The Ultimate DOOM (1995) 1.9
DOS / v1.9
FAQ oficial de DOOM y DOOM II (inglés)
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"DOOM: Such mayhem the likes of which have never been witnessed in this particular dimension!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- DISCLAIMER ---------- This FAQ is to aid in informing the public about the game DOOM and DOOM II, by id Software. In no way should this promote your killing yourself, killing others, or killing in any other fashion. Additionally, Hank Leukart claims NO responsibility regarding ANY illegal activity concerning this FAQ, or indirectly related to this FAQ. The information contained in this FAQ only reflects id Software indirectly, and questioning id Software regarding any information in this FAQ is not recommended. --------------------- TRADEMARK INFORMATION --------------------- All specific names included herein are trademarks and are so acknowledged: id Software, DOOM, DOOM II, Apogee, Wolfenstein 3-D, Creative Labs, WaveBlaster, Sound Blaster, Advanced Gravis, Gravis UltraSound (GUS), Gravis Gamepad, Forte, Roland, Roland Sound Canvas, Pro Audio Spectrum, IBM, Microsoft, MS-DOS, Atari, and Jaguar. Any trademarks not mentioned here are still hypothetically acknowledged. ---------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE ---------------- This article is Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hank Leukart. All rights reserved. You are granted the following rights: I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as (a) the copies are exact and complete; (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in their entirety; (c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Hank Leukart; (d) the copies are in electronic form. II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so long as (a) this is the original work and not a derivative form; (b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution; (c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the copyright notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their entirety and credit to the author; (d) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer software (prior explicit permission may be obtained from Hank Leukart); (e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the best of the knowledge of the distributor; (f) the distributed form is electronic. You may not distribute this work by any non-electronic media, including but not limited to books, newsletters, magazines, manuals, catalogs, and speech. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within computer software without prior written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by Hank Leukart. This copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of the state of Ohio. If you would like additional rights beyond those granted above, write to the author at "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu" on the Internet. --------- CONTENTS: --------- [1] Introduction *1-1* A word from Hank Leukart [1-2] About the "Official" DOOM FAQ (1-2-1) About the "Official" DOOM ASCII Logo [1-3] Getting the "Official" DOOM FAQ [1-4] Adding to the FAQ [1-5] The DOOM Mailing List [1-6] Acknowledgments [1-7] Accurate Information =SECTION ONE= PRELIMINARY INFORMATION [2] What is DOOM? [3] What makes DOOM different from Wolfenstein 3-D? [3-1] Texture-Mapped Environment [3-2] Non-Orthogonal Walls [3-3] Light Diminishing/Light Sourcing [3-4] Variable Height Floors and Ceilings [3-5] Environment Animation and Morphing [3-6] Palette Translation [3-7] Multiple Players [3-8] Smooth, Seamless Gameplay *3-9* New Monsters and Artificial Intelligence *3-10* Weapons [3-10-1] What does BFG9000 stand for? [4] Who created DOOM? [4-1] How can I contact id Software? [5] What are the differences between the different releases of DOOM? (5-1) What is the shareware release? [5-2] What is the mail-order release? [5-3] What makes the six versions different? (5-4) What is the commercial release? [5-5] I bought DOOM in a store, is it illegal? (5-6) What is WinDOOM? *5-7* What other DOOM ports are in the works? [6] Where can I get DOOM and related information? [6-1] How can I get the shareware release? *6-1-1* What are the file names? [6-1-2] How can I get DOOM using FTP? [6-1-3] How can I get DOOM using AFS? [6-1-4] How can I get DOOM on a BBS? *6-2* How can I get the mail-order release? *6-3* How can I get the commercial release (DOOM II) and patch? [6-4] How can I get the DOOM Specs for creating add-on utilities? [6-5] Where can I get the serial play and node building source code? [6-6] What books about DOOM are available? *6-7* Where can I find World Wide Web sites about DOOM? [7] What is needed to run DOOM? *7-1* What is REQUIRED to run DOOM? *7-2* What sound cards does DOOM support? [7-3] What game controllers does DOOM support? [8] How can I use multiple players in DOOM? [8-1] How does the multi-player gameplay work? [8-1-1] How does pausing, saving, and loading work? [8-1-2] What are the different uniform colors for? [8-1-3] How does a player see what others are doing? [8-1-4] How do players communicate using Chat Mode? [8-1-5] How do the weapons work? [8-1-6] What happens when a player dies? [8-1-7] Can players exchange supplies? [8-1-8] Miscellaneous [8-2] What exactly is "DeathMatch" mode? [8-3] How does DOOM work with networks? (8-3-1) What are the network command line parameters for DOOM? [8-3-2] How does DOOM determine player colors? [8-3-3] How can I use DOOM on Novell Netware Lite? [8-3-4] How can I use DOOM on other types of networks? [8-3-5] How can I set up a small inexpensive DOOM network? [8-4] How can I play DOOM by serial link? [8-5] How can I play DOOM over the Internet? (8-5-1) How can I play DOOM using IHHD? *8-5-2* How can I play DOOM using iDOOM? [8-6] How can I setup DOOM to be played on a multi-player BBS? (8-7) Where can I find multi-player partners? =SECTION TWO= CHEATS AND SPOILERS [9] How can I cheat in DOOM? *9-1* What are the DOOM cheat codes? *9-2* What command line parameters exist? [9-2-1] What do the dots that appear in development mode mean? [10] Can someone tell me how to...? [10-1] Where are the DOOM secret levels? [10-1-1] Knee-Deep in the Dead? [10-1-2] The Shores of Hell (10-1-3) Inferno (10-2) Where are the secret doors in DOOM? *10-2-1* DOOM I Secrets *10-2-1-1* Secret Master List *10-2-1-2* Secrets in Detail *10-2-2* DOOM II Secrets *10-2-2-1* Secret Master list *10-2-2-2* Secrets in Detail [10-3] When should I use each weapon? [10-4] Where can I get each weapon for the first time? [10-5] Where can I find the various powerups in the game? *10-5-1* DOOM I *10-5-2* DOOM II *10-5-3* How much do health and armor items help me? [10-6] How powerful is the ammunition? [10-6-1] How much ammunition is obtained from picking up the various types? [10-7] How many enemies are in the entire game? *10-7-1* DOOM I *10-7-1-1* The entire game *10-7-1-2* Knee Deep in the Dead *10-7-1-3* Shores of Hell *10-7-1-4* Inferno *10-7-2* DOOM II *10-7-2-1* Levels 1-11 *10-7-2-2* Levels 12-22 *10-7-2-3* Levels 23-32 [10-8] How many shots does it take to kill each enemy? (10-9) Which enemies will attack each other? =SECTION THREE= DOOM ADD-ON SOFTWARE *11* What is DOOM add-on software and where can I get it? *11-1* If I don't have FTP access, how can I get these files? [12] What cheating utilities have been made for DOOM? [13] What add-on utilities allow me to alter DOOM? [13-1] BSP v1.2x *13-2* DEHACKED v2.1 (13-3) Deframed v1.0 *13-4* DEU v5.3 *13-5* DMapEdit v3.01 [13-6] DMAUD v1.1 [13-6-1] DMFE v0.0.1 [13-7] DMGRAPH v1.1 [13-8] DMMUSIC v1.0a *13-9* DOOMCAD v4.3 and v5.0 [13-10] DOOM Color Changer *13-11* DOOM Construction Kit v1.1a [13-12] DOOMDump v0.9 [13-13] DOOM Editor: The Real Thing v2.60b4 *13-14* DOOMLaunch v1.00 [13-15] DOOMTOOL [13-16] DOPE v1.02 *13-17* EdMap v1.23 [13-18] IDBSP v1.0 [13-19] Jumble v3.0 [13-20] MDE: My DOOM Editor v0.90b [13-21] Move Level v2.0 [13-22] MUS2PWAD v1.0 [13-23] NodeNav v0.8 [13-24] RanDOOM v1.65 [13-25] REJECT v1.0 [13-26] Renegade Graphics DOOMED v1.1c/e [13-27] RENWAD *13-28* UltEd v1.00b [13-29] VERDA v0.20 [13-30] VERDA Node Builder v1.05 *13-31* WADED v1.42 [13-32] WAD Extended Tools v1.0 [13-33] WAD Hacker v2.0 [13-34] WADMASTER v0.5 [13-35] WADNAME [13-36] Wads_Up v1.1 [13-37] WAD Tools v1.0 [14] What add-on data files exist for DOOM? *14-1* Graphics [14-2] Missions *14-2-1* DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking [14-2-2] PWAD Authoring Template v1.4 *14-3* Sounds *14-4* Music *14-5* LMPs (Recordings) *14-6* DEHACKED patches [15] What other miscellaneous DOOM add-ons exist? *15-1* APCiDOOM v5.1 [15-2] BNUDOOM v1.26 *15-3* DeuTex and DeuSF v2.9 [15-4] DIRPWAD [15-5] DOOMBSP Source Code *15-6* DOOM Color Changer v2.0 *15-7* DOOM Control Center v3.0 *15-8* DOOM EasyWAD v1.11 *15-9* DOOMED v1.666 *15-10* DOOMED v1.6b *15-11* DOOM Front End v3.10 *15-12* DOOM!gate v1.6 [15-13] The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.0 (15-14) The DOOM Help Service (15-15) The DOOM Honorific Titles *15-16* DOOMLaunch v1.00 [15-17] DOOM Launcher for OS/2 v1.1 [15-18] The DOOM Level Design FAQ v1.1 [15-19] DOOMLOAD v4.0 *15-20* DOOM/Master v3.0 *15-21* DOOMenu v17.0 [15-22] DOOM Modem Contact List R7 [15-23] DOOMPICS.ZIP [15-24] DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b [15-25] DOOM Utilities v0.1 [15-26] DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c *15-27* DOOM.WAD Patch v1.666 [15-28] The DOOM IPX Network FAQ v1.2 *15-29* iDOOM v1.1 *15-30* Internet DOOM Client/Server System v0.12 [15-31] LNTYP v1.01 [15-32] MIDI2MUS [15-33] OLDIPX.ZIP *15-34* SER6.ZIP [15-35] The Ultimate DOOM Maps *15-36* The Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.666 [16] Future add-on software [16-1] Add-on software wish list [16-2] Add-on software in the making =SECTION FOUR= TROUBLESHOOTING [17] Why won't DOOM work correctly? [17-1] How can I use SMARTDRV.EXE with DOOM? [17-2] Why am I getting an "OUT OF MEMORY" error with DOOM? [17-3] Why does DOOM crash when I start it? [17-4] How can I run DOOM under OS/2? [18] Why won't my sound card work with DOOM? [18-1] Why won't my Sound Blaster v1.0 or v1.5 work with DOOM? [18-2] Why won't my Sound Blaster Pro work with DOOM? [18-3] Why won't my Gravis UltraSound work with DOOM? [18-4] Why does the game crash when using my Gravis UltraSound? [18-5] Why won't my Pro Audio Spectrum 16 work with DOOM? [18-6] Why won't my ATI Stereo-F/X work with DOOM? [19] Miscellaneous DOOM problems [19-1] Why won't my mouse work with DOOM? [19-1-1] Why does my mouse start moving itself during play? [19-1-2] Why won't my two button mouse work with DOOM? [19-1-3] Why won't my IBM PS/2 mouse work with DOOM? [19-2] Why does netDOOM seem to crash at certain times? [19-3] Why won't my modem work with DOOM? [19-4] Why is my network slowing down when using DOOM? [19-5] Why won't the v1.666 patch install correctly? [19-6] DOOM is too easy [19-7] DOOM is too hard [19-8] I get motion sickness when playing DOOM =SECTION FIVE= MISCELLANEOUS *20* The Night Before DOOM: A Poem From the Past *21* Other literature available from Hank Leukart [22] Conclusion [23] Revision History [23-1] Pre-Game-Release FAQs [23-2] Post-Game-Release FAQs ------------------------- CHAPTER [1]: Introduction ------------------------- *1-1*: A word from Hank Leukart =============================== Happy DOOM Birthday! It's not often that someone can ask me, "What were you doing at this very moment, one year ago?" and I would be able to answer. Today, December 10th, 1994, is one of those rare occasions in which I know exactly. Actually, I'm sure if I asked about half the readers of this FAQ, they would be able to give me details about their activities too. Most of us were sitting on Internet (or using every free moment to log on) waiting for DOOM to be released. I remember staying up most of the night, disappointed when it wasn't release by 8am EST. I waited, waited, and waited, until finally everyone located it on "ftp.uwp.edu" all at the same time. Wow! All the die-hard-DOOM-fans-to-be let out a sigh of release as the suspense was lifted. In retrospect, it has been an incredible experience. After 11 revisions and thousands of pieces of E-mail, I'm still alive and sane! DOOM has taken up a large portion of my life (it's so addictive) and now, here I am, one year, later. I hope everyone enjoys this "Anniversary Edition" of the "Official" DOOM FAQ v6.666. It contains DOOM I and DOOM II information, the latest on DOOM ports, and all the coolest add-on utilities. Now, I have a feeling it's going to all start over again with Quake! Watch for the game in late 1995 from id. Although this may or may not be last "Official" DOOM FAQ, it will definitely be awhile until the next revision--this covers just about everything. Above all, "Keep on DOOMing!" -Hank Leukart [1-2]: About the "Official" DOOM FAQ ==================================== Welcome to the post-release v6.666 of the "Official" DOOM FAQ. What does that mean? Post-release is after the game is released, version 6.666 is a standard revision written after 5.8, "Official" means absolutely nothing, DOOM is the name of the game, and FAQs are [F]requently [A]sked [Q]uestions. Here's how revision classification works. If a new version of the FAQ only has a small amount of information changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.1. This is called a "minor revision." If a new version of the FAQ has a substantial amount of new information changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.5. This is called a "standard revision." If a new version of the FAQ has a huge amount of added or changed information, major parts of the FAQ are rearranged, or major parts of the FAQ are rewritten, then the version number is increased by 1.0. This is called a "major revision." You may be wondering why chapter numbers are enclosed in either []'s, ()'s, or **'s. The definition of these is as follows: []: Chapters enclosed in brackets mean that the information contained in the chapter has not been updated in this or the previous FAQ. (): Chapters enclosed in parenthesis mean that the information contained in the chapter has not been updated since the previous FAQ. **: Chapters enclosed in asterisks means that the information contained in the chapter is new or has been updated for the current version of the FAQ you are reading. (1-2-1): About the "Official" DOOM ASCII Logos ============================================== Thanks to Frans P. de Vries (fpdevries@hgl.signaal.nl), an incredible ASCII DOOM logo was added to the beginning of the document in v5.5 of the FAQ. The DOOM II logo was added in v6.666 of the FAQ. Please keep in mind that, as is rest of this document, the logos are copyrighted. This FAQ may not be split into parts and distributed. Therefore, the logo may not be used independently from the "Official" DOOM FAQ in any other documents apart from the "Official" DOOM FAQ, the Unofficial DOOM Specs, and DOOM iNsAnItY. Thank you for respecting U.S. and global copyright laws. [1-3]: Getting the "Official" DOOM FAQ ====================================== I am sorry to announce that my DOOM Mailing List has been canceled, due to numerous problems. Anyone who has had a subscription to the list in the past will no longer receive updates, and no new subscriptions are permitted. There is a new mailing list, however. See Chapter [1-5] for more information. The "Official" DOOM FAQ can still be requested from me, however. My Internet E-mail address is "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu." Please make the subject of your E-mail "DOOM FAQ Request." The "Official" DOOM FAQ is posted every two weeks (or earlier if a new version is released) on the following Usenet groups. (1) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (2) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce (3) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc (4) rec.games.computer.doom.announce The "Subject:" line of the post will be "'Official' DOOM FAQ v??.??" where "??.??" is the version number of the FAQ. New releases of the "Official" DOOM FAQ are uploaded to the following Internet FTP sites. (1) ftp.uwp.edu IN /pub/incoming/id IN /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom (2) infant2.sphs.indiana.edu IN /pub/doom/incoming IN /pub/doom/text (3) wuarchive.wustl.edu IN /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff The file name of the upload will be "doom??.faq" where "??" is the version number of the FAQ. This filename is for FTP sites only. BBS filenames are below. New releases of the "Official" DOOM FAQ are uploaded to Software Creations BBS (and other BBSes) under the file name "dmfaq??.zip" where "??" is the version number of the FAQ. Software Creations BBS: (a) (508)-365-2359 2400 baud (b) (508)-368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis (c) (508)-368-4137 14.4-16.8k HST/DS ATTENTION: ALL BBSes, Compuserve, America Online, GEnie, and all other information services. PLEASE conform to the naming standard of the "Official" DOOM FAQ when placing this file on your system. The file name should be "dmfaq??.zip" where the "??" is the version number of the FAQ or "dmfaq??.txt" if the FAQ is a text file instead of PKZIPped. [1-4]: Adding to the FAQ ======================== If you want something added to the FAQ, please send E-mail to "ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu" (no quotes), explaining what your addition is. It will be reviewed, and if accepted, added to the next FAQ version. In the E-mail, please supply your name and E-mail address. Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become the property of the author (Hank Leukart) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission in any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission entirely. [1-5]: The DOOM Mailing List ============================ The DOOM Mailing List is run by an automatic server. TO SUBSCRIBE: Send E-mail to "listproc@cedar.univie.ac.at", with NO subject. In the body of the E-mail put the words: subscribe dooml Space E. Marine (obviously, replace "Space E. Marine" with YOUR first and last name) TO UN-SUBSCRIBE: Send E-mail to "listproc@cedar.univie.ac.at", with NO subject. In the body of the E-mail put the words: unsubscribe dooml To POST a message to the whole list, send E-mail to "dooml@cedar.univie.ac.at". [1-6]: Acknowledgments ====================== I'd like to thank id Software for creating such a GREAT game! It definitely exceeds expectations. I'd also like to thank them for helping me out, and getting involved with on-line users. I'd like to thank the following on-line users for the following reasons: ID SOFTWARE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: John Romero (help@idsoftware.com) What a guy! He's been putting up with my infinite cross-examinations for six months now, and he still hasn't killed me! He also read through the ENTIRE FAQ to give me a list of corrections for this release. A BIG thanks, John! (oh yeah, he also programmed that game -- what was it called?! :)) David Taylor (help@idsoftware.com) Three cheers for David Taylor! His once-in-a-while "idNews" Usenet postings always seem to cut down the amount of E-mail I get for a few hours. He also, has put up with me, and answered numerous questions. Jay Wilbur (help@idsoftware.com) You've got to admire this guy. He puts his life and his family's life on the line everytime he posts a release date (or "within two weeks") on Usenet. He's a great CEO, a great net representative, and handled the small island travel arrangements at a time in which we thought we might be pummeled. :) And to everyone else at id Software, thanks for a great game! ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Christoph Anderson (psycho@asl.uni-bielefeld.de) - Enemy count info Marco Arriaga (marco@fidev.pwcm.com) - Novell Netware Lite information Kent Bentkowski (dpmh69a@prodigy.com) - DOOM Book information Barry Bloom (barry@noc.unt.edu) - Modem Initialization Strings Steve Bonds (sbonds@jarthur.claremont.edu) - IPX FAQ information Vesselin Bontchev (bontchev@fbihh.informatik.uni-hamburg.de) - Major help on grammatic and other problems Larry J. Brackney (brackney@ecn.purdue.edu) - Jaguar Specs Scott Browser (browersr@cnsvax.uwec.edu) - Information on SMARTDRV Jason Brunette (stimpy2129@aol.com) - Command line parameters Kevin Burfitt (zaph@torps.apana.org.au) - Command line parameters Tom Cannon (inkblot@leland.stanford.edu) - Location of the chain saw TC Cheng (tc@po.EECS.Berkeley.edu) - PAS information Scott Coleman (tmkk@uiuc.edu) - The TCPSetup DOOMer's FAQ Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) - The TCPSetup DOOMer's FAQ David Datta (datta.cs.uwp.edu) - Copyright notice/DOOM distribution Seth Delackner (dax@crl.com) - Command line parameters James Dicke (jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu) - DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking Vinc Duran (vincd@ile.com) - ATI Stereo F/X information Joakim Erdfelt (joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com) - Great DOOM Utilities, and help with the FAQ Paul Falstad (pf@z-code.z-code.com) - HUGE amount of secret info (big thanks!) Matt Fell (matt.burnett@acebbs.com) - DOOM Specs writer David Few (dfew@cix.compulink.co.uk) - OS/2 settings info Mark Harrop (harrop@telecom.jorn.gov.au) - Information classification Jarkko Tapio Heinonen (jtheinon@cc.helsinki.fi) - Small grammar help Fred Homewood (fred@meiko.com) - Novell Network Lite info John Iodice (jiodice@telesciences.com) - HUGE grammatic fixes list John Thomas Lemke (jtl10@ciao.cc.columbia.edu) - Frames per second info Henry Liang (liangh@eniac.seas.upenn.edu) - IHHD information Ian CR Mapleson (mapleson@cee.hw.ac.uk) - PS/2 Mouse information Bill McCormick (billmcc@microsoft.com) - WinDOOM information Samer Meshreki (meshreki@udel.edu) - Gravis UltraSound information Christian Metcalfe (uk05624@mik.uky.edu) - Weapon shot conversions Michael Millard (michael.millard@swcbbs.com) - Making sure the FAQ got finished :) Neal Miller (millen3@rpi.edu) - For putting up with my seemingly inability to get his add-on software in correctly :) "Minstrel" (minstrel@u.washington.edu) - IPX Network info "Motop" (ekschult@vela.acs.oakland.edu) - Network card supply Tom Neff (tneff@panix.com) - DOOM Design FAQ, monster information Joe Pantuso (73633.2517) - Miscellaneous info, putting up with my seemingly inability to get the RGD Editor entry correct :) Elias Papavassilopoulos (ep104@cus.cam.ac.uk) - Cheat codes and parameters Walter Pullen (cruiser1@stein.u.washington.edu) - INCREDIBLE amount of secret info and saving me at the last second from definite DOOM :) Charlie Ray (exuchar@exu.ericsson.se) - DOOM: Opening a door to hell Tobey Reed (treed@world.std.com) - DOOM v1.2 information Owen Salava (osalava@vaxsrv2.royalroads.ca) - Keeping my nose to the grind- stone and making sure my mailbox is filled <g> Joost Schuur (zxmsu01@studserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de) - Miscellaneous info Wouter Slegers (wsbusr3@urc.tue.nl) - DOOM Secrets FAQ information Stanley Stasiak (stasiak@tartarus.uwa.edu.au) - Motion sickness/secrets Stephen Sprunk (ssprunk@nox.cs.du.edu) - Modem information Stephen Stibler (stibler@watson.ibm.com) - Two button mouse information Ajaipal S. Tanwar (tanwar@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu) - Secret level information Aaron Fredrick Tiensivu (tiensivu@student.msu.edu) - Command line parameters John Van Essen (vanes002@maroon.tc.umn.edu) - DOOM Mini FAQ/Miscellaneous Jim Urbas (jimu@point.cs.uwm.edu) - DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking Frans P. de Vries (fpdevries@hgl.signaal.nl) - The cool ASCII DOOM logo, lots of grammatic help, and never ending FAQ attention "Zhar" (cerberus@hade.eqinox.gen.nz) - Fixing the "*" search method Forgive me if I am missing anyone, so many people have helped me! #- THANK YOU! -# If, for some reason, I did miss you, PLEASE send me E-mail! Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who reads this FAQ, you are what the FAQ is for! [1-7]: Accurate Information =========================== An attempt has been made to make the information in this FAQ as accurate as possible. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the game was recently released, and updates, add-ons, and new information are being worked on each second, it's hard to keep up. I had to stop myself from adding to the FAQ, because if I didn't it would have never been released! The original press release dated from January 1993 listed a few things that didn't go in the final game. Some of those things were impossible to do after rewriting the 3-D engine 4 times over (for speed and size); other things just made no sense with the rest of the design. Trust id Software. They know what they are doing. DOOM is one great game! ===================================== =SECTION ONE= PRELIMINARY INFORMATION ===================================== -------------------------- CHAPTER [2]: What is DOOM? -------------------------- DOOM is a three dimensional, virtual reality type action game created by id Software. In some ways, it is similar to Wolfenstein 3-D (id Software, Apogee). In DOOM, you're a space marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Three years ago you assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. He and his body cast were shipped to Pearl Harbor, while you were transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace Corporation. The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with radioactive waste facilities on Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. With no action for fifty million miles, your day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room. For the last four years the military, UAC's biggest supplier, has used the remote facilities on Phobos and Deimos to conduct various secret projects, including research on inter-dimensional space travel. So far they have been able to open gateways between Phobos and Deimos, throwing a few gadgets into one and watching them come out the other. Recently however, the gateways have grown dangerously unstable. Military "volunteers" entering them have either disappeared or been stricken with a strange form of insanity--babbling vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breathes, and finally suffering an untimely death of full-body explosion. Matching heads with torsos to send home to the folks became a full-time job. Latest military reports state that the research is suffering a small setback, but everything is under control. A few hours ago, Mars received a garbled message from Phobos. "We require immediate military support. Something fraggin' evil is coming out of the gateways! Computer systems have gone berserk!" The rest was incoherent. Soon afterwards, Deimos simply vanished from the sky. Since then, attempts to establish contact with either moon have been unsuccessful. You and your buddies, the only combat troop for fifty million miles were sent up pronto to Phobos. You were ordered to secure the perimeter of the base while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your radio picked up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders, screams, bones cracking, then finally silence. Seems your buddies are dead. Things aren't looking too good. You'll never navigate off the planet on your own. Plus, all the heavy weapons have been taken by the assault team leaving you only with a pistol. If only you could get your hands around a plasma rifle or even a shotgun you could take a few down on your way out. Whatever killed your buddies deserves a couple of pellets in the forehead. Securing your helmet, you exit the landing pod. Hopefully you can find more substantial firepower somewhere within the station. As you walk through the main entrance of the base, you hear animal-like growls echoing throughout the distant corridors. They know you're here. There's no turning back now. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER [3]: What makes DOOM different from Wolfenstein 3-D? ------------------------------------------------------------ [3-1]: Texture-Mapped Environment ================================= DOOM offers the most realistic environment to date on the PC. Texture-mapping, the process of rendering fully-drawn art and scanned textures on the walls, floors, and ceilings of an environment, makes the world much more real, thus bringing the player more into the game experience. Others have attempted this, but DOOM's texture mapping is fast, accurate, and seamless. Texture-mapping the floors and ceilings is a big improvement over Wolfenstein 3-D. With their new advanced graphic development techniques, allowing game art to be generated much faster, id brings new meaning to "state-of-the-art". [3-2]: Non-Orthogonal Walls =========================== In other games (such as Wolfenstein 3-D), walls were always joined at ninety degrees to each other, and were always eight feet thick. DOOM's walls are at many angles, and of any thickness. Walls have see-through areas, like windows. This allows more natural construction of levels. If you can draw it on paper, you can see it in the game. [3-3]: Light Diminishing/Light Sourcing ======================================= Another touch adding realism is light diminishing. With distance, your surroundings become enshrouded in darkness. This makes areas seem huge and intensifies the experience. This also creates some amazing effects; sometimes the lights go out, and you'll have to look for a light switch or light amplification visors. Light sourcing allows lamps and lights to illuminate hallways, explosions to light up areas, and strobe lights to briefly reveal things near them. These features make the game frighteningly real. [3-4]: Variable Height Floors and Ceilings ========================================== Floors and ceilings can be of any height, allowing for stairs, poles, altars, plus low hallways and high caves-allowing a great variety for rooms and halls. In DOOM, monsters can be shot on levels that are higher or lower than you are. All you have to do is aim horizontally, and DOOM will do the rest! [3-5]: Environment Animation and Morphing ========================================= In DOOM, the world reacts to you. Many surfaces animate. A glowing wall-plate may change in appearance when you touch it. Radioactive ooze could seethe and bubble. In earlier versions of the FAQ, I talked about environment animation and morphing. id Software removed information terminals, access stations, and wall weapon damaging. DOOM does include "crushing ceilings," however. [3-6]: Palette Translation ========================== In earlier versions of the FAQ, I talked about many different types of palette translation. Most of the palette translation has been removed from DOOM. The only palette translations that are currently implemented in DOOM are for multi-player mode (other players are in different colors), invincibility mode and a few other special effects. [3-7]: Multiple Players ======================= Up to four players can play over a local network, or two players can play by modem or serial link. DOOM v1.2 supports modem play. You can see the other player in the environment, communicate with him or her, and in certain situations you can switch to their view. This feature, added to the 3-D realism, makes DOOM a very powerful cooperative game and its release a landmark event in the software industry. This is the first game to really exploit the power of LANs and modems to their full potential. In 1994, id Software fully expects to be the number one cause of decreased productivity in businesses around the world. See Chapter [8] for more information on multi-playing. [3-8]: Smooth, Seamless Gameplay ================================ The environment in DOOM is frightening, but the player can be at ease when playing. Much effort has been spent on the development end to provide the smoothest control on the user end. And the frame rate (the rate at which the screen is updated) is high, so you move smoothly from room to room, turning and acting as you wish, unhampered by the slow jerky motion of most 3-D games. On a 386DX, the game runs well, and on a 486/33, the normal mode frame rate is almost as fast as television. This allows for the most important and enjoyable aspect of gameplay: immersion. *3-9*: New Monsters and Artificial Intelligence =============================================== Wolfenstein 3-D is basically made up of a lot of closed rooms. When you open a door, the guards get a chance to see you and opening the door connects your sound area to the revealed room's sound area, so a gunshot will be heard in both places. Guards in both places will respond to this kind of action. In DOOM it's much more complex. DOOM isn't made up of a bunch of rooms; it's a cohesive world. You might blast your shotgun and the sound could travel through a window or slime-river tunnel to another entirely different area and alert some monsters. Then, they'll come looking for you! Opening doors, going down stairs, wading through slime, etc. You are still able to get the drop on them from behind, just like in Wolfenstein 3-D -- but you have to be sneakier about it. There is a huge amount of enemies in DOOM and DOOM II. Here is a list: FORMER HUMANS (dudes in filth-covered combat suits): Just a few days ago, you were probably swapping war stories with one of these guys. Now it's time to swap some lead upside their head. They are the weakest of all enemies. FORMER HUMAN SERGEANTS (dudes in black armor, also filthy): Same as above, but much meaner and tougher. These walking shotguns provide you with a few extra holes if you're not careful! IMPS (brown thorny hominids): You thought an imp was cute little dude in a red suit with a pitchfork. Where did these brown bastards come from? They heave balls o' fire down your throat and take several bullets to die. It's time to find a weapon better than that pistol if you're going to face more than one of these S.O.B.s. DEMONS (pink horrors, vaguely humanoid): Sorta like a shaved gorilla, except with horns, a big head, lots of teeth, and harder to kill. Don't get too close or they'll rip your fraggin' head off. SPECTRES (vague, half-formed shapes): Great. Just what you needed. An invisible (nearly) Demon. + LOST SOULS (flying skulls): Dumb. Tough. Flies. On fire. Flying skills with a hot temper. They like to go for a screaming head-on collision. + CACODEMONS (gigantic floating one-eyed heads): They float in the air, belch ball-lightning, and boast one Hell of a big mouth. You're toast if you get too close to these monstrosities. BARONS OF HELL (you'll know `em when you see `em): Tough as a dump truck and nearly as big, these goliaths are the worst thing on two legs since Tyrannosaurus Rex. Watch out for the green plasma they fling at you. + CYBERDEMON (rocket shooting colossus): When you get to the end of the second episode of DOOM, you'll know. Get ready to see this guy a lot more often in DOOM II. + SPIDER MASTERMIND (huge robotic chaingun shooting spider): It will make you wish you never were playing DOOM in the first place. Watch for it at the end of the third episode of DOOM, and numerous times in DOOM II. # HEAVY WEAPON DUDE (overweight sergeants with chain guns): These guys are probably the first new enemy you will encounter in DOOM II. They are more disgusting looking that sergeants, and are also more deadly due to their chain gun. # HELL KNIGHT (brown colored Baron of Hell): Slightly easier to kill than our friend the Baron, but appear in larger numbers. # ARACHNOTRON (toddler version of the Spider Mastermind): Smaller than the Spider Mastermind, and a lot harder to kill, but there are a lot more of these guys. Watch for its BFG9000-like green plasma. # PAIN ELEMENTAL (even more disgusting huge Cacodemon-like blobs): Watch out for these guys, they fly around and fire Lost Souls at you. If you don't kill them quick enough, the Lost Souls will eat you for lunch. # REVENANT (skeletons with a bad temper): These huge skeletons are just cruel. They punch and kick the life out of you, and also enjoy launching flaming rockets into your torso. # MANCUBUS (overweight walking blob with guns for arms): He is fat, ugly, and like shooting enormous fireballs into you from his arms. # ARCH VILE (flaming spirits): Not only does he summon the fire elementals to watch you go up in flames, he revives already dead demons while he's at it. +: Not found in the shareware version of DOOM #: Only found in DOOM II *3-10*: Weapons =============== Here's a list of weapons that are in DOOM. Don't try using these at home. :) (1) Fist (2) Chain Saw (3) Pistol (4) Shotgun # (5) Super Shotgun (double barreled) (6) Chain Gun (7) Rocket Launcher + (8) Plasma Rifle + (9) BFG9000 +: Denotes a weapon not implemented in the shareware version. #: Denotes a weapons found only in DOOM II. [3-10-1]: What does BFG9000 stand for? -------------------------------------- Being the most powerful weapon, the only thing BFG9000 could stand for would be "Big Fraggin' Gun." :) ------------------------------ CHAPTER [4]: Who created DOOM? ------------------------------ DOOM was created by id Software, and is also published by id Software. Id Software is made up of the following dedicated people: - John Romero Coder - - John Carmack Coder - - Dave Taylor Coder - - Adrian Carmack Artist - - Kevin Cloud Artist - - Jay Wilbur CEO - - Sandy Peterson Designer - - Shawn Green Tech Support - - American McGee Tech Support - - Robert Prince Music - Note: Apogee has NOTHING to do with DOOM. [4-1]: How can I contact id Software? ===================================== id Software can be contacted via the Internet. If you would like to ask any questions about DOOM (that are not answered in here), send E-mail to "help@idsoftware.com". Id Software can also be reached at their 800 number. The number is (800)-ID-GAMES. This number is for ordering games ONLY. This number is not for technical support or inquiries. