Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida (1991) Disquete


  1. moktar-the-fox-202-trainer.7z

    Moktar The Fox

    Permite la extracción de códigos de nivel (passwords), pasar de nivel, ganar vidas y editar el mapeado del juego. Completísimo.

    > instalación
    Descomprimir en el directorio del Titus / Moktar.


    Moktar the Fox 2.0.2 by Jesses
    What it is:
    Moktar the Fox is a level editor/viewer, code generator and trainer for
    Moktar and Titus the Fox.
    Just place MTF.COM in your Moktar or Titus the Fox directory.
    Command-line options:
    MTF [/?] [COD] [TRN] [EDIT] [/V|/E|/T|/C|/H] [/F] [/A|/B] [/W]
      /?    - Help
      COD    - Displays the level codes
      TRN    - Enables the trainer, during play you can press:
          F5 - Toggle unlimited health
          F6 - Toggle unlimited lives
          F7 - Toggle noclip mode: use arrows to move around
      EDIT    - Runs the viewer/editor
      /V    - VGA graphics
      /E    - EGA graphics
      /T    - Tandy graphics
      /C    - CGA graphics
      /H    - Hercules graphics
      /F    - Fading disabled (only effective with VGA, ignored by Moktar)
      /A    - AdLib sound, forced
      /B    - Beeper sound, forced
      /W    - Disable version A warning
    - Do NOT overwrite LEVEL0.SQZ or another level file with the editor's save
       command! The format of the files it creates is identical to that of the
       SQZ files, but they are not compressed, while SQZ files are. This most
       likely will cause evil things to happen when you try to open the levels.
       Just save them to some other file; they can only be played via the level
       viewer's "P" command for now. Playing them in an easier way will be
       possible once a proper custom level file format is included in MTF.
    - The editor currently only saves everything that is stored in the LEVEL?.SQZ
       files. This means things like variable colors, sprites, level name and
       music cannot be changed yet.
    - A no-floppy patch is already included so you shouldn't need any other patch
    - If the program complains that it can't find an executable, you probably
       have a version of the games it doesn't know yet. To make it work, mail me
       (address below) and I'll add your version.
    Quick usage:
        To play a custom level, go to the Viewer/Editor main menu (MTF EDIT),
          press 1 (Level viewer/Editor), ENTER (edit), L (Load),
          enter the level's file name, ESCAPE, P (play).
        All menus can be quit by pressing Escape. In the level viewer/editor,
          the arrow keys can be used to move around; holding shift moves one
          screen at a time, while not holding shift moves one tile/pixel.
        Initial menu:
            Displayed if no command-line options are entered at all. The 4
            menu options can also be chosen by using this command line:
                1. MTF /V
                   (assuming you have a VGA; if not, use /F)
                2. MTF TRN
                3. MTF COD
                4. MTF EDIT
            Press F5, F6 and F7 to toggle unlimited health, lives and
            noclip mode
        Viewer/Editor main menu:
            The 8 options should speak for themselves
        Level viewer:
            The bottom row contains help; press the highlighted character
            to execute the accompanying action. A note on some of the
                - Play: Starts the game and loads the currently
                  visible level. You can play your edited levels
                  without saving them first if you like. After you
                  finish the level, the level viewer will be reloaded.
                - Write BMP: does nothing yet
                - ENTER: starts the editor for this level
                - Toggles: To show hidden tiles, disable bonus (hit B)
            Again the bottom row explains all. Some notes:
                - This "Clear" resets the entire level (in contrast to
                  the other clear commands which only clear a part)
                - Load/Save: use this to manage your edited level
                - Tile editor: runs the tile editor
                - Size: alters the level's height. Can be from 12
                  tiles to 255 tiles
                - Copy/Paste: works with rectangles. The first time
                  "Y" is pressed, the first corner is set to the tile
                  cursor; the second time "Y" is pressed, the tiles
                  between the first corner and the current tile cursor
                  are copied. Paste then pastes this tile rectangle at
                  the tile cursor.
