh why I must find a way to the other side. Hear them whisper calling out my name The sentences is set, the hammer has fallen I have paid the price Sad to realize to late death was meant to be my fate All this pain will follow me. The Price of a Mile Spoiler [YOUTUBE]hbw1pGUhG7Q[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Throw your soldiers into positions once there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. Hear the sound of the machine gun Hear it echo in the night Mortars firing, rains the scene Scars the fields that once were green It's a stalemate at the front line Where the soldiers rest in mud Rosen houses, all is gone There's no glory to be won Know that many men will suffer know that many men will die Half a million lives at stake At the fields of Passchendale And as night falls the general calls and the battle carries on I long what is the purpose of it all What's the price of a mile Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march Long way from home, paying the price in young mens lives Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army in despair Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the trench with no way out Thousands of machine guns Kept on firing through the night Mortars placed and wreck the scene Guns the fields that once were green Still a dead-lock at the front line Where the soldiers die in mud Rosen, houses since long gone Still no glory has been won Know that many men has suffered Know that many men has died Six miles of ground has been won Half a million men are gone And as the men crawl the general call and the killing carry on I long what was the purpose of it all What's the price of a mile Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march Long way from home, paying the price in young mens lives Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army in despair Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the trench with no way out Young men are dying They pay the price Oh how they suffer So tell me what's the price of a mile That's the price of a mile Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march Long way from home, paying the price in young mens lives Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army in despair Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the trench with no way out Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march Long way from home, paying the price in young mens lives Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army in despair Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the trench with no way out Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march Long way from home, paying the price in young mens lives Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army in despair Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the trench with no way out Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army on the march Long way from home, paying the price in young mens lives Thousands of feet march to the beat, it's an army in despair Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the trench with no way out Twilight of the Thunder God Spoiler [YOUTUBE]3qlI6wBUQdk[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler There is Fenris grim His jaws are open wide The serpent rises from the waves Jormungandr twists and turns, mighty in his wrath The eyes are full of primal hate Thor, Odin's son, protector of mankind, ride to meet your fate, your destiny awaits Thor, Hlódyn's son, protector of mankind, ride to meet your fate, Ragnarök awaits Vingthor rise to face the snake with hammer high at the edge of the world as lightning fills the air as Mjöllnir does it's work the twinfold serpent roars in pain Thor, Odin's son, protector of mankind, ride to meet your fate, your destiny awaits T hor, Hlódyn's son, protector of mankind, ride to meet your fate, Ragnarök awaits Mighty Thor, grabs the snake firmly by its tongue lifts his hammer high to strike soon his work is done Vingthor slays the guardian snake leading to the death twilight of the thundergod Ragnarök awaits twilight of the thunder god twilight of the thunder god twilight of the thunder god twilight of the thunder god White Death Spoiler [YOUTUBE]q5CaQ37VYvw[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Almost night, a crimson horizon Painting thousand lakes red As your army approach from the east A hunter is switching his prey All alone, a man with his gun Wanders into the wild Tracks you down, you cannot hide Once he is on to your trail Enter the night, a flash in the darkness White death is heading your way The fear of his foes, a hero at home Hundreds will fall by his gun You're in the snipers sight The first kill tonight, time to die You're in the bullets way The white death's prey, say goodbye After the dawn when morning has broken Snow once white turned to red Blood red snow tells what happened last night A tale of a sniper is born Snow in mouth, hiding his breath He is steady at hand Eye to eye, target in sight The moment to fire has come Hundreds of kills, a man and his rifle Embody the sisu of finns Stay out of sight and cover your head When he pulls the trigger you're dead You're in the snipers sight The first kill tonight, time to die You're in the bullets way The white death's prey, say goodbye You're in the