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [5]: What are the differences between the different releases of DOOM? --------------------------------------------------------------------- (5-1): What is the shareware release? ===================================== The shareware version of DOOM only includes one of the three missions of DOOM. Each mission contains eight levels and a secret level. The shareware version contains network support and modem support. The shareware version does NOT include the Plasma Rifle and the BFG9000 weapons. On December 10th, 1993, v1.0 was released. On December 16th, 1993, v1.1 was released. On February 17th, 1994, id released v1.2 of DOOM. This version fixed many bugs and added new features, including modem support. Unfortunately, this revision added many new bugs. On June 28th, 1994, v1.4 was released. This version was only an "Internet Beta version," as was used to find bugs before the pending released of v1.5 of DOOM. Then, on July 8th, 1994, v1.5 was released as another "Internet Beta version." Both version 1.4 and 1.5 were released without registered version patches. In early August, v1.6 was released as yet another "Internet Beta version." FINALLY! In early September of 1994, v1.666 made its debut! The new features of v1.4, v1.5, and v1.666 are all outlined in Chapter [5-3]. [5-2]: What is the mail-order release? ====================================== The mail-order release of DOOM includes all three missions of DOOM. Each mission contains eight levels and a secret level. This version includes all weapons. All mail-order releases ordered July of 1994 are older versions. It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 if you wish modem support, Nightmare mode, DeathMatch v2.0, and various other bug fixes. [5-3]: What makes the six versions different? ============================================= Seven different versions of DOOM have been released: v1.0 (which has the v0.99 operating system), v1.1, v1.2, v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, and v1.666. Version 1.0 was the initial December 10th, 1993 release. Version 1.1 was the first upgrade of DOOM, released on December 16th, 1993. Although this version fixed many bugs and compatibility problems, it introduced many new ones. Version 1.2, released on February 17th, added modem play, Nightmare mode, and better use of networks, but again introduced many new bugs. v1.4 of DOOM was a Beta version released exclusively on the Internet, and was only used for finding bugs before the pending v1.5 release. v1.5 followed, which again was released as an Internet Beta version to find bugs for the pending v1.6. v1.6 was then released as another Beta, and finally v1.666 was released in early September which fixed some modem play problems and other miscellaneous sound code and control bugs. Note: id reports that v1.8 of DOOM will be released in the near future, and DOOM II has a version v1.7 and v1.7a. v1.4/v1.5/v1.666 new features: - New 14.4k and 28.8k modem support - Better serial support - New and improved SETUP.EXE with the following features: + Phone number list + Modem string database + Level warp key (F1) + Up to eight digital channels instead of four - New DeathMatch v2.0 rules (-ALTDEATH parameter): + All objects respawn after 30 seconds + Suicide subtracts a frag from your score + Negative frags are now possible - You can type "+" and "-" in chat mode - The "Official" DOOM FAQ is now included - Microscopic map bugs fixed and some elements changed in certain maps for network play - Recording multiplayer demos is now possible - Recorded demos do NOT end when you die or when the level ends. You must press "Q" or quit from DOOM to halt recording. The default demo buffer is 128K, but it can be increased by using the "-MAXDEMO <#k>" command-line parameter. "-MAXDEMO 1024" would allocate one megabyte for a demo recording buffer! - When playing back Multiplayer demos, you can use F12 and TAB keys to access the other player's views and watch everyone on the automap. - You can NOT use external files with the shareware version any longer. You must register first. - You can now reload maps using the IDCLEV<e#><m#> cheat if you are map editing on a LAN - Supports RESPONSE files for up to 100 command-line arguments. A response file is a text file that contains all the command-line arguments you which to pass to DOOM. An example would be: ---- start of file ---- (don't type this line) -nomonsters -deathmatch -altdeath ---- end of file ---- (don't type this line) If you name this file RESPONSE.TXT, when you invoke DOOM, you would type "DOOM @RESPONSE.TXT" and add any additional command-line parameters afterwards. - Sound Blaster AWE32 sound support - Sound does NOT work under Windows or OS/2 yet. A new version is being test and will be released when it is stable. - new FAST parameter allows optional fast enemies - new TURBO parameter allows the marine to move more quickly (this is considered cheating and is only meant for DeathMatch play) - the DEVPARM parameter is no longer needed to record demos NOTE: Saved games from versions before v1.666 do not work with v1.666. Bug fixes since v1.5: - Miscellaneous sound code, serial code, and control fixes - IDKFA and shotgun no longer crashes the game Bug fixes since v1.4: - SERSETUP has been rewritten-- AGAIN! - Help screen now mentions F11:Gamma Correction. - Sprite graphics can now be used in PWADs. - A bug that caused some monsters to teleport outside of the levels has been corrected. - Mysterious DeathMatch bug (since v1.0) that caused random objects to reappear but not be gettable has been corrected. - Increased 64K of savegame buffer space for PWAD developers. - SERSETUP COM port setting > 38400 has been fixed. - Response file bug fixed. - SETUP lets you type ENTER for a control key. - New GUS instrumnet mapping file for 1mb GUS cards only. Bug fixes since v1.2: - Now more than two people can play over a network without crashes. - No more PS/2 mouse bug (player loses control of character, character spins, game locks, etc.) - Saving a game under a open door, restoring it, then pressing space no longer causes the game to crash. - Sound code rewritten. - Serial game difficulty selection fixed in SETUP.EXE. - map bug fixes including two-sided linedef bug and faulty SKY1 ceiling texture mapping - gun projectiles (rockets, plasma, rockets) will no longer trigger linedefs It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 if you have not already done so. (5-4): What is the commercial release? ====================================== The commercial version of DOOM is called "DOOM II: Hell on Earth" and is now available in stores! DOOM II is finished and is now available to registered users of the original DOOM. It can be ordered directly from id or from GT Interactive Software at 1-800-332-4300. It costs $44.95 per copy. DOOM II includes these features: * 30 levels plus 2 secret levels * Lots of graphics * All new music * More sound effects * Runs a little faster than original DOOM due to further code optimizations! * New enemies * Totally killer DeathMatch-designed levels! [5-5]: I bought DOOM in a store, is it illegal? =============================================== Here is accurate information regarding DOOM's legality. (1) DOOM purchased directly from (800)-ID-GAMES is NOT illegal. (2) The registered version of DOOM purchased in ANY retail stores within the United States is illegal. (3) The registered version of DOOM purchased on CD-ROM ANYWHERE is illegal. (4) The registered version of DOOM purchased in retail stores OUTSIDE of the countries listed below is illegal. Australia New Zealand Hong Kong Taiwan Singapore Netherlands UK (5) The registered version of DOOM purchased in retail stores in Canada is illegal. (6) The shareware version of DOOM purchased anywhere (on CD-ROM or otherwise) is LEGAL. I hope this clears it up. If you own an illegal copy of DOOM, please E-mail to "help@idsoftware.com" to report the distributor, date of purchase, and price. Calling (800)-388-PIR8 is also allowable for people without Internet access. None of this information applies to DOOM II, which is sold in stores. (5-6): What is WinDOOM? ======================= Here is the latest information on WinDOOM, direct from Microsoft. - WinDOOM is a joint effort of id Software and Microsoft. Microsoft is doing most of the porting work. - WinDOOM is a Win32 application. It runs under Windows NT and Windows 4.0. - WinDOOM uses the recently announced WinG libraries. - WinDOOM supports full music and sound and supports all Windows MIDI and WAVE devices. - WinDOOM has variable resolution. WinDOOM can render the display at 320x200 through 640x400. Resolutions greater than 640x400 are performed via "stretching" (this is a limitation of the DOOM engine) - WinDOOM supports network play via WinSOCK (TCP/IP) and NetBIOS (NetBeui, IPX, etc.) - WinDOOM supports any display with at least 256 colors. - WinDOOM is multithreaded so if you're running under a multiprocessor machine you'll see a significant speed increase. - WinDOOM will support DEC Alpha and MIPS RISC machines. *5-7*: What other DOOM ports are in the works? ============================================== Here is the status on all the latest DOOM ports. This is DIRECT from id Software, opinions conveyed in here are not nessecarily the opinions of Hank Leukart. QNX: DOOM for the QNX OS is anonymously ftp'able from quics.qnx.com. It's compiled with Pentium optimizations and supports sound, music, the VGA console and X Windows with pixel doubling and tripling. We don't support this version, QNX Software Systems did the port. This version will run the shareware, registered, or doom2 wadfile. The files to ftp are: /usr/free/doom/qnxdoom.pax.gz - Console and X versions of QNX DOOM /usr/free/doom/doom1.wad.gz - DOOM v1.666 wad file /usr/free/doom/qnxdoom.faq - Installation instructions and other details OS/2: Still working, no dates yet. IBM guys are handling this. This is how this will work: You will be able to download the OS/2 version from most BBSs and ftp sites. It will work with your registered wad or the shareware one. NO CHANGE. STILL NO CHANGE. SGI Irix v5.2: ftp.uwp.edu:/pub/msdos/games/id/sgixdoom.tar.Z. It is integrated with the v1.6ish DOOM version. It supports pixel-doubling, -tripling, -quadrupling as well as 16-bit sound for clearer mixing. Now compiled with -mips1 flag. Do not send us mail about this. We will delete it. NO CHANGE. LINUX: the linux version is at sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/Incoming and may be moved to whatever appropriate directory later. Do not send us mail about this. We will delete it. NO CHANGE. JAG: It's out now. Go buy it. Everyone likes it. MAC: We have found a team to do this. There is no release date. We just got some Power PCs to test the beta version on. It should be here soon. Please do NOT ask to test this. There is no more info on this at this time. NO CHANGE. WINDOWS: We just got a beta of this. Looks AWESOME. Still no release date. The MICROSOFT guys are working on this. NO CHANGE. NEXTSTEP: There is a version 1.2 available from cs.orst.edu. There will not be another patch until we send out the finished version. Omnigroup is working on a new NEXTSTEP release of DOOM with interceptor direct framebuffer access, sound, customizable controls, and lots of other features. A DOOM II release will also be available. URL for the info page at Omni's WWW site: http://www.omnigroup.com/Software/Doom/ Sega 32X: Released. Everyone is spooging over this one, too. Buy it. There will never be a port to these machines: Amiga, Sinclair 2000, Apple //gs, TRS-80. ---------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [6]: Where can I get DOOM and related information? ---------------------------------------------------------- [6-1]: How can I get the shareware release? =========================================== *6-1-1*: What are the file names? --------------------------------- DOOM is released in two formats, a two file 1.44mb format, and a one file 2mb format. The 2mb format is released under the name "dm1666.zip". The 1.44mb file names are "dm1666a.zip" and "dm1666b.zip." If you got DOOM before September of 1994, it is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 if you wish all of its new features and bug fixes. A patch under the file name "dm1666sp.zip" is available to upgrade the v1.2 shareware version to v1.666. A patch under the file name "dm1666rp.zip" is available to upgrade the registered version to v1.666. Additionally, a file named "altdoom1.zip" is available for those people whose computers do not work with the DOOM DOS Extenders, but only for DOOM v1.1. NOTE: Registered version patches for v1.4, v1.5, and v1.6bt were NEVER released. There is NO shareware version of DOOM II, however, there are patches to upgrade DOOM II to v1.7a. These are available under the file names "doom2p16.zip" (if your DOOM II is v1.666) and "doom2p17.zip" (if your DOOM II is v1.7). [6-1-2]: How can I get DOOM using FTP? -------------------------------------- Here is a list of sites DOOM is on. Choose the one closest to you for fastest delivery. andyspc.rh.uchicago.edu: /pub/doom cactus.org: /incoming (will be moved to /pub/IHHD/multi-player) charm.tn.cornell.edu: /pub/doom ftp.cc.umanitoba.ca: /wolf3d/incoming (will be moved to pub/doom) ftp.demon.co.uk: /pub/ibmpc/games/id ftp.sun.ac.za: /pub/msdos/id ftp.uml.edu: /msdos/Games/ID ftp.uwp.edu: /pub/msdos/games/id ftp.funet.fi: /pub/msdos/games/id ftp.orst.edu: /pub/doom/id lemming.uvm.edu: /incoming (only the patch from 1.1 to 1.2) wuarchive.wustl.edu: /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doom There is no shareware version of DOOM II. [6-1-3]: How can I get DOOM using AFS? -------------------------------------- DOOM can get received from the following AFS site. /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr23/dsa3/ftp [6-1-4]: How can I get DOOM on a BBS? ------------------------------------- DOOM is on id Software's official BBS, Software Creations. DOOM is located in the id Software directory. Choose the appropriate phone number for your modem. (a) (508)-365-2359 2400 baud (b) (508)-368-7036 9600-14.4k v.32bis (c) (508)-368-4137 14.4-16.8k HST/DS Software Creations can also be telnetted to using the site name "swcbbs.com." *6-2*: How can I get the mail-order release? ============================================ The mail-order release of DOOM is available directly from id Software. To order, call id Software's order number, (800)-ID-GAMES. This number is for ORDERING ONLY, not for inquiries or technical support. The mail-order version of DOOM costs $40.00. If you live out of the United States, you can still order DOOM by an out-of-country shareware distributor. *6-3*: How can I get the commercial release? ============================================ DOOM II was released at the beginning of October. It can be purchased in your local software store or ordered directly from GT Interactive (DOOM II's distributors) at (800)-332-4300 in the United States. There is a patch to v1.7a of DOOM II available on the Internet. If your version of DOOM II is: v1.666 ftp.uwp.edu /pub/msdos/games/id/doom2p16.zip v1.7 ftp.uwp.edu /pub/msdos/games/id/doom2p17.zip [6-4]: How can I get the DOOM Specs for creating add-on utilities? ================================================================== id has made the decision not to release their own DOOM specs. The Unofficial DOOM Specs, however, written by Matt Fell and distributed by myself, are available. See Chapter [15-24] for more information. [6-5]: Where can I get the serial play and node building source code? ===================================================================== The serial play source code is available on the FTP site "ftp.uwp.edu" in the directory "/pub/msdos/games/id" under the filename "sersrc.zip." The node building source code is available on the FTP site "ftp.uwp.edu" in the directory "/pub/msdos/games/id" under the filename "doombsp.zip." [6-6]: What books about DOOM are available? =========================================== Killer DOOM: Tips & Tricks by Brady Publishing Author: Robert Waring Price : $9.95 Order : (800)-428-5331 The Official DOOM Survival Guide Author: Jonathan Mao Mendoza Price : $19.95 ($15.00 if ordered directly from id) Order : (800)-ID-GAMES ISBN #: 0-7821-1546-2 DOOM Battlebook: Secrets of the Games series by Prima Publishing Author: Rick Barba Price : $14.95 ISBN #: 1-55958-651-6 Watch for a number of new books about DOOM and DOOM II to be released in early 1995. You may even see a cool DOOM editing book written by someone you know. :) *6-7*: Where can I find World Wide Web sites about DOOM? ======================================================== The HTML version of the DOOM FAQ is at: http://venom.st.hmc.edu/~tkelly/doomfaq/ The DOOMGate is located at: http://www.cedar.buffalo.edu/~kapis-p/doom/DoomGate.html Here are all the DOOMWeb sites to date: file://ftp.netcom.com/pub/vhold/doom/doom.html by Marty Price (vhold@netcom.com) http://lilly.ping.de/~sven/doom.html by Sven Neuhaus (sven@fuzzy.ping.de) http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~trm/doom.html by Tim McCune (trm@ksu.ksu.edu) http://www.cs.hmc.edu/people/tkelly/docs/doom/index.html by T.J. Kelly (me, TJ@hmc.edu) http://www.cedar.buffalo.edu/~kapis-p/doom/DOOM.html by Piotr Kapiszewski (kapis-p@cs.buffalo.edu) http://www.cs.indiana.edu/games/doom/doom-home.html by Bill Perry (wmperry@spry.com) http://cornelius.ucsf.edu/~troyer/sgidoomfaq.html (The SGI DOOM FAQ) by John Troyer (troyer@cgl.ucsf.edu) http://hp11.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de:2611/doom/doom.html by Joost Schuur (lothlhwI@irc) http://www.cs.umd.edu/~lgas/computers/doom.html by John Evans (lgas@cs.umd.edu) http://www.catt.ncsu.edu/users/deftly/www/doom.html by Randal Wilson (deftly@catt.ncsu.edu) ---------------------------------------- CHAPTER [7]: What is needed to run DOOM? ---------------------------------------- *7-1*: What is REQUIRED to run DOOM? ==================================== DOOM requires a 386sx IBM compatible computer running MS-DOS v3.3 or higher, VGA (320x200x256) graphics, and 4mb of RAM. The shareware version of DOOM needs about 4.8mb of hard drive space. The mail-order version needs about 12mb of hard drive space. DOOM II requires a 486 with at least 17mb of hard drive space. I have seen it RUN on a 386, but it runs too slow. DOOM ports for the Atari Jaguar, Linux/X, Irix/X, Windows, OS/2 PM, MacOS, SEGA 32X (Mars), QNX, FreeBSD, Solaris, and UNIX are also planned. *7-2*: What sound cards does DOOM support? ========================================= DOOM supports general MIDI, Adlib, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound Blaster 16, Roland Sound Canvas, Gravis UltraSound, WaveBlaster, Pro Audio Spectrum 16, Sound Blaster AWE-32, and compatibles. [7-3]: What game controllers does DOOM support? =============================================== DOOM supports keyboard, mouse, joystick, and trackball (functioning as a mouse). DOOM also supports the Gravis Gamepad and Logitech Cyberman. ---------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [8]: How can I use multiple players in DOOM? ---------------------------------------------------- DOOM supports 2-4 players in a multi-player mode. DOOM is playable over networks, modems and by serial link. Note: For playing the registered DOOM over networks or by modem, EACH user MUST BUY his/her own individual copy of the game. [8-1]: How does the multi-player gameplay work? =============================================== In DOOM, players are able to see each other, and watch each other jerk in pain as they are hit during the game. Players are able to watch others get hurt, die, and move throughout the labyrinth. DOOM allows players to play together, working as a team. In this cooperative mode, players can see each other on an "automap" and switch to each other's view. DOOM also allows players to play against each other, in DeathMatch mode. [8-1-1]: How does pausing, saving, and loading work? ==================================================== In DOOM, some things change when playing with more than one player. When you activate the Options menu or submenus, the game KEEPS RUNNING so that other players can continue with the action. So, it is best to find a safe place before adjusting screen size, sound, etc. A player may pause the game by pressing the PAUSE key, but any other player can unpause the game by pressing the PAUSE key again. Make sure it is okay with your buddies before taking a breather. When you do a save game during network/modem play, it saves on every player's system in the save game slot you select, writing over whatever was there. Before saving the game, players should agree on a safe slot to save it in. You cannot load a saved game while playing a multi-player game. To load a game, everyone must quit from the current game and restart the game from a saved game. To start a game from a saved game, you can either select it from the SETUP program or identify it as a command line parameter. [8-1-2]: What are the different uniform colors for? --------------------------------------------------- In network/modem games, each player's uniform is a different color. The color of your character is the color behind your face on the status bar. The colors are BROWN, INDIGO (black), GREEN, and RED. These are used to identify between players during game play, and to chat with others using Chat Mode. [8-1-3]: How does a player see what others are doing? ----------------------------------------------------- If you're playing in cooperative mode, press F12 to toggle through the other players' viewpoint(s). You still retain your own status bar at the bottom, and if your view reddens from pain it is YOU, not your partner, who has been hit. [8-1-4]: How do players communicate using Chat Mode? ---------------------------------------------------- In a multi-player game you can communicate with other players in the Chat Mode. To enter into Chat Mode and broadcast a message to all the other players, press the letter "T". A cursor will appear where your messaging is normally placed. To broadcast to a specific player, instead of pressing "T", you'll need to press the first letter of the player's color: (B)rown, (I)ndigo, (G)reen, and (R)ed. For example, to send a message to the brown character, you would press the letter "B". In DOOM v1.2, a macro capability was added. After defining ten macros in SETUP.EXE, pressing the player color, and then "ALT-<macro number>" will send a macro. [8-1-5]: How do the weapons work? --------------------------------- When a player runs over a weapon, he picks it up, but the weapon remains in the game for other players to take. Shotguns dropped by former human sergeants are removed from the game after being picked up or smashed. In DeathMatch v2.0 (use the ALTDEATH parameter), weapons are removed from the playing field from thirty seconds and then reappear when playing DeathMatch mode. [8-1-6]: What happens when a player dies? ----------------------------------------- If you die and restart in the level, previously taken items and destroyed monsters don't reappear unless you are playing in DeathMatch v2.0. Even though you've died, other players have survived. [8-1-7]: Can players exchange supplies? --------------------------------------- Players cannot exchange supplies. [8-1-8]: Miscellaneous ---------------------- In Cooperative mode, each player begins in the same area. In DeathMatch mode the players begin in completely different areas--if you want to see your buddy you'll need to hunt him down. Plus, each time you die, you'll start in one of several random locations. Unlike in single-player or Cooperative mode gameplay, in DeathMatch mode the players start at each location with the keys necessary for opening any locked door in that area. In DeathMatch mode the ARMS section on the status bar is replaced with "FRAG." The FRAG section displays the number of times you've killed your opponents. In Cooperative mode the Automap works the same way it does in single-player mode. Each player is represented by a different color arrow. In DeathMatch mode you won't receive the pleasure of seeing your opponents on the map. Just like the monsters, your friends could be just around the corner, and you won't know it until you face them. [8-2]: What exactly is "DeathMatch" mode? ========================================= DOOM has a "DeathMatch" mode where every player is out for himself. At the beginning, the level is infested with enemies and power-ups. In this mode, players can't see the other players in the Automap, nor switch to their view. Players are not able to view other's health in the mode, because of the disadvantage this can cause. [8-3]: How does DOOM work with networks? ======================================== DOOM supports the IPX (Novell Netware) protocol in the initial shareware version. Using this network support, DOOM can be played in a workplace type environment. To start network mode: (1) Launch DOOM from the SETUP program, by going to the directory in which you installed DOOM, typing SETUP, and pressing the ENTER key. Unlike playing DOOM in single player mode, DOOM in multi-player mode must be run either from the SETUP program or by using the command line parameters. (2) The SETUP program allows you to configure the information that is necessary for the multi-player game. The SETUP is simple to use. (3) Start the game! (8-3-1): What are the network command line parameters for DOOM? --------------------------------------------------------------- -LOADGAME allows you to start DOOM from a specified save game. Instead of using the saved game name, simply enter the number (0-5) that corresponds to the slot you saved the game to on the SAVE GAME screen. -loadgame <# of the game> -DEATHMATCH starts DOOM as a DeathMatch game. If you don't enter DEATHMATCH as a command line parameter, DOOM will default to Cooperative mode. -deathmatch -SKILL sets the skill level (1-5) you wish to play. -skill <# of skill level> -EPISODE sets the episode (1-3) you wish to play. The default episode is Episode One, Knee-Deep in the Dead. -episode <# of the episode> -CONFIG allows you to use your configuration file from any directory you choose. -config <pathname> ex. -config f:\doom\data\myconfig.cfg -NOMONSTERS allows you to start playing with NO MONSTERS running around! This is great for DeathMatch where, really, the monsters just get in the way. -nomonsters -RESPAWN tells DOOM that, yes, you are a badass, and yes, you want all the monsters to respawn 8 seconds after you kill them. The NIGHTMARE skill level already does this. Note that using -respawn and -nomonsters at the same time is a dumb thing to do. -respawn -ALTDEATH uses DeathMatch v2.0 mode. -altdeath -FAST uses fast monsters, as in Nightmare mode -fast -MAXDEMO determines the maximum size of a recorded demo -maxdemo <size in K> -TURBO increases the speed of the marine (this is considered cheating in single player mode and is meant for DeathMatch only) -turbo <speed increase 1-255> [8-3-2]: How does DOOM determine player colors? ----------------------------------------------- The player numbers and colors are determined by the ethernet node address. The lower the number, the lower number you will be assigned in a multi-player game. The lowest number gets green, and the highest number (with four players) gets red. To change the player numbers in a net game, insert the line :"NODE ADDRESS xxxxxxxxxxxx" under the Link Driver section of your net.cfg before you load LSL. [8-3-3]: How can I use DOOM on Novell Netware Lite? --------------------------------------------------- Hwere is information on how to play DOOM on a Novell Netware Lite network. Novell does not approve of or recommend the following drivers. HOST/CLIENT (1) Load the LSL. (LSL.COM) HOST/CLIENT (2) Load your card driver. (example: 3C5X9.COM) HOST/CLIENT (3) Load your server. (SERVER.COM) HOST/CLIENT (4) Load your client. (CLIENT.COM) CLIENT (5) Log into the network. CLIENT (6) Map the hosts to the hard drive. (refer to NWL Manual) HOST (7) Run DOOM's SETUP.EXE, configure, and press F10. CLIENT (8) Change to mapped DOOM directory, and run SETUP.EXE, using the same options as used on the host. (9) PLAY DOOM! Note: It is illegal to use the Registered DOOM on only one server. You must buy a seperate copy of the game for each player. [8-3-4]: How can I use DOOM on other types of networks? ------------------------------------------------------- It does not matter what type of network you use for DOOM, whether it is Lantastic, Windows for Workgroups or other networks. netDOOM uses the cards at such a low level that it does not need the network services. It only needs the ODI/IPX drivers. This being the case, netDOOM works fine with any Ethernet or any other cabling system. Naturally, you can not use any normal network services at the same time. There are a number of ways of getting IPX working with a given ethernet card. One is to use a dedicated IPX driver for the card, another is to run an IPX converter over some other standard such as NDIS, ODI, or the packet driver standard. If one method fails to work, try another one! I have had good reliability with the IPX over Packet driver method, though it can sometimes be a challenge to get it running... If you are already using Novell, then the IPX over ODI might be simpler to set up, though I have found it less reliable. Before I get going, let me plead with everyone NOT TO USE DOOM 1.1 OR 1.0 ON ANY NETWORK OTHERS ARE TRYING TO USE!! Doom 1.666 is now available, so please use it rather than 1.1 or 1.0. DOOM 1.0 and 1.1 really screw up networks. Now that I have all my disclaimers out of the way... :) To use this method of installing IPX you need two files, both of which are in the file PKTD11.ZIP, which can be had from oak.oakland.edu as/pub/msdos/pktdrvr/pktd11.zip. I have seen some problems with this version (11) of the drivers, however, so it would be wise to test out the packet driver after it is loaded, or perhaps to try one which comes direct from the ethernet card manufacturer. (i.e. 3c5x9pd.com from ftp.3com.com) If you have problems with these drivers, I have put together a collection of older versions of IPX and packet drivers which seem to work better with DOOM. This package will be uploaded to ftp.uwp.edu as OLDIPX.ZIP. (see Chapter [14-6]) The first file is specific to your ethernet hardware. It is the packet driver software that converts packet-driver calls to commands your ethernet card can understand. The INSTALL.DOC file included with the packet driver collection has details about which cards are supported and what sort of command-line parameters are needed for each packet driver. I always load the packet driver using interrupt 0x60, a popular convention. These drivers will not work well under Windows without tweaking, so read the INSTALL.DOC file for details. There are also some useful packet utilities included. Again details are in INSTALL.DOC. (Got the hint yet? :) EXAMPLES: 3Com 503 card on interrupt 5, I/O port 0x300, and the internal transceiver. (twisted pair RJ-45 connector ON THE CARD or coaxial BNC connector-- NOT the 15-pin AUI connector) The shared memory area is automatically determined-- but be sure to exclude the region from your expanded memory manager, if used! 3C503.COM 0x60 0x5 0x300 1 3Com 509 card: These cards are entirely software-configurable through the config/diagnostics on your EtherDisk that came with the card. If you have lost the disk, all the needed files are available from ftp.3com.com. 3C509.COM 0x60 AT&T StarLan cards: Almost like the 503 except the memory location must be specified. AT&T.COM 0x60 0x2 0x360 0xD000 Once the packet driver is loaded and reports things correctly (i.e. it does not give your ethernet address as FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF...) then just run PDIPX.COM to load IPX support. The PDIPX.COM program is included with PKTD11.ZIP, but it is contained in a .ZIP file INSIDE of PKTD11.ZIP called PDIPX103.ZIP. Run the .COM file with no parameters. If you have problems with an "invalid mode" when loading PDIPX, you probably are trying to run other network software at the same time as the Packet Driver/IPX combination. Strip down your CONFIG.SYS and your AUTOEXEC.BAT files to those shown below. Do not load any additional TSR's! Once this bare-bones configuration works, you can begin adding TSR's. if your problems persist, try using the older versions of the packet driver and IPX-to-PD converter. (They should be on ftp.uwp.edu.) If nothing seems to work, try running the diagnostic program PKTWATCH.COM after getting everything set up. If your screen fills with scrolling multicolor hexadecimal numbers then the packet driver is working OK. If it just flashes a cursor at you, then you have problems UNLESS you are wired directly to another computer. Hook your computer back up to an active network and see if you can receive anything then. If you do not have an active network available, start DOOM on the OTHER computer while running PKTWATCH on the original computer. Of course, the other (sending) computer needs to have IPX set up as well. The simplest way to get all the drivers you need loaded and to exclude other drivers which may interfere is to create a boot disk with the correct startup files. For example: CONFIG.SYS device=a:\himem.sys dos=high,noumb files=30 buffers=30 AUTOEXEC.BAT prompt [DOOM Setup] $p$g a:\3c503.com 0x60 0x5 0x300 1 rem change the above according to your card. a:\pdipx.com The ONLY line that will vary with what card you have is the "3c503.com" line. I encourage you NOT to load an EMS driver since so many cards use shared memory and it is sometimes difficult to ensure that the proper area, and only the proper area, is excluded. DOOM runs just fine with XMS, and you have the added benefit of loading DOS high to make room for things like mouse drivers. DOOM does not NEED XMS to run, though. Also, I like to change the DOS prompt to reflect my configuration whenever I am using a bizarre setup. It might be a good idea to also scan your bootable floppy for viruses BEFORE booting the networked computer with it. (Scan it on the NETWORKED computer, not your own...) There are a number of common viruses spread by booting computers from infected disks. (Stoned, Form, and Michelangelo to name a few.) Let's not give DOOM a bad name by booting network computers from infected disks! (btw, F-prot from oak.oakland.edu as /pub/msdos/virus/fp-211.zip is an EXCELLENT antivirus program. <plug>) You must make sure that all of the networked computers using DOOM are using the same frame type. [8-3-5]: How can I set up a small inexpensive DOOM network? ----------------------------------------------------------- All that is required for network play is a network card for each computer, a T-plug for each computer (usually supplied with your network card), and some cable. A server is not necessary. Here is a good supply of inexpensive eight bit network cards for DOOM play. Corporate Systems Center PHONE: (408)-734-DISK 1294 Hammerwood Avenue FAX: (408)-745-1816 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Brand new 16-bit cards priced at only US$49.00 each. When calling, tell your service person that you would like to run DOOM. Corporate Systems will send you the cards mentioned here. [8-4]: How can I play DOOM by serial link? ========================================== DOOM works in two player mode by modem or null modem. The minimum baud rate to play DOOM is 9600 bps. Shareware versions 1.0 and 1.1 do NOT support play by modem or serial link. It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.666 of DOOM. Using this mode is similar to network mode. To use a serial link connection, run the DOOM setup and choose "Run Network/Modem/Serial Game." Then, choose the type of connection you plan to make. Then, configure the game to your liking, and choose the connect method. Note that to run null-modem game, you must have a null-modem cable plugged into a serial port on both computers and each computer runs SETUP.EXE with identical parameters. If you are using a modem, you will most likely need to edit the MODEM.CFG file in the DOOM directory. The first line of the file is an initialization string. Pull out your modem manual, and do the following. (1) Find the code that turns off error correction. (2) Find the code that turns off data compression. (3) Find the code that locks your modem at 9600 baud. (4) Find the code that turns off all hardware and software flow control. (5) Create an "AT" initialization string with all these codes and put it into the MODEM.CFG. To find an already created initialization string for your modem, look in Chapter [18-3] of this FAQ. If one is not listed for your modem, you will have to dig up your modem manual for the correct settings. The second line is a hangup string used when you quit DOOM. If you STILL cannot get the modems to connect, both of you should run your favorite terminal programs, and connect with 9600, no error correction, no data compression, and NO HARDWARE FLOW CONTROL. Then just run SETUP.EXE with the "Already Connected" option in the configuration box. [8-5]: How can I play DOOM over the Internet? ============================================= (8-5-1): How can I play DOOM using IHHD? ---------------------------------------- Enter IHHD -- the Internet Head to Head Daemon designed by Jim Knutson. With this brilliant little piece of code, multiplayer gaming has soared to new heights. With IHHD, you'll be able to play Head to Head against other human opponents all over the world, with the only cost to you being the regular prices you pay to connect to or use your Internet host. Best of all, it's free. First of all, your host needs to be running UNIX as its operating system. If you aren't sure what your host is running for its operating system, check the information given at the login prompt or send mail to your administrator. Other than that, you should be able to run IHHD with ease. Your first order of business is to get the IHHD software. It is available via anonymous FTP at "rex.pfc.mit.edu" in the "pub/IHHD/src" directory. To get it: (1) FTP to rex.pfc.mit.edu ("ftp rex.pfc.mit.edu" at UNIX prompt) (2) At the login prompt, enter "anonymous" (3) At the password prompt, enter your E-mail address (4) At the command prompt, type "cd pub/IHHD/src" (5) Type "binary" (6) Type "get dialer1.6.4.shar" (7) Type "bye" If you followed the above steps, you should now have the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file in your home directory. Type "ls" at your host's command prompt to verify its existence. If you don't see it, try the above steps again or call for help. Next, if you've successfully retrieved the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file from the FTP site, you need to prepare the IHHD to run on your UNIX system. For UNIX veterans, the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file is in fact a shar file, and contains a makefile for easy compiling on your system. For the rest of us, follow these steps to get the IHHD up and running: (1) Create a directory to put the IHHD software in. Type "mkdir IHHD" at the command prompt. (2) Move the IHHD file to the new directory. Type "mv dialer1.6.4.shar IHHD" (3) Go to the IHHD directory. Type "cd IHHD" (4) Unpack the IHHD files. Type "sh dialer1.6.4.shar" (5) Compile the IHHD software to run on your system. Type "make" (6) You should now see a whole mess of files in the IHHD directory. The important filenames you're looking for should be: "dialer" "tcpdialer" "tcpanswer" "call" "showlog" (7) If you've got these, you're cool. Otherwise, try the above steps again, re-retrieve the "dialer1.6.4.shar" file from "rex.fpc.mit.edu" using the instructions above, or call for help. If everything checks out, you're ready to rumble! Here's how you get connected using IHHD: (1) Set up a time to play with another Internet DOOM player. Ideally, you should use E-mail to make the prior arrangements. Make sure you and your opponent use the same baud rate and line settings for your modems. Make sure data compression, error correction, and hardware flow control on your modem are off. Look at the modem initialization strings section in this FAQ for more help. (2) When it's time to play, start your favorite terminal program and call up your Internet host using your modem. Make sure that your baud rate and line settings correspond to your opponent's. (3) Login to your Internet host normally. (4) Contact the other player by sending a short E-mail message indicating that you are on the net and ready to play. (5) Once you both establish that you're there and ready to go, return to your UNIX prompt. (6) Type "cd IHHD" to enter your IHHD directory. (7) You may have to type "terminal download," if you do not have it activated already. (8) Type "dialer opponent's.host" to start the IHHD connection. For example, if you were playing against knuston@cactus.org, you would type "dialer cactus.org" to initiate the connection. Another way is to type "tcpdialer opponent's.host" while your opponent types "tcpdialer -answer". Or reverse roles, where you type "tcpdialer -answer" while your opponent types "tcpdialer your.host". Don't ask me what the difference is; I don't know. So, to recap, there are two methods of IHHD connection. Method 1: dialer. You each type "dialer other.guy's.host" Method 2: tcpdialer. One of you types "tcpdialer other.guy's.host" while the other types "tcpdialer -answer". (9) Regardless of which method you use to connect, type short text messages followed by a carriage return until you see your opponent acknowledge you. Unless you have "local echo" set to ON in your serial settings, you will not see the text you type. (10) If you don't see your opponent after a reasonable amount of time, exit dialer or tcpdialer by pressing "CTRL-C" (i.e. hitting the "CTRL" and "C" key simultaneously.) Contact your opponent again by E-mail and agree to try the other method of connecting. (11) If you're connection looks fine and your opponent has acknowledged you and you have acknowledged him, exit your terminal program and change to your DOOM directory. Run SETUP.EXE, and select "Run Network/Modem/Serial Game." On the next menu, choose "Modem." Finally, configure all of the options to your liking, select "Already Connected," and press F10. (12) If everything goes well, DOOM will start up and bring you to your first game over the Internet! Congratulations, you are now connected by IHHD. You can now proceed to play DOOM as if you were connected via a regular phone line. If you are having trouble getting DOOM to work with your modem, you may want to download one of the many third-party serial drivers for DOOM. (see Chapter [15]) Unfortunately, because of the nature of the Internet, delays and warping may occur with your IHHD connection, depending on the quality of the connection between your and your opponent's host machines. These delays are often sporadic, and depend largely on what's going on on the Internet at that particular times. Then again, you might just be extremely unlucky and have a cruddy Internet connection. To gauge the quality of the connection, try to "ping" your opponent's computer from your host. At the UNIX prompt, type "ping -s opponent's.host". You should get a listing of "ping times", which you may stop at any time by pressing "CTRL-C". Try pinging some other hosts you know to get an idea of how much ping times vary, and use this data to guesstimate the quality of the connection between your host and your opponent's. Another way to judge the quality of your connection is to simply look at the other player. If he's jumping all over the place, you've got a cruddy connection. If he's relatively smooth and steady, you've got a good connection. If all else fails, burn incense and sacrifice a beautiful young virgin princess to the net.gods. No, wait. Better yet, send me a virgin. E-mail me for an address. *8-5-2*: How can I play DOOM using iDOOM? ----------------------------------------- The TCP/IP Internet DOOMer's FAQ by Scott Coleman (asre@uiuc.edu) and Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) updated 10/16/94 Introduction id Software's DOOM is truly the Killer App of the MS-DOS world. DOOM's popularity is so immense, it has been estimated that DOOM is installed on more PCs than OS/2 and Windows NT combined, and DOOM's creators commute to work in Ferarris. Interest in the game has been so great that it has been hacked, reverse-engineered, dissected, and enhanced more than any other game in PC history. And now, as more and more people become hooked into the Internet, DOOM is rapidly becoming the Killer App of the Internet, as well. Internet DOOM play is currently at the "clever hack" stage. DOOM, as released by iD, supports only IPX network play and serial play between two machines. As a result, the DOOM documentation doesn't include any information about DOOMing across the Internet. Of course, this also means that DOOMers can't call id for help. The result of all this is many curious people asking the same question: How do I play DOOM over the Internet? Enter this document. In the pages that follow, we will attempt to answer the most frequently asked questions about Internet DOOM, including what you need, how to set it up, and how to find new fragbait - er, I mean, opponents. DOOM across the Internet is made possible by a neat little freeware program called iDOOM. iDOOM uses the UDP protocol (part of the TCP/IP protocol suite) to send DOOM game information between multiple machines on the Internet. It is based on the WATTCP TCP/IP kernel written by Eric Engelke of the University of Waterloo. By some strange coincidence, the authors of this document are also the creators of iDOOM, and we have used the program to play Internet DOOM sessions with opponents from as far away as Estonia. In writing