                - Placing things:
                  - Start/Exit: this is where you begin/end the level.
                    The exit will only work after all boss enemies
                    have been defeated
                  - Barrier: the game won't scroll to the right of and
                    below this barrier, unless the player actually
                    passes it. As soon as the player moves above the
                    barrier the game will scroll upwards; moving to
                    the left of it does not scroll immediately. Useful
                    to hide secret rooms like in level 3 and 7
                    (horizontal), and to hide what's below the floor
                    like the last part of level 11 (vertical)
                  - Bonus/Nmi/Obj/Elevator/Gate: these start one of 5
                    editors for placing things, see below for details.
                  - Tiles: In the tile editor, you can select up to 16
                    active tiles. Out of this set, one will be chosen
                    randomly everytime you place one
                  - ENTER places one tile at the cursor.
                  - SPACE places a rectangle of tiles; enter the
                    rectangle's corners just like the copy command.
                    Each individual tile in the rectangle will be
                    randomly selected from the active tile set.
        Tile editor (each level has its own set of tiles):
            Once more, some bottom row supplementing notes:
                - Color 14: the palette has one color that can be
                  different for each level. However, this color info
                  is not stored in the LEVEL?.SQZ file, so for now
                  the change won't appear in-game.
                - Tile property boxes: the 16*16 grid of tiles has
                  lines around them. The two white lines left and
                  right indicate a wall tile, white bottom indicates
                  a ceiling tile, white top indicates a floor tile.
                  When the tile is surrounded by a brownish box, it is
                  a bonus tile. When dots are around the tile,
                  it's animated.
                - Load/Save tiles: these load/save the entire set of
                  256 tiles. Load expects a 256*256*16 BMP file, Save
                  creates one. Also, the variable color (color 14)
                  will change to the most suitable color on a load.
                  The layout of the tiles in these BMP files is just
                  like how they are ordened in the editor, that is on
                  coordinates (0..15, 0..15) you'll find tile 0,
                  (240..255, 0..15) holds tile 15 and
                  (240..255, 240..255) contains tile 255.
                  This command only concerns the tile bitmaps, other
                  properties are not touched.
                - Import/Export tile: these import/export the
                  currently selected tile. Import expects a
                  16*16*16 BMP file, Export creates one. The variable
                  color is left untouched. Like Load/Save, only the
                  bitmaps are changed.
                - Set active tiles: the active tiles are the ones you
                  can place in the level editor with ENTER and SPACE.
                  If multiple active tiles are set, one will be
                  randomly chosen on placement.
                - Animated: an animated tile and the 2 tiles following
                  it are cycled. When you place one of the 2 tiles
                  following an animated tile, it'll also cycle
                  in-game. The tiles' properties don't cycle however,
                  only the bitmaps.
                - Bonus Type: Set the kind of bonus the tile holds.
                  Only effective when the tile is actually placed as a
                  bonus tile (B in the level editor). When it is
                  placed as a normal tile, the tiles have an
                  interesting zero gravity effect; also, the bonus
                  music plays on walk-by (except for Health). Apart
                  from these 2 things, nothing else happens.
                  One important thing: the last 3 tiles (253-255) are
                  always health bonuses, other tiles are never health
                - Wall/Floor/Ceiling properties: Dropdown is a tile
                  you fall through when crouching on top of it. I have
                  not found any difference between deadly tile 1-3.
                  Ladders should have both the floor and the ceiling
                  set to ladder, although funny effects can be reached
                  by not doing this.
        Bonus/Nmi/Obj/Elevator/Gate editor:
         General notes:
            - These work by selecting and manipulating items.
              Initially, nothing will be selected, so follow
              the instructions on-screen to select an item. Once
              selected, using the arrows actually moves the item around.
            - Enter creates and selects a new item if the list is not full
            - Delete removes the selected item.
