- Formato:
Colección Atari Lynx
Auditor: GoodLynx
Versión: 2.01
Estado: Completa > 300 de 300 ROMS conocidas
> listado de juegos
Código:256 Color Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a1] 256 Color Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) 256 Color Mandelbrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) [a1] 256 Color Mandelbrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Alien Vs Predator (Prototype) (1993) [!] APB - All Points Bulletin (1990) [b1] APB - All Points Bulletin (1990) Awesome Golf (1991) [b1] Awesome Golf (1991) Baseball Heroes (1991) [b1] Baseball Heroes (1991) Basketbrawl (1992) [a1] Basketbrawl (1992) [b1] Basketbrawl (1992) Batman Returns (1992) [b1] Batman Returns (1992) Battle Wheels (1993) (Beyond Games) [o1] Battle Wheels (1993) Battlezone 2000 (1996) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991) [b1] Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991) Block Out (1990) [o1] Block Out (1990) Blue Lightning (1989) [a1] Blue Lightning (1989) Blue Lightning Demo (1989) [o1] Blue Lightning Demo (1989) Boing Demo (199x) (PD) [a1] Boing Demo (199x) (PD) [a2] Boing Demo (199x) (PD) [a3] Boing Demo (199x) (PD) BRK Server Installer by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] BRK Server Installer by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Bubble Bobble V.2 Demo (199x) (PD) Bubble Trouble (1997) (Telegames) C65 - Demo0 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo0 (1998) (PD) C65 - Demo1 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo1 (1998) (PD) C65 - Demo2 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo2 (1998) (PD) C65 - Demo3 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo3 (1998) (PD) C65 - Gfxtest (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - GFXTest (1998) (PD) C65 - Mandelbrot (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Mandelbrot (1998) (PD) C65 - Mazedemo (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Mazedemo (1998) (PD) C65 - Minimal (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Minimal (1998) (PD) C65 - Sprite (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Sprite (1998) (PD) California Games (1991) [o1] California Games (1991) Cartshow by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Centipede (Prototype) (1987) (Shadowsoft) Check EEPROM by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Check EEPROM by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Checkered Flag (1991) [b1] Checkered Flag (1991) Chip's Challenge (1989) [o1] Chip's Challenge (1989) Chip8 Emulator Release 1 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 2 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 3 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 4 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 5 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 6 (2004) (PD) Circle and Tunnel Demo (199x) (PD) Circle Draw Test (199x) (PD) Circle Tunnel by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Clicks! by Matthias Domin (2001) (PD) Clicks! Demo V6 by Matthias Domin (2001) (PD) Conquest of Zow (1996) Crystal Mines II (1990) [o1] Crystal Mines II (1990) Demo 1 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 2 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 3 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 4 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 5 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 6 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Demo 6 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (1993) (Telegames) [b1] Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (1993) (Telegames) Digidemo (199x) (PD) Digidemo 2 (199x) (PD) Dinolympics (1992) [b1] Dinolympics (1992) Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992) [b1] Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992) Double Dragon (1993) (Telegames) [b1] Double Dragon (1993) (Telegames) Dracula - The Undead (1991) [b1] Dracula - The Undead (1991) Dragnet (1995) Drawtest by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) Dungeon, The V.0x by Matthias Domin (1997) (PD) Dungeon, The V.11 by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Dungeon, The V.12 by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) EEPROM Test I2C (199x) (PD) Electrocop (1989) [o1] Electrocop (1989) European Soccer Challenge (1993) (Telegames) [o1] European Soccer Challenge (1993) (Telegames) Eye of the Beholder (Prototype) (1990) (NuFX) Fat Bobby (1997) (Telegames) Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991) (Telegames) [o1] Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991) (Telegames) Fighter V.2 Demo (2000) (PD) Fire (Fever) Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Font Test 2 by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) [a1] Font Test 2 by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) Gates of Zendocon, The (1989) [o1] Gates of Zendocon, The (1989) Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1990) [o1] Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1990) Ghouls 'n' Ghosts Plus V.2 Demo (199x) (PD) Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) [b1] Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) [b2] Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) Hard Drivin' (1993) [o1] Hard Drivin' (1993) Hockey (1992) [b1] Hockey (1992) Hydra (1992) [b1] Hydra (1992) I2C EEPROM Test by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Insert Game Screen by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) IRQ Test by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) [a1] IRQ Test by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991) [o1] Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991) Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) [b1] Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) [b2] Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) Joust (1993) (Williams) [o1] Joust (1993) (Williams) Klax (1990) [b1] Klax (1990) Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) [b1] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) [b2] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) [b3] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) Kung