this FAQ, we hope that sharing some of our experience will make it easier for you to get connected in your own Internet DOOM sessions. NOTE: Throughout this document, we will refer specifically to games of DOOM played over the Internet via a DIRECT CONNECTION, i.e. no modems are involved anywhere in the link. Note that IHHD, SLIP and PPP connections all involve modems at some point. Although other methods of connecting two DOOM machines together across the Internet exist, this document will focus on direct net connections using the iDOOM network driver program. Getting Prepared Q1: I want to play DOOM over the Internet using iDOOM. What hardware do I need? To successfully play DOOM across the Internet, you will need the following hardware: * A machine capable of playing DOOM (D'OHH!) * A network interface card (NIC). And not just any old NIC, mind you - your NIC must be supported by a packet driver if you wish to use it to play Internet DOOM. Usually this means that your NIC must be an ethernet card, although iDOOM has been successfully played over token ring. This document assumes that your PC is already equipped with a suitable NIC, although it may currently be in use for some other non-TCP/IP function (such as a node on a Novell network). * A direct connection to the Internet. If there is a modem somewhere in the link between your PC and your opponent's PC, this FAQ is not for you. Although it is possible to play Internet DOOM over a modem link (either by dialing up to a UNIX machine and using IHHD or via SLIP/PPP), such connection methods are beyond the scope of this document. Q2: OK, I've got all the hardware. What software do I need? In addition to the hardware requirements, some software is also required to round out your the package. Before you can play, you'll need to pick up the following: * DOOM 1.2 or higher (1.7 is STRONGLY recommended, since this version seems to have solved some problems related to network games). DOOM versions 1.1 and below are incapable of using iDOOM. * A packet driver written specifically for your ethernet card. The Packet Driver is what lets iDOOM (and therefore DOOM) "talk" to your NIC. * iDOOM.EXE, the Internet driver for DOOM. * The WATTCP Applications. These are not absolutely necessary, but can definitely be useful for debugging and testing your setup. Q3: Hold on - I don't have some of this software! Where can I get it? * To obtain iDOOM: Log on to ftp.vet.uga.edu via anonymous ftp. Change to directory /pub/doom. Download the file IDOOM11.ZIP. Version 1.1 is the latest version of iDOOM as of this writing. * Many ethernet cards come with the appropriate packet drivers on a utilities diskette packaged with the card. If your card does not come with a packet driver, there is an excellent collection of freely available packet drivers called the Crynwr (nee Clarkson) Packet Driver collection. You can obtain it via anonymous ftp from oak.oakland.edu. Change to the /pub/msdos/pktdrvr subdirectory and download PKTD11.ZIP and PKTD11C.ZIP. The files PKTD11A.ZIP and PKTD11B.ZIP contain source code and example programs for the packet drivers - you won't need these in order to play iDOOM. * To obtain the WATTCP applications, ftp to dorm.rutgers.edu, change to the /pub/msdos/wattcp/ subdirectory, and download file APPS.ZIP. Q4: OK, I've got everything, now what do I do to set it up? Setting your computer up for TCP/IP access is very straightforward. As an illustration, I'll be taking you through the steps necessary to set up a PC with an SMC ethernet card and the IP address You'll of course need to substitute your own specific information in place of the examples given here. All set? OK, let's get started. Step 0: START WITH A CLEAN BOOT!!!!! Set up your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to load as few drivers as possible. This includes such things as memory managers (HIMEM, EMM386, QEMM, etc.) and network drivers (e.g. LSL, IPXODI). DOOM doesn't need the former, and the latter will probably conflict with the packet driver. We recommend that you prepare a boot floppy with a CONFIG.SYS containing only a FILES=20 line, and an AUTOEXEC.BAT containing only the line "prompt=$p$g". Step 1: Set up the packet driver. Determine your ethernet card's IRQ setting, it's base I/O port setting, and it's memory address setting (if any). You should be able to determine this by looking at the card itself and consulting the user manual. You'll need some if not all of this information, depending upon which packet driver you use and/or type of hardware you have (for example, some IBM computers with the MicroChannel bus can determine the settings on the card automatically without you having to supply them on the packet driver command line). Unzip the appropriate driver from Crynwr Packet Driver collection archive. In our example case, the packet driver is called SMC_WD.COM. By looking at the jumpers on the card and consulting the manual, I determined that the card has been set to IRQ 7, Base I/O port address 300h, and the base memory address is at segment d800h. For this example, I have chosen to use interrupt 60h for the packet driver. Packet drivers typically operate on an interrupt in the range of 60h to 80h inclusive; since nothing else in my sample system happens to be using the first available interrupt (INT 60h), I chose that. Thus, to load my packet driver, I use the command line SMC_WD 0x60 0x7 0x300 0xd800 where 0x60 is the packet driver interrupt, 0x7 is the IRQ setting on the card, 0x300 is the I/O port base address, and 0xd800 is the memory base address (NOTE: all numbers are in C-style HEX notation). Don't worry if you don't understand what all this stuff means - as long as you use the correct numbers, your packet driver should work. NOTE: If your PC is currently part of a Novell network (e.g. Netware, Netware Lite, Personal Netware) the parameters you need can be found in a file called NET.CFG, usually located in your \NOVELL, \NWLITE or \NWCLIENT subdirectories (along with all the other drivers needed by Novell). At the very minimum, the packet driver should give a sign on message and report the ethernet address of your NIC when you load it. Chances are that if your NIC has been functioning properly for other tasks (e.g. as a node on a Novell network) then you'll have no problems here. If not, or if there are any error or warning messages, something is wrong. One possibility is that one of the settings on your NIC is in conflict with those of another expansion card in your system. No two cards can have the same IRQ, I/O port, or memory address settings, nor can the memory areas of two cards overlap. Whatever the cause, you'll need to find and correct the problem before continuing. Step 2: Set up your WATTCP.CFG file. Your WATTCP.CFG file contains important parameters used by the WATTCP TCP/IP kernel. These values MUST be entered correctly if you wish to make a connection with another DOOM PC. In preparation for this, you'll need several bits of information. Contact the network administrator for your site and find out the IP address for your machine, the IP address for your gateway or router, the IP address of at least one Domain Name Server local to your site, and your netmask value. The three IP addresses will each consist of four groups of digits separated by periods. In our example, the machine's IP address is, the gateway is, the netmask is, and the nameserver address is NOTE: it is important to use the numeric IP addresses, not the actual host names. NOTE: If you have other Internet programs currently installed on your machine, such as a Gopher client or the Trumpet newsreader, you can probably find the information you need in the configuration files used for those programs. If the application is based on the Waterloo TCP package, it will have it's own WATTCP.CFG, in which case you can simply copy it over to your DOOM directory. When you have collected all this information, unzip the iDOOM distribution archive (e.g. IDOOM11.ZIP) into your DOOM (or DOOM2) directory. Use your favorite ASCII text editor to edit the file called WATTCP.CFG. Edit or add the following lines in WATTCP.CFG: my_ip= gateway= nameserver= netmask= On our example machine, the WATTCP.CFG file looks like this: my_ip= gateway= netmask= nameserver= Save the changed file and exit back to DOS. If you know your machine's IP address, but you can't determine the other values, you can often get away with some educated guesswork. For instance, the gateway for a subnet usually has an IP address ending in .1, as is the case with our example. Thus, if your IP address is xxx.yyy.zzz.www, try setting your gateway's IP address to xxx.yyy.zzz.1. As for the subnet mask, a common value for this parameter is In some cases, the gateway value can be something like xxx.yyy.1.1 with a corresponding netmask value of - if one doesn't work, it can't hurt to try the other. Finally, if you don't know your nameserver's IP address, you can probably get by without it for the purposes of DOOM playing. Since you'll be specifying IP addresses for all of your opponents' machines, a nameserver lookup won't be necessary to resolve their addresses. Step 3: Test your TCP/IP setup. Load your packet driver with the appropriate interrupt, IRQ, I/O and memory addresses. Next, unzip the TCPINFO and PING programs from the WATTCP apps archive into your DOOM directory. At the DOS prompt, type: TCPINFO and press the <Enter> key. If your WATTCP.CFG values are set up correctly, and if your packet driver and net connection are functional, you'll see a couple of screens of information about your system, including your ethernet address and the parameters you specified in the WATTCP.CFG file. If everything looks OK, the next step is to use the PING program to attempt to establish contact with your subnet gateway. At the DOS prompt, type PING <yourgateway's.numeric.ip.address> and press the <Enter> key. After a brief delay, you should see a message telling you that the host is responding, as well as the round trip time for PING's test packets. If you see the "Timeout" error message, then something is wrong with your setup; if your PC is unable to reach your gateway, it will be unable to reach the rest of the Internet as well, since all network packets which are sent to nodes outside of your local area network must pass through your gateway. For our sample system, we would type: ping If your gateway PING was successful, try PINGing your Domain Name Server (at the IP address you specified in WATTCP.CFG) as well as some well-known site on the internet (e.g. infant2, which is at IP address These will test your machine's ability to connect with other machines outside of your subnet as well as those outside of your site. All of these PINGs should result in a "host responding" message with a response time. If any of these attempts fails, recheck your entries in WATTCP.CFG and/or get some help from your network administrator. Examples for our test system: ping and ping Put Me in, Coach - I'm Ready to Play! First, go find up to three of your most patient frag buddies. Since this is your first attempt at Internet DOOM, it's best to try and find someone on your local network who's willing to put in a little frag time with you. Connections on your local net will be faster and less problematic, whereas if you attempt a long distance connection your first time out, you'll have a hard time discerning problems caused by distance from problems caused by an incorrect configuration. Decide amongst yourselves which machine will be the "server" (the remaining machines in the game will all be "clients"). The server machine (and there can only be ONE server per game) acts as the coordinator for that session. The player operating the server is in some sense "the boss" - she can decide when to start the game, which parameters (e.g. -altdeath, -nomonsters, -warp, - skill, etc.) will be used, whether to kick a player out, and so on. The server starts iDOOM as follows: iDOOM -server [other game parameters] Once the server has started iDOOM running, the clients (all remaining players) can then connect to the server. Each client invokes iDOOM using the command line: iDOOM -client <server_address> As an example, consider several computers which are part of a local area network in a computer lab. In this lab there are identical machines sitting side by side, with sequential IP addresses, i.e.,, and After stepping through the basic configuration process outlined above on all test machines, my frag buddies and I are ready to begin. First, we all agree to play our favorite DEATHMATCH level, DOOM I episode 1 map 5. We also agree to play in -altdeath mode, with -skill 5 and -nomonsters. On my machine, which we decided will be the server, I type: iDOOM -server -warp 1 5 -altdeath -skill 5 -nomonsters The iDOOM screen comes up, and a message is displayed informing me that iDOOM is entering server mode. This screen is divided into several sections: the credits, the output window, the status bar, and the input line. At the top of the screen is the name of the program, its version number, and the copyright notice. The large area beginning with the second screen line and continuing to the 22nd screen line is the output window. Here is where iDOOM will display all status messages as well as the chat text entered by the other players. Below the output window is the status bar, where the current game settings are displayed. Below the status bar is the input line where all the text I type on my keyboard will appear. Finally, the bottom line of the screen lists significant contributors to iDOOM. Once my iDOOM server is up and running, all the other players can connect to it. The other guys type: iDOOM -client Each client's screen layout is identical to that of my server. iDOOM displays a message confirming that it is entering client mode and connecting to the server. As each client's connection is established, the arrival of each player is announced by the server. During this phase of the game setup, all players who have connected thus far can type messages to each other using iDOOM's built-in chat facility. To send a message to the other players in the game, I simply type my message on the keyboard. My keystrokes appear in the input line at the bottom of the screen, and when I press <ENTER>, the text will be echoed to the screens of all players (along with an indication of who sent the message). The identical procedure can be used to send messages from each of the client machines. The server itself will also send messages. Messages from the server will begin with three asterisks ("***"). When a client connects to the iDOOM server, the client receives a message containing the game parameters which will be used during that session. These game settings will be displayed on the status bar. The settings are abbreviated to ensure that they will all fit within the available space. These game settings may be changed interactively at the server console. My friend sees that I have selected E1M5 as the default episode and map for our game. He reminds me that we've been playing that one a lot lately, and suggests we change to E2M2 since we haven't played that one in a while. I agree, and issue the commands /episode 2 and /map 2 to change the level. Our status lines are immediately updated to reflect these changes. Once I have determined (via the chat facility) that everyone is ready to begin the game, I press the F10 key. The iDOOM server signals the clients that the game is beginning, the chat facility is shut down, and iDOOM sets up the connections which will be used for the actual game. Once these network links are established between all the machines, the message "Prepare to meet your DOOM!" is displayed, followed by the usual DOOM startup information. Shortly thereafter, the screen melts away and there we are, in E1M5, pistols at the ready! Give your buddies a good thrashing - you've earned it! Now, after you've gotten DOOM working on your own subnet, you're ready for the final step. Find a partner who is also capable of playing Internet DOOM. Watch the posts in alt.games.doom, or tune into the #doom, #tcpdoom or #iDOOM channels on irc. You and he will negotiate game parameters, such as which map to play, which skill level, and so on. You'll also decide on who will be the server and who will be the clients (experienced DEATHMATCHers will often try very hard to avoid being the server, since that player's uniform is colored day-glo green and is easier to spot in a DEATHMATCH). Now simply add the parameters you've agreed on to the iDOOM server command line you used before. A typical command line will look something like iDOOM -server -skill 5 -nomonsters -deathmatch Oh Oh - It's Not Working! OK, so you've done everything, just like I've shown you, but you're still having problems. The following are some suggestions to try in case of trouble. Q: When I try to connect to the iDOOM server it returns to DOS saying "Server is not responding" or "Remote reset connection." A: This means that the player on the server machine hasn't yet started the iDOOM server. The server must be started before the clients try to connect to it. Try again in a few seconds. Q: I keep seeing an "ICMP: port unreachable" message on my screen. A: This message is generated by the other machine when the port being requested by the sender is unavailable on the destination machine. I've seen this happen in some cases when I started iDOOM before the other player did. Once the other iDOOM was running, the ICMP: messages went away, and the game linked up normally. If you see this message, you might also want to try using a different port (see the iDOOM documentation on the -port command line parameter). Q: The music starts up fine, but all I see is a BSOD (Black Screen of Death). Q: My machine displays "sending network start info" or "listening for network start info" and then locks up. A: This problem can have several causes. Perhaps the server specified a DOOM II game, but one of the players didn't have DOOM II. Perhaps one of the other players' machines is slower than the others, or has a fragmented disk and takes a longer time to load DOOM at startup. Or perhaps some packets were lost - iDOOM uses UDP (user Datagram Protocol) packets to exchange game information between all machines in the game. UDP packets are not guaranteed to reach their destination, and there is no mechanism for the sender to even be informed that what it sent never made to the destination machine. iDOOM is designed to compensate for these lost packets to the extent possible, and occasionally this detection and correction takes a few extra seconds. You should always wait for at least 30 - 45 seconds for the other DOOM engines to sync up before you abort the setup. Frag Servers/Frag Trackers Frag Servers are a recent development. They facilitate iDOOM connections between multiple players quickly and easily and with a minimum of command line typing. Current versions of the Frag Servers are very similar to the server built into iDOOM. NOTE: An iDOOM client can NOT connect to a Frag Server. Frag Servers have their own client program which then loads iDOOM as the network driver. As of this writing, the latest version of the frag client/server package is TCPSRV12.ZIP, available from one of the infant2 mirrors in the /pub/doom/multi_doom/net directory. A couple of the more popular fragservers can be found at ararat.cs.ucdavis.edu and patriot.et.buy.edu. Both of these support 2, 3 and 4 player games on ports 1666, 1667, and 1668 respectively. Future versions of the Frag Servers (which will be known as Frag Trackers) will serve as online meeting places where DOOM players can log on, see a list of games which are awaiting players, and either join an existing game or register a new game. Waiting players will be able to send chat messages to each other, negotiate and set game parameters, check connection quality, etc. Although this exciting capability does not exist in the current Frag Servers, it will be available sometime in the near future, and will revolutionize the way Internet DOOM is played. [8-6]: How can I setup DOOM to be played on a multi-player BBS? =============================================================== Applied Personal Computing, Inc. has recently developed a platform that allows almost any multiline BBS to host 2-4 player network DOOM games. The APCi MultiPlayer Game Server allows gamers to create a simulated IPX network just by dialing the host BBS at high speed. APCi MultiPlayer Game Client software makes use of the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server very intuitive for even the newest user of online services. Best of all, all APCi MultiPlayer Game Client software is FREEWARE and includes any and all information desired about the supported game. For more information regarding the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server, or to witness the APCi MPGS in action, call the APCi BBS at (618) 632-7664. You may also contact APCi at 1-800-535-APCi. More information can also be requested from Kevin Sawyer (sawyerk@delphi.com). (8-7): Where can I find multi-player partners? ============================================== A good place to find people to play with is on Usenet is the "alt.games.doom" newsgroup or on IRC on the #DOOM channel. [CODE] DMFAQ66B.TXT [CODE] ================================= =SECTION TWO= CHEATS AND SPOILERS ================================= ------------------------------------- CHAPTER [9]: How can I cheat in DOOM? ------------------------------------- *9-1*: What are the DOOM cheat codes? ===================================== Here is a list of the cheat codes from DOOM. During play, just type the codes in with the keyboard. You need not hit ENTER after the code. After entering, a message should be displayed at the top of the screen telling which cheat mode was activated. idbehold Displays menu (followed by S, V, I, R, A, or L for choice) S=Strength (Berserk) V=Invulnerability I=Partial invisibility A=Full Automap (computer map) R=Anti-radiation suit L=Light amplification visors idchoppers Gives you the chain saw (long story behind the message) idclev Warp (followed by episode number and level number) # idclip No clipping (you can walk through walls) iddqd Degreelessness mode (God mode) iddt Toggles Automap between normal, full, and full with objects (enter when in Automap mode) + idfa Gives full ammo, 200% armor, and all weapons but no keys idkfa Very Happy Ammo (full ammo, 200% armor, all weapons & keys) # idmus Changes the music to a certain mission (followed by episode and level number) idmypos Displays your bearing and coordinates in hex @ idspispopd No clipping (you can walk through walls) #: Found only in DOOM II @: Only found in in DOOM I +: Only found in DOOM v1.4bt and up *9-2*: What command line parameters exist? ========================================== To use most of these parameters, start DOOM by typing: "doom -devparm <parameter> <more parameters>". If the "-devparm" parameter is not needed, the parameter will be marked with a plus (+). Most of these parameters can be mixed and matched to create different effects. For instance, typing "doom -devparm -wart 1 8 -record demo01 -respawn" would record a demo on episode one, level eight, with monster respawn. Lastly, typing F1 during development mode will allow a 256 color screen capture in PCX format. @<filename> Used to read in a command line parm file -altdeath Activates DeathMatch v2.0 (v1.4 and above) -avg Ends the game after 20 minutes -cdrom Uses C:\DOOMDATA directory for data -comdev Internal development, texture mapping -config <file name> + Reads an alternate configuration file -control Unknown -deathmatch + Starts NetDoom in Deathmatch mode -debugfile <parameter> Dumps debugging info to debug<parm>.txt -devparm Puts you in developers mode -episode <episode> + Starts on episode (1-3) -GUS Uses the original GUS instrument mapping -GUS1 Uses the new GUS instrument mapping (default) -fast +++ Nightmare mode without respawn -file <name w/ .WAD> + Allows usage of an external PWAD file -left ++ Sets up a network terminal for the "left view" -loadgame <game number> + Starts from a saved game (0-5) -maxdemo + Specifies the maximum size of a LMP recording -nodes <players> + Starts NetDoom with 1-4 players -noblit Internal bugging switch, useless -nodraw Internal bugging switch, useless -nojoy Does not use the joystick -nomonsters + Starts the game without monsters -nomouse Does not use the mouse -nomusic Does not play background music -nosfx No sound effects -nosound No sound at all -opl3 Enables the stereo music through OPL-3 on PAS16 -phase Enables phase shifting on PAS16 -playdemo <name w/o .LMP> #+ Plays back a recorded demo -record <name w/o .LMP> + Makes a demo recording until you finish or die -recordfrom <0-5> <demo name>+ Records a demo from a saved game -regdev Internal development, texture mapping -respawn + Causes enemies to respawn in non-Nightmare -right ++ Sets up a network terminal for "right view" -shdev Internal development, texture mapping -skill <skill level> + Starts on skill level (1-5) -statcopy Unknown -timedemo <name w/o .LMP> # Calculates the number of times the screen is redrawn when playing a demo -turbo <speed 1-255> Increases the speed of the marine -warp <episode> <level> Warps to episode (1-3) level (1-9) -wart <episode> <level> Loads a PWAD named ExMy.wad +: Does not require the "-DEVPARM" parameter. ++: If you have a network, try setting up a network game with three players. The three terminals should have the parameters: "doom -devparm -nodes 3 -left" "doom -devparm -nodes 3" "doom -devparm -nodes 3 -right" Then, set up the left and right terminal monitors next to the middle monitor, in a virtual-reality type configuration. When you turn your head, you see the screen turned 90 degrees! This ONLY works with versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of DOOM. +++: Must be used in conjunction with the "-WARP" parameter #: For the "-playdemo" and "-timedemo" options, if you give an LMP file name of "demo#" (i.e. "demo3"), then that internal demo will be played if the external LMP file is not found. For example, to play the internal 1.6 shareware demo #2 (multiplayer demo), type "doom -playdemo demo2". Additionally, when using "-timedemo," the game will give you two numbers after you quit to DOS, GAMETICS and REALTICS. To determine the DOOM frame rate use the formula (GAMETICS/REALTICS) * 35. Note: DO NOT name your LMP demos ExMx.LMP, or they will *NOT* work. If anyone has any idea what the "unknown" or question marked parameters do, send me some E-mail! [9-2-1]: What do the dots that appear in development mode mean? --------------------------------------------------------------- Direct from id, the final formula for calculating the frame rate that the dots represent has been determined. The formula to convert dots to frames per second is: 70 -------------------- <NUMBER OF DOTS> + 1 -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [10]: Can someone tell me how to...? -------------------------------------------- This chapter is full of spoilers for people who are "stuck" in the game. Enjoy! [10-1]: Where are the DOOM secret levels? ========================================= [10-1-1]: Knee-Deep in the Dead ------------------------------- You must be on level three to access the secret level in DOOM. First, there is a room with an elevator with armor on it in the northwest corner of the map. Press the red button in this room. This opens a corridor in the room where you can see a glowing sphere. The room it leads to has some lighted alcoves. Walk up the stairs. You should be able to hear a mechanical sound. This is the sound of two alcoves being lowered. The map looks similar to this drawing. (I love the beauty of ASCII art) Alcove 1 /\ /\ \/ \ / /\ \ / / \ \ / /\/ \ \ \ \ / / /\ \ / / \/ \ \/ \ Alcove 2 \ /\ \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ x ENTRANCE Walking into this room normally, the alcoves rise before you can see them. But, if you run up the stairs to one of the alcoves fast enough, you can get in it and rise to a secret door. Alcove 2 leads to the blue glowing sphere. Alcove 1 leads to an island surrounded by ooze. You can get a rocket launcher here. In alcove 1, follow the ooze down the tunnel. The tunnel leads to a switch that raises the bridge over the opening ooze pit. A secret door is also near the switch, but the bridge leads to the secret exit. REMEMBER TO >BOOK< TO THE ALCOVE! :) [10-1-2]: The Shores of Hell ---------------------------- When you get to Command Center, walk out the elevator door, and turn right. Walk up the stairs in the far right corner. At their top of the stairs, enter the door to the right. Walk to the end of the hallway. Open the door, and look to the right. Open that door and turn the switch immediately on the right in that room. That switch raises stairs in the hall you just left. Walk up those stairs, get through the red curtain, and get on the transporter. Kill the lost souls in the room you are transported to and open the hidden door there (a lion head marks it). Again use the transporter, and you will find yourself walking towards a marked EXIT-door. Enter and turn the switch! (10-1-3): Inferno ----------------- The process of getting to the Inferno secret level is probably one of the most creative things in DOOM, and the most difficult to figure out. The way to get there is from level 6, "Mt. Erebus". You must get inside a blue box with no ceiling which is in a large triangular depressed area with "water" at its bottom. Inside it is a skull switch ending the level. Getting inside the box counts as one of the secret passage units for the level. Next to the box is a large red building which one can get on top of. To get on top of it, you must use the secret teleporter in the building with the berserk pack and stairs in it, with the four Imp cages by the entrance. For specifics, the teleporter leading to the ledge above the blue box is located at <0x27ed486,0x2315201>. Upon entering the building, you will see a secret opening to the teleporter on the left. The teleporter takes you to a ledge on the top of the red building. If you go to the right along the ledge you will be looking down at the blue box. Unfortunately, the distance is too far to jump. The key is to shoot a rocket at the ledge wall, the explosion of which will throw you into the box! The area on the ledge where you want to fire the rocket at the wall is located at <0x375bead,0xa900072>. There is a rocket launcher on the level, on a platform out in the open with a chaingun and a bunch of monsters. Finally the exit inside the blue box itself is located at <0x37f436d,0xc1ffa3c>. You will take a lot of damage in the process, even with lots of armor and health, however, there are a few invulnerability artifacts on the level which will protect you. One is next to the wall where the launcher and chaingun are, and the other is inside a central shack that opens when you enter a nearby enclosure to pick up the green armor. (10-2): Where are the secrets in DOOM? ====================================== *10-2-1*: DOOM I Secrets ------------------------ A HUGE thanks to Paul Falstad for making this section possible. *10-2-1-1*: Secret Master List ------------------------------ SECRET IDMYPOS DECIMAL SECTOR COORDINATES COORDINATES SECRET DESCRIPTION ======== ================ ============ ================================ E1M1: 1 68 < b700000,f1000000> ( 2928, -3840) (oddly color wall after zigzag) 2 69 < ccd0000,f0f00000> ( 3277, -3856) (shotgun behind tower in zigzag rm) 3 70 < dda0000,f0e00000> ( 3546, -3872) (elevator behind tower in zigzag rm) E1M2: 1 21 < 5ec0000, 3c80000> ( 1516, 968) (door to outside in NE) 2 106 < 2200000,fc800000> ( 544, -896) (door to E rm w/backpack in maze) 3 116 < 1380000, 1200000> ( 312, 288) (door on SE side of small structure at beginning) 4 140 <f9b80000, 5b80000> (-1608, 1464) (door before lift to ridge w/imp) 5 188 <f7270000,fe8d0000> (-2265, -371) (path to chainsaw in W part of maze) 6 194 <f8500000, 1400000> (-1968, 320) (door to extra armor on way to chainsaw rm) E1M3: 1 40 <fbc00000,fad80000> (-1088, -1320) (door N of level 9 switch) 2 51 <fa200000,f6b00000> (-1504, -2384) (corridor N of drawbridge to level 9) 3 73 <fd8c0000,f7a00000> ( -628, -2144) (door in E corner behind blue door) 4 134 <f3c40000,f8240000> (-3132, -2012) (door behind SE niche in yellow key rm) 5 159 <f66d0000,fc140000> (-2451, -1004) (rm w/backpack past green tunnel) 6 167 <f5240000,fb240000> (-2780, -1244) (corridor behind N niche in yellow key rm) 7 174 <f6c80000,fbe00000> (-2360, -1056) (secret door to chaingun) E1M4: 1 71 < 61d0000, 80000> ( 1565, 8) (rm E of green trench) 2 88 < 6000000, 1250000> ( 1536, 293) (supercharger) 3 118 < 7880000, 3d80000> ( 1928, 984) (backpack rm at start) E1M5: 1 7 <f8aa0000, 3390000> (-1878, 825) (hidden door W of 2-pillar chamber) 3 5 <f8a00000, 2f80000> (-1888, 760) (hidden door S of #1) 2 3 <f8a00000, 2c00000> (-1888, 704) (steps outside, S of #2) 4 49 <fc700000, 5000000> ( -912, 1280) (hidden door E of N elevator behind yellow door) 5 58 <fdb00000, 7740000> ( -592, 1908) (shortcut to W side of darkroom) 6 69 < 1660000, 1480000> ( 358, 328) (shotgun room E of 1st stairs) 7 95 < 46c0000, ec0000> ( 1132, 236) (hidden door in toxic lake) 8 99 < 59c0000, 2f50000> ( 1436, 757) (path to computer map rm) 9 110 <ff040000, 5c00000> ( -252, 1472) (niche with light amp) E1M6: 1 65 < 2640000, 55b0000> ( 612, 1371) (room S of door to outside) 2 169 <fce30000,f8d00000> ( -797, -1840) (supercharger in SW tunnel in toxic lake behind red door) 3 181 <f8500000,f6c00000> (-1968, -2368) (exit from toxic lake behind red door) 4 190 < 37d0000,fc760000> ( 893, -906) (rocket launcher + invisibility) E1M7: 1 71 <fdb80000,ffa00000> ( -584, -96) (supercharger W of door) 2 94 < 2a00000,fa800000> ( 672, -1408) (path outside to invisibility) 3 147 <ff1f0000,f72d0000> ( -225, -2259) (ledge in toxic lake S of big pillar) 4 153 <fe500000,fa100000> ( -432, -1520) (path behind door E of radiation suit in lake N of big pillar) E1M8: 1 59 < 2040000, 1800000> ( 516, 384) (rm E of corridor to 1st door) E1M9: 1 20 < 4200000, 4800000> ( 1056, 1152) (door to NE room) 2 65 < 5000000,fe000000> ( 1280, -512) (chaingun in lake in SE) E2M1: 1 3 < 1ee0000,ffde0000> ( 494, -34) (rm with plasma gun) 2 5 < 4180000, 800000> ( 1048, 128) (red key) 3 52 <ff200000, 800000> ( -224, 128) (thin corridor with health bonuses) 4 91 < 1940000,fe480000> ( 404, -440) (computer map behind red door) E2M2: 1 26 < 4010000,fff40000> ( 1025, -12) (chainsaw N of crushing ceilings) 2 45 < 4200000, 2100000> ( 1056, 528) (plasma rifle on pillar) 3 60 < 8160000, 3920000> ( 2070, 914) (corridor N of 3rd circle in SE) 4 109 < 9e00000, 5e00000> ( 2528, 1504) (supercharger NE of blue key) 5 128 < 480000, 7200000> ( 72, 1824) (way to backpack, N of blue light rooms) 6 137 < 33b0000, 7110000> ( 827, 1809) (hidden room E of #5) 7 140 < 3dd0000, 55b0000> ( 989, 1371) (computer map, S of #6) 8 146 < a700000, fda0000> ( 2672, 4058) (rocketbox behind E yellow door) 9 160 < a520000, f200000> ( 2642, 3872) (rocket launcher behind E yellow door) 10 164 < a5a0000, e700000> ( 2650, 3696) (ammo box behind E yellow door) 11 176 < 4a00000, fc00000> ( 1184, 4032) (chaingun on pedestal in N) 12 236 <ffdc0000, ac00000> ( -36, 2752) (shotgun ammo behind lowering box) E2M3: 1 37 < 1e00000,fff80000> ( 480, -8) (door in N of pentagram lake rm) 2 65 <fbc60000, e40000> (-1082, 228) (plasma rifle in SW) 3 97 < 2780000,fea00000> ( 632, -352) (door in SE of pentagram lake rm) 4 103 < 3600000, 680000> ( 864, 104) (way into imp cage w/backpack) 5 119 < 5780000, 3020000> ( 1400, 770) (rad suit S of toxic) 6 121 < 8550000, 3d50000> ( 2133, 981) (supercharger E of toxic) E2M4: 1 10 < 8000000,fd400000> ( 2048, -704) (supercharger room N of big toxic O) 2 16 < a000000,ff6b0000> ( 2560, -149) (niche just N of computer map) 3 19 < 5800000,ff130000> ( 1408, -237) (plasma rifle E of northern O) 4 36 < 68e0000, 2280000> ( 1678, 552) (stimpacks in N part of lava room) 5 53 < a0b0000, 970000> ( 2571, 151) (room S of crushing ceiling, E of lava room) 6 107 < 5700000,fe300000> ( 1392, -464) (mega armor SW of lava room in NE) 7 120 < 3800000,fb300000> ( 896, -1232) (room w/invisibility W of toxic O) 8 165 < 3600000,f5200000> ( 864, -2784) (berserker S of zigzag in S) 9 182 < 7e80000,f5480000> ( 2024, -2744) (supercharger near exit) 10 188 <fecf0000,f4f80000> ( -305, -2824) (hidden rm just S of starting point) E2M5: 1 8 <fbe00000, a00000> (-1056, 160) (chainsaw in S middle) 2 11 <f9c80000,fe780000> (-1592, -392) (anti-rad suit in circular stairway) 3 121 <fea00000, 9000000> ( -352, 2304) (rm near exit to level 9) 4 126 <fb840000, 8920000> (-1148, 2194) (secret imp rm E of starting point) 5 186 <f28d0000, 1f30000> (-3443, 499) (niche N of fake fire) 6 188 <f2250000, 4730000> (-3547, 1139) (rm with baron in cage) 7 219 <f83c0000, 87b0000> (-1988, 2171) (secret imp rm W of starting point) 8 229 <f2a40000, 8c00000> (-3420, 2240) (energy cell in NW niche in toxic lake in NW) 9 234 <f3c30000, 4a00000> (-3133, 1184) (room W of #10) 10 238 <f4e10000, 4a00000> (-2847, 1184) (lost soul rm thru teleporter in #5) E2M6: 1 0 <ff800000, c200000> ( -128, 3104) (invisibility, etc. by skull pedestal in NW) 2 16 <fbc00000, 9400000> (-1088, 2368) (long N-S room in NW with chaingun & lite amp) 3 48 < 6190000, c600000> ( 1561, 3168) (corridor leading N out of fake exit) E2M7: 1 44 < 200000,ffa50000> ( 32, -91) (room w/rocket launcher & teleporter in SW) 2 72 <ffe00000,fd140000> ( -32, -748) (rm w/switch behind red door in SW) 3 250 < d0c0000, 3a40000> ( 3340, 932) (computer map rm in E middle) 4 284 < 900000, 5ce0000> ( 144, 1486) (plasma rifle rm in NW) 5 294 < 5e00000, 7e00000> ( 1504, 2016) (supercharger just E of starting pt) 6 301 < 18d0000, 7750000> ( 397, 1909) (chainsaw rm in NE) E2M8: [none] E2M9: [none] E3M1: 1 25 <fc5c0000, 7600000> ( -932, 1888) (rocket launcher rm) E3M2: 1 19 < 6e40000, 7d40000> ( 1764, 2004) (wall blocking way to chaingun in NE) 2 28 < 2720000, c080000> ( 626, 3080) (hallway to rocket case at tip of middle finger) 3 58 < 24a0000, 5280000> ( 586, 1320) (plasma rifle near 2nd finger fm W) E3M3: 1 71 < 4600000,ffa00000> ( 1120, -96) (rm E of northern niche in E corridor with dark niches) 2 110 <fd900000, 1f00000> ( -624, 496) (rm just N of lava maze with BFG9K) 3 154 <fec00000, 3a00000> ( -320, 928) (computer map in SW corner of N chamber near exit) 4 164 < 47a0000, 4510000> ( 1146, 1105) (rm with rocketlauncher N of #1) 5 184 < 1c80000, 1c00000> ( 456, 448) (chaingun in SE niche of toxic lake) 6 187 < 00000, 3a00000> ( 0, 928) (ammo in SE corner of N chamber near exit) E3M4: 1 91 < 4fe0000, 2630000> ( 1278, 611) (rm in NE with SW window where you can shoot demons) 2 98 <ffe00000,fd040000> ( -32, -764) (BFG9000) 3 124 < 6c00000,fd9c0000> ( 1728, -612) (radiation suit in NE) 4 177 <feb80000,fae00000> ( -328, -1312) (secret rm with rockets in W side of rm S of BFG9000) E3M5: 1 1 <faa00000,fc400000> (-1376, -960) (light amp rm) 2 97 < 30e0000, 730000> ( 782, 115) (chainsaw E of center chamber) 3 106 <ff200000,ffb60000> ( -224, -74) (S stony structure in center) 4 108 < 8a0000, 1200000> ( 138, 288) (E stony structure in center) 5 128 <f7420000, 25d0000> (-2238, 605) (westernmost room with plasma rifle) 6 132 <fdb60000, 1200000> ( -586, 288) (W stony structure in center) 7 178 < 1e40000, 8e00000> ( 484, 2272) (rocket launcher in most northern rm) 8 204 <ff200000, 28a0000> ( -224, 650) (N stony structure in center) 9 237 <fad80000, 5a00000> (-1320, 1440) (secret door to NW in W part of N corridor; leads W to lava room) 10 257 <fab40000, 6200000> (-1356, 1568) (radiation suit in NW chamber) E3M6: 1 77 < 3e40000, 39c0000> ( 996, 924) (energy cell in NW-SE oriented structure with cages at entrance) 2 88 < 3800000, bdc0000> ( 896, 3036) (in front of door to level 9) 3 92 < 1800000, a400000> ( 384, 2624) (chainsaw) 4 121 < 8030000, 19c0000> ( 2051, 412) (plasma rifle on NE end of small building with 2 teleporters) E3M7: 1 80 < 7800000, 5350000> ( 1920, 1333) (BFG9000, in NE) 2 84 <fb600000,fe680000> (-1184, -408) (supercharger in pentagram) 3 98 <fd2c0000,fc940000> ( -724, -876) (secret rm SE of pentagram rm) 4 119 <fd800000, 7920000> ( -640, 1938) (plasma rifle & energy cells, past teleporter in SE) E3M8: [none] E3M9: 1 23 <fcdc0000, 7600000> ( -804, 1888) (secret rm W in rm just S of fake exit) *10-2-1-2*: Secrets in Detail ----------------------------- KNEE DEEP IN THE DEAD E1M1: HANGAR: # Just after the zigzag look right for the oddly colored wall <0xBA389D6, 0xf0e054ec>. Push it for corridor to a open place with a blue armor vest. # After you cleaned out the exit room, go back to the zigzag room and look right for the shotgun (the tower with the Imp should be lowered now) <0xd68473b,0xf2510f63>. # For DOOM v1.2, a secret area has been added in the above secret room: look in the SE corner <0xdeff476,0xf0effdc2> for the elevator. You'll find some armor bonuses up there. The elevator lowers when you are at the entrance <0xb96c465,0xf4879655> in the north, so you'll have to run fast to get it. E1M2: NUCLEAR PLANT: # The small structure you face when you begin, has a secret door in the SE corner (the lighter wall part) <0x15005a8,0x121e8ad>. Behind the door is a room with a red switch. Pushing that switch will open a secret door in the northern corner of the stairs in the east <0x60ada92,0x3affa0b>. You can get outside and collect a supercharger and a chaingun. + Behind the red door you'll see a stair twisting to the right. On the top is an indention to your left <0xf9900144,0x3a49ddd>. If you step on it, it will drop down. You will find enemies to your right, and you will also see (but not be able to get) the chainsaw. # A bit ahead you'll see a lift. Push the first panel to your left <0xf9d0052a,0x5aa56a6>. You'll be able to kill those Imps from the ridge. # In the southern part of the maze (to get in, pull