            - Clear all clears the list of items (but nothing else)
            - PgUp/PgDn moves through the list of items, while
              Tab moves through the on-screen items.
            - Space deselects the item, so you can move around without
              dragging the item along.
         Bonus editor:
            - Use the "T" command to open the Tile editor and pick tiles
              to place as bonus. Note that this doesn't affect the
              currently selected bonus, only newly created ones.
         Gate editor:
            - A gate has three coordinates: the entrance, the exit and the
              position of the game screen when exiting the gate. Use E/X/P
              to select one of the three.
            - After exiting a gate, scrolling can be enabled or disabled.
              The scroll flag controls this.
         Obj editor:
            - This uses sprites, which can be positioned pixel-precise.
            - Using "S" you can change the sprite of the object.
            - Using "F" you can flip the object horizontally.
         Elevator editor:
            - Also uses sprites, but only 2 are available via "S"
            - You're placing the platform at one end of its traject; "D"
              determines its direction, "T" its tempo and "R" its range.
         NMI editor:
            - Sprite selecting works like the Obj editor
            - Use "B" to select a behavior for the enemy; each behavior
              has its own variables to further configure. Use "N" to
              quickly reset all of these values to normal, sensible values
            - Important note: when placing a sprite-generating enemy like
              a shooter or dropper, make sure there is some place left in
              the Obj editor's list. Otherwise, nothing will be
            - Some general parameters for most of the behaviors:
                - Power: determines how far the player will fly away
                  after being hit. Higher is farther. When the power
                  is 0, the player won't be hurt.
                - Tempo: speed of the enemy. Higher is faster.
            Following is a description of every behavior:
            1: Nothing
                Just stand, don't hurt the player
                - Immortal: can be killed or not
            2: Jump
                Jump up and down
                Example: fireballs in level 5
                - Jump power: how high to jump
                - Wait: delay between jumps
            3: Drop
                Drop objects on top of the player
                Example: stalactites in level 10
                - Wait: delay between drops
                - (Vertical) Zone: will only drop when the player is
                  within this zone
            4: Shoot
                Shoot horizontally at player
                Example: Hobo's in level 1
                - Wait: delay between shoots
                - Zone: will only shoot when the player is
                  within this zone
                - Direction: shoot only left, right, or both
            5: Walk and shoot
                Walk and shoot at player. Turn towards player if near.
                Example: catapult guys in level 5
                - Zone: will awake when player enters zone.
            6: Walk and periodically pop-up
                When popping up, turn towards player.
                Example: moles in level 8
                - Zone: will awake when player enters zone.
            7: Alert when near, walk when nearer
                Walking starts when the player is 50 pixels nearer.
                The small vertical lines indicate this distance.
                Example: dogs in level 1
                - Zone: will alert when player enters zone.
            8: Gravity walk, hit when near
                Falls down when no floor is below. When the player is
                 near a special animation plays (only visible with
                 arab enemies)
                Example: skeletons in level 5, arab in level 10
                - Zone: will awake when player enters zone.
            9: Gravity walk when off-screen
                Falls down when no floor is below. Awakes only when
                 player is not on-screen.
                Example: worms in level 4, boulders in level 7
                - Immortal: can be killed or not
            10: Noclip walk
                Just walk between two edges, ignoring any walls.
                Example: skinhead in level 1
                - Edges: select the edges between which to walk.
            11: Noclip walk, jump to player
                Like 10, but jump up to player when near.
                Example: fish at the end of level 12
                - Edges: select the edges between which to walk.
                - Vertical zone: won't jump higher than this.
            12: Noclip walk, move to player
                Like 10, but move vertically towards player when near.
                Example: bees in level 2
                - Edges: select the edges between which to walk.
                - Vertical zone: move when player is in this zone.
            13: Bounce
                Jump towards player, won't reset its position when the
                 player is too far away.
                Example: level 11 boss
                - Wait: delay between jumps
                - Zone: jumps when player is in the zone
            14: Guard
                If player is in the zone, move towards him. Otherwise,
                move to initial position.