snipers sight The first kill tonight, time to die You're in the bullets way The white death's prey, say goodbye You're in the snipers sight You're his first kill tonight Say goodbye, say goodbye Hundreds will fall by his gun You're in the snipers sight You're his first kill tonight Say goodbye, say goodbye White death is coming for you Wolfpack Spoiler [YOUTUBE]0Y9ZQsAgveI[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham leading the Bury west Took the short way in the long route back convoy 92 Bury Gleaves and Ingham leading tankers to the west and upon the North Atlantic lies the silence of the seas on a quiet night in the darkest hour the Kriegsmarine appear Above the surface it seems quiet and calm Deep down below the wolfpack lurks To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham leading the Bury west in their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the convoy into the hornets nest At the crack of dawn the second day Bury stands in flames half the convoy sunk or disabled heading back to shore but below the North Atlantic on the bottom of the sea on the second night in the darkest hour the Kriegsmarine returns The wolfpack surface for a second time to make the convoy face its fate To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham leading the Bury west in their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the convoy into the hornets nest Under fire under water may '42 when Bury did fail the test to their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham leading them into death 569 makes the contact and lead them U-94 scores a kill in the dark 124 sinking 4 in 2 approaches 406 suffers failure on launch U-569 makes the contact and lead them U-94 scores a kill in the dark U-124 sinking 4 in 2 approaches 406 suffers failure on launch again In their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the convoy into the hornets nest To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham leading the Bury west In their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the convoy into the hornets nest Under fire under water may '42 when Bury did fail the test to their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham leading them into death Jawbreaker Spoiler [YOUTUBE]43YXW4uZi30[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Deadly as the viper Peering from its coil The poison there is coming to the boil Ticking like a time bomb The fuse is running short on the verge of snapping if it's caught And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort Ready to explode -- Jawbreaker Crouching in the corner Wound up as a spring Piercing eyes that flash are shimmering Muscles are all contorted Claws dug in the dirt Every ounce of fiber on alert And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort Ready to explode -- Jawbreaker Jawbreaker... And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort Ready to explode -- Jawbreaker Jawbreaker Jawbreaker Jawbreaker... Metalizer Spoiler [YOUTUBE]KWskjTGGGn4[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler We live for the magic in the sound, distorted guitars are breaking ground The drum pounding faster than my heart, the vocals are screaming extreme art The passion for metal drives us forth, the best heavy metal comes from north The powerful tunes, spectacular shows, the audience screams in ecstasy Metal, metal Back with a vengeance Metal, metal All that i need is heavy metal Metal Screaming together Metal, metal Metal is all that i need While hell bends for leather we stand strong, a rocker can party all night long The school couldn't teach us rock'n'roll, the school couldn't help us reach our goal We live for the magic in the sound, distorted guitars are breaking ground The powerful tunes, spectacular shows, the audience screams in ecstasy Metal, metal Back with a vengeance Metal, metal All that i need is heavy metal Metal Screaming together Metal, metal Metal is all that i need Metal, metal Back with a vengeance Metal, metal All that i need is heavy metal Metal Screaming together Metal, metal Metal is all that i need Panzerkampf Spoiler [YOUTUBE]HF3pv6WsJrs[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Into the motherland The German army march In the Soviet Union summer 1943 Tanks line up in thousands as far the eye can see Ready for the onslaught Ready for the fight Waiting for the axis to march into the trap Mines are placed in darkness In the cover of the night Waiting to be triggered When the time is right Imminent invasion, imminent attack Once the battle started There's no turning back The end of the third Reich draws near Its time has come to an end The end of an era is here It's time to attack! [Chorus:] Into the motherland the German army march Comrades stand side by side to stop the Nazi charge Panzers on Russian soil a thunder in the east One million men at war Soviet wrath unleashed! Fields of Prokhorovka Where the heat of battle burned Suffered heavy losses And the tide of war was turned Driving back the Germans Fighting on four fronts Hunt them out of Russia Out of Soviet land Reinforce the front line Force the axis to retreat Send in all the reserves Securing their defeat Soldiers of the Union Broke the citadel Ruins of an army Axis rest in hell The end of the third Reich draws near Its time has come to