the switch behind the pillar in the green toxic directly to the right behind the red door <0xfdc004de, 0x446230f>), shoot the middle most western wall (the one behind the green armor vest) <0xf79e0d81,0xfe82feac> for access to the chainsaw (push the switch in NW to lower the pillar so you can get it). In the same hidden area is some extra armor hidden behind the eastern wall in the northeastern corner of the stairs <0xf82fdc62,0x151532f>. # In the most eastern part of the maze, push the wall between the white stripes <0x1eff099,0xfc88d4d4d3> for a backpack. E1M3: TOXIC REFINERY: + The strange grey wall straight ahead beyond the first door you open is a secret drawbridge. The switch for the drawbridge is in one of the chambers described below. # In the room in the NW (the one that opens as soon as you push the red button and that contains the yellow key) are TWO secret passages (the second niche on your left <0xf3c7ca46,0xf7dfc822> and the second niche on your right <0xf5ac3fd1,0xfac4d713>), both will open when you're on the stairs but will close again after a (very) short while. Go to the stairs and then run like hell as soon as you hear them lower. It'll help when you shoot the drums that might get in the way. # In the northern niche (leading to a rocket launcher and a green armor) is a secret room in the SE corner (just follow the green stuff to the right). Run fast for minimum damage. You'll see a backpack and the switch for the drawbridge at the beginning. To the east is the exit (a lighter colored wall part <0xf6aff87a,0xfbd990b9>) through another secret chamber containing the chaingun. # In the south-eastern niche (the second on the right) is a supercharger (pull the switch on back of the pillar). # The drawbridge should be lowered now. Cross it, but be careful! There are a lot of Imps lurking behind automaticaly opening doors. My tactic is to select the chain gun, run forward and back up as soon as you hear the doors open. Then take them out at your leisure. Note that you can also shoot some of them via the secret `window' in the SE <0xf9480573,0xf8b2d736>. + In the north of the room is a corridor, follow it to find the hidden-level- switch. # To the north of the room with the hidden-level-switch is a elevator, push the wall <0xfbe7f1f6,0xfaafee8c> to lower it, so you can get the rocketbox. # Behind the blue door in the eastern corner is a secret door (the lighter patch in the SE <0xfd6ffcd8,0xf7a33c3b>). The chainsaw, a supercharger, a blue armor and a partial invisibility is available. E1M9: MILITARY BASE: You start facing a open space with a cage full of Imps in the middle. The following rooms are described relative to that cage. + In the northeast is a pentagram on the floor. If you touch it, numerous enemies will warp in. Try walking around it and then running to the corridor. That way you can pick them off one by one. + In the eastern room is a lift/trapdoor at the middle of the eastern wall <0x75cf281,0x2fa03b> (the highlighted patch on the floor). To the NE are a green armorvest. # Also in the eastern room is a lift/trapdoor in the SW-corner <0x6102f19, 0xff10138d> leading to a indoor lake with the chaingun. # The same area is accessible via the lift/trapdoor in the NE-corner <0x3d000fe,fcd013ff> of the southern room. # In the northern chamber, push the middle eastern wall <0x3efe3b3,0x479d0cd>. You'll get into a chamber with several high pillars. The pillar at the far side of the room <0x7ad637b,0x423de32> lowers when someone is on the stairs. Just run on it, wait for it to rise, and 'jump' to the other pillars by running fast counter clockwise. + To get to the end of level switch, run down the trench. To the NW is a isle with the switch and to the south is the lift upstairs. + Although they don't count as secrets in themselves, getting on the five pillars, each with a weapon or bit of ammo on it, in the secret room on the right hand wall of the room with the ooze trench and exit, is one of the more challenging things to do in the game. Basically, the room on the secret level of episode one "Military Base" contains five pillars of increasing height as you go around clockwise, along with a lift which lowers when you are on the entry stairs, allowing access to the first and highest pillar. The key is to go around each pillar in a counter-clockwise direction. Just running and jumping toward a pillar isn't enough, as you will go over it but fall off the far side, and this can only get you to the first and tallest pillar, and the shortest (or maybe the first two on either end if you manage to swipe the item off the top of the second pillar before falling). The key is to shift+forward run at each pillar, take off and jump toward it, and right when you reach it, briefly press the down arrow to move backward. This will stop your running and you will be standing still on the next pillar. If you move back too soon you will hit the pillar and fall to the ground; too late and you run off the far side. It's best to give yourself a running start for each pillar and line yourself up so you will be jumping over the minimum distance possible. Using the automap under a high zoom level can help here. This actually isn't as hard as it may seem to get right. I understand some can do this all in one fell running swoop by turning in mid-routine, but this is a surer way. E1M4: COMMAND CONTROL: # The light wall to the left in the beginning (before the door) <0x785a47f, 0x45005ef> hides a backpack. # The south exit from the round chamber (the one with the radiation suits) leads to a trench. Follow the trench east for the rocket launcher and a supercharger. To get the supercharger, simply stand on the left side of the lift and press the switch. If you are just barely on the lift, you can reach the switch while on the lift. Follow the trench west to get out. E1M5: PHOBOS LAB: # The chamber in the middle (behind the first stairs you encounter from the start) has a secret chamber to the south (behind the drums) <0x15a4aa6, 0x1a0025b> with a shotgun. # In of the east of this chamber is a toxic lake. In the SE-corner of the toxic is a secret passage (the strangely colored wall) <0x466e20d,0x12009bc>. There is a rocket launcher and a blue armorvest. + In the NW behind the yellow keycard door is a chamber with two pillars and an isle with a switch in the green stuff. In the indention in the west <0xf8e024a0,0x34ff9c5> is a secret chamber with the antiradiation suit. The south wall of this chamber hides another room with the chainsaw. The south wall thereof gives away to let you outside and get the supercharger. You can get the blue armor in the NE-corner by stepping on the northern pillar when it's down, waiting until it rises again and then 'jumping' over. Ammo can be found by repeating the same action on the souther pillar. # Two platforms with Imps hidden in the walls behind the yellow keycard door act as elevator in DOOM v1.2. The southern one doesn't lead anywhere. The northern one <0xfc2fd5ee,0x4f92783> has a secret wall to the east which leads to a secret room with a partial invisibility and a shortcut to the darkroom (via the north). The pentagram is a teleporter back to the beginning. # In the north eastern chamber (the one with the blue floor and the blinking light) has a secret chamber to the SE <0x52fbab5,0x3d001f3> with a backpack, a chaingun and a computer map. # In the northern darkroom is a partially hidden chamber to the SW. The best way to get there is to follow the wall left. You'll find the night vision, which is very useful in sniping those baddies in the dark. + In the northern darkroom the top of the /\ in the middle wall is also a secret door, but as far as I can see this isn't really useful (maybe for dashing for the exit?) E1M6: CENTRAL PROCESSING: + At the first 'crossing' you encounter, look in the NW corner. There is a partially hidden chamber <0xfd4ff0b2,0xfe5ab835> with some ammo, health and a green armor vest. There are also some Imps there, so to be safe, fire a shot into it to detonate the barrels and kill them. # Behind the red door in the southwest is a green lake. In the NE-corner is an anti-radiation-suit. In the 'middle' (the tunnel in the SW) is a supercharger. In the SE-corner is a nightvision, a partial invisibility, a blue armor and the exit from the lake. # Just before you are by the blue door there is a secret chamber to the south. Before you're at the blue door, there is a tower with Imps <0x31dc6cd,0xfdc354b5>. When you reach the blue door it will lower so you can get in. You will see an anti-radiation-suit. Push the south wall for a backpack, a rocket launcher, a partial invisibility and a back way into the room with the yellow key. # In the same area as where the lowering tower is, is a corridor to the north. As soon as you get the yellow key, it will be accessable. The twisting path over the toxic waste will lead to a backpack and a door to the outside. There you will see a supercharger on a pillar <0x1125332,0x6c93ef6>. The pillar will lower as soon as someone goes near it. Step on it and as soon as it has risen, press the wall to the west to get inside the complex again. + In the room immediately before the ending room, there is a radiation suit available behind one of the pillars. # In the most eastern corridor is a strangely colored wall <0xd2ffa4f, 0xf9fc115f>. Push it to get the computer map. E1M7: COMPUTER STATION: # In the southwest is a big pillar <0xfe5cda63,0xf7ff97d9> that will descend when you are on the stairs east of it. Stand on top of it, wait until is has risen sufficiently and jump on the ledge in the NE <0xffdfe6c0, 0xf9237c97> for the computer map or the south lake in the NE corner <0xff1e2866,0xf72ffeb0> for the chaingun and (when you leave via the secret door to the east) a backpack. Jump in the lake in the north and run fastly to the tunnel in the NW <0xfdf75b77f,0xfa229120>. In the west of that tunnel is a radiation-suit and in the east behind the door with the light are some goodies and a switch. Throwing the switch will allow you to get to the chainsaw later on in the room in the extreme SW <0xfacc64c4,0xf5a40aa1>. Leave the tunnel via the north and look behind the pillar <0xfea017a9, 0xfacffbc5> in that lake for blue armor. Follow the acid to the north to the supercharger <0xfdb37a3a,0xffa1e2e2> and leave via the east. # After you get the blue key in the northwest, two hidden areas will open to free Imps and former humans. The secret room in the middle of the map <0x1319742,0xfa50049c> has a false wall to the east which leads to outside so you can get a partial invisibility. E1M8: PHOBOS ANOMALY: # The only secret room <0x1cfdaa6,0x17bdce1> is in the east in the corridor leading to the first door and contains a supercharger. + Note that there is a map in the east of your starting point. THE SHORES OF HELL E2M1: DEIMOS ANOMALY: # The SE-corner <0x63aba49,0xfdd82d07> of big room in middle (the one with the windows to the east, the south and the west) turns into a teleporter to the plasma-gun after you pull the switch <0x4e7f923,0xfee0883b> on the outer west side and push the button on the west side of the little wall that rises out of the floor (the east switch opens the passage to the red key). # In the SW is a indention <0x31cb145,0xfb50105e> with two skull-switches. Press the eastern skull-switch first for access to a teleporter to a corridor filled with bonuses in the north. # Behind the red door <0x186bb69,0xfd97f0a8> is a blue mega armor and the computer map. E2M2: CONTAINMENT AREA: # If you walk along the south border of the storage area (the one with all those boxes), you'll bump into a box <0xff9751f6,0xb101ab0> which will lower if you are north of it, to reveal some shotgun ammo. # In the south east quadrant are three circles with parts of the floor going up and down. The northern one has a secret corridor <0x82ff4df,0x22fd506> in the north leading to the blue door in the north, filled with life-bonuses. # In the SW area (with three corridors with the blue lights on the ground and ceiling) is a partially hidden corridor <0xff85ce0a,0x6b92713> in the NW corner of the most western corridor. When you try to get the backpack, the wall behind you will close and the wall in front of you will lower, revealing some Imps. The door behind you will open after a while. The SE corner <0x2afe532,0x7011ab87> (the black-colored wall) is the secret door to a small chamber. The SE corner <0x3682291,0x6ebaa52> of that small chamber (the wall with the small green light) hides a corridor <0x4afeea4,9x667fa8e> back to non-hidden territory (the lightly colored wall). The most south part of the corridor <0x414d0b4,0x5d0039e> (the black wall part) gives away to a computermap. # In the south middle quadrant is a room <0x1baafb3,0x1d7344b> with two pillars, one khaki, one with tubes (to get there leave the three corridors with the blue lights via the way you came in. Turn right and first left. The room on your left [east] is the one you seek). The west (khaki) pillar <0x31dc5c4,0x2901565> has a switch on the north side, with which you can lower the eastern pillar to get the plasma gun. # In the south middle quadrant is a corridor with skull crushing doors. To get by them, run forward as soon as they start to go up. Take them one at a time. The middle one <0x3f4c349,0xff1006b4> (third one from either side) has a secret passage in the north ridge, leading to the chainsaw. When you get it lost souls will try to get you from hidden rooms in the south and east. + The room <0x6ec4d6b,0x3a0ad08> with the yellow keycard in the south middle has a bridge hidden under the red blood, following blue lights on the ceiling, just walk forward and back again fast to make them rise. # The western room behind the yellow door <0x456db4c,0xdc9ca53> contains the chaingun, just flip the switch! # In the eastern room <0x852f5ab,0xdadd4d9> behind the yellow door you'll see three rooms to your right and three auto-rising pillars to the north. You can get the backpack on the middle pillar by running over the pillar when it starts to rise or later on. The switch on the eastern pillar <0x95f38f8, 0x11901ab9> opens the middle door containing the rocket launcher. Flip the switch on the middle pillar <0x85ba244,0x11900694> for the south chamber (with ammo) and the one on the west pillar <0x75fa7ef,0x11900ad> for the north chamber (containing a rocketbox). It's best to pull all switches after each other. Note that the pillars lower as soon as you enter one of the rooms, so you can't open any doors after that! (but you can get the backpack). # To get the last secret go into the room with the blue keycard, <0x9e4f2bb,0x5affb22> and look up at the four corners. Note that the extreme southeast corner is lit up unlike the other corners. Go and stand in this corner and face along the wall. The platform with the supercharge on it will lower <0x9e41c9a, 0x5eff45c>. Run across and get it before it rises again. It will only go down once, so you only get one chance at it. This is one of the harder secrets in all of DOOM to find and get to. E2M3: REFINERY: # In the most SW corner of the map is a corridor <0xfba6989a,0xfed0450f> to the room with the blue key containing the plasma gun. To get the plasma gun, jump in the red blood and run north (right) fast. # In the middle south is a room with a five-sided green lake. The wall <0x2847ab9,0xfe90013e> to the south east (the part with between the light lines) offers a shortcut. # The next secret on this level is similar to and next to the one above. You can get out of the room with the green lake <0x25ff9c6, 0xfe9f8db4> via a one way secret door on the wall in front of the main entry way, which leads back to the room with the imp cage. The other secret door above refers to a one way door into this room which is on the wall across from where the rising and falling platforms with candles on them are. # In the south east is a partially hidden cage with Imps <0x1de36ff,0x10156d>. You can enter via the NW corner <0x2effa57,0x951b16> to get the backpack. # Follow the corridor behind the blue door through the open area and the room with all those pillars and blinking light to the green toxic stuff. If you go around the corner <0x52fff7d,0x313783c> in the SE, you will find a radiation suit. In the middle of the eastern wall <0x6729d81,0x42cd91e> of the green stuff is a corridor to a room with the supercharger in the NE corner <0x85000da,0x3eac965>. E2M4: DEIMOS ANAMOLY: # In the middle of the south wall <0xfd743e02,0xf5510517> of the beginning room (directly opposite to the TL's to the north), hides a room with the shotgun. # Take the teleporter to big room. In the north is a elevator. Press the head left of it to go up. You'll see a green armor and a computermap. To get them push the little red pillar <0xadc846c,0xfebfff01> with the skull on it in the NE corner. # To the north of the big O formed by green toxic waste is a secret door <0x59bf44d,0xfb6fe831>. It opens if you have walked via the corridor <0x75b231a,0xf6c3a683> in the SE of the big O. There is a supercharger and radiation suit. (Don't forget the partial invisibility south to the entrance) # To the west of the big O with green toxic waste is a corridor with a T to the north <0x213d209,0xf9a64b57>. To the east of that corridor is a secret wall <0x27fad41,0xfab20726> with a partial invisibility and a chaingun. Shoot the wall to get them. # In the great round corridor in north, behind the blue door: In the east is a `dent' <0x4ed2810,0xff5f15c1> in the ring. This is a trapdoor with a secret door to the east and leads to a plasma gun and a teleport to the middle of the great round corridor. # In the great round corridor in the north: follow NE corridor to a room with lava. - The small door <0x62ffe68,0x3b6bde> in the SW leads to a small green lake. The SW corner has a blue armorvest behind some drums. - In NE corner <0x815a37c,0x2c8c810> behind the lava is a secret door. Warning! the SE branch of the corridor behind it leads to a crushing ceiling. Outrun it and push the green patch <0xa6ffd1d,0x64560a> in the east for the exit. The SW branch lets you go back to the lavaroom. # In the room above, just over the edge of the wall, is a small ledge with some medikits <0x6ff9294,0x22b3e1f> on them which normally aren't visible from the room and can be missed when running over the lava to the secret door. # In the south middle behind the place where you find the blue keycard, is a small twisty path <0x3550d3b,0xf5c84264> high above the acid. In the SW part of the toxic <0x35019f4,0xf510358a> is a berserker. # After you open the door to the exit, look back and get the supercharger <0x7e9bcac,0xf5497b99>. + Note: for those of you still searching for that damn switch so you can get to the exit: go in the lake and then towards the exit. The switch is on the right wall of the teleporter left of the exitdoor. E2M5: COMMAND CENTER: # The room where the first door leads to has two secret rooms in the space between the room and the stairs. The doors <0xfb80ba93,0x7dbd7cc> <0xf8373cba,0x7e031f5> are facing the south and will open automatically to reveal Imps and ammo. + The ridges <0xfca60096,0x3febfc5> <0xf71000d0,0x3e622b8> of the green lakes of the big room south of the begin both lead back to normal territory. # In the SW is a roughly (--) shaped room. In the room NW of the middle of this (--) is a switch <0xf3efdd28,0x1367f57> which activates a stair so you can walk through the fake fire <0xf29412f7,0x18d236d> in the NW corner. The teleporter there takes you to an area infested with lost souls. The west wall <0xf4690f4,0x496136d> with the head leads to another room with transporter. That transporter takes you to the switch <0xfe9fb836,0x92ff44b> for the secret level. # In the room east to the room in the south middle with the room to the N,E, and W and a view to the circular stairway in the south, is a secret door <0xfbaff1cb,0xae3ad8> in the NE corner (near the cozy head-fire) hiding the chainsaw. # In the center of the circular stairway is a anti-radiation suit guarded by a demon. The door <0xf94949db,0xfe6d93d0> to it will open as soon as you are at the top of the stairs <0xfa165eed,0xfdd56896>. # The south door directly after the circular stairway leads to two corridors. The eastbound corridor is the way to the exit, the westbound leads to C formed green lake in the west. In the north of that lake is a door <0xf1a21e52,0xfe94f08f> (behind the ammo clip). Follow it to a baron of hell in a cage. North of that you will see a long corridor with three doors to the east. The northern and southern doors lead to a ledge around the lake to the east. The middle door <0xf27dc571,0x826c8a6> (the wall part with the pentagram over the ugly head) leads to the isle <0xf5420514,0x823f2c1> in the middle of the lake, where you'll find a plasma gun. To activate the bridge to the isle, you have to push the button <0xf2aff9f7,0xfd1cd93e> in the room in the center of the C-formed lake you passed while coming here. BTW: If you fall in the lake, the transporter <0xf42dc0b0,0x7500bcf> in the indention in the SW brings you back to the beginning. # In the slime lake mentioned above, not only is there a teleporter, but there is also another niche with a cell pack in it <0xf29859a4,0x8bf7c8b>. E2M9: FORTRESS OF MYSTERY: There are no secrets in this level. E2M6: HALLS OF THE DAMNED: + In the SE where you find the blue keycard, two rooms with demons will open automatically. The SW one has a chainsaw behind the brown wall <0x6362f60, 0xff151336>. + Three parts of the mazes are secret. All the secrets are off the area at the north of the level after going down the long narrow passage to the junction. # The area to the east with the fake exit counts as a secret. # The area to the north with the goodies on the table counts as a secret. # The area to the west past the crushing ceiling counts as a secret. E2M7: SPAWNING VATS: # In the NW is a corridor with ribbles. The third indention is a corridor leading to a very dark open patch. In the NE <0x126cccd,0x772feab> is a switch which opens a room with a chainsaw. In the SW <0x32fff5,0x3de1cbe> is the plasma gun. # In the SW is a room with a radiation shield and small patches of green acid in indentions along the walls. The SW indention <0x137b2c8,0xff25986d> has a corridor to the south leading to a chamber with a rocket launcher and a teleporter. The teleporter will get you to a red door, with a switch <0xffe013c6,0xfd1015b7> behind it. Pushing that switch will open an oute door to a secret room in the beginning-room <0x5d894b7,0x76751d7> (SE corner) with a supercharger. Because this room is protected by two doors, a second switch must be flipped to open the second door. + To open the inner door, flip the switch that is past the blue keycard door, up the stairs, and to the left in the room with the acid pool <0x4205835,0x2d00641>. E2M8: TOWER OF BABEL: There are no secrets on this level. INFERNO E3M1: HELL KEEP # The small grey chamber before the exit has a secret room <0xfc900da5, 0x7606912> in west containing the rocketlauncher. E3M2: SLOUGH OF DESPAIR: # To get a chaingun, follow the wall to your right (west) to the chaingun behind the wall. The wall will lower when you walk over the red patch <0x6b010ab,0x75220b7> to its west side. + The second `finger' from the east has some cages with former sergeants. To get into those cages, walk over the red triangle <0x3fa278b,0x817fa0c>. The floors of the cages lowers and a wall behind you will come down. To lower the triangle column (actually it rises) you want to shoot the back wall of one of the six cages the sergeants were in. Shooting it raises the pillar exposing the red triangle, walking over which lowers the sergeant platforms allowing you to get the stuff in each one. # In the large circular room at the end of the middle finger is a supercharge. # The plasma gun is hidden in the western part <0x2072324,0x4ecdc0e> of the pillar you see when you stand with your back to the second `finger' from the west. E3M3: PANDEMONIUM: + In the starting room, a megaarmor can be obtained on a ledge overlooking the yard in front of where you start. When you go up the stairs to the right, and then down the elevator to the area which has stairs going down to where the blue key is, there is actually a second elevator in the wall which leads up to the ledge with the armor. This second elevator <0x48189c,0xfe5f9916> can only be used once, and you must move back slightly after pressing the button or else the elevator will catch half way up under an overhang. The armor's ledge does damage so grab it quickly. + Directly north of the beginning is a great open place with 4 pillars. Pressing the switch <0xfea95756,0xaff327> in the north will lower the middle pillar <0xfe921ce9,0xfef4c1db>, so you can get the shotgun. + To get to the rooms with the windows to the room in the beginning, go north and take both the east and the west stairs, and then south. # A little north of the middle is a round green lake <0x120905e,0x1754b6d> with a lavalike ceiling. In an indention <0x1c9c5cd,0x1c492ee> in the east is the chaingun. # In the SW is a corridor with two platforms (one in the north and in the south). There is a small corridor in the south. When you follow it, you'll come to a T-split. In the west (right) is an invulnerability, useful for running over the lava in the east. Take the turn left (east). You should be on the southern platform of the corridor. In the south of that platform you can see a lava/blood maze <0xfd9760e5,0x1de4aec>. In that maze you'll find the BFG9000 <0xff1ebaad,0xdeec44> in the SE corner and a supercharger <0xfe3afdf3,0x2101114> in the NW corner. You can also get to the lava maze by going directly north from the beginning, then taking the west stairs, then following the path north. # One of the most northern chambers (the one just before the blue door leading to the exit) has two air shafts flanking a formation you could describe as a coach facing north. When you stand on the coach <0xff6e17cb,0x532520e> the wall part west of the stairs south will lower allowing you to get the map. The wall part <0xfffcfa97,0x41c62aa> east of the stairs will lower when you push it. # The last two secrets are in the area to the east of the level, off the east hall and over the stairs guarded by lost souls. Just entering the room around beyond it with the lava and Cacodemon counts as one secret. Getting to the area past that with the berserk pack and armor counts as another. E3M4: HOUSE OF PAIN: + The first room to the west from the beginning has a secret room <0xfebbbdcd, 0xc4c579> in the SE corner containing the shotgun. # In the SW (a bit behind the blue door) is a room with a doors to the east (the entrance), to the north (where you find the BFG9000 <0xffdaa1b0, 0xfd07e1fa> in some lava), to the west (where a lot of Imps and a baron of hell await you) and to the south. The south chamber has a secret room <0xff49f58f,0xfae5873e> to the west filled with rockets. # In the south middle east of the blue door is a room with a door to the north and a small patch of blue lake on the east side. Press the wall <0x3ddce70, 0xf9d91cc3> a bit more north of that patch of blue for a green armorvest. + In the middle is a room with two pillars with switches on all sides. Here is a rude ascii-chart of the scene to facilitate solving this. [#] is a door opened by switch # [Y] is the yellow keycard door [R] is the red keycard door Behind door 2: an invulnerability Behind door 3: the yellow key Behind door Y: the red key +---+ +--+ | | | +-------+ +--+ +-------------+ + [7] [Y] | | [3] | ---+---+--+ rest of the level... | --------+--+ [6] [7] | . | [2] | +-+[R]+--+ | | --------+--+ | | | | 0 4 | | | | 3 [] 1 7 [] 5 | ++ +-+ +-+ + | 2 6 | +-+ +-+ +-+ <----- secret wall, press it . +-+ for a radiation suit # As drawn above, there is a secret wall <0x6cffeee,0xfdd03be8> in the south of the most eastern indention. It contains a radiation suit. # The final secret for this level is located to the left of the starting room, past the Cacodemon cages and behind the wall. Using the teleporter across the lava to enter the room counts as a secret. E3M5: UNHOLY CATHEDRAL: # Take the most western entrance to the cathedral. Push the west wall <0xfc4e8e97,0xfc5dfd80> and get the lightamplifier <0xfad56408,0xfc1fa3ee> in the SW corner. # The most NW chamber (the one with the lava floor) has secret door <0xfa4ed057,0x61933f5> to the east with a radiation suit. The transporter in the room leads to the middle of the map/cathedral. # The east wall <0x2d56f0d,0x9b29c1> of the big central room of the cathedral (the one with the four 2x2-teleporters) hides a small niche with a supercharger and a chainsaw. The yellow key is required to open this door. # Also the four stony structures to all sides of the middle warp-in are hollow. The doors will automatically open each time you warp in to the middle from another place (from outside to inside). # In the cathedral are four 2x2-teleport-places. The northern two are connected to the north by a corridor. That corridor has a secret passage <0xfd48642a,0x56afd0c> in the NW. # The most northern room has three switches and a teleport with crushing ceilings. The SE-switch opens the secret doors in the corridors to the east and west, enabling you to get the rocket launcher and some rockets. The NE-switch lowers the blue key in the NW-corner. The NW-switch lowers the chaingun in the NE-corner. The teleporter in the SW teleports you to the NE corner of the cathedral. # The most eastern room (east of the exit) has a small pit, from where many enemies will warp in. To the east of that room, behind the skull <0x787fd10, 0x2eaf2e4>, is the BFG9000. + For those of you wondering just which damn transporter you have to take to get out the middle of the cathedral: it's the most southwestern of the northwestern patch of transporters. E3M6: MT. EREBUS: + In the east is a cubus-formed building on a hexagon isle. The east alcove <0xd1027ea,0xfe2234b7> is the way in. In the NW corner <0xb9d75d8, 0xfeb0d1db> is the backpack. Pushing the skull <0xbd80026,0xfe22bffe> on the west wall lowers the wall in the SE, releasing the enemies trapped there. Pushing the skull <0xc5fdf50,0xfe67fb05> on the north wall lowers the wall in the NE, so you can get the radiation suit there. # In the north is a NW-SE oriented structure with two cages with Imps at both sides of the entrance. That structure has a secret door inside in the middle of the NE wall <0x3a60e7c,0x356d9b4> (at the small light on the floor) and a teleporter in the middle of the SW wall <0x281e808,0x22e23de>. The teleporter will put you on a high structure further north. From there you can 'jump' west and get the chainsaw. You can get out via the transporter in the SE side <0x34a6f68,0x9bd1900> of the structure you warped on. # East of the above described NW-SE oriented structure is a small _|_ formed building on a small hill. The building contains two teleporters. The eastern warps you on the NE ridge of the hill, where you can get the plasma gun <0x7e352bd,0x1c1c059>. The western transporter also warps you to a ridge (NW) of the hill, but there are only some shotgun shells there. + The small blue building <0x941bec7,0x293e0bb> in the NE contains a radiation suit and cacodemons. + All compact flaming red structures contain enemies and a few soul spheres or a radiation suit. Sometimes one of the walls goes down, spilling the enemies. # See Chapter [10-1-3] for information on getting to the secret level. This counts as a secret as well. # The fourth and final secret passage area on this level is inside the same building room with the secret teleporter leading to the blue box ledge. On the opposite wall is another hidden wall opening <0x3aa61a5,0x365963f> which contains a cell pack. + The exit is in the middle west: follow the south wall over the lava, you'll see a tunnel <0xfb186e6b,0x54a49e> going north to the blue door, and further the exit beyond. E3M7: GATE TO LIMBO: # Beyond the northern blue door is a maze of small lava tunnels. In the SE corner <0x7a37332,0x5bec063> of this maze is the BFG9000 and a transporter to the SW quadrant of the map. In the NW is a transporter <0xff7323ef, 0x824218c> warping to the SW quadrant, the red key <0xfe3f638e,0x6fd04ca> and a red door. + There are several pillars in the various lava-lakes with red doors, all containing transporters: (0) In the most SW lake is in the north a pillar <0xf9e908db,0xfc8d60ac>. It warps you to a room where you can see the yellow door. In the same room is also a switch <0xfcaffa88,0x45f8a18> on the east wall, pushing it activates a bridge in room (1). (1) In the middle (big) lake is also a pillar <19c3b9d,362e08> with a transporter. It warps you to the room west of the above room. In this room is also a yellow door, in it is a switch that activates the bridge to the pillar in the middle of a lake (. - In the most northern lake are two pillars (east/west). The western pillar <ffa72354,6c46d07> has a transporter to the SW ridge looking out over the middle pillar..... The switch <f9d003cc,569d8a4> opens a door??? The eastern pillar <2d380df,57aafc9> leads to the ridge east, with the yellow key... - SE: 31ff6e7,faea6d2e> NE of tower, with plasma gun. - In the NW lake is in the north a pillar <0xfe1aff7a,0x4093707> containing a transporter. It warps you to the yellow door. E3M8: DIS + Not a real secret room, but in case you are wondering: the room in the middle contains a plasma gun and a blue armorvest. E3M9: WARRENS + This level is very similar to E3M1, but is much more difficult. # Just like in Hell Keep, there is a rocket launcher just in the west of the small grey chamber <0xfd20a96c,0x76057af> in the NW. This rocket launcher is not available on Ultra-Violence mode and above. + Note that many of the hidden rooms full of enemies (the rooms that open when you go over the transporter-lookalike in the NW) contain weapons and other goodies. Most beneficial of those is the BFG9000 in the SW corner of the lake (west behind the entrance). *10-2-2*: DOOM II Secrets ------------------------- *10-2-2-1*: Secret Master List ------------------------------ SECRET IDMYPOS DECIMAL SECTOR COORDINATES COORDINATES ======== ================ =========== Level 1: Entryway 1 41 < 8b00000,13700000> ( 2224, 4976) 2 8 < 67c0000, bd80000> ( 1660, 3032) 3 17 < 9b80000, a0c0000> ( 2488, 2572) 4 57 < 9a10000, f800000> ( 2465, 3968) 5 28 < b4e0000, ba60000> ( 2894, 2982) Level 2: Underhalls 1 20 < a4c0000, 87b0000> ( 2636, 2171) Level 3: The Gantlet 1 5 < da00000, ac90000> ( 3488, 2761) Level 4: The Focus 1 15 <fdca0000, 4890000> ( -566, 1161) 2 14 <fe020000, 34b0000> ( -510, 843) 3 43 <ff9f0000, 6250000> ( -97, 1573) Level 5: The Waste Tunnels 1 139 < 6840000, 1c00000> ( 1668, 448) 2 3 < 3510000, 1ad0000> ( 849, 429) 3 52 < 1800000,fa440000> ( 384, -1468) Level 6: The Crusher 1 98 < 4200000, 2600000> ( 1056, 608) 2 124 < 24e0000, 1130000> ( 590, 275) 3 146 <ff420000, 7520000> ( -190, 1874) Level 7: Dead Simple 1 1 <fda00000,ff600000> ( -608, -160) Level 8: Tricks and Traps 1 6 < f200000, 74c0000> ( 3872, 1868) 2 125 < f200000, ae40000> ( 3872, 2788) 3 12 <10550000, 9200000> ( 4181, 2336) 4 9 <102c0000, a290000> ( 4140, 2601) 5 57 < 2f40000, 9500000> ( 756, 2384) 6 100 < bc00000,10320000> ( 3008, 4146) 7 98 < ea40000,11400000> ( 3748, 4416) Level 9: The Pit 1 109 <fc600000, 2600000> ( -928, 608) 2 118 <fd070000, 3050000> ( -761, 773) 3 16 < 5c00000, 6db0000> ( 1472, 1755) 4 17 < 5ac0000, 6c00000> ( 1452, 1728) 5 22 < 5840000, 6ec0000> ( 1412, 1772) 6 43 < 2d50000, c950000> ( 725, 3221) Level 10: Refueling Base 1 114 <fda20000, 2480000> ( -606, 584) 2 111 <fda00000, 1380000> ( -608, 312) 3 112 <ff200000, 2800000> ( -224, 640) 4 116 <fc260000, 2800000> ( -986, 640) 5 5 < 5c00000, 8c40000> ( 1472, 2244) 6 12 < 3c60000, 7000000> ( 966, 1792) 7 26 < 80a0000, 5c00000> ( 2058, 1472) 8 180 <f8b00000,f9600000> (-1872, -1696) 9 34 < 57a0000, 5400000> ( 1402, 1344) 10 49 < 37d0000, 4d50000> ( 893, 1237) 11 80 < 6400000, 3480000> ( 1600, 840) 12 74 < 7a50000,fbbd0000> ( 1957, -1091) 13 71 < 6840000,fc000000> ( 1668, -1024) 14 101 < 600000,fffb0000> ( 96, -5) 15 59 < 1c0000,fcc00000> ( 28, -832) 16 120 <f8e00000, 4f00000> (-1824, 1264) 17 121 <f8e00000, 4e00000> (-1824, 1248) 18 122 <f8e00000, 4e00000> (-1824, 1248) Level 11: 'O' of Destruction! 1 28 < 6600000, 3240000> ( 1632, 804) 2 75 < 67e0000, 71f0000> ( 1662, 1823) 3 114 <ff480000, 9fc0000> ( -184, 2556) Level 12: The Factory 1 26 <fd950000, 3000000> ( -619, 768) 2 85 < 3040000, 2c00000> ( 772, 704) 3 155 <fef80000,fc730000> ( -264, -909) 4 122 <ffa00000, 1200000> ( -96, 288) Level 13: Downtown 1 3 < 5000000,f68b0000> ( 1280, -2421) 2 74 <fcb00000,f2de0000> ( -848, -3362) 3 11 < 2e00000,f3d00000> ( 736, -3120) 4 108 <fd200000,f7680000> ( -736, -2200) 5 128 <ffb80000,f7780000> ( -72, -2184) 6 166 < 2400000, d20000> ( 576, 210) 7 213 <ff400000, 40000> ( -192, 4) 8 223 <ffc20000,fc6f0000> ( -62, -913) Level 14: The Inmost Dens NONE Level 15: Industrial Zone 1 290 < 11c0000, 600000> ( 284, 96) 2 276 <fd880000,ff500000> ( -632, -176) 3 104 < 4c80000,fc800000> ( 1224, -896) 4 53 < b000000,f5800000> ( 2816, -2688) 5 70 < 8100000,f3c80000> ( 2064, -3128) 6 71 < 8100000,f3880000> ( 2064, -3192) 7 47 < 7c30000,f5360000> ( 1987, -2762) 8 21 < 5440000,f1040000> ( 1348, -3836) 9 147 < 380000,f1e00000> ( 56, -3616) 10 216 <fc970000,f5770000> ( -873, -2697) 11 195 <fce00000,f0340000> ( -800, -4044) Level 16: Suburbs 1 41 < 1c00000,fd180000> ( 448, -744) 2 33 < 1b80000,fe580000> ( 440, -424) 3 13 < 6c90000, 800000> ( 1737, 128) 4 7 < 5310000,fff80000> ( 1329, -8) Level 17: Tenements 1 48 <fd400000,f5200000> ( -704, -2784) 2 89 <fa900000,fd380000> (-1392, -712) 3 150 <fb040000,f94c0000> (-1276, -1716) Level 18: The Courtyard 1 17 <f7f40000, 3f60000> (-2060, 1014) 2 36 <fa050000,ff050000> (-1531, -251) 3 76 < a300000, 4300000> ( 2608, 1072) 4 74 < 8b00000, 940000> ( 2224, 148) Level 19: The Citadel 1 43 <fdc20000,ffe20000> ( -574, -30) 2 97 <fd860000, 1a00000> ( -634, 416) 3 95 <fc360000, 1e60000> ( -970, 486) 4 100 <fa350000, 5a90000> (-1483, 1449) 5 85 <f9270000, 73c0000> (-1753, 1852) 6 33 < 6430000, 5300000> ( 1603, 1328) 7 126 <fdb70000,fc640000> ( -585, -924) 8 38 <ff200000,ffad0000> ( -224, -83) 9 52 < 5400000, 1910000> ( 1344, 401) Level 20: Gotcha! 1 56 < 8360000,ee3e0000> ( 2102, -4546) 2 4 < ece0000,f5ff0000> ( 3790, -2561) 3 101 < 5200000,fbf00000> ( 1312, -1040) 4 127 < 2600000,ff180000> ( 608, -232) 5 132 < 2210000,ff1c0000> ( 545, -228) 6 128 < 29e0000,ff1c0000> ( 670, -228) 7 59 < 6730000,f1270000> ( 1651, -3801) Level 21: Nirvana NONE Level 22: The Catacombs 1 85 <fd200000, f50000> ( -736, 245) 2 125 <fd300000,ff000000> ( -720, -256) 3 14 < 3340000, 3a00000> ( 820, 928) Level 23: Barrels O' Fun 1 61 < 600000, a700000> ( 96, 2672) 2 11 < 81c0000, b780000> ( 2076, 2936) Level 24: The Chasm 1 98 <ff000000,f8540000> ( -256, -1964) 2 116 < 1000000,f6870000> ( 256, -2425) 3 62 <f5400000,fec00000> (-2752, -320) 4 123 <fda00000,f1d00000> ( -608, -3632) Level 25: Bloodfalls NONE Level 26: The Abandoned Mines 1 29 < e00000,ffb80000> ( 224, -72) 2 34 < 16c0000, 200000> ( 364, 32) 3 98 <f8380000, 3a00000> (-1992, 928) 4 121 <fb6c0000, 4e00000> (-1172, 1248) Level 27: Monster Condo 1 10 <fb5c0000,fea50000> (-1188, -347) 2 177 < 5f60000,fdad0000> ( 1526, -595) 3 171 < 6400000,fbe00000> ( 1600, -1056) 4 92 < 12d0000, 2f60000> ( 301, 758) 5 93 < 1200000, 4e00000> ( 288, 1248) 6 45 <f95d0000, 5000000> (-1699, 1280) 7 129 <f7bd0000,fc400000> (-2115, -960) 8 157 < 4e00000,f7600000> ( 1248, -2208) Level 28: The Spirit World 1 54 < 3e00000,f1a00000> ( 992, -3680) 2 55 < 5b00000,f1a00000> ( 1456, -3680) 3 17 <fdc80000,f3c00000> ( -568, -3136) 4 3 <fea80000,f5a00000> ( -344, -2656) 5 88 < 4240000,ff440000> ( 1060, -188) 6 92 < 6440000, 840000> ( 1604, 132) 7 93 < 6440000, 3dc0000> ( 1604, 988) Level 29: The Living End NONE Level 30: Icon of Sin The only secret here is how to complete the level. At the south end of the final room is a switch which raises the platform in the lava to the north (with the box of rockets). Hit the switch and wait for the platform to go up. Then go to the platform, hit space to lower it, and get on. Just before it gets to the top, shoot a rocket into the exposed brain of the demon. Then jump down and lower the platform again. This takes about three tries. Level 31: Wolfenstein NONE Level 32: Grosse NONE *10-2-2-2*: Secrets in Detail ----------------------------- All the official secret areas in the game are numbered and listed below, along with the sector number, IDMYPOS coordinates, and decimal coordinates. "Official" secrets are those which are counted towards the "Secrets" total on the end level screen. Some non-secret areas which are hard to find are also listed, but are not numbered. Level 1: Entryway 1 41 < 8b00000,13700000> ( 2224, 4976) In the northernmost room, you see two switches; a near one on your right, and a far one on your left. The one on the right opens a small area to the northeast with some armor and health. Hit the right switch before the left one, since the left one makes the right one go away. (Although if you stand in the right place and hit the space bar, you can still open the secret door, even if the switch is gone.) 2 8 < 67c0000, bd80000> ( 1660, 3032) 3 17 < 9b80000, a0c0000> ( 2488, 2572) 4 57 < 9a10000, f800000> ( 2465, 3968) In the center room (just south of the exit), there is a lift to the west. Go up the lift and hit space on the wall to the west, revealing a few imps and a switch (#2) which opens a door leading outside in the southeast corner of the center room. Outside (#3) are some imps and a shotgun. Once you hit the switch at the top of the lift, jump down onto the platform just east of the lift. This will open a room with a rocket launcher to the north and east (#4). 