                Example: flies in level 10
                - Y-tempo: vertical speed of the enemy. Higher
                  is faster.
                - (Vertical) Zone: Moves to player when he is in the
    Known versions:
    This is a list of known executable versions and some info about them.
        Version A
            File date: 27 november 1991
            Loader: Original (Best Protection Kit), does not seem to work
                in any windows version
            Crack type: None
        Version B
            File date: 23 june 2000? (needs to be confirmed)
            Loader: None
            Crack type: Protection call converted to redundant instruction
        Version C
            File date: 04 july 2000? (needs to be confirmed)
            Loader: LZEXE
            Crack type: Protection routine returns immediately
        Version D
            File date: 21 december 1991
            Loader: None
            Crack type: Protection call replaced by NOP's
            Further info:
                This version has a built-in trainer, capable of:
                 - unlimited lives (press 1/2)
                 - god mode (press 3/4)
                 - stop enemies from hitting you (press 5/6)
                   (this'll also be in the upcoming improved trainer)
                 - level skip (press 7)
                Apart from that, it fixes the problem of messy AdLib
                music on fast pc's when using a physical sound card.
                This fix is also included in MTF now.
                Finally, the french texts in Moktar have been
                translated to english; most notably, the level names
                have changed. It appears that the translator missed
                level 12 though.
        Version E
            File date: 12 june 2003
            Loader: Better original (ZIVpackED), works fine in windows
            Crack type: Protection call replaced by NOP's
            Further info:
                The crack is contained within the loader; its code
                overwrites the string "ZIVpackED by Eric ZMIRO 1991".
                This suggests there's also a non-cracked ZIVpackED
                version out there.
    Titus the Fox:
        Version A
            File date: 20 february 1992
            Loader: Original (Best Protection Kit), does not seem to work
                in any windows version
            Crack type: None
        Version B
            File date: 15 march 1992
            Loader: Better original (ZIVpackED), works fine in windows
            Crack type: None
        Version C
            File date: unknown
            Loader: None
            Crack type: Protection call replaced by NOP's
        Version D
            File date: 24 september 1996
            Loader: Better original (ZIVpackED), works fine in windows
            Crack type: None
            Further info: Same as version B, but it's 11 bytes longer
    Todo list (stuff that might be in a future version):
    Let me know if you have any other suggestions!
        - Level viewer and sprite viewer can export to BMP
         - Play Moktar with TTF's executable to solve Moktar's timing problems
         - A maximum of 10 elevators on-screen, instead of 4
         - Multiple bosses in a level working properly
         - Loading or resizing a level preserves the Copy/Paste buffer
         - Make scrolling a lot faster, by not redrawing the screen everytime
         - Sprite editor. This will also replace the 'S' sprite select method;
           selecting a sprite will be like the tile editor's ENTER command.
         - NMI creator (define your own animations, since they depend on the
           Behavior setting)
         - Proper custom level file format, enabling creation of entire level
           sets with modified title screen and all
         - A second variable color. Noticed that colors 0 and 2 are the same?
         - Edit things that are not stored in the LEVEL?.SQZ file, like the
           variable colors, sprites, level name and music
         - Level 14 bonus can hold code for other levels than 14
         - Smooth movement (like in version 1.1)
         - "Enabled" indicators
         - Godmode: deadly tiles & bottom of screen no longer lethal
         - Noclip: enemies don't cause you to fly off in all directions
    Known bugs:
        - Gates in level 5: this is in fact a bug in the game itself! Try
          entering the one that goes all the way down-right...
        - Option /F doesn't work with Moktar. Then again, the game itself
          doesn't support this option, while TTF does.
        - In the game, when more than 4 elevators should be simultaneously
          visible, only 4 can actually be seen. So, don't place more than
          4 together for now.
        - When multiple bosses are placed in a level, the other boss(es) will
          have 255 health after the first is killed.