an end The end of an era is here It's time to attack [Chorus] Onward comrades! Onwards for the Soviet Union! Charge! Oh mother Russia! Union of lands Will of the people Strong in command Oh mother Russia! Union of lands Once more victorious the red army stands! The end of the third Reich draws near Its time has come to an end The end of an era is here It's time to attack! [Chorus] Talvisota Spoiler [YOUTUBE]bFKLEyHE5xo[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Rise of nations pride Russians on a route to ruin Kreml is more then certain to win Sent away an army to the west Blizzard reigned the ground were chosen Snow was deep and hell were frozen Stalin were too eager to invade He thought of the might he possessed And not of his foe Rage of winter Rise, nations pride Hold whats yours Strike'em were it hurts Fight, hold your ground Winter war Reinforce the line Split them into small divisions Rip 'em of the conquest visions Motti tactics used with great result Snipers move unseen in snowfall Force them to retreat and recall Fight the Russian rule and their demand With Molotov cocktail in hand No fear of their tanks Death or glory Rise, nations pride Hold whats yours Strike'em were it hurts Fight, hold your ground Winter war Reinforce the line A slice of a knife to a throat And their blood turns to ice TALVISOTA! Rise, nations pride Hold whats yours Strike'em were it hurts Fight, hold your ground Winter war Reinforce the line Rise, nations pride Hold whats yours Strike'em were it hurts Fight, hold your ground Winter war Reinforce the line Thundergods Spoiler [YOUTUBE]_eCBzmLyajs[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Hear the rolling sound of thunder, as the battle rages on. We will tear this world asunder, feel our power. Through a darkened sky we riding Pierce the night with bolts of light We will find you although you are hiding Under cover We will break through with Thunder, with fire, Realeasing an unholy Hellborn, desire We're out of control From a world you've broken into From a world unknown to man We release our wrath upon you Holy bloodshed Breaking chains of your religion Worship none or be destroyed You cannot defeat our legion Bleed the world red We will break through with Thunder, with fire, Realeasing an unholy Hellborn, desire We're out of control To conquer this world Lightning bolts of anger Raging in your world We uphold the darkness Rulers of the moonlight As you think it's over Calm has settled in Thundergods returning Back to rule this planet again Future role of generations Let us rage into awake They'll be guessing our patience Run for cover Hear the rolling sound of thunder As the battle rages on We will tear this world asunder Feel our power We will break you With thunder, with fire Realeasing an unholy Hellborn, desire We're out of control Thunder, with fire Releasing an unholy Hellborn, desire We're out of control The Final Solution Spoiler [YOUTUBE]UnRqqCBODXs[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Country in depression Nation in despair One man seeking reasons everywhere Growing hate and anger The Fuhrer's orders were precise Who was to be blamed and pay the price! Wicked propaganda Turning neighbors into foes Soldiers of the third Reich searching homes And then the former friends are watching As they are rounded up one by one Times of prosecutions has begun Ever since it started On Crystal night of 38 When liberty died And truth was denied Sent away on train on a one way trip to hell Enter the gates Auschwitz awaits! When freedom burns The final solution Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust When millions burn The curtain has fallen Lost to the world as they perish in flames There was a country in depression There was a nation in despair One man finding reasons everywhere Then there was raising hate and anger The Fuhrer's orders still apply Who was to be blamed and send to die! [1x chorus] [2x chorus] Wehrmacht Spoiler [YOUTUBE]Z-CvPkDoFsQ[/YOUTUBE] Spoiler Pulled into war to serve a vision That's supposed to last a thousand years Part of a machine unstoppable As merciless as tidal waves Were they the victims of the time Or proud parts of larger goals? Propaganda of the reich Masterful machine Time and again the battle rages on Beyond the gates of misery As casualties rise and millions die around them Did they see it all? Crazy madmen on a leash Or young men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the reich May seem real at times Panzers on a line Form the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design What about the men executing orders? Panzers on a line Form the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design What about the men executing orders? Ad victoriam, ex machina Non sibi sed patriae Ad victoriam, ex machina Non sibi sed patriae Pulled into war to serve a vision That just didn't last a thousand years Part of a machine Though stoppable as merciless as tidal waves Crazy madmen on a leash Or young men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the reich May seem real at times Panzers on a line Form the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design What about the men executing orders? Panzers on a line Form the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design What about the me? Enjoy, Fuckers!