5 28 < b4e0000, ba60000> ( 2894, 2982) A room with two imps and a stimpack, behind a hidden door on the south side of the east wall of the center room. Level 2: Underhalls 1 20 < a4c0000, 87b0000> ( 2636, 2171) Just southwest of the red keycard (at the top of the steps) lies a room with blue armor. There is also a teleporter back to the beginning. Level 3: The Gantlet 1 5 < da00000, ac90000> ( 3488, 2761) In the main room, south of the two sets of stairs and the rocket launcher, is a small outcropping with a ledge. You can make it over the ledge if you run southeast at the right angle from the raised area west of the stairs. Try standing at <b8cf79f,e2495ca> at angle dbf00000 (or thereabouts) and running straight forward. Once you make it, walk through the south wall to a small room (#1), containing a supercharger and partial invisibility. There is also a teleporter to the tower with the rocket launcher. Level 4: The Focus 1 15 <fdca0000, 4890000> ( -566, 1161) The hallway south of the starting point leads to a staircase, then curves east to a door. On the left side of the corridor are some windows into rooms containing armor and lots of sargeants. Near the east end of the corridor, there is a hidden door on the north wall, just to the right of the window, which lets you into the south windowed room (#1), and from there to the north windowed room. 2 14 <fe020000, 34b0000> ( -510, 843) On the way to the blue key is a room with a lava pool in the northwest. Jump in the pool; there is a secret door to the north, leading to a room (#2) containing a double-barreled shotgun. 3 43 <ff9f0000, 6250000> ( -97, 1573) Once you get the red key, walk east off the platform. There is a teleporter there, which takes you to the area just south of the staircase mentioned above. Level 5: The Waste Tunnels 1 139 < 6840000, 1c00000> ( 1668, 448) Just behind the supercharger in the north area of the map (not the one at the start) is a small room with a beserker. 2 3 < 3510000, 1ad0000> ( 849, 429) Starting in the room with the blue key (the one with red doors at the west and east ends), walk north through the window and press space on the north wall. Then run north until you're in the room with the plasma gun. 3 52 < 1800000,fa440000> ( 384, -1468) On either side of the exit are doors to a room containing some ammo. Jump down from one of the ledges on the west or east sides of the room. Level 6: The Crusher 1 98 < 4200000, 2600000> ( 1056, 608) Of the two southernmost pillars in the room just west of the starting point, the eastern one contains a secret. Hit space on its north or east wall to lower it, revealing a megasphere. 2 124 < 24e0000, 1130000> ( 590, 275) The poison river in the room with the blue keycard leads southeast to a room with a teleporter, which takes you to the staircase just east of the plasma rifle. 3 146 <ff420000, 7520000> ( -190, 1874) In the northwest corner of the room with the spiral staircase is a little outcropping with a few chaingun sargeants. You can jump into it from higher up on the staircase. (Don't try jumping straight west; you need to jump a little bit north, too. Try running straight ahead from <1698256,70dce25> at angle <6d480000>.) In the middle of its west wall is a door leading to a secret room with lots of cool stuff, including a megasphere. Also: the blue door north of the starting room leads to a lift. After lowering the lift, you will see a little room to the south of the lift with some armor. Level 7: Dead Simple 1 1 <fda00000,ff600000> ( -608, -160) The platform around the end-level switch in the center. Kinda hard to avoid, unless you're playing deathmatch, in which case there is another end-level switch (along with a BFG9000) in the northwest corner of the map. There is no way into that room from the outside, so you can't enter it in single player. There is a deathmatch start in there, however, and you can open the door from the inside. Level 8: Tricks and Traps 1 6 < f200000, 74c0000> ( 3872, 1868) 2 125 < f200000, ae40000> ( 3872, 2788) 3 12 <10550000, 9200000> ( 4181, 2336) 4 9 <102c0000, a290000> ( 4140, 2601) Through the door east of the starting point is a room with three teleporters; two obvious ones to the left and right, and a third one in the center which you can get to by shooting the lion. All three take you to a small octagonal room with a pillar in the center. The left, right, and center teleporters take you to the north, south, and east ends of the room, respectively. Shoot the north and south sides of the pillar to open up secret doors behind the teleport exits, revealing some ammo (#1), and a chaingun (#2); unfortunately, it also reveals some pain elementals, so you can decide for yourself if it's worth the trouble. From the east end of the room (which is secret #3), if you jump west over the slime to the center of the room, a door will open up in the northeast corner of the room. Actually, hitting space on the door will have the same effect. This door (#4) leads to two radiation suits, ammo, partial invisibility, and a teleporter back to the octagonal room. 5 57 < 2f40000, 9500000> ( 756, 2384) Through the door southwest of the starting point is a cacodemon and a chainsaw. As you take the chainsaw, a door will open up revealing a little more of the passageway (#5), containing some ammo and green armor, as well as a baron, who will teleport to the east to block your exit. 6 100 < bc00000,10320000> ( 3008, 4146) 7 98 < ea40000,11400000> ( 3748, 4416) In the room with way too many demons are two switches on the south side. The west one opens a door on the north wall leading to another door. If you have hit the switch in the room with all the cacodemons, then this door will be open, leading to a room (#6) with even more demons (though you won't see them at first; some doors open after you pass by them). There is a candle on the east side of it, marking a door which you can shoot open to reveal the BFG9000 (#7). Level 9: The Pit 1 109 <fc600000, 2600000> ( -928, 608) 2 118 <fd070000, 3050000> ( -761, 773) West of the starting point is a corridor leading to the supercharger. Once you get it, one of the corridor walls will open up, revealing a doom containing a rocket launcher and two rockets. You can try to jump for the launcher, or you can just walk off the northeast edge of the platform on the southwest corner of the room; the floor will raise up so you can easily get the launcher (#1). Once you do, some doors to the north and east will open up, revealing some sargeants. If you try to walk onto the platform with the rockets (#2), some doors will open up behind you revealing a wall of chaingunners, who will probably negate whatever benefit the supercharger gave you. :-) 3 16 < 5c00000, 6db0000> ( 1472, 1755) 4 17 < 5ac0000, 6c00000> ( 1452, 1728) 5 22 < 5840000, 6ec0000> ( 1412, 1772) On the east side of the map is a room with a hexagonal structure with imps and sargeants firing down at you. If you walk up to the structure, the ledge that the bad guys are standing on will lower you, allowing you to walk up onto it (#3). On the north side of the structure is a door leading to interior of the structure (#4), which is crammed with imps and lost souls. Opposite the door, and a bit to the right, is a hidden door leading to the BFG9000 (#5). 6 43 < 2d50000, c950000> ( 725, 3221) In the northeast corner of the map is a spiral staircase of sorts, a large, circular series of steps that lower as you walk up to them. If you make it all the way up the staircase (clockwise), you can jump down to an area with ammo, a supercharger, blue armor, beserk, and a teleporter back to your starting point. Level 10: Refueling Base 1 114 <fda20000, 2480000> ( -606, 584) 2 111 <fda00000, 1380000> ( -608, 312) 3 112 <ff200000, 2800000> ( -224, 640) 4 116 <fc260000, 2800000> ( -986, 640) The round skylit room south of the starting point has four big brown pillars, each of which contains a secret area. These pillars open when you enter the room from various directions. When you enter from the south, the center (#1) and south (#2) pillars open doors facing each other; they contain health and various monsters. The south one contains a radiation suit, which can come in handy, since all these secret areas have acid floors. When you enter from the west, the east pillar opens, revealing health, ammo, and various monsters, which may include a pain elemental or two (#3). When you enter from the east, the west pillar opens, revealing the same sort of thing (#4). 5 5 < 5c00000, 8c40000> ( 1472, 2244) 6 12 < 3c60000, 7000000> ( 966, 1792) 7 26 < 80a0000, 5c00000> ( 2058, 1472) 8 180 <f8b00000,f9600000> (-1872, -1696) 9 34 < 57a0000, 5400000> ( 1402, 1344) 10 49 < 37d0000, 4d50000> ( 893, 1237) 11 80 < 6400000, 3480000> ( 1600, 840) In the northeast corner of the map is a room with a lot of sargeants and former humans. There are a lot of small niches in this room; several of them have secret doors behind them which you can shoot open. You can usually identify them by the fact that they have the large white UAC logo on them, rather than the small gray ones. There are five such secret doors; behind them, you can find a supercharger (#5); light amplification and 200% armor (#6); health, armor, demons, a backpack, and a teleporter (#7) (the teleporter, which is behind the door at the end of the hidden hallway, takes you to room in the southwest (#8), with a invulnerability and an ammo box, just west of the room with the cyberdemon); an energy pack (#9); and armor, a beserker, ammo, and various monsters (#10). Also, the switch in the southeast corner of the room opens a door to a hidden hallway (#11) which leads to the room with all the arachnotrons. 12 74 < 7a50000,fbbd0000> ( 1957, -1091) 13 71 < 6840000,fc000000> ( 1668, -1024) In the southeast corner of the arachnotron/revenant room is a secret door to a hallway (#12) leading south; it contains light amplification goggles. The secret door you emerge from is marked with green pillars. Up the steps to your north is another secret door, also marked with green pillars; it contains armor, beserk, and ammo (#13). 14 101 < 600000,fffb0000> ( 96, -5) 15 59 < 1c0000,fcc00000> ( 28, -832) In the room with the rocket launcher on the pedestal, northwest of the room with secret door #13, you can run past the rocket launcher and get onto the north ledge with the imps on it (#14). There is some health and green armor up there. The ledge on the south side of the room is actually a lift, which you can lower by hitting space. There are two boxes of rockets up there (#15). 16 120 <f8e00000, 4f00000> (-1824, 1264) 17 121 <f8e00000, 4e00000> (-1824, 1248) 18 122 <f8e00000, 4e00000> (-1824, 1248) In the northwest, there is a room with two acid floor areas and some pillars with stuff hidden behind them. On the southwest wall, there is a section of wall with mismatched texture; when you walk near that section of wall, a door opens in the northwest acid pool. The door leads to a megasphere, which counts as three secrets (#16, #17, #18). Also note that just southeast of your starting point is a secret door to a room with some goodies, but it's not an official secret. Level 11: 'O' of Destruction! 1 28 < 6600000, 3240000> ( 1632, 804) On the east side of the map is a small room containing a chaingun with green torches on either side; you get to it via a lift which lowers when you come down a set of stairs. On the south side of this room is a secret door, which opens onto a hallway (#1) which leads to a ledge where you can get partial invisibility. Also, note that there is a supercharger west of the set of stairs mentioned above, on the left (south) side of the door. Just walk through the wall to the right of the green torch. 2 75 < 67e0000, 71f0000> ( 1662, 1823) On the east side of the outer part of the circle (north of the walkway leading east, south of the outcropping with the supercharger on it) is a hidden door in the slime. It opens when you cross the trigger that reveals the arch-vile. The door leads to some boxes of rockets (#2) and a teleporter which takes you to some energy packs in the center of the circle. 3 114 <ff480000, 9fc0000> ( -184, 2556) In the northwest corner of the map is a series of bars which open automatically when you approach. Just north of the bars is a secret door (#3) leading west to the hell knight and invulnerability. Level 12: The Factory 1 26 <fd950000, 3000000> ( -619, 768) In the northwest corner of the big main building is a room with jagged walls (#1); it contains a BFG9000 and lots of chaingunners. To open the door leading there, you must hit the switch in the southeast corner of the room with the blue door facing northwest. Note that there is a radiation suit in the southwest corner of that room. 2 85 < 3040000, 2c00000> ( 772, 704) The room with the blue door facing northeast (with the platforms that lower as you reach them) contains a teleporter to a ledge facing northeast outside the building. From there, you can jump down to the southwest and get three boxes of ammo (#2). Hopefully you already killed the mancubus. This room also contains a switch which helps you get secret #4. 3 155 <fef80000,fc730000> ( -264, -909) 4 122 <ffa00000, 1200000> ( -96, 288) In the southwest corner of the map is a small building with some crates. High on the east wall are a chaingun and some ammo (#3); you can get to them by stepping from crate to crate until you get to the lift (the switch), and then use the lift to get up to ledge they're on. In the southwest corner of the room is a teleporter which takes you to the square structure in the center of the big main building. If you hit the switch mentioned in #2 already, then the center of this structure will be raised up so that you can just grab the supercharger (#4). If you haven't, then you'll be surrounded by four imps scratching away at you. Kill them and hit the switch, which will raise the floor up so you can get the supercharger. Level 13: Downtown 1 3 < 5000000,f68b0000> ( 1280, -2421) There is a building in the southeast with a switch next to a lift. Hit the switch and take the lift up. There are two doors; the right door won't open. Take the left one and jump across the slime pit to the other side (#1); there's a computer map and a chaingun. 2 74 <fcb00000,f2de0000> ( -848, -3362) 3 11 < 2e00000,f3d00000> ( 736, -3120) In the southwest corner of the building in the southwest corner of the map is a switch which opens a door leading outside. There's a medikit and some ammo out there (#2). Just to the east of the switch is a stack of crates which you can lower by hitting the space bar, revealing another switch. After you hit the switch, you can walk around the stack of crates to your north to find a set of stairs leading up to a teleporter. The teleporter takes you to a ledge just west of the starting point (#3). From this ledge, you can run north into the building with the supercharger. 4 108 <fd200000,f7680000> ( -736, -2200) The building in the southwest corner of the map has a pit in the northwest corner, which leads to a lift. The lift takes you up into another building. Just across from the lift (to the east) is a switch; hitting the switch opens a door revealing some shotgun shells (#4). 5 128 <ffb80000,f7780000> ( -72, -2184) The building with the revenants guarding it (the one with the blue door at the entrance) contains a crate with a switch on the north side. You can hit the switch to lower the northeast platform, so you can get the chainsaw (#5). 6 166 < 2400000, d20000> ( 576, 210) The structure with the red keycard on top of it has a hidden door in the middle of the north wall, which can be reached from the ground. The door opens to reveal some blue armor (#6). 7 213 <ff400000, 40000> ( -192, 4) In the northeast corner of the map is a teleporter which takes you to the ledge of a building with some imps. Jump over to the ledge of the building just to the west. There's a door there which leads to a teleporter, which takes you to the interior of a building farther north, right between two cacodemons (#7). There's a lot of ammo in there too. Hit space on the inner wall to get out. 8 223 <ffc20000,fc6f0000> ( -62, -913) The building just southeast of the crusher with the plasma gun has a door in the south wall with a stairway leading up to a blue door. Once you have the blue key, you can enter out and get some ammo and rockets (#8). Level 14: The Inmost Dens No official secrets. One way to get the supercharger is to go to the building east of the starting building via the bridge. Enter the building through the south door. Run out one of the windows facing west into the moat, south of the bridge. Lower the lift in the southwest corner, then go through, and go east, kill the arachnotron, and get the supercharger. Level 15: Industrial Zone 1 290 < 11c0000, 600000> ( 284, 96) Get the red card key. Then jump down to the ground, just to the east of the platform the red key is on. There is a beserk box there. Hit the space bar on the crate just to your east to lower it, and get the stimpack (#1). 2 276 <fd880000,ff500000> ( -632, -176) Take the teleporter in the southeast corner of the red card key building. Walk out onto the ledge, then go to the north end and drop into the opening to the west, falling down to the main floor of the building. Then walk out the west exit. Go back and take the teleporter in the red card key building again, and walk north and west again; this time, the floor has risen up to the level of the ledge on the north side of the building. From here you can jump south onto the platform with the ammo and chaingun (#2). 3 104 < 4c80000,fc800000> ( 1224, -896) Go to the top of the building northeast of the diamond-shaped building. Just north of the teleporter is a secret door on the east wall (#3). Go through down onto the acid pool; to the north is a backpack and some rockets. 4 53 < b000000,f5800000> ( 2816, -2688) Go to the top of the diamond-shaped building on the north shore of the acid lake; walk to the south ledge of the building. Jump south down onto the small island with the radiation suit and energy cells. (Try walking instead of running.) Hit the switch, then jump off and go northeast to the east side of the lake. Go through the door you find there; through it, you'll find a platform with an invulnerability sphere (#4). 5 70 < 8100000,f3c80000> ( 2064, -3128) 6 71 < 8100000,f3880000> ( 2064, -3192) 7 47 < 7c30000,f5360000> ( 1987, -2762) 8 21 < 5440000,f1040000> ( 1348, -3836) In the southeast corner of the map is a building with a spiral staircase. Go up and around the staircase. As you turn to go south, a door will open to the east. Run south across the lift, then east, then run north, jumping across the lower hallway; there you'll find an open door (#5) revealing a megasphere (#6). Now go up the stairway again. As you go south over the lift, a door will open up on the north wall, behind you. Go through the door into an area with energy cells and lost souls (#7). Go east into a small opening with a switch. Hitting the switch will cause a teleporter to appear in the hallway to the west. Enter the teleporter; it will take you to a platform in the southwest corner of the building with a chainsaw (#8). 9 147 < 380000,f1e00000> ( 56, -3616) 10 216 <fc970000,f5770000> ( -873, -2697) 11 195 <fce00000,f0340000> ( -800, -4044) Go the building in the southwest corner of the map. At the south end, you will find some stairs going east (unless you haven't hit the switch to raise them). At the top of the stairs is a secret door to the east, revealing a small area (#9) with a teleporter to the top of the square spiral staircase building northwest of the diamond-shaped building. I was not able to get credit for secret #9, even if I walked into the teleporter; so the most I could get for this level is 90% secrets. Instead of taking the teleporter, you could go to the top of the building to the ledge looking north. Hit the switch on the west wall, then jump down to the ground and go back through the front door of the building. Go into the acid river and follow it north to the lift, which takes you up to another ledge where you'll find a plasma gun and ammo (#10). Now go back to the south end of the building and go south through the acid river tunnel. If you got secret #4, there will be a secret door leading south in the tunnel (#11) leading to a teleporter to the secret level (level 31). Level 16: Suburbs 1 41 < 1c00000,fd180000> ( 448, -744) 2 33 < 1b80000,fe580000> ( 440, -424) There are two buildings in the center of the map. You start in the north one; enter the south one. In the south part of the building is a little platform with some shotgun shells on it. Hit space to lower the platform, then get on it. When you get to the top, shoot at the niche in the wall to your east. A megasphere will be revealed in the southeast corner (#1). (It's easy not to get credit for this secret, even if you do get the megasphere. Walk slowly into and out of that corner, making sure you drop into the depression there.) Then turn northwest and shoot at the eyes in the wall. You may need to do this while the platform is rising for it to work, or you could try using a shotgun. If you hit it, a door will open just behind the wall to your north, containing some ammo (#2). 3 13 < 6c90000, 800000> ( 1737, 128) 4 7 < 5310000,fff80000> ( 1329, -8) On the east side of the map is a building with doors on each wall, but you can only go through the door in the east wall. Open the east door and enter the building (#3). Hit space on the northwest platform to lower it, then get on. When it rises back up, walk south into the acid pool inside the southwest platform, then hit the switch. The platform will lower, revealing a small room to the northwest. Inside the room is a BFG9000, some energy packs, and a medikit (#4). Level 17: Tenements 1 48 <fd400000,f5200000> ( -704, -2784) Go to the center of the map, then go east until you come to two staircases leading north and south. Lower the lift to your south by jumping down in the slime just to the west of it and hitting the switch. Just south of the lift is a hidden room with some armor. On the west wall of this room is a lift (#1) leading to a chaingun. 2 89 <fa900000,fd380000> (-1392, -712) In the north part of the map is an M-shaped structure. Walk north down the middle of the M into the acid lake, then turn around and hit space on the wall. The middle of the M will be lowered, and you will see a switch to your south. Run south and hit the switch. (Actually, you don't have to lower the walkway to hit the switch; you just have to stand in the right place and press the space bar.) A door will be revealed to the east; you can jump into it and get some armor (#2) and a BFG9000. 3 150 <fb040000,f94c0000> (-1276, -1716) On the way to the exit, just to the southwest, is a lift. As you go up the lift, you'll notice an opening to the south. While the lift is moving, run into the opening (#3) and into a hallway leading east to a megasphere. Also, the room with the really annoying stairway north and west of the starting point has four teleporters on the floor. The northwest and southeast ones go to the north and south ledges where the monsters appear. Level 18: The Courtyard 1 17 <f7f40000, 3f60000> (-2060, 1014) When you walk around the pillar in the center of the main area, a number of doors will open up, including two against the wall west of the center pillar. Of these two doors, the north one leads to a BFG9000 and some more monsters (#1). (The south one has a hall of mirrors effect in the door tracks.) 2 36 <fa050000,ff050000> (-1531, -251) When you walk counterclockwise around the pillar in the center of the main area, a door will open up northeast of the pillar leading to a teleporter, which takes you to the platform southwest of the pillar. The platform (#2) contains some rockets, health, and blue armor. The teleporter will not be there until you hit the switch on the northeast corner of the plus-shaped structure just to the south of it (the one containing the cacodemons). 3 76 < a300000, 4300000> ( 2608, 1072) In the northwest corner of the map, hidden between the structures on the north and west walls, is a corner with a small bit of grass. Walking into the grass teleports you to the northeast corner of the map, on a ledge containing a medical kit and a computer map. (Note that the building just to the east of the bit of grass has an unclosed sector inside it; you can see out the east wall.) 4 74 < 8b00000, 940000> ( 2224, 148) In the east area of the map is a hallway ending at a blue wall with a skull switch. Hitting the switch opens a hidden door revealing a chaingun (#4). Level 19: The Citadel 1 43 <fdc20000,ffe20000> ( -574, -30) 2 97 <fd860000, 1a00000> ( -634, 416) 3 95 <fc360000, 1e60000> ( -970, 486) 4 100 <fa350000, 5a90000> (-1483, 1449) 5 85 <f9270000, 73c0000> (-1753, 1852) 6 33 < 6430000, 5300000> ( 1603, 1328) 7 126 <fdb70000,fc640000> ( -585, -924) In the southwest corner of the main building is a room with a switch in the middle which opens doors leading north and south. Hit the switch and go north. At the intersection, go west, and north through the door into a room with health, partial invisibility, and lots of imps (#1). Then go back to the intersection and go north. At one point, you'll meet a hallway leading off to the northwest. Just south of this hallway on the west wall is a secret door. (It's just north of the place where it LOOKS like there's a secret door.) This door leads through a short hallway (#2) to a lift, which leads to a hall leading northwest (#3) and stops at a window. Jump out the window to the northwest. You should be able to reach the steps of the building to the northwest (#4). The building has two openings leading inside. Try the south one first; when you finish in there, an area will open up to the northeast with lots of troopers and a computer map (#5). The north opening leads (eventually) to five teleporters. The middle one leads to the pillar in the middle of the castle, which contains a rocket launcher. The other four lead to the four corners of the castle. Take the northeast one; in the northeast corner of the castle (#6), you will find the BFG9000, some demons, and the blue key. Or, take the southwest one; there you will find a chainsaw and the yellow key (#7). An easier way to get to the southwest tower is to go to the southwest room of the castle with the doors on the north and south; take the south door, and walk down the corridor until you hear a door open, then run back and walk through the open door to your left. 8 38 <ff200000,ffad0000> ( -224, -83) 9 52 < 5400000, 1910000> ( 1344, 401) In the southeast corner of the map is an area at the top of some steps with two things that look like switches to the north. They're not switches, but there's a hidden door between them. Go through the door and up the steps, and hit the switch you see there (on the east side of the wall) 3 times. Then jump down to the north onto the platform you've raised up, and from there jump onto the platform in the northeast corner of the room. Go through the teleporter, and you'll get a supercharger (#8). Go south a bit and then north, and you'll be teleported to a platform in the southeast area of the castle. Jump to the platform to the northwest (this platform appears when you shoot at the imps in the southwest corner; the room that they are in is missing its north wall, BTW) and go through the door, then down the steps to get the red skull key and some rockets (#9). Level 20: Gotcha! 1 56 < 8360000,ee3e0000> ( 2102, -4546) The structure just south of your starting point consists of a building with a walkway around it to the south entrance. (The walkway may not be there if you have not tried to get to the structure; just walk south from the starting point to raise the walkway.) In the southwest part of the "moat" (the poison area between the walkway and the building) is a small opening, containing an energy cell pack and a radiation suit (#1). Once you have the radiation suit, you can safely walk around the moat to the other side, where there is a teleporter leading back to your starting point. 2 4 < ece0000,f5ff0000> ( 3790, -2561) At the top of the structure on the east side of the map is a teleporter. (To get there, jump down into the slime just east of your starting point and walk north through the little door, up the steps (shoot the wall that's in your way), and jump down from the window. Then hit the switch to lower the lift to the entrance of the structure, and fight your way up to the top.) The teleporter takes you back to the starting point. Just to the left of the teleporter is a hidden door which takes you through a small room (#2) with another teleporter, which goes to a tower on the north side of the structure. In all likelihood, you'll teleport right on top of a pain elemental, killing it before it has a chance to fire any of those damn skulls. 3 101 < 5200000,fbf00000> ( 1312, -1040) There are two towers west and east of the circular area to the north of the main building. There's nothing on the east one, but the west one (#3) has a megasphere on it. To get there, take the big demon teleporter in the circular area. Walk down the stairs and kill the bad guys. (Note that just south of the stairs, down in the slime, is a teleporter leading to the area where the cacodemon was hiding. There's blue armor and some health up there.) Then jump across to the dark area east of the stairs. Instead of walking south to the green armor, find the hidden path leading northeast in the dark to the teleporter, which takes you to the megasphere. 4 127 < 2600000,ff180000> ( 608, -232) 5 132 < 2210000,ff1c0000> ( 545, -228) 6 128 < 29e0000,ff1c0000> ( 670, -228) The structure west of the circular area to the north of the main building (not #3--the thing to the northwest of it) has a supercharger (#4) and a BFG9000 in it. To get there, grab a radiation suit if you have one, and walk northeast through the slime to the building with the teleporter to #3. Walk around the southeast corner of the building, looking for a staircase; there should be some flaming skulls there to mark the place. Walk up the stairs to the teleporter, which takes you to the structure to the west. Hit the switch to raise the platform, and kill all the bad guys. If you don't see the BFG9000, shoot your pistol out the east window at the big demon teleporter, and a door behind you should open revealing the BFG and some ammo. Then hit the switch on the south side of the room to reveal the supercharger (#4). Unfortunately, there's a teleporter in the way, which takes you back to the demon teleporter; fortunately, there are two secret doors to the left and right of the teleporter, which you can take to get to the supercharger (through another secret door to its west or east). The left one has an arch-vile in it (#5), so I suggest you take the right one, which contains an energy cell (#6), unless you want 100% kills and secrets; but if you didn't, why would you be reading this? 7 59 < 6730000,f1270000> ( 1651, -3801) In the room with a staircase leading to a plasma gun, there is a secret door on the south wall, leading to a small room (#7) with a supercharger on the west end. Level 21: Nirvana No official secrets. To get the megasphere, hit the switch next to the teleporter which takes you to the room it's in, then jump in the teleporter and run and get it. Note that the room with the arrow-shaped staircase has some weird effects on the ceiling. Level 22: The Catacombs 1 85 <fd200000, f50000> ( -736, 245) In the northwest corner of the starting room is a hidden door leading to a room with rockets, a supercharger, armor, and a spectre. 2 125 <fd300000,ff000000> ( -720, -256) In the southwest corner of the starting room is a hidden door which leads through a short hallway (#2) to the room you can see to your south, containing the plasma gun and an army of chaingunners. To open the door, hit space on the green torch. 3 14 < 3340000, 3a00000> ( 820, 928) A bit northeast of the red skull key is a secret door leading to a small opening (#3) with a teleporter, which takes you to the room south of your starting point which contains a plasma gun, in case you hadn't already gotten it. Level 23: Barrels O' Fun 1 61 < 600000, a700000> ( 96, 2672) Between the two north-south hallways which lead outside is a third hallway containing a megasphere and two boxes of rockets. It has a little outcropping just north of it which you can jump down onto, and then walk south to get the goodies. 2 11 < 81c0000, b780000> ( 2076, 2936) In the northeast part of the map are two hallways with boxes and boxes of rockets, for use against the various spiders. In the south hallway is a door to the north, leading to a supercharger (#2). Level 24: The Chasm 1 98 <ff000000,f8540000> ( -256, -1964) 2 116 < 1000000,f6870000> ( 256, -2425) Your starting point is located in a small opening in the north side of a building. The main entrance to the building is around the walkway a short distance to the east, but you can't get in, because the entrance is too steep. To raise the stairs up, first fall into any of the teleporters in the slime on the floor of the southeast corner of the map, north and south of the building you're trying to get into. You should appear south of a series of tower. Jump down from tower to tower, working your way east to a small area with a teleporter. That will take you to another teleporter. Go straight (east) and hit all the switches in that area. That should raise the stairs at the main entrance of the building, so get back there by going back to the teleporter, and go through it to the teleporter at the base of the series of towers. Then run west to the teleporter on the acid floor. That will take you back up to the south tower, so run northwest to get back to the building near the starting point. Once you get inside (#1), you'll see three things sticking out of the north wall. Hit space on the first one you come to; it will lower a lift to your south, which leads to a small area with some ammo (#2). 3 62 <f5400000,fec00000> (-2752, -320) This is the invulnerability in the west part of the map, which is not that hard to find; just follow the annoyingly thin walkway west. You can jump down onto it, but then you'll be stuck there; you'll have to get off that platform and wait for the floor to rise up, then walk to one of the surrounding walls, and hit space until you get back up to the level of the walkway. At that point, the invulnerability will have worn off. A better idea is to get a radiation suit and jump down into the moat around it, and then hit space on the surrounding walls until it reaches the level of the platform the sphere is sitting on, then grab it; then the floor will raise up to the level of the surrounding walls, and you can get out. Or you can try jumping down just to the left or right of the invulnerability sphere, enough to get the floor to raise up and take away the poison; then grab the sphere, and hit space a few more times to get back to the walkway. 4 123 <fda00000,f1d00000> ( -608, -3632) The south area of the map has a shotgun with a small walkway to its south. If you get the shotgun, an opening will appear to the south revealing some monsters. After killing the monsters, you can jump down into the opening to get some ammo and health (#4). When you jump back, the floor around the shotgun will rise up and become non-toxic. Level 25: Bloodfalls There are no official secrets, but there are some hidden areas. In the north-south hallway with two windows on each side of the hallway, in the north part of the map, there is a secret door between the two windows on the east side, leading to a rocket launcher and some ammo. In the south part of the map, in the room with some steps leading south between two windows, there is a hidden room in the northeast with a BFG9000; it's on the automap. Level 26: The Abandoned Mines 1 29 < e00000,ffb80000> ( 224, -72) When you start the level, there's a secret door right behind you (#1) which leads to a big room with lots of bad guys and items. The teleporter on the acid floor in the west area of the room takes you to a platform where you can jump and get the plasma gun. 2 34 < 16c0000, 200000> ( 364, 32) When you start the level, there's a secret door right to the east of you (#2). Hit the switch to lower the room first, then hit space on the south part of the east wall. This door leads to a network of tunnels that take you to many of the acid-floored rooms and monster ledges that you see from your starting point. 3 98 <f8380000, 3a00000> (-1992, 928) 4 121 <fb6c0000, 4e00000> (-1172, 1248) The blue keycard has a secret door behind it (#3) revealing a switch that lowers two lifts, revealing two areas to the north and south of the acid pool to your east, which contain some cacodemons. The south area contains a trigger line that raises the floor near the east door, and a switch which opens that door. The north area contains blue armor, and a secret door on the east wall (#4) leading to some health potions and a supercharger. Level 27: Monster Condo 1 10 <fb5c0000,fea50000> (-1188, -347) When you start the level, the first thing you should do is go through the door in the northwest corner of the room (across the acid pool) and go west to the lit area with the ammo (#1). You have 30 seconds after the level begins before this area is closed off. 2 177 < 5f60000,fdad0000> ( 1526, -595) 3 171 < 6400000,fbe00000> ( 1600, -1056) East of the acid pool with the rocket launcher in the center is a west-east dividing wall. On the east wall, north of the dividing wall, is a lit area in the corner. When you walk into this lit area, a door opens to the east revealing an area (#2) containing partial invisibility, light amplification, energy cells, and lots of monsters. South of the dividing wall is another lit area along the east wall. When you walk into it, a door opens to the east revealing an area (#3) containing some ammo, health, shotgun shells, and arachnotrons. 4 92 < 12d0000, 2f60000> ( 301, 758) 5 93 < 1200000, 4e00000> ( 288, 1248) In the northeast room with the impaled bodies everywhere, there are two switches to the north. The east one lowers a lift to the southwest, which leads to a long corridor of health potions (#4) and a teleporter (#5) which takes you up to the ledge in the northeast corner of the room, where there's health, armor, ammo, and a BFG. I don't think it's possible to get #5, since the teleporter's sector is secret, and you can never enter that sector, because there's the teleport line is in the way. Also note that you can't get out of the ledge in the northeast corner unless the door to it has opened up already. 6 45 <f95d0000, 5000000> (-1699, 1280) 7 129 <f7bd0000,fc400000> (-2115, -960) There are two long north-south skylit rooms with large teleporters in the center and pictures of a demon on the north wall. Each one has a switch on the east wall, which you can use to open up the west wall in both rooms, revealing some mancubi, a beserk sphere, a supercharger, and a computer map in each room (#6 in the north one, #7 in the south one). 8 157 < 4e00000,f7600000> ( 1248, -2208) This is the room with the hell knight, just southwest of the yellow key, which has the switch that lets you out of the room after you get the yellow key. Level 28: The Spirit World 1 54 < 3e00000,f1a00000> ( 992, -3680) 2 55 < 5b00000,f1a00000> ( 1456, -3680) In the south part of the map is a room with five columns and a throne. Walk up to the throne to lower the middle column, and then go stand on it (#1). (You need to do this in order to complete the level, so I don't see why it's a secret.) When the column raises up again, you will see two switches to the north and south. The south one reveals the yellow key. The north one reveals a passage beyond the yellow key, as well as four hell knights, an arch-vile, and (fortunately) an invulnerability sphere, some rockets, and a teleporter which takes you to the ledge on the east side of the room (#2), where you can get another invulnerability sphere and a megasphere. 