    Revision history:
    2.0.2    29-1-2006
        - New executables recognised: 1 Moktar (E)
        - Fixed a bug in the executable recognising routine: when a file's
          size matched but its checksum didn't, and no valid executable was
          found, the 'No executable found' message became a mess of ASCII
        - Some of the NMI parameters got overwritten under certain
          circumstances; this was most noticeable when placing "Guard" NMIs
          which would not stay around their placed spot. It's fixed.
        - When placed as NMI, several sprites caused weird special effects
          when playing. In Moktar, this affected the sprites: 197-202. In both
          Moktar and TTF, the following sprites also behaved mischievously:
           105 130 167 184 196 203 213 220 226 247 298-308.
          All sprites work correctly now.
        - Fixed some silly 2005 numbers below here.
    2.0.1    8-1-2006
        - Fixed a copy/paste vs minimap bug in the editor; pasting more than
          once would produce garbage, because the copy buffer was overwritten
          with the updated minimap. Also, copying anything corrupted the
          minimap temporarily.
        - Changed some default values after a "Clear" command to clear the
          entire level; the player's initial position now no longer is
          obscured by the minimap and the barrier is outside the level by
        - The "Paste" command is now only shown when the paste buffer is
        - Fixed a bug in the NMI, OBJ and Elevator editors where an object
          that was near the top of the level would move to the level bottom
          when selected.
        - Saving a level now confirms that writing succeeded.
    2.0    4-1-2006
        - Let's hope the windows 98 problem finally is solved now.
          If it still explodes, remember that there is always DOSBox...
        - A level editor is included!
        - New executables recognised: 2 TTF (C, D), 2 Moktar (C, D)
        - Completely rewrote sprite drawing routine, which means clipping
          works properly now and sprites can be drawn on any horizontal
          position, not just on multiples of 8
        - Executable found message now includes version identifier;
          this readme also contains some version information now
        - Changed type of crack, to avoid interfering with Moktar version D
        - Viewing the photo should not corrupt memory anymore
        - Now 100% 8086 assembly so the program works on every x86 CPU, like
          the games do.
        - When Titus the Fox generates duplicate codes (like in DOSBox), an
          alternate method of code generation is enabled
        - New command line option /A to force AdLib sound: useful in DOSBox
        - The AdLib music's strange behavior on fast pc's with non-emulated
          sound cards should be fixed now (although this is untested: please
          tell me if it makes any difference!)
        - Because on some keyboard layouts the level select keys ("<" and ">")
          didn't work, they have been changed to PgUp and PgDn.
        - Added warning when MTF finds version A. It can be disabled with the
          new command-line option /W
        - Corrected this revision history's information about 1.0 and 1.1
        Level viewer:
         - New command 'S', toggling display of tile solidity
         - Removed display of player-sprite in inappropriate places, when
           Elevators are visible
         - Play command: when exiting the game you'll return to the viewer;
           also, when you finish the level in the game or get a "game over"
           the game will automatically exit
         - Wrongly placed objects on the minimap (like level 5's gate lines)
           are now clipped
         - Fixed a line clipping bug with vertical lines
    1.99    5-1-2005
        - Changed name to Moktar the Fox
        - Now also works with Moktar
        - Automatically searches for and identifies main game executable
          Versions known: 2 Moktar, 2 TTF
        - Added level viewer and other viewers
        - If no parameters are given, displays a menu
        - Updated code viewer to work with different versions
         - Changed internal workings a lot
         - Noclip mode works a bit jerky (will be fixed)
         - Health & lives decrease all the way down
         - Future version will contain an improved trainer
    1.1    28-12-2003
        - Added code viewer
         - Can now be toggled in-game via F5, F6, F7
         - Added noclip mode
    1.0    17-7-2002
        Initial release
         - Trainer: godmode, infinite lives
    I can not be held responsible if your computer decides to explode or displays
    similar unorthodox behaviour.
    Look at for more Titus the Fox / Moktar related stuff.
    Questions? Problems? Requests? Spam? Send to
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