Food (1992) [b1] Kung Food (1992) Lemmings (1993) [b1] Lemmings (1993) Lexis (1999) (Songbird) Lite (Fever) by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Lode Runner (1996) (Kurt Olsen) Logon by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Logon by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Loopz (Prototype) (1992) (Handmade Software) Lynx Casino (1992) [b1] Lynx Casino (1992) Lynx Diagnostic Cart V0.02 (1989) Lynx Lib Test Program by Matthias Domin (1997) (PD) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993) [b1] Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993) MandelBrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] MandelBrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Marble Madness by Matthias Domin (1997) (PD) Marble Madness by Matthias Domin (1999) (PD) Mario Plus Demo (199x) (PD) Marlboro Go! (Prototype) (1993) (Digital Image) Mega Man Plus Demo (199x) (PD) Micro Font Data by Bastian Schick (1999) (PD) Micro Font Dumper by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) Mines 2 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Mini Demo 01 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 02 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 03 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 04 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 05 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 06 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Ms. Pac-Man (1990) [a1] Ms. Pac-Man (1990) [b1] Ms. Pac-Man (1990) NFL Football (1990) [b1] NFL Football (1990) Ninja Gaiden (1990) [b1] Ninja Gaiden (1990) Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993) [b1] Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993) [b2] Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993) Pac-Land (1991) [o1] Pac-Land (1991) Paperboy (1990) [o1] Paperboy (1990) Para Lemi! v001 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v002 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v003 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v004 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v005 (1997) (PD) Pinball Jam (1992) [b1] Pinball Jam (1992) Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (1992) [b1] Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (1992) Play Sound Sample by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Pong5 by Carl Forhan (1997) (PD) [a1] Pong5 by Carl Forhan (1997) (PD) Power Factor (1992) [b1] Power Factor (1992) Puzzler 2000 (Air BGM) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 (Entertainer BGM) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 (Invent13 BGM) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 V.43 (Aug 26) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 V.4x (Aug 15) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 V0.2 Demo (1998) (PD) Qix (1991) (Telegames) [o1] Qix (1991) (Telegames) Raiden (1997) (Telegames) Rampage (1991) [b1] Rampage (1991) Rampart (1991) [b1] Rampart (1991) Raw by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a1] Raw by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a2] Raw by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Raycast Corridor by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Remnant Planar Wars 3D Beta (2000) (PD) Road Riot 4WD (Beta) (1994) RoadBlasters (1990) [b1] RoadBlasters (1990) Robo-Squash (1990) [o1] Robo-Squash (1990) Robotron 2084 (1991) (Williams) Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990) [b1] Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990) S.T.U.N. Runner (1991) [b1] S.T.U.N. Runner (1991) Scrapyard Dog (1991) [b1] Scrapyard Dog (1991) Shadow of the Beast (1992) [b1] Shadow of the Beast (1992) Shanghai (1990) [o1] Shanghai (1990) Show King Tut by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Show King Tut by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Snakebyte by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Sound Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a1] Sound Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Sprite Ed by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Sprite Ed by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Sprite-Demo 1 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 2 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 3 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 4 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) [a1] Sprite-Demo 4 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 5 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Stardreamer (2000) (PD) StarDreamer - Cutscene (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Docked (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Flying (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Full Game (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Intro (2002) (PD) Steel Talons (1991) [b1] Steel Talons (1991) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1995) [o1] Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1995) Super Off-Road (1996) (Telegames) Super Skweek (1991) [b1] Super Skweek (1991) Super Sprint Title Screen Demo (2000) (PD) Switchblade II (1992) [b1] Switchblade II (1992) T-Tris (1996) by Bastian Schick [a1] T-Tris (1996) by Bastian Schick Tetris (1996) [b1] Tetris (1996) [b2] Tetris (1996) [b3] TextOut Test Program 2 by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Todd's Adventure in Slime World (1990) [o1] Todd's Adventure in Slime World (1990) Toki (1990) [b1] Toki (1990) Tournament Cyberball 2072 (1991) [b1] Tournament Cyberball 2072 (1991) Turbo Sub (1991) [a1] Turbo Sub (1991) Unknown Game 'T-RES' (199x) [b1] Viking Child (1991) [b1] Viking Child (1991) Warbirds (1990) [o1] Warbirds (1990) World Class Soccer (1992) [b1] World Class Soccer (1992) [b2] World Class Soccer (1992) Wuerfel 3 Demo (199x) (PD) Xenophobe (1990) [a1] Xenophobe (1990) [a2] Xenophobe (1990) [a3] Xenophobe (1990) Xybots (1991) [b1] Xybots (1991) Zarlor Mercenary (1990) [b1] Zarlor Mercenary (1990) [o1] Zarlor Mercenary (1990)

Colección Atari Lynx (GoodSet) 2.01
300 ROMS
Actualizaciones recientes
- atari-lynx-goodlynx-201.7z 1/Ago/2016