3 17 <fdc80000,f3c00000> ( -568, -3136) 4 3 <fea80000,f5a00000> ( -344, -2656) In the southwest part of the map is a hallway which leads west and then north. At the bend in the hallway is a small niche to the south containing an arachnotron, who will come out and attack you. To enter the niche (#3), just walk through the south wall. There is also another niche farther north containing some chaingunners and troopers, as well as ammo and health (#4). Just walk through the east wall. 5 88 < 4240000,ff440000> ( 1060, -188) 6 92 < 6440000, 840000> ( 1604, 132) 7 93 < 6440000, 3dc0000> ( 1604, 988) In the northeast part of the map is a room with five columns. As soon as you enter, some hidden doors will open up and lots of monsters will come out. As soon as you kill all the monsters, look on the automap, and you will see three secret doors in the niches where the monsters were. The southwest niche has a secret door leading east to a supercharger (#5). The southeast niche has a secret door leading north to four backpacks, a medikit, and a revenant (#6). The northeast niche has a secret door leading east to a mancubus and a beserker (#7). Level 29: The Living End No official secrets. Northwest of your starting point is a path which leads west to a teleporter. As you approach the teleporter, some windows open to the north exposing some chaingunners, who promptly attack you. If you walk north off the ledge and then walk west around the structure the chaingunners are in, you'll see a small opening leading to a teleporter. This takes you to the ledge the chaingunners are on; there's a plasma gun there. Level 30: Icon of Sin The only secret here is how to complete the level. At the south end of the final room is a switch which raises the platform in the lava to the north (with the box of rockets). Hit the switch and wait for the platform to go up. Then go to the platform, hit space to lower it, and get on. Just before it gets to the top, shoot a rocket into the exposed brain of the demon. Then jump down and lower the platform again. This takes about three tries. Level 31: Wolfenstein No official secrets. However, the room just before the exit door has a secret door in the southwest corner, which leads to a small niche with a medikit. The west wall of this niche has another secret door which leads to a second exit door; this goes to the super-secret level (level 32). Just south and a bit east of the second exit door is a secret door which reveals a supercharger. Level 32: Grosse No official secrets. However, in the middle of the east wall (the middle Swastika) is a hidden door which reveals an invulnerability sphere. The west wall has a hidden door in the same place, leading to a bunch of medikits, and a plasma gun with lots of energy cells. Also, the two northernmost and two southernmost pillars contain various weapons, and a megasphere; walk up to them and hit the space bar. [10-3]: When should I use each weapon? ====================================== FIST: Never use unless you have Berserk. This is really cool, but not as good as the chain saw. CHAIN SAW: Good for tight corners. Rips apart the Demons and Spectres. This is probably the best weapon for non-shooting enemies. The chain saw also works wonders on Cacodemons. They turn away when you start to chop them, and cannot fire. PISTOL: Average weapon. Does damage to the Former Humans, but the shotgun is preferred. Only to be used when in dire need of ammo. SHOTGUN: This is probably the best all around weapon. Use this much of the time as it is very powerful. Its only problem is that its rapid fire is not very fast. Very useful in "mazes" where enemies are very close but not in large amounts. SUPER SHOTGUN: Only found in DOOM II, shotgun gurus will love this one. Double the power, but uses double the ammo. Great for taking out those hard to kill enemies or many enemies in a group. CHAINGUN: This weapon takes a fair amount of time to kill enemies. Good for a lot of monsters in a row. Also very useful for Imps and Cacodemons, because the chain gun can keep them from firing back. ROCKET LAUNCHER: Good for occasional long shots at many enemies in one place. Be careful, however, this weapon can hurt you as well if the rocket bursts at close range. Very useful in DeathMatch mode. :) PLASMA RIFLE: Rapid fires very quickly. Hurts some enemies a lot, and others not as much. Tends to block the view, which is very dangerous when you have a large amount of enemies coming toward you. BFG9000: The most powerful weapon. Kills almost ANY enemy in one shot, but uses a lot of energy cells and rapid fire is very slow. [10-4]: Where can I get each weapon for the first time? ======================================================= Here is a chart that shows on which level in each episode you can pick up each weapon. This chart is for DOOM I. .-----------------------------------. | Weapon | E1M | E2M | E3M | |-----------------------------------| | Chain saw | 2 | 2 | 5 | | Shotgun + | 1 | 1 | 1 | | Chain gun | 2 | 2 | 2 | | Rocket launcher | 3 | 2 | 1 | | Plasma gun | - | 1 | 2 | | BFG9000 | - | - | 3 | `-----------------------------------' +: Can also be picked up from the first dead sergeant. [10-5]: Where can I find the various powerups in the game? ========================================================== These charts outline where all of the powerups may be found in the game. This chart is for Ultra-Violence, single-player mode only. *10-5-1*: DOOM I ---------------- KEY === SG = Shotgun, CG = Chaingun, RK = Rocket Launcher, PL = Plasma, BF = BFG9000 CS = Chainsaw, BZ = Berzerk Pack A1 = Security Armor A2 = Combat armor BP = Backpack, RS = Radiation Shield, MP = Map, LA = Light Amplification SS = Supercharge, BA = Invisibility, IA = Invulnerability CC = Crushing Ceiling, T1 = One way Teleporter, T2 = Two way Teleporter pair # = This item can be found only in lower skills or DeathMatch games. ============================================================================== SG CG RK PL BF CS BZ A1 A2 BP RS MP LA SS BA IA CC T1 T2 TOT E1M1: 1 + + . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . #3 E1M2: 1 1 + . . 1 . 3 . 2 . . . 1 . . . . . #9 E1M3: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 3 1 1 . . . 2 1 . . . . 12 E1M9: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . 7 E1M4: . 1 1 . . . . 1 1 1 + . . 1 . . . . . #6 E1M5: 1 1 #1 . . 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . 14 E1M6: 1 1 1 . . . . 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 . . . . 20 E1M7: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . . . 12 E1M8: 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . . 2 . 1 1 . . 1 . 8 Total: 8 #8 #6 . . 5 . 18 6 10 #5 5 2 9 6 . . 3 . 91 SG CG RK PL BF CS BZ A1 A2 BP RS MP LA SS BA IA CC T1 T2 TOT E2M1: #1 . . 1 . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . . . . 2 5 #12 E2M2: 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 4 1 2 + 1 . 1 1 . 5 . . #21 E2M3: 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1 1 2 . . 1 1 . . . . 11 E2M4: 1 1 . 1 . . 1 3 1 1 2 1 . 2 2 . 5 3 2 26 E2M5: . 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 . . 1 . . 3 1 16 E2M9: 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . 1 . 1 . . . . . 9 E2M6: . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 4 1 3 . 1 . . 18 E2M7: . 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 . . 1 13 E2M8: . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . 2 . . . . . 4 Total: #5 7 5 8 . 5 6 13 8 8 #6 7 4 9 9 2 11 8 9 130 SG CG RK PL BF CS BZ A1 A2 BP RS MP LA SS BA IA CC T1 T2 TOT E3M1: 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 E3M2: . 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . . . 8 E3M3: 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 2 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . . . 12 E3M4: 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 2 2 1 1 . . 1 1 2 2 . 1 18 E3M5: #1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 . 1 2 1 1 4 18 1 #36 E3M6: 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 . 2 . 2 . 5 . 25 E3M9: 1 1 #1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 2 . . 2 1 2 . 1 . 16 E3M7: . . . 1 1 . . . 1 1 10 . . 1 . . . 2 6 23 E3M8: . . 1 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3 Total: #6 6 #8 6 5 3 6 7 8 4 19 3 1 10 3 8 6 26 8 143 SG CG RK PL BF CS BZ A1 A2 BP RS MP LA SS BA IA CC T1 T2 TOT TOTAL: 19 21 19 14 5 13 12 38 22 22 30 15 7 28 18 10 17 37 17 364 ============================================================================== *10-5-2*: DOOM II ----------------- KEY === SG = Shotgun, 2B = Double-barreled Shotgun, CG = Chaingun, RK = Rocket Launcher, PL = Plasma, BF = BFG9000 CS = Chainsaw, BZ = Berzerk Pack A1 = Security Armor A2 = Combat armor BP = Backpack, RS = Radiation Shield, MP = Map, LA = Light Amplification SS = Supercharge, BA = Invisibility, IA = Invulnerability, MS = Megasphere CC = Crushing Ceiling, T1 = One way Teleporter, T2 = Two way Teleporter pair ============================================================================= SG 2B CG RK PL BF CS BZ A1 A2 BP RS MP LA SS BA IA MS CC T1 T2 TOT 1: 1 . . 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2: . 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . 3 3: 1 . 1 1 . . . . . 2 . . . . 1 1 . . . 5 . 12 4: . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 . 8 5: . 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 . . . . 2 . . . . 2 . 10 6: . 1 . 1 1 . . . 1 1 1 . . . 1 . . 2 . 3 3 15 7: . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . 10 . . . . 4 . 1 . . . 21 8: 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 2 . 5 2 . . 2 1 2 . . 9 1 30 9: 1 . . 1 . 1 . 3 1 2 1 1 1 . 2 . . . . 5 . 19 10: 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 . 3 2 1 2 1 . 5 . 27 11: 1 . 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 2 . . 2 1 1 . . 3 . 17 12: 1 1 1 . . 1 . 3 2 . 1 1 . . 1 1 . . . 2 . 15 13: 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 3 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 3 2 . 2 15 . 35 14: 1 . 1 1 1 . . . . 1 . . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . 8 15: 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 . 1 2 1 1 . 6 1 29 16: 1 1 1 1 4 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 . 5 . 21 17: 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 2 1 1 . . . 2 1 . 1 . 6 . 20 18: 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 2 2 . . 6 1 22 19: . 1 1 1 . . . 1 2 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 9 . 22 20: . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 2 2 . 2 . . 4 . . 1 1 15 1 33 21: . 1 . 1 . . . . . . 1 4 . . . . 1 1 . 3 4 16 22: 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 1 . . 2 . . 1 . . . . 3 . 11 23: 1 . . 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 2 . 1 . 1 . . 1 . 8 . 18 24: 1 1 . 1 1 1 . 2 1 . 1 7 . . . . 1 2 . 16 1 36 25: . 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 1 . 5 . 12 26: . 1 1 1 1 . . . 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 . . . 8 . 18 27: . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 . 4 . 2 2 5 3 3 . . 4 . 33 28: . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 4 . . . 1 . 5 2 . 1 . 21 29: . 1 1 . 1 . . 2 1 1 2 2 . . 1 . . . . 11 . 23 30: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 2 . . 3 . . 2 . 1 . 17 31: 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . . 4 . . . 1 1 . 1 . . . 14 32: . 1 3 1 1 1 . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . 10 TOT 18 20 23 28 26 19 8 32 28 19 47 31 8 5 39 26 23 19 7 162 12 600 ============================================================================= *10-5-3*: How much do health and armor items help me? ----------------------------------------------------- These charts explain how various powerups benefit the marine. .------------------------. .-----------------------. | Health | Incr. | | Armor | Incr. | |------------------------| |-----------------------| | Potion | ++ 1 % | | Helmet | +++ 1 % | | Stimpack | + 10 % | | Green vest | = 100 % | | Medikit | + 25 % | | Blue jacket | = 200 % | | Berserk | = 100 % | `-----------------------' | Soul sphere | ++ 100 % | `------------------------' + : Increments, up to 100 % = : Sets to this value if current ++ : Increments, up to 199 % is less, otherwise no change +++: Increments, even over 200 % [10-6]: How powerful is the ammunition? ======================================= 1 Ammo = 1 point of damage 1 BFG9000 = + 100 points 1 Berserk = 10 points 1 Cell (Plasma Rifle) = 2 points 1 Punch = 2 points 1 Rocket = + 20 points 1 Shotgun = 7 points (fires 7 pellets at 1 point per pellet) (not every pellet will hit every target) 1 Super Shotgun = # 14 points (fires 14 pellets) +: Rockets and BFG9000 shots have an area effect. The direct hit values are given above. #: Weapon only found in DOOM II [10-6-1]: How much ammunition is obtained from picking up the various types? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a chart that explains the amount of ammunition that is obtained from picking up bullets, shells, rockets, and cells. .---------------------------------------------. | Ultra-Violence mode | |---------------------------------------------| | Type | BULL | SHEL | RCKT | CELL | |---------------------------------------------| | Human's clip | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Bullet clip | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Bullet box | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Chain gun | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Sarge's gun | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | | Shell clip | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | | Shell box | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 | | Shotgun | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | | Rocket | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | Rocket box | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | | Rocket launcher | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | | Cell pack | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | | Energy charge | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | | Plasma gun | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | | BFG9000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 40 | | Backpack + | 10 | 4 | 1 | 20 | `---------------------------------------------' +: The first backpack doubles carrying capacity. *10-7*: How many enemies are in the entire game? ================================================ These charts depict the amount of enemies contained in DOOM I and DOOM II. These only pertain to single-player, Ultra-Violence mode. *10-7-1*: DOOM I ---------------- *10-7-1-1*: The entire game --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Episode 1 2 3 Total ---------------------------------------- Humans 214 60 37 = 311 Sergeants 281 54 91 = 426 Imps 277 275 167 = 719 Demons 90 158 141 = 389 Spectres 63 15 36 = 114 Lost Souls 0 113 129 = 242 Cacodemons 0 50 76 = 126 Barons of Hell 2 17 18 = 37 Cyberdemons 0 1 1 = 2 Spiderdemon 0 0 1 = 1 ---------------------------------------- TOTAL 927 743 697 = 2367 ---------------------------------------- The following charts display the amount of enemies per level and per episode, in Ultra-Violence mode. *10-7-1-2*: Knee Deep in the Dead --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------- Humans 9 53 28 22 28 22 47 0 5 Sergeants 16 8 47 16 46 57 56 6 29 Imps 4 18 47 36 31 57 39 5 40 Demons 0 0 7 11 12 20 7 18 15 Spectres 0 0 2 0 14 22 1 10 14 Barons of Hell 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 --------------------------------------------------------- *10-7-1-3*: Shores of Hell -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------- Humans 15 0 18 2 14 11 0 0 0 Sergeants 10 0 1 6 22 11 4 0 0 Imps 14 82 27 27 40 39 46 0 0 Demons 11 19 17 17 26 35 33 0 0 Spectres 1 2 2 2 0 3 5 0 0 Lost Souls 0 12 14 11 26 30 0 20 0 Cacodemons 3 0 6 11 6 9 5 0 10 Barons of Hell 0 0 4 4 3 2 0 0 4 Cyberdemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 --------------------------------------------------------- *10-7-1-4*: Inferno ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------------------------------------------- Humans 0 6 0 22 0 7 2 0 0 Sergeants 0 11 1 18 0 18 9 0 34 Imps 18 0 34 26 35 36 0 0 18 Demons 5 8 14 53 33 6 17 0 5 Spectres 0 11 4 5 2 4 0 0 10 Lost Souls 0 36 14 21 13 32 9 0 4 Cacodemons 3 8 2 13 6 22 9 2 11 Barons of Hell 0 0 2 3 5 1 1 1 5 Cyberdemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Spiderdemon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 --------------------------------------------------------- *10-7-2* DOOM II ---------------- *10-7-2-1*: Levels 1-11 ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------------------------------------------------------------- Human 10 22 15 6 16 2 . . 8 71 8 Sargeant . 50 20 15 25 30 . 5 38 31 12 Chaingunner . . 9 10 11 11 . . 17 4 4 Imp 17 16 22 20 54 44 . 55 103 95 13 Demon . 2 8 1 1 7 . 43 9 31 1 Spectre . . 4 3 7 11 . 3 5 10 12 Lost soul . . . . 6 2 . 2 33 18 9 Cacodemon . . . . 3 . . 11 6 . 10 Hell Knight . . . . 1 2 . . 4 . 2 Baron of Hell . . . . . . . 20 . . . Arachnotron . . . . . . 12 . . 7 3 Pain Elemental . . . . . . . 4 10 7 4 Revenant . . . . . 4 . . . 4 1 Mancubus . . . . . . 7 . 5 . . Arch-Vile . . . . . . . . . . 1 Spider-demon . . . . . 1 . . . . . Cyber-demon . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . ------------------------------------------------------------- Total 27 90 78 55 124 114 19 144 238 279 80 ------------------------------------------------------------- *10-7-2-2*: Levels 12-22 ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- Level 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ------------------------------------------------------------- Human . . 12 44 . 9 1 16 . . . Sargeant 15 . 20 43 . 24 28 10 13 19 . Chaingunner 9 . 17 17 . 22 . . 12 11 25 Imp 44 72 23 42 97 36 58 101 22 76 18 Demon . 15 . . 4 . 43 36 . . 3 Spectre . 2 3 . 4 11 21 27 . 3 7 Lost soul 9 16 6 9 . . . 10 9 . . Cacodemon 16 10 . 11 25 13 19 6 11 . . Hell Knight . . . 3 . 1 5 . 1 6 . Baron of Hell 1 . . 2 . . . . 1 . 1 Arachnotron 6 6 1 1 . 2 . 2 . . . Pain Elemental . . . 6 . 4 . . 5 2 . Revenant . 4 1 . 14 2 2 . 2 4 2 Mancubus 9 1 . . 15 . 1 . . 3 . Arch-Vile . . 1 . 2 1 . . 2 . . Spider-demon . . . . . . . . 1 . . Cyber-demon . . . . . . . . 1 . . ------------------------------------------------------------- Total 109 126 84 178 161 125 178 208 80 124 56 ------------------------------------------------------------- *10-7-2-3*: Levels 23-32 ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- Level 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Tot -------------------------------------------------------------- Human . . 17 . 18 3 13 . . . 291 WolfSS . . . . . . . . 128 28 156 Sargeant . . 35 2 22 5 21 . . . 483 Chaingunner 17 25 10 14 11 6 11 . . . 273 Imp 31 46 24 27 21 24 22 . . . 1223 Demon 28 56 . . 16 6 . . 21 . 331 Spectre . 8 6 1 9 17 1 . . . 175 Lost soul . 16 4 29 7 12 . . . . 197 Cacodemon . 8 . 23 . 1 15 . . . 188 Hell Knight 9 6 2 . 21 7 5 . . . 75 Baron of Hell . . . 2 1 . 3 . . . 31 Arachnotron 7 . 1 . 4 12 . . . . 64 Pain Elemental 6 . 3 . 4 5 4 . . . 64 Revenant 4 . 1 . 21 17 6 1 . . 90 Mancubus 1 2 . 3 13 2 4 . . . 66 Arch-Vile 2 . 1 . 2 4 1 . . . 17 Spider-demon 1 . . . . 2 . . . . 5 Cyber-demon . . . . . . 1 . . 1 5 Boss Brain . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 -------------------------------------------------------------- Total 106 167 104 101 170 123 107 2 149 29 3735 -------------------------------------------------------------- [10-8]: How many shots does it take to kill each enemy? ======================================================= Here is a chart that show that amount of each kind of ammunition it takes to kill enemies. This chart pertains to Ultra-Violence mode. .-----------------------------------------------------------------. | Chapter [10-7] Chart | | Ultra-Violence Mode | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Monster | BULL | SHOT | ROCK | CELL | 9000 | CACO | BARN | REVN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Player | 10 | 2 | ~2 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 4 | 3 | + | Human | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | | Sergeant| 3 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | | SS guard| 5 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 | * | Imp | 6 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 2 | | CG Dude | 7 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 2 | * | Demon | 14 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 10 | 5 | 4 | | Spectre | 14 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 10 | 5 | 4 | | Souls | 10 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 4 | 3 | | Revenant| 30 | 5 | 2 | 15 | 1 | 22 | 10 | 8 | * | Cacodmn.| 36 | 6 | 2 | 18 | 1 | 27 | 14 | 10 | | Pain El.| 40 | 6 | 2 | 20 | 1 | 27 | 14 | 10 | * | Arachno.| 50 | 8 | 3 | 25 | 1 | 34 | 17 | 12 | * | Knight | 50 | 8 | 3 | 25 | 1 | 34 | 17 | 12 | * | Mancubus| 60 | 9 | 3 | 30 | 1 | 40 | 20 | 15 | * | Archvile| 70 | 10 | 4 | 35 | 1 | 50 | 24 | 18 | * | Barons | 100 | 15 | 5 | 50 | 1 | 67 | 34 | 25 | | Cyberdm.| 400 | 58 | 20 | 200 | 3 | 267 | 134 | 100 | | Spiderd.| 300 | 43 | 15 | 150 | 2 | 200 | 100 | 75 | `-----------------------------------------------------------------' Note: This chart pertains to direct hits only. Missed shots increase the amount of ammunition required to kill any enemy. The last three columns relate to missiles fired by monsters. Imps and Lost Souls do the same damage as single bullets. *: Monster only found in DOOM II. +: This regards a player at 100% strength. Again, missed shots increase the amount. (10-9): Which enemies will attack each other? ============================================= Projectile monster attacks do not hurt other monsters of the same species. For example, Imp fireballs do not hurt other Imps, but do hurt other monsters. Baron green plasma does not hurt other barons, Cacodemon gasballs don't hurt other Cacodemons, and Cyberdemons are immune to their own rockets. Bullet attacks are fair game for all. Troopers, Sergeants, and Spiderdemons all kill their own kind cheerfully. Scratching and biting attacks are hard to misdirect but it does happen, and when it does, Demons will happily go after each other, as will Spectres. Last but not least, Lost Souls who hit each other will duke it out to the finish. [CODE] DMFAQ66C.TXT [CODE] ==================================== =SECTION THREE= DOOM ADD-ON SOFTWARE ==================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER *11*: What is DOOM add-on software and where can I get it? ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOOM add-on software is software, not made by id Software, that modifies, changes, or helps you with your game when playing DOOM. Some examples are cheating utilities, map editors, and sound editors. This software is in no way endorsed by id, and neither id Software nor myself take any responsibility for any problems you have with this software. DO NOT contact id regarding any of this software. Most of this software will not work on the shareware version of DOOM, by request from id Software. Most of this software is available from these sites unless specified otherwise. FTP #(1) ftp.orst.edu /pub/doom/<directory_name_here> + ftp.uwp.edu /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom/<dir> + empires.stanford.edu /pub/<directory_name>/<directory_name> + ftp.uni-erlangen.de /pub/pc/msdos/games/ID/DOOM-stuff/<dir> FTP (2) wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff/<dir> BBS (3) Software Creations (508)-365-2359 (2400 baud) (508)-368-7036 (9600-14.4k v.32bis) (508)-368-4137 (14.4k16.8k HST/DS) BBS +(4) Game Palace (305)-587-4258 BBS +(6) 8N1 (407)-438-1568 +: This site is a mirror of (1) #: ftp.orst.edu is a temporary site to replace the old DOOM site until a new permanent site can be found. *11-1* If I don't have FTP access, how can I get these files? ============================================================= Call one of the BBSs listed in Chapter [11]. -------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [12]: What cheating utilities have been made for DOOM? -------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter describes utilities that have been created to help people cheat at DOOM. Due to the recent release of v1.666 of DOOM, there are currently no save game editors that work with the new save game format. Please E-mail me if you have created one! ----------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [13]: What add-on software allows me to alter DOOM? ----------------------------------------------------------- [13-1]: BSP v1.2x ================= DESCRIPTION: A 100% working nodes builder which builds the correct BSP nodes and blockmap data for any WAD file. CREATED BY: Colin Reed (colin@argonaut.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/bsp12x.zip *13-2*: DEHACKED v2.1 ===================== DESCRIPTION: DEHACKED allows modification of the DOOM.EXE file. This makes it possible to create new weapons, new monsters, many special-effects, and much more. Works will all versions of DOOM and DOOM II. CREATED BY: Greg Lewis (gregory.lewis@umich.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/dhe21.zip (13-3) Deframed v1.0 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Deframed v1.0 is a utility used to extract the frame table from the registered version of the DOOM.EXE. Patch files can be created in text or binary format, edited and written back to DOOM.EXE. CREATED BY: Chris Gillespie (gilles2@hubcap.clemson.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/dfram10.zip *13-4*: DEU v5.3 ================ DESCRIPTION: A map editor to create brand new levels for DOOM or edit existing ones. Includes manual, tutorial, and complete source code. Widely considered THE DOOM level editor. Note: v5.3 of DEU was not available at time of writing, but should be available very soon after. CREATED BY: Raphael Quinet (quinet@montefiore.ulg.ac.be) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/deu53.zip Site (2): deu53.zip *13-5*: DMapEdit v3.01 ====================== DESCRIPTION: A full DOOM map editor which allows editing of DOOM level components. CREATED BY: Jason Hofoss (hoffo002@gold.tc.umn.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dme301.zip Site (2): dmaped30.zip [13-6]: DMAUD v1.1 ================== DESCRIPTION: DMAUD will store sounds into or extract sounds from DOOM.WAD files distributed with DOOM versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. In addition, DMAUD will play the sound if a SoundBlaster compatible sound card is present. DMAUD v1.1 also has the ability to create PWAD files. Input files can be any format (.AU, .VOC, .WAV, .SND, etc) and any sample rate; they will be converted as necessary. CREATED BY: Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmaud11.zip Site (2): dmaud11.zip [13-6-1]: DMFE v0.0.1 --------------------- DESCRIPTION: DMFE provides a simple front-end to Bill Neisius' excellent utility, DMAUD, which allows you to alter the sound files used in DOOM. CREATED BY: Douglas Reedy (welch@zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dmfe001.zip [13-7]: DMGRAPH v1.1 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Allows importing and exporting of graphics for DOOM. v1.0 allows usage of PPM or GIF graphic files in 320x200x256 format. CREATED BY: Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmgrap11.zip Site (2): dmgrap11.zip [13-8]: DMMUSIC v1.0a ===================== DESCRIPTION: DMMUSIC allows importing and exporting of MUS files with IWAD and PWAD files. CREATED BY: Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmmus10a.zip *13-9*: DOOMCAD v4.3 and v5.0 ============================= DESCRIPTION: DOOMCAD is a "state-of-the-art" DOOM map editor for Windows. Allows creations of levels from scratch, three dimensional previewing, drag-and-drop editing, and fairly good handling of nodes. Note: v4.3 works only on DOOM I while v5.0 works only on DOOM II. CREATED BY: Matt Tagliaferri (matt.tagliaferri@pcohio.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dmcad43.zip and dmcad50.zip Site (2): dmcad43.zip and dmcad50.zip [13-10]: DOOM Color Changer =========================== DESCRIPTION: This program modifies the DOOM.WAD files' player pictures. This allows you to change the way other players are viewed in a multi-player game. If you are playing a cooperative game, you can make the players white so they stand out and you can avoid hitting them by accident. Or, you can make the players dark colors so that a deathmatch game can be more difficult. This program will only work on the registered DOOM v1.2 or above. CREATED BY: Douglas Leininger (72773.245@compuserve.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomcc.zip *13-11*: DOOM Construction Kit v1.1a ==================================== DESCRIPTION: An easy to use DOOM map editor. Many functions allow the automating of texture placement. CREATED BY: Bill Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dck11a.zip [13-12]: DOOMDump v0.9 ====================== DESCRIPTION: Dumps out all structures contained in a WAD file to a text file. CREATED BY: Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmdump09.zip [13-13]: DOOM Editor - The Real Thing v2.60b4 ============================================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM map editor which allows map changes, bitmap viewing, and sound importing and exporting. Very little knowledge of DOOM WAD structure needed. Requires Windows v3.1. CREATED BY: Unknown name (pringler@cuug.ab.ca) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/de_260b4.zip Site (2): de_260b4.zip *13-14*: DOOMLaunch v1.00 ========================= DESCRIPTION: Menu-driven access to ALL DOOM options. - Fully supports multi-player games - Handles up to 750 external WAD files - WADs are compressed with PKZIP until they are needed - Allows 6 separate saved games for each WAD - Allows assignment of rating and description to WADs - WADs can be separated in up to 250 groups - Keeps track of date/time/elapsed time WAD was played - WAD statistics (number of monsters, ammo, weapons) - Built in map viewer CREATED BY: Keith Cohen (viper@mercury.interpath.net) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_player/dl100.zip [13-15]: DOOMTOOL ================= DESCRIPTION: A collection of two utilities: SND.EXE allows a sound to be put into a PWAD file. CAT.EXE allows two PWAD files to be merged into a third. CREATED BY: Unknown Name (jdooley@ugcs.caltech.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/doomtool.zip Site (2): doomtool.zip [13-16]: DOPE v1.2 ================== DESCRIPTION: DOPE is a DOOM Object Placement Editor. This program will allow you to completely edit object placement in all levels. CREATED BY: Chris Carollo (ccarollo@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): dope12.zip *13-17*: EdMap v1.23 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Popular and powerful DOOM map editor. This is one of the few current map editors that works on both DOOM and DOOM II. CREATED BY: Jeff Rabenhorst (araya@wam.umd.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/edmap123.zip [13-18]: IDBSP v1.0 =================== DESCRIPTION: id Software's BSP node builder ported to DOS. CREATED BY: Ron Rossbach (ej070@cleveland.freenet.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/idbsp10.zip [13-19]: Jumble v3.0 ==================== DESCRIPTION: JUMBLE is a DOOM item randomizer; it randomly places, objects, enemies, and powerups in new locations. Some useful features include savable configuration files, object weighting, removal of items, retention of items, and netDOOM compatibility. Also reads RanDOOM v1.x .W files. The optional add-on archive includes many different already created .JBL files for immediate playability. CREATED BY: <Empty> Productions (joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): random/jumble30.zip and random/jumble3s.zip Site (2): jumble30.zip and jumble3s.zip Site (3): jumble30.zip and jumble3s.zip [13-20]: MDE: My DOOM Editor v0.90b =================================== DESCRIPTION: Allows modification of DOOM levels, including object placement, light levels, floor and ceiling heights, secret areas, acid damage, blinking lights, crushing ceilings, moving platforms, teleports, and more. Not a complete level structure editor. CREATED BY: Patrick Steele (Unknown address) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/mde90b1.zip Site (2): mde90b1.zip [13-21]: Move Level v2.0 ======================== DESCRIPTION: Move Level allows modification of the episode and mission number in a DOOM PWAD file. CREATED BY: Steve Stimpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/movelev2.zip [13-22]: MUS2PWAD v1.0 ====================== DESCRIPTION: Places MUS files into PWAD files. CREATED BY: Wirta Wiriyan (kosasih@cae.wisc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): music/mus2pwad.zip [13-23]: NodeNav v0.8 ===================== DESCRIPTION: Allows observation of the geometry of the nodes structure for a particular DOOM level. CREATED BY: Frank Palazzolo (palazzol@msen.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/nodenav.zip Site (2): nodenav.zip [13-24]: RanDOOM v1.65 ====================== DESCRIPTION: RanDOOM is a utility which will randomize the placement of objects in the DOOM playfield. Additionally, RanDOOM has some smarts and fixes major problems that other randomizers have. RanDOOM allows you to tailor its randomizing to your personal taste. RanDOOM has the capability to randomize and create PWAD files as well. CREATED BY: Scott Coleman: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): random/rdoom165.zip Site (2): rdoom165.zip [13-25]: REJECT v1.0 ==================== DESCRIPTION: REJECT.EXE is a command line based utility used for building the REJECT resource in a DOOM PWAD file. It post-processes a PWAD which has been created using a level editor such as DEU. Its main purpose is to speed up slow PWAD files by reducing the number of line-of-sight calculations performed by the DOOM engine. CREATED BY: L. M. Witek (lee@trousers.demon.co.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/reject10.zip [13-26]: Renegade Graphics DOOMED v1.1c/e ========================================= DESCRIPTION: Allows advanced DOOM map editing and has been used by many PWAD creators. Allows modification and creation of PWAD files. Includes detailed documentation. A v2.0 upgrade is expected soon which should add many new features. Note: The newest registered version is v1.1e. Registration is $25 US. CREATED BY: Joe Pantuso (73633.2517@compuserve.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/rgde11cs.zip Renegade Graphics BBS: (615)-337-9198 [13-27]: RENWAD =============== DESCRIPTION: Allows modification of the episode and mission number in a DOOM PWAD file. CREATED BY: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/renwad.zip *13-28*: UltEd v1.00b ===================== DESCRIPTION: A DOOM map editor similar to DEU v5.2. This editor is unique because it runs under OS/2. CREATED BY: Peter Ott (pott@cate.ryerson.ca) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/ulted.zip [13-29]: VERDA v0.20 ==================== DESCRIPTION: With VERDA, you can move THINGs around the map and change them to other things. You can change LINE triggers, SIDE image selection, SECTOR image selection, floor heights, ceiling heights, sector actions (raising/lowering, etc.), and properties (acid/blinking lights, etc.) You can graphically see which lines trigger which sectors, and change this. You can display the NODE information graphically, but it cannot currently be edited. CREATED BY: Mike Carter (verda@swri.edu) Robert Fenske Bob Robinson AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/old_edit/verda020.zip [13-30]: VERDA Node Builder v1.05 ================================= DESCRIPTION: Builds nodes in a PWAD file. CREATED BY: Robert Fenske (rfenske@swri.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/vbsp1050.zip *13-31*: WADEd v1.42 ==================== DESCRIPTION: WADED was designed to be an easy and decent DOOM map editor. It is completely mouse controlled, and run from DOS. The obvious goal was to write a good editor, so people would be able to create some good new DOOM levels from scratch that could be distributed in small patch .WAD (PWAD) files. CREATED BY: Matthew Ayres (ayres@cdrom.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/waded142.zip [13-32]: WAD Extended Tools v1.0 ================================ DESCRIPTION: Allows viewing and hex editing of WAD resources such as pictures, textures, color maps, and more. CREATED BY: Unknown Name (vels@aldan.cs.biu.ac.il) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/ewt.zip [13-33]: WAD Hacker v2.0 ======================== DESCRIPTION: WAD Hacker is a DOOM WAD file resource viewer. Allows viewing of all graphical resources. BMPs can be generated from any graphic and PWAD files can be produced from any level. CREATED BY: Roger Hayes (roger_hayes@stortek.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wadhak.zip [13-34]: WADMASTER v0.5 ======================= DESCRIPTION: Allows adding and removing of THINGS in DOOM levels. Also displays NODES, SSECTORS, and SEGS. CREATED BY: Unknown AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/old_edit/wdmstr05.zip Site (2): wdmstr05.zip [13-35]: WADNAME ================ DESCRIPTION: WADNAME is a utility which will display the episode and mission number of all replacement levels contained in a given WAD file. CREATED BY: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wadname.zip [13-36]: Wads_Up v1.1 ===================== DESCRIPTION: Wads_Up is basically a THING editor. It allows you to move objects, graphics, enemies, around a level. CREATED BY: Gary Whitehead (gary@stek.demon.co.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/wadsup11.zip [13-37]: WAD Tools v1.0 ======================= DESCRIPTION: WAD Tools is a freeware program to be used with id Software's phenomenal action game, DOOM. It is designed to let any curious individual peruse the contents of the DOOM WAD file. Anyway, WAD Tools will let you do any number of operations on the resources in the WAD file. You can view it in hex mode, or if it's a graphic resource, you can view it in 320x200x256 VGA mode. You can also export it to a file (an LBM if it's a graphic resource), or replace it by importing a file. And, if you're really brave, you can export all the resources in the WAD file to individual files. CREATED BY: Jeff Miller (atomicus@indirect.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wt100.zip Site (2): wt100.zip ---------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [14]: What add-on data files exist for DOOM? ---------------------------------------------------- *14-1*: Graphics ================ Here is a catalog of various graphics collections available for DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMGRAPH v1.1 or a similar utility is often needed to import many of these into DOOM and DOOM II. AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): graphics/(filename) Site (1): themes/starwars/(filename) (Star Wars related) Site (1): themes/aliens/(filename) (Aliens related) FILE DESCRIPTION CREATOR ==== =========== ======= alien-tc.zip Creates Aliens DOOM Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) aliens-x.zip Redo of Aliens patch Unknown alien102.zip Aliens levels David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) angels .zip Sargeants have wings Sam Lantinga (slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu) babydoll.zip Troopers are baby dolls Unknown Name (fey@cyberspace.org) barn3d21.zip 3-D Barney the Dinosaur David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) baron_1 .zip Preview of DOOM T-shirt Teery Greenlaw (greenlaw@crl.com) bdoom .zip Barney the Dinosaur Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) bigcacos.zip Super Cacodemons Jim Hendrickson (jhendric@acs.bu.edu) bny3dwad.zip WAD version of Bunny David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) borg .zip Sargeants are Borg Unknown (p.magnussen@auckland.ac.nz) bright .zip Turns up lighting Atul Varma (atulv@bronze.coil.com) brn-cln .zip Barney/Clinton combo Robbie (teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) brn3dwad.zip WAD version of Barney David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) bunny3d .zip 3-D Energizer Bunny David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) chook .zip Rockets are chickens David Biggs (dbiggs@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au) chookexe.zip Creats Chook DOOM Sam Lantinga (slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu) chungang.zip Gory new graphics Unknown clin-wad.zip Clinton DOOM WAD Robbie Teegarden (teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) clintn20.zip Clinton DOOM w/ sound See above clinton .zip Clinton DOOM Adrian Hayes (ahayes@pacifier.rain.com) coolskys.zip New skies for DOOM Nathan Mielcare (donnmiel@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil) CRAZDOOM.ZIP Imps wear bikinis Unknown crystld2.zip Enemies are "clear" Unknown (brianf@halcyon.com) custard .zip Custard Pie Launcher Bernhard (kotzen@itu.sun.ac.za) dalek3d .zip Imps are Daleks David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) dalek-3 .zip Imps are Daleks Unknown Name (rkimmel@u.washington.edu) dckscrn .zip Preview of DOOM constr- Ben Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca) dckscrn2.zip uction kit, coming soon Ben Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca) doom4win.zip DOOM logos for Windows "Nightcrawler" doommorf.zip Enemy FLI animation Neal Miller (millen3@rpi.edu) eyeball .zip Cacodemon is eyeball Unknown femdoom .zip Changes mugshot female Lynn Forest (teejay@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu) fhum .zip New sargeant deaths Unknown frisb-dm.zip Rockets are frisbees Chris Pimlott (pimlottc@shadowso.com) gdoom .zip Cacodemons are George Don Miller (conm@uidaho.edu) guy2sarg.zip Swaps Sargeants/Marines Dave Matteson (davematt@mail.msen.com) happy .zip Makes DOOM peaceful Dan Lottero (dlottero@bu.edu) headcdm .zip Pistol is Headcresher Unknown icesky .zip Skies/Glacier Bay, AL Unknown imp2cyb .zip Imps are CyberDemons Andrew Scott (raistlin@werple.apana.org.au) imp_grfx.zip Imps are more gory Greg Gimsby (Unknown E-mail address) jagdoom .zip Jaguar DOOM preview id Software (help@idsoftware.com) joltdoom.zip Monsters are skulls Unknown lum .zip Marine is "LUM" Whisp (wafang@osiris.hmc.edu) macbar10.zip Barrels are Macintoshes Atul Varma (atulv@bronze.coil.com) movie10 .zip Aliens/Pred/Terminator Werner Sphal (spahl@work2.ch-cip.uni-koeln.de) myface .zip Cacodemons are faces Adrian Hayes (ahayes@pacifier.rain.com) nopent .zip Removes pentagrams Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) pacdoom .zip Pacmen have invaded Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) pchan .zip Plasma is P-Chan pig Whisp (wafang@osiris.hmc.edu) penguins.zip Cacodemons are penguins Tim Collins (collinst@ee-wp.bham.ac.uk) redguy .zip Marines are red/targets Unknown (daron@tyrell.net) righthnd.zip Fist is right-handed Unknown rpgv1 .zip Rockets are RPGs Josh Herndon (jherndon@vt.edu) sequence.zip New death sequences Unknown Name (dryerson@botany.utoronto.ca) shotgun .zip New shotgun Robert Allen (robbob2573@aol.com) skullb .zip Alters Marine graphics Unknown smiley-1.zip Cacodemons are smileys Robbie Teegarden (teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) stars2 .zip Another sky replacement Unknown (pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu) stimpy_g.zip Monsters are enemies Jussi Karjalainen (jussik@phoenix.oulu.fi) stars .zip Skies are star fractals Unknown (pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu) strooper.zip Sargeant->Stormtrooper Phillip (p.magnussen@auckland.ac.nz) swatst .zip CyberDemon is ATST Howard Cohen (hsc5505@ritvax.isc.rit.edu) swdoc11 .zip Star Wars DOOM "Action Jackson" swgfx2 .zip Cacodemons -> Probots Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) swgfx3 .zip Barrels -> R2D2 Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) swgfx4 .zip Lost Souls -> Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) Interrigator Droids swgfx5 .zip Baron -> Emperor guard Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) swgfxmo .zip All Star Wars patches Manny Mendoza (mmendoza@cybververse.com) swlaser .zip Rockets -> Lasers Jeff Johnston (brunner@gas.uug.arizona.edu) swlsaber.zip Chainsaw is lightsaber Claude Martins (martins@binkley.cs.mcgill.ca) swstuff .zip Star Wars title screen Jeff Johnston (brunner@gas.uug.arizona.edu) techbar .zip Changes status bar Josh Fallon (Fallonjb95@cs14@cadetmail.usafa.af.mil) toondm2 .zip Homer DOOM Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) ufo .zip Cacodemon is UFO Unknown (r.a.snow@bra0110.wins.icl.co.uk) wolfdm_2.zip Wolfenstein enemies Unknown Name (moss@plains.nodak.edu) yiggle .zip Sargeants are "Yiggles" Joey Cato (cato@orion.etsu.edu) zebedee .zip Troopers are "Zebedees" Duncan Simpson (drsimpon@mh1.mcc.ac.uk) *14-2*: Missions ================ There are simply too many add-on levels for DOOM to list them all here! However, a listing of the best DeathMatch WADs has been included. Do some of your own exploring to find your personal favorite missions. *14-2-1*: DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking ------------------------------------- AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wads/<directory_name_here>/<filename> +=========================================================================+ | DOOM DEATHMATCH WAD RANKING | | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | | 200+ WADS - Revision Date: 08/01/94 | +=========================================================================+ Compiled by: James Dicke & "Chainsaw Jim" Urbas About the authors: James Dicke jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu or EXEC-PC: JAMES DICKE - DOOM Fanatic. As an employee of the Virtual Gaming Center he finds time to talk to many doom-junkies that are not on the internet. It has been his hobby to collect all WAD's. Jim "Chainsaw" Urbas jimu@point.cs.uwm.edu - DOOM Fanatic. Current projects: wc - Wad compiler; tool to help developers integrate new graphics into WAD files. Deathmatch Compilations DM_xx_xx.ZIP; several 9 level episodes containing the best deathmatch maps, optimized for use in a single episode (namely: DMSMALL1 and DMSMALL2). Also working on a new solo episode with Brant Katkansky, author of NUCLEAR.WAD. Main area of interest is in adding additional graphics to doom missions. [SHAMELESS PLUG MODE ON]: The Virtual Gaming Center (Milwaukee, WI) use several networks of fast computers with 27" screens and special controllers (steering wheels, flight sticks, etc) to play multi-player games IN-PERSON. The VGC is also host to the Mid-West DOOM Tournaments. You may contact them at VGCenter@execpc.com or (414) 476-1514. Also, if you're into Magic: The Gathering, we sell and play it and also hold MTG tournies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratings Legend: G = Game Play D = Design # = Recommended Minimum How Fun And Addicting How Interesting/Clever Number Of Players ------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ + = Play til Dawn + = A Piece Of Art 6 = WAY TOO LARGE 9 = Near Perfect 9 = Amazing 5 = Huntin' w/4 players 8 = Great--Play 1-2 hrs 8 = Fascinating 4 = Hopin' w/4 players 7 = Excellent--A favorite 7 = Interesting 3 = Hopin' w/3 players 6 = Very Good--30-60 min 6 = Above Average 2 = Hopin' w/2 players 5 = Average - Good 5 = Average 1 = A Frag every 10 sec 4 = OK but flawed 4 = Below Average even with 2 players 3 = A diversion - 10 min. 3 = Poor 0 = WAY TOO SMALL 2 = Boring after 2 min. 2 = Ugly 1 = Painfully boring 1 = A Bad Joke ? = Untested 0 = Utter shit 0 = Vomit _ = Untested _ = Untested T: Type A=Action, H=Hunting, B=Both, -= Who knows W: Weapons 0=Pistol/Fists, 1=Shotgun, 2=Chain, 3=Rocket/Plasma 4=BFG M: Monsters 0=None, 1=A few, 2=Several, 3=Lots, 4=Big&Bad, 5=Barons/Cyber Comments: +G means new graphics +S means new sounds, +M new music was added +Cx Cooperative Exit +T text background story +D2 Deathmatch v2.0 ok -X has no exit -x has an unmarked exit ========================================================================== G = Game Play T = Type (Action/Hunting/Both) D = Design W = Weapons at skill 1 (0-4) # = Recommended Minimum # Players M = Monsters at skill 1 (0-5) G D Name Map Released #T WM Short Description and Comments - - -------- ---- -------- -- -- ---------------------------------------- + 7 ledges E1M1 4-20-94 2A 34 Tunnels around a main room + 6 shadows E1M1 4-11-94 2A 40 2 small rooms connected w/halls -X + 5 house E1M1 5-28-94 2A 40 Simple house design, no furniture -X 9 9 markroom E1M1 4-15-94 2A 30 Dark arena w/steps -x 9 7 butt E1M1 6-17-94 3B 44 Wood arena, shadow snipers +SM -X 9 7 ihrke2 E1M1 7-22-94 2A 34 Pit w/ledges and crusher -x (dmihrke2.zip) 9 7 peace E1M1 5-18-94 2B 40 Based on Shadows 9 6 cor81 E1M1 5-31-94 4A 40 Corridors w/side rooms. Invs walls -X 9 6 tourney E1M1 6-27-94 2B 30 Central court yard w/snipe zones 9 5 corr2 E1M1 5-31-94 2A 40 VSml. Cross shaped. Light switch -X 9 5 circle E1M1 7-13-94 2A 30 A circle w/guns in outside doorways. -X 9 5 hitmeinf E1M1 7-20-94 2B 31 One lrg oval room w/obsticals -X 9 _ lavapit E1M1 7-27-94 2B 45 Sqr. rooms w/halls & lova moat 8 8 core E1M1 5-30-94 4B 34 Vbig, square/symmetrical +G 8 8 train2 E1M1 9-08-94 2B 44 2 lrg rooms, outer ledge, halls, snips +D2 8 7 buttv2 E1M1 7-19-94 3B 45 Updated version of BUTT for +D2 8 7 ledges3 E1M1 6-07-94 2A 34 2 rooms w/ledges, stairs, & elevators 8 7 shadows3 E1M1 5-17-94 2A 40 Updated shadows, cute- less playable 8 6 e2m1_joe E2M1 7-14-94 2B 30 Three large elevators w/connecting halls 8 6 nova E1M1 5-12-94 2A 32 Arena in outer ring. Passable walls -x 8 6 styx E1M1 6-15-94 2A 30 Court yard w/bridge & sniper halls 8 5 fragday E1M1 7-03-94 2A 40 Several big rooms, stairs, yard 8 5 ihrke1 E1M1 7-22-94 2A 44 Like "dthbox.wad" -x (dmihrke1.zip) 8 5 stream E3M1 7-01-94 3A 40 Compound built around a stream -x 8 6 facelift E1M1 7-25-94 3B 40 Elevators w/center room & teleporters 8 4 ledges2 E1M1 5-17-94 2A 34 Like Ledges, sloppy 8 3 dthbox E1M1 5-04-94 2A 40 VSml room w/ TonsOweapons on pillars 8 _ 1kdeaths E1M1 9-25-94 2A __ Central room w/teleporters & snipers 8 _ 21jpxfir E2M1 9-15-94 2A __ A few halls & steps 8 _ bean E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Corridors & small dark rooms 8 _ castle E1M1 8-24-94 3A __ Castle like area w/self moving elevators 8 _ cybrdeth E1M1 8-25-94 2A __ Large square room w/pilars 8 _ dietdoom E1M1 9-10-94 3B __ Multi-building/room w/outside, teleports 8 _ dmcath24 E1M1 10-03-94 3A 42 Central cathedral w/halls & elevators +Cx 8 _ deatday3 E1M3 9-25-94 2B __ 2 main rooms w/teleporters 8 _ ihrke4 E1M1 8-01-94 2B 45 Several lrg rooms (dmihrke4.zip) 8 _ jeff19a E1M9 7-26-94 2B 30 Several circle rooms w/yard. LotsOammo 8 _ jhkdth1 E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Warehouse maze 8 _ joi-cm1 E2M1 8-13-94 __ 4_ Snipes, lrg castle-ish. (HOM) 8 _ peace_20 E1M1 7-18-94 2B 40 Updated version of PEACE for +D2 8 _ steels E1M1 8-13-94 3B __ Circle w/maze & sniper zones 8 _ zrat E1M1 8-03-94 3B 35 Castle-ish *G -x 7 + maverick E2M1 6-03-94 3B 23 Little ammo, Multi-Theme Map +Cx 7 9 bludlust E2M1 5-12-94 4H 45 Tall center room, plus shaped 7 9 markrm3 E1M1 6-13-94 2A 22 Staircases -x 7 9 mav2d E1M1 8-09-94 2B __ Center room w/outer halls 7 8 bludlst2 E1M9 5-20-94 4H 43 Star shaped, lots of suicide 7 8 draco1 E2M1 7-22-94 4H 45 Cross halls, Elevators, & Teleporters 7 8 jadml1m1 E1M1 4-07-94 2A 21 Dark central room w/sniper points -x 7 8 lurker E2M1 7-24-94 3B 30 Circles w/1 way walls & halls +D2 7 8 pentadth E2M1 7-01-94 5B 30 5 Large Rooms w/ledges & elevators -X 7 8 tnplhome E1M1 6-03-94 3A 31 Someone's nice home w/furniture 7 8 vampire5 E1M1 9-22-94 2B 50 Many connecting rooms/snipe spots 7 7 bilbo11 E1M1 7-28-94 3B 45 Halls & rooms *M -x 7 7 chase21a E2M1 7-25-94 2B 40 Center building w/outside yard +G 7 7 phrag21a E1M1 7-25-94 4H 45 Several halls & lrg rooms (Nudes) +G 7 6 chase E1M1 7-01-94 2B 34 Center room w/side chambers 7 6 ihrke5 E1M1 8-03-94 2B 35 Two lrg rooms w/halls (dmihrke5.zip) 7 6 octafrag E1M1 4-26-94 3B 12 Center elevators & snipe zones -X 7 6 tncross2 E2M1 4-05-94 2A 33 *corrupt* (Use DMSMALL1) 7 6 town E3M6 7-21-94 3H 45 Many buildings & walls 7 6 ultima E1M1 5-02-94 2A 31 1Rm, Suspended Cross -x 7 5 clash E1M1 5-23-94 2A 30 Symmetric w/center room, no Spec 7 5 cwwad E1M1 6-08-94 5A 33 VLrg. Center room. Pyramid. Berserks 7 5 deathme E3M1 6-06-94 2A 45 Large Sq w/pillars, barrels, windows +M 7 5 duo_1 E1M1 4-29-94 2H 30 Square area w/outside corridor 7 5 enigma E1M1 7-30-94 2B 41 Center room w/elevators. Snipper zones 7 5 hexxed E1M1 6-06-94 2A 45 Caged Spider & Cyber -x 7 5 show E1M1 7-21-94 3H 35 Lrg hex room w/sniper zones 7 5 swetdeth E1M1 5-06-94 3B 35 Square room w/trench & hill 7 5 trimatch E1M1 7-20-94 2B 30 Three circles connected w/outer circle 7 4 nasty11 E1M1 6-03-94 1A 21 Simple octagon w/weapons in center 7 4 steps3 E1M1 3-30-94 3B 33 Multi-rooms & snipe windows 7 2 t3 E1M1 6-25-94 1A 50 VSml. 4 doors, 4 rooms, 4 Weapons. -X 7 _ auror12a E1M2 7-29-94 3H 45 Lots of secrets, pillers, platforms 7 _ ayrton_2 E1M1 8-08-94 2B __ small rooms w/short halls +D2 7 _ carnage E1M1 6-09-94 3B __ Four main rooms w/connecting halls 7 _ dblcross E2M2 8-08-94 2B __ Crusher, 8 outer circles. +D2 7 _ dethday2 E1M2 9-25-94 3A __ Several large rooms 7 _ free4all E2M9 8-24-94 3B __ Central room w/long elevator & halls *M 7 _ infinity E1M1 9-12-94 3B __ Two central rooms w/long elevator & halls 7 _ ledges4i E1M1 8-24-94 __ __ Large room with ledges and teleports +D2 7 _ maniac E2M1 9-15-94 3B __ Few halls & small rooms & secrets 7 _ madmax E1M1 10-11-94 2A __ Circular room & teleporters -X 7 _ megadeth E2M7 9-25-94 2A __ 1 room w/rockets 7 _ octfrag2 E1M1 10-11-94 3B __ Several rooms w/shotguns +D2 +S 7 _ ojsim1 E2M1 7-31-94 3B 40 Several rooms w/secret snipper zones 7 _ pentadth E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Several pentagrams & halls w/secrets 7 _ qwert7 E2M1 7-20-94 2A 31 Caverns and 1-way walls 7 _ rot E1M1 9-18-94 3B __ Central room w/passages & secrets 7 _ slapme E1M1 9-11-94 3B __ Big central square, snipers 7 _ tkmaz14a E1M4 7-29-94 2H 34 Twisty halls, hidden maze 7 _ treedm1 E1M1 10-15-94 3B __ Several rooms & halls 7 _ trunk E1M1 8-09-94 3B __ Several lrg rooms, halls 7 _ tourney2 E1M1 11-05-94 4B __ Designed for VGC Team Alt-Death Tourney 6 9 lookout E1M1 9-16-94 4H __ Halls & rooms +G 6 9 mayan666 E1M1 10-17-94 3B __ Outside w/buildings & pyramids +G 6 8 morehell E1M1 5-06-94 4H 11 VBig. Interconnected rooms. +Cx 6 7 fragyou E1M1 6-25-94 3A 22 Court yard w/stairs & elevators 6 6 dethe1m1 E1M1 4-30-94 4A 31 A large house. +GM 6 6 dethmaze E1M1 7-13-94 4H 32 A maze w/some darkness & sniper zones 6 6 spaz E2M1 6-27-94 5H 45 2 Large Rooms, Perches & snipe zones 6 6 spunk E1M1 4-12-94 3B __ Several big rooms, TonsOammo 6 6 the-keep E1M1 5-08-94 4H 30 In the shape of a castle/moat/court 6 5 gore1 E1M1 4-18-94 4A 30 Large cavernous rooms (maze like) 6 5 speedoom E1M1 6-20-94 2A 30 Square room w/teleporters (DM?) 6 5 spiral E2M1 4-20-94 4H 34 Room w/spiral stairs + small rooms 6 5 theta-4 E1M1 5-14-94 4H 30 Outside arena. Large rooms. +G 6 5 zzone E1M1 4-20-94 2A 35 Big room w/perches 6 4 dmaze E1M1 7-01-94 4H 30 Dark large twisting caverns 6 4 fig8 E1M1 7-23-94 2B 40 Figure 8 shaped. 6 3 avrax E3M4 6-08-94 5H 40 Paths & Arenas. TonsOAmmo -X 6 3 death1 E1M1 5-04-94 0A 00 Itty bitty; distributed with DEATH9.ZIP 6 3 grease E3M1 6-24-94 2A 33 Inverted pyramid. One way-down 6 _ area8 E1M1 9-10-94 3A __ Center arena w/ledges 6 _ ash15a E1M5 7-26-94 2H 45 Tons of small rooms w/doors 6 _ batman E2M1 7-24-94 4H 44 Lots of loops & shadows 6 _ chain E2M1 7-31-94 2B 30 LotsOchainsaws, drak areas, fake walls 6 _ conquer E3M1 9-25-94 4B __ Center outside room w/halls 6 _ drkstair E2M1 7-20-94 3B 34 Stair pit w/outer halls -x 6 _ dthtown E1M1 7-02-94 4B __ Streets & multi-level buildings 6 _ elements E1M1 9-04-94 2B __ Square rooms, snipers, central area 6 _ garden E1M1 9-05-94 __ __ Big rooms and hallways. 6 _ horror E1M1 7-15-94 4H 45 Halls & rooms -x 6 _ led E1M1 8-24-94 4H __ Halls & lrg room & ammo dump. 6 _ mav2m1 E1M1 8-09-94 2A __ Circle room w/outside doors (HOM) 6 _ maze E1M1 7-31-94 3H 40 A simple maze w/all weapons -x +M 6 _ m_rohe E1M1 9-06-94 3B __ Mansion & swiming pool w/outside. +G 6 _ night2-0 E1M8 9-25-94 3B __ Central room w/pillers +G +D2 -X 6 _ nomercy E1M1 8-01-94 3B 45 Multi-strange rooms -x +M 6 _ pentgram E1M2 9-15-94 4B __ Many rooms 6 _ pip E1M1 9-19-94 4B __ Large room w/ledges & invis walls -x 6 _ pits13a E1M3 7-29-94 3H 45 Inverted pyramid, platform, teleporters 6 _ pueblo E1M1 9-03-94 3B __ Multi-building w/outside. +G 6 _ riana001 E1M1 7-30-94 3B _2 Rooms & elevators -X 6 _ sniper E1M1 9-15-94 __ __ Several rooms w/snipers & rockets 6 _ tunnels E1M2 7-21-94 2A 04 Butterfly shapped caverns w/teleports 6 _ usq2 E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Large building & outside area 6 _ yes E1M1 8-24-94 __ __ 1 rectangle room, flashing lights. 5 9 space E1M2 5-27-94 2B 33 Several large room in outer space +GS -X 5 9 the_grid E2M1 5-20-94 4H 23 SLOW. Lots of nooks & crannies 5 8 trench E1M1 5-12-94 3A 21 Trenches to run around in outside 5 7 markrm2 E2M1 6-13-94 3A 22 Veritical floor maze -x 5 7 stadium E1M1 6-25-94 __ __ Very simple; Looks like football stadium 5 7 swig1 E1M1 7-01-94 5H 35 4 Rooms, 50 Rockets 5 6 afro E1M1 4-19-94 4H 23 Large Complex level 5 6 flat-692 E1M1 6-07-94 2A 34 A house w/furniture & yard 5 6 jadml1m1 E1M1 4-07-94 2B 22 Dark Ring w/Powerups 5 6 warehse1 E1M1 6-13-94 5H 35 VBig. Boxes mazes & outside yard 5 5 11bones E1M1 4-11-94 4B 21 Center room w/halls & perches 5 5 bigbro E1M1 4-19-94 5H 23 Large rooms. One "god" player -x 5 5 cross E1M3 3-11-94 5H 34 Big complex w/many rooms 5 5 dspiral E2M1 1-26-94 2A 43 Arena & spiral stairs in center -x 5 5 flash E1M1 4-04-94 4H 14 Side rooms w/central pit & balcony -x 5 5 frgfst21 E2M1 5-02-94 5H 21 Hex room, spiral stairs, big court yrd 5 5 techbase E1M1 5-31-94 4H 32 Large room w/crates + snipe zones -x 5 5 urbnbeta E1M1 6-06-94 4B 32 Several big houses & yards 5 4 acheron E1M3 6-10-94 4B 22 Many hex rooms & teleporters 5 4 dodge E1M1 6-29-94 2B 45 Very dark. Square chambers w/Barons 5 4 jaredm11 E1M1 7-03-94 3B 40 Coliseum w/side halls & teleports 5 4 xeno11 E1M1 5-24-94 5H 35 Many room complex w/outside area +G 5 3 cantrun E1M1 6-27-94 4H 50 VBig, TonsOWep Repetitive -X 5 3 stolen E2M1 7-01-94 4A 35 Based on Shadows. Bad lighting. 5 2 quirul E1M1 7-01-94 4A 12 Large warehouse w/halls -X 5 2 rip2 E1M4 6-13-94 3B 30 Many caverns -X 5 1 canyon E2M1 6-08-94 4B 32 Twisty canyon 5 _ altima E2M5 8-07-94 4B __ Central room & strange rooms 5 _ andy E1M1 8-06-94 3H 40 Follow arrows, several lrg rooms -x 5 _ circle_ E1M1 7-22-94 5H 35 Vlrg. interesting complex. 5 _ choppas E1M1 9-11-94 2B __ Room w/lifts & chainsaws -x 5 _ dc E1M1 8-24-94 4B __ Strange rooms 5 _ death__ E1M1 7-26-94 __ 35 Super TonsOammo, Elevators 5 _ dmarena1 E2M1 8-24-94 2A __ Big circle 5 _ evil_e E1M1 4-20-94 __ 35 Central arena w/off chutes. Few secrets. 5 _ hunter E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Maze w/rooms 5 _ kill E1M1 7-22-94 4H 40 Open area, ledges, buildings 5 _ maxfrag E1M1 8-05-94 __ 31 Fast twisty halls, 2 rooms 5 _ rip2 E1M1 7-16-94 __ 30 -x 5 _ rip5 E1M3 7-16-94 __ 40 -x 5 _ runaway E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Multi-room w/halls 5 _ ry11ecr E1M1 09-26-94 4H __ Large multi-room w/many doors -x 5 _ scarves E1M3 7-10-94 4H __ Corridors 5 _ snipe99 E1M1 8-25-94 4H __ Big complex 5 _ triangle E1M1 8-19-94 4B __ Triangle room w/teleports & pilars 5 _ zone E1M1 9-09-94 4B __ Dark twisty halls w/outside +D2 4 8 coloseum E3M1 6-08-94 3A 35 Circular room. Outside Secrets 4 8 deadzone E1M1 6-07-94 5H 22 Arena & lift grid 4 7 thekeep2 E1M1 5-15-94 4H 20 In the shape of a castle/moat/court 4 7 9-to-5 E1M6 6-13-94 5H 35 Vlrg office building w/outside. 4 6 dmat4 E1M1 7-01-94 3A 44 Large warehouse. LotsOBarrels 4 5 freedom E2M2 5-12-94 4H 33 Halls & large caverns interconnected 4 5 sewer E2M1 5-30-94 5H 32 Large open center circled by building 4 5 stairs E1M1 4-30-94 6H 35 VBig. Lots of rooms & stairs 4 4 grrfy11 E1M1 4-16-94 3H 22 Large multi-room complex -x 4 4 pyramid E2M1 5-11-94 4H 34 Pyramid w/mazes. (DM?) 4 4 quary11 E1M1 5-02-94 2A 33 Large pit w/trenches. -X 4 4 rampage E1M1 5-16-94 4H 33 Large complex w/many small rooms 4 3 atica E1M1 6-29-94 4H 12 Large maze w/outside area 4 3 horror21 E2M1 5-28-94 4B 45 Multi-room complex 4 2 pellejos E1M1 7-01-94 3A 10 Large Square room w/outer ring -X 4 _ abanware E1M1 9-06-94 4B __ Central room & outside yard 4 _ biosci E1M1 7-22-94 5H 44 Outside yard w/Lrg. building 4 _ convertm E1M1 6-30-94 4H 13 Rooms w/cages, halls, elevators -x (HOM) 4 _ dead E1M1 9-15-94 3B __ Central room, "sticky" corners, secrets 4 _ deathday E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Maze of rooms & halls -x 4 _ diefast E1M1 8-08-94 3H __ Halls 4 _ eyespy E2M2 9-15-94 3H __ Rooms w/many halls. 4 _ fist_em E1M1 8-31-94 4H __ Many rooms w/outside area. (Slow outside) 4 _ gryblood E2M2 7-20-94 4H 35 Bizaar floating building (DM?) 4 _ hiding E1M1 7-28-94 4H 34 Halls, Lrg rooms, traps, secrets 4 _ holymoly E2M3 7-20-94 2A 45 Huge circle arnea -x 4 _ joi-ctc E2M1 8-01-94 __ 43 Huge multi-level w/ledges & elevators 4 _ kswood E1M1 9-08-94 4H __ Huge outside w/some buildings +M 4 _ phucked E1M1 9-07-94 __ __ Central area w/lifts -x 4 _ rip3 E1M2 7-16-94 __ 30 -x 4 _ rip4 E1M1 7-16-94 __ 34 -x 4 _ rip6 E3M1 7-16-94 __ 34 -x 4 _ rip7 E1M5 7-16-94 __ 30 -X 4 _ rip8 E1M3 7-16-94 __ 30 -x 4 _ spaceshp E1M1 9-25-94 5H __ Huge corridors & TonsO'Weapons 4 _ spankme E1M1 8-26-94 2B __ Room w/weapon pedistals 4 _ techtemp E2M1 8-24-94 3H __ Halls & rooms -X 4 _ tour E2M1 8-05-94 3H 42 Rooms & ledges. Unmarked teleports +M 4 _ turbo E1M1 7-14-94 3B 34 Multi-room with many suicide traps -x 4 _ woodhal2 E1M1 9-12-94 4H __ Maze like halls 4 _ wow E1M4 8-17-94 __ __ Space rooms (nudes) +G 3 9 thejoker E1M1 8-09-94 4H __ TonsOswitches, traps. +M 3 6 castle E1M1 7-12-94 5H 33 VLrg. Castle layout w/outside & moat. 3 6 longmtch E2M1 4-21-94 4H 43 Lots of rooms, cages, secrets 3 5 djg21-1a E2M1 3-28-94 5B 45 Rooms connected by halls 3 5 nitro2 E2M1 6-08-94 3H 23 Interconnecting rooms 3 5 pleasure E1M1 5-10-94 5B 15 Huge stadium w/bleachers & lot -x 3 4 daemon2 E1M1 4-07-94 4H 25 Not a deathmatch specific. 3 4 upliftng E1M1 4-17-94 4H 25 Halls, pits, & trees 3 3 hellbnd E2M1 6-04-94 5H 30 Large multi-room complex 3 3 jal_dm1 E1M1 5-10-94 3B 31 Several large court yards + teleports 3 3 jeff-1-2 E1M2 3-24-94 4H 31 Large rooms some dark w/teleports 3 3 rings E1M1 6-19-94 2A 12 Sq. Rings around a central block 3 2 dprison E1M1 1-21-94 2A 45 All start in center room w/Baron 3 1 arena E1M1 4-08-94 6A 40 Biggest room ever- HOMs & equip -X 3 _ bunka E1M1 9-14-94 2B __ Dark arena 3 _ ghostown E1M2 9-25-94 5H __ Large barren town w/streets & buildings 3 _ killer21 E2M1 9-15-94 4H __ Crushing walls, acid pits, secrets 3 _ newday E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Room & halls 3 _ murder2 E2M1 8-24-94 __ __ Huge. 3 _ wwf E1M1 7-27-94 2B 32 Arena & halls 2 8 dethwalk E2M1 4-11-94 2A 33 Planks on a green acid lake -X 2 8 quatro E1M1 6-14-94 4H 44 VBig multi-level complex w/outside 2 4 lvnghell E1M1 7-01-94 2H 33 Lots of large & weird rooms +M -X 2 4 pillars E1M1 2-18-94 3H 34 Pillar room, Outside circle 2 4 sniper E1M1 6-30-94 3H 32 Many connected rooms -x 2 4 softhell E2M1 6-14-94 4H 35 Very big complex. Too many monsters 2 4 rock-it E1M1 5-09-94 4H 35 Several Large rooms. Many Suicide 2 _ base E1M1 8-13-94 __ __ Huge mazes w/outside -x 2 _ spoon! E1M1 9-25-94 __ __ Acid w/thin walkways 1 1 nitro1 E2M2 5-20-94 2A 30 Very small. Interconnected rooms. 1 2 stewbeta E1M1 9-07-78 5H 45 Outside lake & tower (lots of HOM) 1 3 tnspires E2M1 4-07-94 2A 10 4 tall pillars surround by acid 1 _ escape E1M1 8-05-94 __ __ Huge [14-2-2]: PWAD Authoring Template v1.4 -------------------------------------- For all of you PWAD authors out there, here is the "Official" PWAD Authoring Template v1.4. When you release your PWAD, please fill this form out and place it in the information file you create about your PWAD. Thanks to Steve Bareman (bareman@hope.cit.hope.edu) for creating a WAD about file standard. WAD Authoring Template V1.4 (Clip this line) ================================================================ Title : Filename : xxxx.WAD Author : Your name here Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Description : Set the mood here. Additional Credits to : ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM I/DOOM II/Both Episode and Level # : ExMx (,ExMx,...) Single Player : Yes/No Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes/No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes/No Difficulty Settings : Yes/Not implemented New Sounds : Yes/No New Graphics : Yes/No New Music : Yes/No Demos Replaced : None/1/2/3/All * Construction * Base : New level from scratch/Modified ExMx/xxx.WAD Editor(s) used : Known Bugs : * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY/may NOT) use this level as a base to build additional levels. (One of the following) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You MAY not distribute this WAD file in any format. You may do whatever you want with this file. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: *14-3*: Sounds ============== Here is a catalog of various sound collections available for DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMAUD v1.1 or similar utility is needed to import many of them into DOOM. Others are in PWAD format, which require the use of the command line: "DOOM -FILE <wadfile>.WAD" AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): sounds/(filename) FILE DESCRIPTION CREATOR ==== =========== ======= aliensnd.zip Aliens F/X and Music Unknown aliens2 .zip Aliens movie Unknown anime .zip Anime sounds Steve Chaney (gunhed@netcom.com) ash-doom.zip PWAD of doom-ash.zip Unknown aoddoom .zip Army of Darkness Unknown (flash@black.clarku.edu) aodsound.zip Army of Darkness Marc Wensauer (w9b192@ugrad.cs.ubc.ca) awsdm1-2.zip Best sounds collection Christian Reed (jcr@gas.uug.arizona.edu) beav-but.zip Beavis and Butthead Doug Dziedzic (dziedzic@ecst.csuchico.edu) beavis .zip Beavis and Butthead Jeff Webinger (willey@iastate.edu) dgold3lt.zip DOOM GOLD Lite Enigma-13 dm_chris.zip Realistic/frightening Chris Hayashida (chayashida@ms.asucla.ucla.edu) dm_cool .zip Humourous sounds Aaron Criger (blade@freenet.grfn.org) dm_fluid.zip Fluid Motion sounds Dagda Samildanac (dagda_s@hebron.connected.com) dm_gheto.zip Explicit lyrics Unknown dmgold10.zip DOOM GOLD Enigma-13 dmgold_4.zip DOOM GOLD IV (D2) Enigma-13 dmaliens.zip Aliens movie "Peacemaker" dmfmj20 .zip Full Metal Jacket Jin Kim (xjinkim@fullerton.edu) dmmisc .zip Star Wars/Ren & Stimpy "Asthmahound" dmnsnd1 .zip Aliens/Predator/Ash Daniel Kennett (dkennett@sfu.ca) dmnsnd2 .zip Simpsons "Shriker" (gills@qucdn.queensu.ca) dmnsnd3 .zip Predator/others "Shriker" (gills@qucdn.queensu.ca) dmpython.zip Monty Python Adam Isgreen and Andre Vrignaud (andrev@aol.com) dmsally .zip When Harry Met Sally "Duran Duran" dmsilly1.zip Humorous Unknown (dchouina@sobeco.ca) dmstrwr1.zip Star Wars PWAD Unknown (aaronf@netcom.com) dmwierd .zip 36 new sounds Scott Schuricht (schurich@mn.ecn.purdue.edu) dmzounds.zip TV shows/songs/CDs Stephen Pandke (pandke@zeus.achilles.net) doe .zip Homer Simpson Steve (gunhed@netcom.com) doom-ash.zip Army-Darkness/Evil Dead Brian Olson (olso0389@maroon.tc.umn.edu) doomdwdk.zip Darkwing Duck Patrick (patrick@fornext.com) doomsnds.zip Util plays sounds Michael Albers (mal@netcom.com) doomwkd .zip "Wicked" sounds "D.H." doomwavs.zip Sound collection "Halitosis" drwho .zip Dr. Who sounds Simon Jansen (sjan01@cs.aukuni.ac.nz) dsmdoom .zip Original DOOM sounds Unknown (drudman@corp.hp.com) dsmterm .zip Terminator Unknown (drudman@corp.hp.com) evildead.zip Evil Dead sounds SubSector funsnd .zip Various movies Steve Huskisson (steveh@satelnet.org) gdsounds.zip PWAD of greatds.zip Unknown (efisher@moose.uvm.edu) goons .zip Goons sounds Peter Sellers (heasman@geo.geol.utas.edu.au) greatds .zip Sound collection Unknown gus1m .zip Optimized GUS MIDI Tom Klok (a344@mindlink.bc.ca) hiroshim.zip Scary sounds Wes Ratliff (tas8663@utarlg.uta.edu) hn_doom .zip HellNet sounds Unknown hhgwavs .zip Hitchhiker's Guide TTG S.P. Harvey (sharvey@interaccess.com) homer .zip Simpsons PWAD Dave Sawford and Andrew Gerrard (dws@ras.phy.cam.ac.uk) homerdm2.zip Homer DOOM Shinobi jamsnds2.zip NBA Jam sounds Mr. Micro jb-doom .zip James Brown sounds Steven Fox (steven.fox@twwde.com) jbrown .zip James Brown sounds Ron VanDevender (renv@graylady.uoregon.edu) jerkey .zip Jerky Boys Unknown jerky .zip Jerky Boys Steve Huskisson (steveh@satelnet.org) jesco .zip Jesco White sounds Unknown (un035345@wvnvaxa.wvnet.edu) jpdoom .zip Jurassic Park sounds Steven Waldner (waldner@plains.nodak.edu) kickassa.zip Various Movies Charles Fuoco (cfuoco@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu) mstdoom .zip MST3k sounds Michael Coleman (grolsch1@aol.com) mydoom10.zip Sound collection Unknown mymixwad.zip Sound collection Unknown newsnd .zip Various Sounds Johnny Nugnug (jnugnug@nas.com) not4kids.zip Explicit lyrics Unknown (cluster@neosoft.com) pooksnds.zip Pook Sounds Evan Malsbury (Unknown) predator.zip Predator Dream Warrior python .zip Monty Python sounds Solomon White (whitesol@math.enmu.edu) raw .zip Favorite Sounds (D2) Andrew Smith (aes4@fdadr.cdrh.fda.gov) realdm-1.zip Military Base Sounds Andrew Schramm (schramm@mciron.mw.tu-dresden.de) seindoom.zip Seinfeld Unknown sex .zip Explicit lyrics Wade Stewart (swade@efn.org) simpsons.zip Simpsons DOOM Chuck Fuoco (cfuoco@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu) spit .zip Various Sounds Unknown (s1076329@cedarville.edu) st-snds .zip Star Trek Pete Hesse (pmhesse@vax1.acs.jmu.edu) sternwad.zip Howard Stern Unknown stooges .zip The Three Stooges Phil Robinson (robinson@euler.jsc.nasa.gov) swdoc13 .zip Star Wars Sounds AJ swsfx .zip Star Wars Sounds Mike (Unknown) swfxpwad.zip Star Wars Unknown t2sounds.zip Terminator II Unknown t2 .zip Terminator II Unknown udoomsfx.zip Various TV shows Unknown yaasp .zip Aliens sounds Jeremy Phillips voices .zip SPISPOPD sounds Nathan Mielcarek (donnmiel@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil) voodoom .zip Sounds Shinobi wworld30.zip Wayne's World Eric Wescott (wescotte@earth.execpc.com) (jphil@tartarus.uwa.edu.au) *14-4*: Music ============= Here is a catalog of various music collections available for DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMMUSIC v1.0a or similar utility is needed to import many of them into DOOM. Others are in PWAD format, which require the use of the command line: "DOOM -FILE <wadfile>.WAD" AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): music/(filename) FILE DESCRIPTION EPISODES CREATOR ==== =========== === ======= allepmus.zip assorted music 123 Unknown (jtdickin@ouray.denver.colorado.edu) batmus .zip Batman Music 1XX Tim McCune (trm@ksu.ksu.edu) classic1.zip classical music 1XX Unknown classic2.zip classical music 1XX Unknown clasmus .zip classical music 1XX Unknown e2music1.zip assorted music 12X Unknown (chadan@daisy.cc.utexas.edu) e2newmus.zip New Music X2X Unknown (chadan@daisy.cc.utexas.edu) foreve .zip Live Forever Queen 1XX Kathy Brown (Unknown) jaymust .zip assorted music 12X Unknown (bgorski@emr1.emr.ca) jjs-jams.zip New Music 123 J. J. Franzen (jfranzen@scf.usc.edu) lithmusi.zip classic rock 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca) pop .zip Pop Music 1XX Nigel Arnold (nige@theweb.demon.co.uk) rikmusic.zip Rick's Music 12X Rick Kelly (bubsy1@aol.com) starmid .zip Star Wars music 123 Unknown swmusfx3.zip Star Wars music 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca) swmusic .zip Star Wars music 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca) t2mus .zip Terminator II music 1XX Wirta Wiriyan (kosasih@cae.wisc.edu) vamus1 .zip Various Pop Music 1XX Angelito So (aso@ic.sunysb.edu) *14-5*: LMPs (Recordings) ========================= As far as I am aware, no LMP packages have been released for DOOM v1.666 or DOOM II v1.7a. *14-6*: DEHACKED patches ======================== DEHACKED (see Chapter [13-2]) allows modification of the DOOM.EXE file. DEHACKED can be used to create DOOM.EXE patch files, which are used to save DOOM.EXE settings to be distributed. To use a DEHACKED patch, the DEHACKED utility is required (see Chapter [13-2]). Using the DEHACKED utility, type this to use a DEHACKED patch file. "DEHACKED <WAD file name/path> -LOAD <patch name>.DEH" For example, to use a DOOM.WAD in the C:\DOOM directory, and patch it with the monster morphing patch, you would use this command line: "DEHACKED c:\doom\doom.wad -LOAD monsmorf.deh" AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/(filename) For a complete list and review of all DeHackEd patches, E-mail Michael Adcock at "adcock@menudo.uh.edu" asking for the DeHacked patch review. ---------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER *15*: What other miscellaneous DOOM add-ons exist? ---------------------------------------------------------- *15-1* APCiDOOM v5.1 ==================== DESCRIPTION: A full front-end for DOOM and DOOM II. Allows use of the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server (available on various BBSes) as well as standard modem and IPX games. CREATED BY: APC, Inc. (Unknown) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/apcidm51.zip [15-2]: BNUDOOM v1.26 ===================== DESCRIPTION: A DOOM serial driver replacement utilizing a fossil driver. Allows modem-modem connections with modem speeds up to 115K with full error correction and hardware flow control, non-standard IRQ setups, voice to modem connections (no need to wait for RING in this case - goes straight to on-line to get the handshaking going), option NOT to drop DTR after a game has ended in order to restart the game without losing the connection, and more. If you are having trouble with your modem and DOOM, this is for you. CREATED BY: David Nugent (address@here) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/BNUDM126.ZIP *15-3*: DeuTex and DeuSF v2.9 ============================= DESCRIPTION: DeuTex is a freeware program to build, rip-off and rebuild PWADs. Allows you to flexibly redefine sprites, floors, ceilings, wall textures, sounds, music, levels (obtained from doom editors). DeuSF enables you to distribute PWADS where some sprite and floor/ceiling are redefined. A must to create customised and original looking PWADs. Supports .GIF .BMP .WAV .AU (and .MUS, obtained from MIDI files). CREATED BY: Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/deutex29.zip [15-4]: DIRPWAD =============== DESCRIPTION: Reads episode and mission number from a PWAD file, including information about mode. CREATED BY: R. Nijlunsing (csg465@wing.rug.nl) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dirpwad.zip [15-5]: DOOMBSP Source Code =========================== DESCRIPTION: id Software's BSP builder source code. CREATED BY: id Software (help@idsoftware.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/doombsp.zip *15-6*: DOOM Color Changer v2.0 =============================== DESCRIPTION: This program modifies the DOOM.WAD files' player pictures. This allows a you to change the way other players are viewed in a multi-player game. If you are playing a cooperative game, you can make the players white so they stand out and you can avoid hitting them by accident. Or, you can make the players dark colors so that a deathmatch game can be more difficult. This program will only work on the registered DOOM version 1.2. CREATED BY: Douglas Leininger (72773.245@compuserve.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomcc2.zip *15-7*: DOOM Control Center v3.0 ================================ DESCRIPTION: Run single/serial/modem/network games. Mouse-driven user interface, control all aspects of modem and net games ITHOUT command line parameters. Use external WADs, edit chat macros, saved games. Re-assign levels of WAD files. Browse internal directory of WAD files. CREATED BY: Unknown AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dmcc30.zip *15-8*: DOOM EasyWAD v1.11 ========================== DESCRIPTION: This program was made for all those DOOMers with loadsa WAD files. It produces a nice WAD selection interface, which should put an end to losing track of all these files. (At least I get more frustrated from finding that particular WAD file and typing all that things on the command line than from playing DOOM itself!). CREATED BY: M. van der Heide (martijn@.htsa.hva.nl) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/easyw111.zip *15-9*: DOOMED v1.666 ===================== DESCRIPTION: This is the one of the few save game editors that I know of that hassurvived each and every DOOM version release. This great editor works on all versions of DOOM I through v1.666. CREATED BY: Arun Bhalla (abhalla@imsa.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): doomed16.zip *15-10*: DOOMED v1.6b ===================== DESCRIPTION: Another saved game editor (different than the original DOOMED). This editor is unique as it works on both DOOM I and DOOM II. CREATED BY: Chris Holz (cholz@wilbur.mbrak.swin.oz.au) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomedt.zip *15-11*: DOOM Front End v3.10 ============================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM front end allowing many configurations. For DOOM I. CREATED BY: Josh Jackson (jsoftware@delphi.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dfe310.zip *15-12*: DOOM!gate v1.6 ======================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM front end allowing many configurations. For DOOM I. CREATED BY: Jani Halme (Unknown) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dgate160.zip [15-13]: The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.0 ======================================== DESCRIPTION: The full source code for Josh Jackson's WAD editing utilities. CREATED BY: Josh Jackson (joshjackson@delphi.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dhtk100.zip (15-14): The DOOM Help Service ============================== DESCRIPTION: A group of many files, including the "Official" DOOM FAQ and modem information, for help with DOOM. CREATED BY: Ian Mapleson (mapleson@cee.hw.ac.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): text/doomhelp.zip (15-15): The DOOM Honorific Titles ================================== DESCRIPTION: When you think your DOOM skills are solid and that no monster in hell can be a match for your shotgun, you have two basic ways of getting street credit. One is to win lots of DeathMatches against well-known players, and the other is to get one or more "DOOM Honorific Titles". The DHT is a rating system that awards top players with standardized and universally recognized titles. If you feel proud and/or silly enough, you can include the relevant letters after your name in your .sig and impress your fellow DOOM players. There are four titles to be conquered: DOOM Master (DM): can complete any level on Ultra-Violence. DOOM Grand Master (DGM): can complete any level on Nightmare. DOOM Tyson (DT): can complete any level on Ultra-Violence using nothing more than fist and pistol. DOOM Grand Ass Kicker (DGAK): has the combined skills of a Master, a Tyson and a Grand Master. The titles are awarded by passing an examination. As with most examinations, this will only be a random sampling of your capacity. You won't be required to complete all 27 episodes to prove that you can do it. You will be your own judge for the results. You will receive the text of the examination, which tells you what to do to be awarded the title you think you deserve; from then on you just have to produce the corresponding LMPs and upload them to a specific public place in a specific format to be able to call yourself a DM, DT, DGM or DGAK. There is no time limit. The LMPs must be produced especially for the examination -- you can't just send in your old ones. This is because there is an authentication mechanism which prevents people from recycling other people's LMPs. CREATED BY: Frank Stajano (fms@cam-orl.co.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): incoming/dht-exams/DHT3.ZIP *15-16*: DOOMLaunch v1.00 ========================= DESCRIPTION: DOOMLaunchis a complete DOOM .WAD manager. Looking for one program to handle all of your wads efficiently and easily? Can't find the text file to tell you what level that wad is? Is your hard drive overwhelmed by the sheer size of all those extra wads? Need a simple, easy to use solution? DOOMLaunch can help. CREATED BY: Keith Cohen (Unknown) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dl100.zip [15-17]: DOOM Launcher for OS/2 v1.1 ==================================== DESCRIPTION: This program will create a REXX exec on-the-fly that will launch the DOOM v1.2 registered version with appropriate DOS SETTINGS and PARAMETERS to allow you to play DOOM under OS/2 2.1 in one of 3 ways: Stand alone, via Modem, and network. This program supports all known command line options for the DOOM.EXE, SERSETUP.EXE, and IPXSETUP.EXE executables. CREATED BY: Kevin Royalty (k.royalty@genie.geis.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): /pub/doom/misc/dmos2run.zip [15-18]: The DOOM Level Design FAQ v1.1 ======================================= DESCRIPTION: A file containing frequently asked questions about DOOM level design and editing. CREATED BY: Tom Neff (tneff@panix.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/text/design11.zip [15-19]: DOOMLOAD v4.0 ====================== DESCRIPTION: A replacement for DOOM's SETUP.EXE which allows quick net and modem play, "Sudden Death" play, play-logging for Novel networks, LMP recording and playback, and more. CREATED BY: Christian Antkow (cant@softchoice.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): doomld4.zip Site (1): multi_doom/doomld4.zip *15-20*: DOOM Master v3.0 ========================= DESCRIPTION: The "ultimate" DOOM shell/launcher, handling everything from network to modem play, all DOOM configurations, and even has CD-ROM audio support. CREATED BY: Joe Wilcox (sillysft@aol.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dm3.zip *15-21*: DOOMenu v17.0 ====================== DESCRIPTION: DOOMenu is a utility which allows IPX network, modem, and null-modem, or single play quickly and easily. DOOMenu allows you to choose cooperative or deathmatch with respawn or monsters on or off. It can load a save game, or use an external WAD file. It will ask you for the skill, episode, episode map, number to dial, and whether to disable call waiting. It can store up to 9 different default phone numbers for speed dialing. It also has a built-in wad rating system, so you never have to remember which wads were good, and a wad counter which records the number of times you have played each wad. It fully supports DOOM v1.666 with -fast (speeds up monsters), -altdeath (DeathMatch v2.0 Rules), -turbo (Speeds up players! Gr8 for handicapping), and @RESPONSE. CREATED BY: Jason Sandlin (000082937@ucis.vill.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomen17.zip [15-22]: DOOM Modem Contact List R7 =================================== DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this list is to act as a directory of DOOM Modem players to help DOOMers connect with each other. If you are seeking a fellow player, simply locate someone near you on this list and send them E-Mail. If you would like to be added to the list, send E-mail with the subject "DMCL - Add me" to 73743,431 on CompuServe, or "73743.431@compuserve.com" on the Internet. Please provide the following information: 1) State/Province/Country (For North America, please use the state/province 2 character postal abbreviation.) 2) Area Code 3) NNX - This is the first 3 digits of your phone number, also known as your exchange. (Not required for European addresses) 4) Name 5) City 6) Game play preference (D=Deathmatch/C=Cooperative/E=Either) 7) E-Mail Address Example: Canada, ON, 416, 631, Jeff Forsyth, Toronto, E, 73743,431 CREATED BY: Jeff Forsyth (CompuServe: 73743,431) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): text/dmcl7.txt [15-23]: DOOMPICS.ZIP ===================== DESCRIPTION: A series of DOOM pictures, including death scenes, barrels, and a close up of a rocket. These graphics are in PCX format. CREATED BY: Edgar Roman (eroman@dante.nmsu.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): doompics.zip [15-24]: DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b ============================================== DESCRIPTION: DOOM Serial Connection Manager is an alternative to using SETUP.EXE or command line parameters to set up serial connections. It allows you to change many more options than with SETUP, and allows you to save up to 40 configurations. CREATED BY: The Blind Preacher: Nick Sabinske To reach Nick, E-mail "sharvari@coke.eng.umd.edu" and the message will be forwarded. AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/dscm106b.zip Site (2): dscm106b.zip [15-25]: DOOM Utilities v0.1 ============================ DESCRIPTION: Allows you to view DOOM maps. Includes such features as zoom, pan, and multiple episode support. CREATED BY: Bill Kirby (bkirby@netcom.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): dmutil01.zip [15-26]: DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c ================================ DESCRIPTION: DOOM WAD Manager is a program that allows you to organize and work with all of your DOOM PWAD levels. You can catalog your PWAD and IWAD files, change the level a PWAD modifies, and run DOOM with a single IWAD or PWAD to try them out. CREATED BY: The Blind Preacher: Nick Sabinske To reach Nick, E-mail "sharvari@coke.eng.umd.edu" and the message will be forwarded. AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dwm130c.zip Site (2): dwm130c.zip *15-27*: DOOM.WAD Patch v1.666 ============================== DESCRIPTION: A unofficial patch which repairs a bug in DOOM I v1.666 in episode 3, mission 9. CREATED BY: Lloyd Shelby (lshelby@indy.net) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dmp1666r.zip [15-28]: The DOOM IPX Network FAQ v1.2 ====================================== DESCRIPTION: A file containing answers to frequently asked questions about playing DOOM over an IPX network. CREATED BY: Josh Jackson (jsoftware@delphi.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): text/ipxnet12.faq *15-29*: iDOOM v1.1 =================== DESCRIPTION: A TCP/IP network driver for playing DOOM over the Internet. * Full support for DOOM II * Online chat mode * Interactive game parameter setting * Built-in player "dialing directory" CREATED BY: Scott Coleman (asre@uiuc.edu) Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_player/idoom11.zip mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu: /asre/idoom11.zip *15-30*: Internet DOOM Client/Server System v0.12 ================================================= DESCRIPTION: The DOOM* Client/Server System is a front-end to DOOM TCP/IP network drivers. You use the client software to connect to a Frag Server. While connected to the server, you can chat with other players and bystanders and negotiate game parameters. You tell the server what parameters you want, and when all the players are ready, the server will give the client the decided game parameters plus the IP adresses of all your victims. The client software will disconnect from the server and then run a multi-player DOOM game (iDOOM* or linuxxdoom*). CREATED BY: Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/tcpsrv12.zip [15-31]: LNTYP v1.01 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Contains descriptions of the available linedef types by number, grouped by function. Includes 33 previously undefined linedef types and corrections to many others. CREATED BY: Brian McKimens (samneric@connected.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/text/lntyp101.zip [15-32]: MIDI2MUS ================= DESCRIPTION: Converts MIDI music files to DOOM's MUS file format. Useful for available DOOM music editors. CREATED BY: id Software (help@idsoftware.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): music/midi2mus.exe [15-33]: OLDIPX.ZIP =================== DESCRIPTION: These are some files which may be useful in getting DOOM running over a TCP/IP network. Included is an older version of a 3Com Etherlink III packet driver from 3Com, which has been found to be more reliable than the newer version from the Crynwr collection. Also included is an older version of the Crynwr collection, which includes a number of useful utilities that were taken out of the newer version. An old version of an IPX-to-PD converter is also included, which seems to run much better with DOOM than the new version by Intel. Other files include a copy of the DOOM IPX FAQ. CREATED BY: Steve Bonds (sbonds@jarthur.claremont.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): oldipx.zip Site (1): multi_doom/oldipx.zip *15-34*: SER6.ZIP ================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM SERSETUP.EXE replacement which allows many baud rates, fixes all serial bugs, chat functions, statistics display, warping, and much more. CREATED BY: Russell Gilbert (b804682@csc1.ftw.bnr.com) Paul Hermann (hermann@poly-eng.uakron.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/ser6.zip Site (2): ser6.zip [15-35]: The Ultimate DOOM Maps =============================== DESCRIPTION: 1024x768x256 GIF maps of all DOOM levels. CREATED BY: Hap Campbell (hsc5m@watt.seas.virginia.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): ultmaps1.zip *15-36*: Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.666 ===================================== DESCRIPTION: Technical information about the DOOM .WAD file for programmers. Includes complete explanation of all components of the .WAD file, including nodes. v1.666 of the specs may not be available until the first quarter of 1995. CREATED BY: Matt Burnett (matt.fell@acebbs.com) Hank Leukart (Distribution: ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/text/dmspec16.txt Site (2): dmspec16.txt Site (3): dmspec16.zip ------------------------------------ CHAPTER [16]: Future add-on software ------------------------------------ [16-1]: Add-on software wish list ================================= Attention programmers! Here is a wish list, created by the DOOM players, of add-on software that should be made for DOOM. If you would like to make an addition to this list, please send me E-mail. Additionally, if you are planning on creating one of these utilities, tell me, and I'll move it to the "Add-on software in the making" chapter. o Patch for network play that allows more than four players [16-2]: Add-on software in the making ===================================== This chapter tells about add-on software which is being currently worked on. If you are working on something that is not in here, please send me E-mail so I can put it in. In this section, you can also request help on creating some add-on software. Project: None Author: Ghent (ghent@rushnet.com) Status: Looking for programming project. If anyone would like help from an experienced programmer for a DOOM project, E-mail him. [CODE] DMFAQ66D.TXT [CODE] ==================================== =SECTION THREE= DOOM ADD-ON SOFTWARE ==================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER *11*: What is DOOM add-on software and where can I get it? ------------------------------------------------------------------ DOOM add-on software is software, not made by id Software, that modifies, changes, or helps you with your game when playing DOOM. Some examples are cheating utilities, map editors, and sound editors. This software is in no way endorsed by id, and neither id Software nor myself take any responsibility for any problems you have with this software. DO NOT contact id regarding any of this software. Most of this software will not work on the shareware version of DOOM, by request from id Software. Most of this software is available from these sites unless specified otherwise. FTP #(1) ftp.orst.edu /pub/doom/<directory_name_here> + ftp.uwp.edu /pub/msdos/games/id/home-brew/doom/<dir> + empires.stanford.edu /pub/<directory_name>/<directory_name> + ftp.uni-erlangen.de /pub/pc/msdos/games/ID/DOOM-stuff/<dir> FTP (2) wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games/doomstuff/<dir> BBS (3) Software Creations (508)-365-2359 (2400 baud) (508)-368-7036 (9600-14.4k v.32bis) (508)-368-4137 (14.4k16.8k HST/DS) BBS +(4) Game Palace (305)-587-4258 BBS +(6) 8N1 (407)-438-1568 +: This site is a mirror of (1) #: ftp.orst.edu is a temporary site to replace the old DOOM site until a new permanent site can be found. *11-1* If I don't have FTP access, how can I get these files? ============================================================= Call one of the BBSs listed in Chapter [11]. -------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [12]: What cheating utilities have been made for DOOM? -------------------------------------------------------------- This chapter describes utilities that have been created to help people cheat at DOOM. Due to the recent release of v1.666 of DOOM, there are currently no save game editors that work with the new save game format. Please E-mail me if you have created one! ----------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [13]: What add-on software allows me to alter DOOM? ----------------------------------------------------------- [13-1]: BSP v1.2x ================= DESCRIPTION: A 100% working nodes builder which builds the correct BSP nodes and blockmap data for any WAD file. CREATED BY: Colin Reed (colin@argonaut.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/bsp12x.zip *13-2*: DEHACKED v2.1 ===================== DESCRIPTION: DEHACKED allows modification of the DOOM.EXE file. This makes it possible to create new weapons, new monsters, many special-effects, and much more. Works will all versions of DOOM and DOOM II. CREATED BY: Greg Lewis (gregory.lewis@umich.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/dhe21.zip (13-3) Deframed v1.0 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Deframed v1.0 is a utility used to extract the frame table from the registered version of the DOOM.EXE. Patch files can be created in text or binary format, edited and written back to DOOM.EXE. CREATED BY: Chris Gillespie (gilles2@hubcap.clemson.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/dfram10.zip *13-4*: DEU v5.3 ================ DESCRIPTION: A map editor to create brand new levels for DOOM or edit existing ones. Includes manual, tutorial, and complete source code. Widely considered THE DOOM level editor. Note: v5.3 of DEU was not available at time of writing, but should be available very soon after. CREATED BY: Raphael Quinet (quinet@montefiore.ulg.ac.be) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/deu53.zip Site (2): deu53.zip *13-5*: DMapEdit v3.01 ====================== DESCRIPTION: A full DOOM map editor which allows editing of DOOM level components. CREATED BY: Jason Hofoss (hoffo002@gold.tc.umn.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dme301.zip Site (2): dmaped30.zip [13-6]: DMAUD v1.1 ================== DESCRIPTION: DMAUD will store sounds into or extract sounds from DOOM.WAD files distributed with DOOM versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. In addition, DMAUD will play the sound if a SoundBlaster compatible sound card is present. DMAUD v1.1 also has the ability to create PWAD files. Input files can be any format (.AU, .VOC, .WAV, .SND, etc) and any sample rate; they will be converted as necessary. CREATED BY: Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmaud11.zip Site (2): dmaud11.zip [13-6-1]: DMFE v0.0.1 --------------------- DESCRIPTION: DMFE provides a simple front-end to Bill Neisius' excellent utility, DMAUD, which allows you to alter the sound files used in DOOM. CREATED BY: Douglas Reedy (welch@zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dmfe001.zip [13-7]: DMGRAPH v1.1 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Allows importing and exporting of graphics for DOOM. v1.0 allows usage of PPM or GIF graphic files in 320x200x256 format. CREATED BY: Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmgrap11.zip Site (2): dmgrap11.zip [13-8]: DMMUSIC v1.0a ===================== DESCRIPTION: DMMUSIC allows importing and exporting of MUS files with IWAD and PWAD files. CREATED BY: Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmmus10a.zip *13-9*: DOOMCAD v4.3 and v5.0 ============================= DESCRIPTION: DOOMCAD is a "state-of-the-art" DOOM map editor for Windows. Allows creations of levels from scratch, three dimensional previewing, drag-and-drop editing, and fairly good handling of nodes. Note: v4.3 works only on DOOM I while v5.0 works only on DOOM II. CREATED BY: Matt Tagliaferri (matt.tagliaferri@pcohio.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dmcad43.zip and dmcad50.zip Site (2): dmcad43.zip and dmcad50.zip [13-10]: DOOM Color Changer =========================== DESCRIPTION: This program modifies the DOOM.WAD files' player pictures. This allows you to change the way other players are viewed in a multi-player game. If you are playing a cooperative game, you can make the players white so they stand out and you can avoid hitting them by accident. Or, you can make the players dark colors so that a deathmatch game can be more difficult. This program will only work on the registered DOOM v1.2 or above. CREATED BY: Douglas Leininger (72773.245@compuserve.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomcc.zip *13-11*: DOOM Construction Kit v1.1a ==================================== DESCRIPTION: An easy to use DOOM map editor. Many functions allow the automating of texture placement. CREATED BY: Bill Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/dck11a.zip [13-12]: DOOMDump v0.9 ====================== DESCRIPTION: Dumps out all structures contained in a WAD file to a text file. CREATED BY: Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dmdump09.zip [13-13]: DOOM Editor - The Real Thing v2.60b4 ============================================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM map editor which allows map changes, bitmap viewing, and sound importing and exporting. Very little knowledge of DOOM WAD structure needed. Requires Windows v3.1. CREATED BY: Unknown name (pringler@cuug.ab.ca) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/de_260b4.zip Site (2): de_260b4.zip *13-14*: DOOMLaunch v1.00 ========================= DESCRIPTION: Menu-driven access to ALL DOOM options. - Fully supports multi-player games - Handles up to 750 external WAD files - WADs are compressed with PKZIP until they are needed - Allows 6 separate saved games for each WAD - Allows assignment of rating and description to WADs - WADs can be separated in up to 250 groups - Keeps track of date/time/elapsed time WAD was played - WAD statistics (number of monsters, ammo, weapons) - Built in map viewer CREATED BY: Keith Cohen (viper@mercury.interpath.net) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_player/dl100.zip [13-15]: DOOMTOOL ================= DESCRIPTION: A collection of two utilities: SND.EXE allows a sound to be put into a PWAD file. CAT.EXE allows two PWAD files to be merged into a third. CREATED BY: Unknown Name (jdooley@ugcs.caltech.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/doomtool.zip Site (2): doomtool.zip [13-16]: DOPE v1.2 ================== DESCRIPTION: DOPE is a DOOM Object Placement Editor. This program will allow you to completely edit object placement in all levels. CREATED BY: Chris Carollo (ccarollo@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): dope12.zip *13-17*: EdMap v1.23 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Popular and powerful DOOM map editor. This is one of the few current map editors that works on both DOOM and DOOM II. CREATED BY: Jeff Rabenhorst (araya@wam.umd.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/edmap123.zip [13-18]: IDBSP v1.0 =================== DESCRIPTION: id Software's BSP node builder ported to DOS. CREATED BY: Ron Rossbach (ej070@cleveland.freenet.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/idbsp10.zip [13-19]: Jumble v3.0 ==================== DESCRIPTION: JUMBLE is a DOOM item randomizer; it randomly places, objects, enemies, and powerups in new locations. Some useful features include savable configuration files, object weighting, removal of items, retention of items, and netDOOM compatibility. Also reads RanDOOM v1.x .W files. The optional add-on archive includes many different already created .JBL files for immediate playability. CREATED BY: <Empty> Productions (joakim.erdfelt@swsbbs.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): random/jumble30.zip and random/jumble3s.zip Site (2): jumble30.zip and jumble3s.zip Site (3): jumble30.zip and jumble3s.zip [13-20]: MDE: My DOOM Editor v0.90b =================================== DESCRIPTION: Allows modification of DOOM levels, including object placement, light levels, floor and ceiling heights, secret areas, acid damage, blinking lights, crushing ceilings, moving platforms, teleports, and more. Not a complete level structure editor. CREATED BY: Patrick Steele (Unknown address) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/mde90b1.zip Site (2): mde90b1.zip [13-21]: Move Level v2.0 ======================== DESCRIPTION: Move Level allows modification of the episode and mission number in a DOOM PWAD file. CREATED BY: Steve Stimpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/movelev2.zip [13-22]: MUS2PWAD v1.0 ====================== DESCRIPTION: Places MUS files into PWAD files. CREATED BY: Wirta Wiriyan (kosasih@cae.wisc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): music/mus2pwad.zip [13-23]: NodeNav v0.8 ===================== DESCRIPTION: Allows observation of the geometry of the nodes structure for a particular DOOM level. CREATED BY: Frank Palazzolo (palazzol@msen.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/nodenav.zip Site (2): nodenav.zip [13-24]: RanDOOM v1.65 ====================== DESCRIPTION: RanDOOM is a utility which will randomize the placement of objects in the DOOM playfield. Additionally, RanDOOM has some smarts and fixes major problems that other randomizers have. RanDOOM allows you to tailor its randomizing to your personal taste. RanDOOM has the capability to randomize and create PWAD files as well. CREATED BY: Scott Coleman: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): random/rdoom165.zip Site (2): rdoom165.zip [13-25]: REJECT v1.0 ==================== DESCRIPTION: REJECT.EXE is a command line based utility used for building the REJECT resource in a DOOM PWAD file. It post-processes a PWAD which has been created using a level editor such as DEU. Its main purpose is to speed up slow PWAD files by reducing the number of line-of-sight calculations performed by the DOOM engine. CREATED BY: L. M. Witek (lee@trousers.demon.co.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/reject10.zip [13-26]: Renegade Graphics DOOMED v1.1c/e ========================================= DESCRIPTION: Allows advanced DOOM map editing and has been used by many PWAD creators. Allows modification and creation of PWAD files. Includes detailed documentation. A v2.0 upgrade is expected soon which should add many new features. Note: The newest registered version is v1.1e. Registration is $25 US. CREATED BY: Joe Pantuso (73633.2517@compuserve.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/rgde11cs.zip Renegade Graphics BBS: (615)-337-9198 [13-27]: RENWAD =============== DESCRIPTION: Allows modification of the episode and mission number in a DOOM PWAD file. CREATED BY: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/renwad.zip *13-28*: UltEd v1.00b ===================== DESCRIPTION: A DOOM map editor similar to DEU v5.2. This editor is unique because it runs under OS/2. CREATED BY: Peter Ott (pott@cate.ryerson.ca) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/ulted.zip [13-29]: VERDA v0.20 ==================== DESCRIPTION: With VERDA, you can move THINGs around the map and change them to other things. You can change LINE triggers, SIDE image selection, SECTOR image selection, floor heights, ceiling heights, sector actions (raising/lowering, etc.), and properties (acid/blinking lights, etc.) You can graphically see which lines trigger which sectors, and change this. You can display the NODE information graphically, but it cannot currently be edited. CREATED BY: Mike Carter (verda@swri.edu) Robert Fenske Bob Robinson AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/old_edit/verda020.zip [13-30]: VERDA Node Builder v1.05 ================================= DESCRIPTION: Builds nodes in a PWAD file. CREATED BY: Robert Fenske (rfenske@swri.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/vbsp1050.zip *13-31*: WADEd v1.42 ==================== DESCRIPTION: WADED was designed to be an easy and decent DOOM map editor. It is completely mouse controlled, and run from DOS. The obvious goal was to write a good editor, so people would be able to create some good new DOOM levels from scratch that could be distributed in small patch .WAD (PWAD) files. CREATED BY: Matthew Ayres (ayres@cdrom.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/waded142.zip [13-32]: WAD Extended Tools v1.0 ================================ DESCRIPTION: Allows viewing and hex editing of WAD resources such as pictures, textures, color maps, and more. CREATED BY: Unknown Name (vels@aldan.cs.biu.ac.il) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/ewt.zip [13-33]: WAD Hacker v2.0 ======================== DESCRIPTION: WAD Hacker is a DOOM WAD file resource viewer. Allows viewing of all graphical resources. BMPs can be generated from any graphic and PWAD files can be produced from any level. CREATED BY: Roger Hayes (roger_hayes@stortek.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wadhak.zip [13-34]: WADMASTER v0.5 ======================= DESCRIPTION: Allows adding and removing of THINGS in DOOM levels. Also displays NODES, SSECTORS, and SEGS. CREATED BY: Unknown AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/old_edit/wdmstr05.zip Site (2): wdmstr05.zip [13-35]: WADNAME ================ DESCRIPTION: WADNAME is a utility which will display the episode and mission number of all replacement levels contained in a given WAD file. CREATED BY: ASRE Software (tmkk@uiuc.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wadname.zip [13-36]: Wads_Up v1.1 ===================== DESCRIPTION: Wads_Up is basically a THING editor. It allows you to move objects, graphics, enemies, around a level. CREATED BY: Gary Whitehead (gary@stek.demon.co.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/editors/wadsup11.zip [13-37]: WAD Tools v1.0 ======================= DESCRIPTION: WAD Tools is a freeware program to be used with id Software's phenomenal action game, DOOM. It is designed to let any curious individual peruse the contents of the DOOM WAD file. Anyway, WAD Tools will let you do any number of operations on the resources in the WAD file. You can view it in hex mode, or if it's a graphic resource, you can view it in 320x200x256 VGA mode. You can also export it to a file (an LBM if it's a graphic resource), or replace it by importing a file. And, if you're really brave, you can export all the resources in the WAD file to individual files. CREATED BY: Jeff Miller (atomicus@indirect.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/wt100.zip Site (2): wt100.zip ---------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER [14]: What add-on data files exist for DOOM? ---------------------------------------------------- *14-1*: Graphics ================ Here is a catalog of various graphics collections available for DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMGRAPH v1.1 or a similar utility is often needed to import many of these into DOOM and DOOM II. AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): graphics/(filename) Site (1): themes/starwars/(filename) (Star Wars related) Site (1): themes/aliens/(filename) (Aliens related) FILE DESCRIPTION CREATOR ==== =========== ======= alien-tc.zip Creates Aliens DOOM Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) aliens-x.zip Redo of Aliens patch Unknown alien102.zip Aliens levels David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) angels .zip Sargeants have wings Sam Lantinga (slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu) babydoll.zip Troopers are baby dolls Unknown Name (fey@cyberspace.org) barn3d21.zip 3-D Barney the Dinosaur David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) baron_1 .zip Preview of DOOM T-shirt Teery Greenlaw (greenlaw@crl.com) bdoom .zip Barney the Dinosaur Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) bigcacos.zip Super Cacodemons Jim Hendrickson (jhendric@acs.bu.edu) bny3dwad.zip WAD version of Bunny David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) borg .zip Sargeants are Borg Unknown (p.magnussen@auckland.ac.nz) bright .zip Turns up lighting Atul Varma (atulv@bronze.coil.com) brn-cln .zip Barney/Clinton combo Robbie (teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) brn3dwad.zip WAD version of Barney David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) bunny3d .zip 3-D Energizer Bunny David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) chook .zip Rockets are chickens David Biggs (dbiggs@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au) chookexe.zip Creats Chook DOOM Sam Lantinga (slouken@cs.ucdavis.edu) chungang.zip Gory new graphics Unknown clin-wad.zip Clinton DOOM WAD Robbie Teegarden (teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) clintn20.zip Clinton DOOM w/ sound See above clinton .zip Clinton DOOM Adrian Hayes (ahayes@pacifier.rain.com) coolskys.zip New skies for DOOM Nathan Mielcare (donnmiel@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil) CRAZDOOM.ZIP Imps wear bikinis Unknown crystld2.zip Enemies are "clear" Unknown (brianf@halcyon.com) custard .zip Custard Pie Launcher Bernhard (kotzen@itu.sun.ac.za) dalek3d .zip Imps are Daleks David Lobser (lobser@csn.org) dalek-3 .zip Imps are Daleks Unknown Name (rkimmel@u.washington.edu) dckscrn .zip Preview of DOOM constr- Ben Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca) dckscrn2.zip uction kit, coming soon Ben Morris (bmorris@amtsgi.bc.ca) doom4win.zip DOOM logos for Windows "Nightcrawler" doommorf.zip Enemy FLI animation Neal Miller (millen3@rpi.edu) eyeball .zip Cacodemon is eyeball Unknown femdoom .zip Changes mugshot female Lynn Forest (teejay@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu) fhum .zip New sargeant deaths Unknown frisb-dm.zip Rockets are frisbees Chris Pimlott (pimlottc@shadowso.com) gdoom .zip Cacodemons are George Don Miller (conm@uidaho.edu) guy2sarg.zip Swaps Sargeants/Marines Dave Matteson (davematt@mail.msen.com) happy .zip Makes DOOM peaceful Dan Lottero (dlottero@bu.edu) headcdm .zip Pistol is Headcresher Unknown icesky .zip Skies/Glacier Bay, AL Unknown imp2cyb .zip Imps are CyberDemons Andrew Scott (raistlin@werple.apana.org.au) imp_grfx.zip Imps are more gory Greg Gimsby (Unknown E-mail address) jagdoom .zip Jaguar DOOM preview id Software (help@idsoftware.com) joltdoom.zip Monsters are skulls Unknown lum .zip Marine is "LUM" Whisp (wafang@osiris.hmc.edu) macbar10.zip Barrels are Macintoshes Atul Varma (atulv@bronze.coil.com) movie10 .zip Aliens/Pred/Terminator Werner Sphal (spahl@work2.ch-cip.uni-koeln.de) myface .zip Cacodemons are faces Adrian Hayes (ahayes@pacifier.rain.com) nopent .zip Removes pentagrams Steve Simpson (ssimpson@world.std.com) pacdoom .zip Pacmen have invaded Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) pchan .zip Plasma is P-Chan pig Whisp (wafang@osiris.hmc.edu) penguins.zip Cacodemons are penguins Tim Collins (collinst@ee-wp.bham.ac.uk) redguy .zip Marines are red/targets Unknown (daron@tyrell.net) righthnd.zip Fist is right-handed Unknown rpgv1 .zip Rockets are RPGs Josh Herndon (jherndon@vt.edu) sequence.zip New death sequences Unknown Name (dryerson@botany.utoronto.ca) shotgun .zip New shotgun Robert Allen (robbob2573@aol.com) skullb .zip Alters Marine graphics Unknown smiley-1.zip Cacodemons are smileys Robbie Teegarden (teegarde@ucssun1.sdsu.edu) stars2 .zip Another sky replacement Unknown (pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu) stimpy_g.zip Monsters are enemies Jussi Karjalainen (jussik@phoenix.oulu.fi) stars .zip Skies are star fractals Unknown (pinder2@griffin.emba.uvm.edu) strooper.zip Sargeant->Stormtrooper Phillip (p.magnussen@auckland.ac.nz) swatst .zip CyberDemon is ATST Howard Cohen (hsc5505@ritvax.isc.rit.edu) swdoc11 .zip Star Wars DOOM "Action Jackson" swgfx2 .zip Cacodemons -> Probots Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) swgfx3 .zip Barrels -> R2D2 Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) swgfx4 .zip Lost Souls -> Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) Interrigator Droids swgfx5 .zip Baron -> Emperor guard Mike C. (thomas@ug.cs.dal.ca) swgfxmo .zip All Star Wars patches Manny Mendoza (mmendoza@cybververse.com) swlaser .zip Rockets -> Lasers Jeff Johnston (brunner@gas.uug.arizona.edu) swlsaber.zip Chainsaw is lightsaber Claude Martins (martins@binkley.cs.mcgill.ca) swstuff .zip Star Wars title screen Jeff Johnston (brunner@gas.uug.arizona.edu) techbar .zip Changes status bar Josh Fallon (Fallonjb95@cs14@cadetmail.usafa.af.mil) toondm2 .zip Homer DOOM Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) ufo .zip Cacodemon is UFO Unknown (r.a.snow@bra0110.wins.icl.co.uk) wolfdm_2.zip Wolfenstein enemies Unknown Name (moss@plains.nodak.edu) yiggle .zip Sargeants are "Yiggles" Joey Cato (cato@orion.etsu.edu) zebedee .zip Troopers are "Zebedees" Duncan Simpson (drsimpon@mh1.mcc.ac.uk) *14-2*: Missions ================ There are simply too many add-on levels for DOOM to list them all here! However, a listing of the best DeathMatch WADs has been included. Do some of your own exploring to find your personal favorite missions. *14-2-1*: DOOM DeathMatch WAD Ranking ------------------------------------- AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wads/<directory_name_here>/<filename> +=========================================================================+ | DOOM DEATHMATCH WAD RANKING | | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | | 200+ WADS - Revision Date: 08/01/94 | +=========================================================================+ Compiled by: James Dicke & "Chainsaw Jim" Urbas About the authors: James Dicke jdicke@carroll1.cc.edu or EXEC-PC: JAMES DICKE - DOOM Fanatic. As an employee of the Virtual Gaming Center he finds time to talk to many doom-junkies that are not on the internet. It has been his hobby to collect all WAD's. Jim "Chainsaw" Urbas jimu@point.cs.uwm.edu - DOOM Fanatic. Current projects: wc - Wad compiler; tool to help developers integrate new graphics into WAD files. Deathmatch Compilations DM_xx_xx.ZIP; several 9 level episodes containing the best deathmatch maps, optimized for use in a single episode (namely: DMSMALL1 and DMSMALL2). Also working on a new solo episode with Brant Katkansky, author of NUCLEAR.WAD. Main area of interest is in adding additional graphics to doom missions. [SHAMELESS PLUG MODE ON]: The Virtual Gaming Center (Milwaukee, WI) use several networks of fast computers with 27" screens and special controllers (steering wheels, flight sticks, etc) to play multi-player games IN-PERSON. The VGC is also host to the Mid-West DOOM Tournaments. You may contact them at VGCenter@execpc.com or (414) 476-1514. Also, if you're into Magic: The Gathering, we sell and play it and also hold MTG tournies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratings Legend: G = Game Play D = Design # = Recommended Minimum How Fun And Addicting How Interesting/Clever Number Of Players ------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------ + = Play til Dawn + = A Piece Of Art 6 = WAY TOO LARGE 9 = Near Perfect 9 = Amazing 5 = Huntin' w/4 players 8 = Great--Play 1-2 hrs 8 = Fascinating 4 = Hopin' w/4 players 7 = Excellent--A favorite 7 = Interesting 3 = Hopin' w/3 players 6 = Very Good--30-60 min 6 = Above Average 2 = Hopin' w/2 players 5 = Average - Good 5 = Average 1 = A Frag every 10 sec 4 = OK but flawed 4 = Below Average even with 2 players 3 = A diversion - 10 min. 3 = Poor 0 = WAY TOO SMALL 2 = Boring after 2 min. 2 = Ugly 1 = Painfully boring 1 = A Bad Joke ? = Untested 0 = Utter shit 0 = Vomit _ = Untested _ = Untested T: Type A=Action, H=Hunting, B=Both, -= Who knows W: Weapons 0=Pistol/Fists, 1=Shotgun, 2=Chain, 3=Rocket/Plasma 4=BFG M: Monsters 0=None, 1=A few, 2=Several, 3=Lots, 4=Big&Bad, 5=Barons/Cyber Comments: +G means new graphics +S means new sounds, +M new music was added +Cx Cooperative Exit +T text background story +D2 Deathmatch v2.0 ok -X has no exit -x has an unmarked exit ========================================================================== G = Game Play T = Type (Action/Hunting/Both) D = Design W = Weapons at skill 1 (0-4) # = Recommended Minimum # Players M = Monsters at skill 1 (0-5) G D Name Map Released #T WM Short Description and Comments - - -------- ---- -------- -- -- ---------------------------------------- + 7 ledges E1M1 4-20-94 2A 34 Tunnels around a main room + 6 shadows E1M1 4-11-94 2A 40 2 small rooms connected w/halls -X + 5 house E1M1 5-28-94 2A 40 Simple house design, no furniture -X 9 9 markroom E1M1 4-15-94 2A 30 Dark arena w/steps -x 9 7 butt E1M1 6-17-94 3B 44 Wood arena, shadow snipers +SM -X 9 7 ihrke2 E1M1 7-22-94 2A 34 Pit w/ledges and crusher -x (dmihrke2.zip) 9 7 peace E1M1 5-18-94 2B 40 Based on Shadows 9 6 cor81 E1M1 5-31-94 4A 40 Corridors w/side rooms. Invs walls -X 9 6 tourney E1M1 6-27-94 2B 30 Central court yard w/snipe zones 9 5 corr2 E1M1 5-31-94 2A 40 VSml. Cross shaped. Light switch -X 9 5 circle E1M1 7-13-94 2A 30 A circle w/guns in outside doorways. -X 9 5 hitmeinf E1M1 7-20-94 2B 31 One lrg oval room w/obsticals -X 9 _ lavapit E1M1 7-27-94 2B 45 Sqr. rooms w/halls & lova moat 8 8 core E1M1 5-30-94 4B 34 Vbig, square/symmetrical +G 8 8 train2 E1M1 9-08-94 2B 44 2 lrg rooms, outer ledge, halls, snips +D2 8 7 buttv2 E1M1 7-19-94 3B 45 Updated version of BUTT for +D2 8 7 ledges3 E1M1 6-07-94 2A 34 2 rooms w/ledges, stairs, & elevators 8 7 shadows3 E1M1 5-17-94 2A 40 Updated shadows, cute- less playable 8 6 e2m1_joe E2M1 7-14-94 2B 30 Three large elevators w/connecting halls 8 6 nova E1M1 5-12-94 2A 32 Arena in outer ring. Passable walls -x 8 6 styx E1M1 6-15-94 2A 30 Court yard w/bridge & sniper halls 8 5 fragday E1M1 7-03-94 2A 40 Several big rooms, stairs, yard 8 5 ihrke1 E1M1 7-22-94 2A 44 Like "dthbox.wad" -x (dmihrke1.zip) 8 5 stream E3M1 7-01-94 3A 40 Compound built around a stream -x 8 6 facelift E1M1 7-25-94 3B 40 Elevators w/center room & teleporters 8 4 ledges2 E1M1 5-17-94 2A 34 Like Ledges, sloppy 8 3 dthbox E1M1 5-04-94 2A 40 VSml room w/ TonsOweapons on pillars 8 _ 1kdeaths E1M1 9-25-94 2A __ Central room w/teleporters & snipers 8 _ 21jpxfir E2M1 9-15-94 2A __ A few halls & steps 8 _ bean E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Corridors & small dark rooms 8 _ castle E1M1 8-24-94 3A __ Castle like area w/self moving elevators 8 _ cybrdeth E1M1 8-25-94 2A __ Large square room w/pilars 8 _ dietdoom E1M1 9-10-94 3B __ Multi-building/room w/outside, teleports 8 _ dmcath24 E1M1 10-03-94 3A 42 Central cathedral w/halls & elevators +Cx 8 _ deatday3 E1M3 9-25-94 2B __ 2 main rooms w/teleporters 8 _ ihrke4 E1M1 8-01-94 2B 45 Several lrg rooms (dmihrke4.zip) 8 _ jeff19a E1M9 7-26-94 2B 30 Several circle rooms w/yard. LotsOammo 8 _ jhkdth1 E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Warehouse maze 8 _ joi-cm1 E2M1 8-13-94 __ 4_ Snipes, lrg castle-ish. (HOM) 8 _ peace_20 E1M1 7-18-94 2B 40 Updated version of PEACE for +D2 8 _ steels E1M1 8-13-94 3B __ Circle w/maze & sniper zones 8 _ zrat E1M1 8-03-94 3B 35 Castle-ish *G -x 7 + maverick E2M1 6-03-94 3B 23 Little ammo, Multi-Theme Map +Cx 7 9 bludlust E2M1 5-12-94 4H 45 Tall center room, plus shaped 7 9 markrm3 E1M1 6-13-94 2A 22 Staircases -x 7 9 mav2d E1M1 8-09-94 2B __ Center room w/outer halls 7 8 bludlst2 E1M9 5-20-94 4H 43 Star shaped, lots of suicide 7 8 draco1 E2M1 7-22-94 4H 45 Cross halls, Elevators, & Teleporters 7 8 jadml1m1 E1M1 4-07-94 2A 21 Dark central room w/sniper points -x 7 8 lurker E2M1 7-24-94 3B 30 Circles w/1 way walls & halls +D2 7 8 pentadth E2M1 7-01-94 5B 30 5 Large Rooms w/ledges & elevators -X 7 8 tnplhome E1M1 6-03-94 3A 31 Someone's nice home w/furniture 7 8 vampire5 E1M1 9-22-94 2B 50 Many connecting rooms/snipe spots 7 7 bilbo11 E1M1 7-28-94 3B 45 Halls & rooms *M -x 7 7 chase21a E2M1 7-25-94 2B 40 Center building w/outside yard +G 7 7 phrag21a E1M1 7-25-94 4H 45 Several halls & lrg rooms (Nudes) +G 7 6 chase E1M1 7-01-94 2B 34 Center room w/side chambers 7 6 ihrke5 E1M1 8-03-94 2B 35 Two lrg rooms w/halls (dmihrke5.zip) 7 6 octafrag E1M1 4-26-94 3B 12 Center elevators & snipe zones -X 7 6 tncross2 E2M1 4-05-94 2A 33 *corrupt* (Use DMSMALL1) 7 6 town E3M6 7-21-94 3H 45 Many buildings & walls 7 6 ultima E1M1 5-02-94 2A 31 1Rm, Suspended Cross -x 7 5 clash E1M1 5-23-94 2A 30 Symmetric w/center room, no Spec 7 5 cwwad E1M1 6-08-94 5A 33 VLrg. Center room. Pyramid. Berserks 7 5 deathme E3M1 6-06-94 2A 45 Large Sq w/pillars, barrels, windows +M 7 5 duo_1 E1M1 4-29-94 2H 30 Square area w/outside corridor 7 5 enigma E1M1 7-30-94 2B 41 Center room w/elevators. Snipper zones 7 5 hexxed E1M1 6-06-94 2A 45 Caged Spider & Cyber -x 7 5 show E1M1 7-21-94 3H 35 Lrg hex room w/sniper zones 7 5 swetdeth E1M1 5-06-94 3B 35 Square room w/trench & hill 7 5 trimatch E1M1 7-20-94 2B 30 Three circles connected w/outer circle 7 4 nasty11 E1M1 6-03-94 1A 21 Simple octagon w/weapons in center 7 4 steps3 E1M1 3-30-94 3B 33 Multi-rooms & snipe windows 7 2 t3 E1M1 6-25-94 1A 50 VSml. 4 doors, 4 rooms, 4 Weapons. -X 7 _ auror12a E1M2 7-29-94 3H 45 Lots of secrets, pillers, platforms 7 _ ayrton_2 E1M1 8-08-94 2B __ small rooms w/short halls +D2 7 _ carnage E1M1 6-09-94 3B __ Four main rooms w/connecting halls 7 _ dblcross E2M2 8-08-94 2B __ Crusher, 8 outer circles. +D2 7 _ dethday2 E1M2 9-25-94 3A __ Several large rooms 7 _ free4all E2M9 8-24-94 3B __ Central room w/long elevator & halls *M 7 _ infinity E1M1 9-12-94 3B __ Two central rooms w/long elevator & halls 7 _ ledges4i E1M1 8-24-94 __ __ Large room with ledges and teleports +D2 7 _ maniac E2M1 9-15-94 3B __ Few halls & small rooms & secrets 7 _ madmax E1M1 10-11-94 2A __ Circular room & teleporters -X 7 _ megadeth E2M7 9-25-94 2A __ 1 room w/rockets 7 _ octfrag2 E1M1 10-11-94 3B __ Several rooms w/shotguns +D2 +S 7 _ ojsim1 E2M1 7-31-94 3B 40 Several rooms w/secret snipper zones 7 _ pentadth E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Several pentagrams & halls w/secrets 7 _ qwert7 E2M1 7-20-94 2A 31 Caverns and 1-way walls 7 _ rot E1M1 9-18-94 3B __ Central room w/passages & secrets 7 _ slapme E1M1 9-11-94 3B __ Big central square, snipers 7 _ tkmaz14a E1M4 7-29-94 2H 34 Twisty halls, hidden maze 7 _ treedm1 E1M1 10-15-94 3B __ Several rooms & halls 7 _ trunk E1M1 8-09-94 3B __ Several lrg rooms, halls 7 _ tourney2 E1M1 11-05-94 4B __ Designed for VGC Team Alt-Death Tourney 6 9 lookout E1M1 9-16-94 4H __ Halls & rooms +G 6 9 mayan666 E1M1 10-17-94 3B __ Outside w/buildings & pyramids +G 6 8 morehell E1M1 5-06-94 4H 11 VBig. Interconnected rooms. +Cx 6 7 fragyou E1M1 6-25-94 3A 22 Court yard w/stairs & elevators 6 6 dethe1m1 E1M1 4-30-94 4A 31 A large house. +GM 6 6 dethmaze E1M1 7-13-94 4H 32 A maze w/some darkness & sniper zones 6 6 spaz E2M1 6-27-94 5H 45 2 Large Rooms, Perches & snipe zones 6 6 spunk E1M1 4-12-94 3B __ Several big rooms, TonsOammo 6 6 the-keep E1M1 5-08-94 4H 30 In the shape of a castle/moat/court 6 5 gore1 E1M1 4-18-94 4A 30 Large cavernous rooms (maze like) 6 5 speedoom E1M1 6-20-94 2A 30 Square room w/teleporters (DM?) 6 5 spiral E2M1 4-20-94 4H 34 Room w/spiral stairs + small rooms 6 5 theta-4 E1M1 5-14-94 4H 30 Outside arena. Large rooms. +G 6 5 zzone E1M1 4-20-94 2A 35 Big room w/perches 6 4 dmaze E1M1 7-01-94 4H 30 Dark large twisting caverns 6 4 fig8 E1M1 7-23-94 2B 40 Figure 8 shaped. 6 3 avrax E3M4 6-08-94 5H 40 Paths & Arenas. TonsOAmmo -X 6 3 death1 E1M1 5-04-94 0A 00 Itty bitty; distributed with DEATH9.ZIP 6 3 grease E3M1 6-24-94 2A 33 Inverted pyramid. One way-down 6 _ area8 E1M1 9-10-94 3A __ Center arena w/ledges 6 _ ash15a E1M5 7-26-94 2H 45 Tons of small rooms w/doors 6 _ batman E2M1 7-24-94 4H 44 Lots of loops & shadows 6 _ chain E2M1 7-31-94 2B 30 LotsOchainsaws, drak areas, fake walls 6 _ conquer E3M1 9-25-94 4B __ Center outside room w/halls 6 _ drkstair E2M1 7-20-94 3B 34 Stair pit w/outer halls -x 6 _ dthtown E1M1 7-02-94 4B __ Streets & multi-level buildings 6 _ elements E1M1 9-04-94 2B __ Square rooms, snipers, central area 6 _ garden E1M1 9-05-94 __ __ Big rooms and hallways. 6 _ horror E1M1 7-15-94 4H 45 Halls & rooms -x 6 _ led E1M1 8-24-94 4H __ Halls & lrg room & ammo dump. 6 _ mav2m1 E1M1 8-09-94 2A __ Circle room w/outside doors (HOM) 6 _ maze E1M1 7-31-94 3H 40 A simple maze w/all weapons -x +M 6 _ m_rohe E1M1 9-06-94 3B __ Mansion & swiming pool w/outside. +G 6 _ night2-0 E1M8 9-25-94 3B __ Central room w/pillers +G +D2 -X 6 _ nomercy E1M1 8-01-94 3B 45 Multi-strange rooms -x +M 6 _ pentgram E1M2 9-15-94 4B __ Many rooms 6 _ pip E1M1 9-19-94 4B __ Large room w/ledges & invis walls -x 6 _ pits13a E1M3 7-29-94 3H 45 Inverted pyramid, platform, teleporters 6 _ pueblo E1M1 9-03-94 3B __ Multi-building w/outside. +G 6 _ riana001 E1M1 7-30-94 3B _2 Rooms & elevators -X 6 _ sniper E1M1 9-15-94 __ __ Several rooms w/snipers & rockets 6 _ tunnels E1M2 7-21-94 2A 04 Butterfly shapped caverns w/teleports 6 _ usq2 E1M1 9-25-94 3B __ Large building & outside area 6 _ yes E1M1 8-24-94 __ __ 1 rectangle room, flashing lights. 5 9 space E1M2 5-27-94 2B 33 Several large room in outer space +GS -X 5 9 the_grid E2M1 5-20-94 4H 23 SLOW. Lots of nooks & crannies 5 8 trench E1M1 5-12-94 3A 21 Trenches to run around in outside 5 7 markrm2 E2M1 6-13-94 3A 22 Veritical floor maze -x 5 7 stadium E1M1 6-25-94 __ __ Very simple; Looks like football stadium 5 7 swig1 E1M1 7-01-94 5H 35 4 Rooms, 50 Rockets 5 6 afro E1M1 4-19-94 4H 23 Large Complex level 5 6 flat-692 E1M1 6-07-94 2A 34 A house w/furniture & yard 5 6 jadml1m1 E1M1 4-07-94 2B 22 Dark Ring w/Powerups 5 6 warehse1 E1M1 6-13-94 5H 35 VBig. Boxes mazes & outside yard 5 5 11bones E1M1 4-11-94 4B 21 Center room w/halls & perches 5 5 bigbro E1M1 4-19-94 5H 23 Large rooms. One "god" player -x 5 5 cross E1M3 3-11-94 5H 34 Big complex w/many rooms 5 5 dspiral E2M1 1-26-94 2A 43 Arena & spiral stairs in center -x 5 5 flash E1M1 4-04-94 4H 14 Side rooms w/central pit & balcony -x 5 5 frgfst21 E2M1 5-02-94 5H 21 Hex room, spiral stairs, big court yrd 5 5 techbase E1M1 5-31-94 4H 32 Large room w/crates + snipe zones -x 5 5 urbnbeta E1M1 6-06-94 4B 32 Several big houses & yards 5 4 acheron E1M3 6-10-94 4B 22 Many hex rooms & teleporters 5 4 dodge E1M1 6-29-94 2B 45 Very dark. Square chambers w/Barons 5 4 jaredm11 E1M1 7-03-94 3B 40 Coliseum w/side halls & teleports 5 4 xeno11 E1M1 5-24-94 5H 35 Many room complex w/outside area +G 5 3 cantrun E1M1 6-27-94 4H 50 VBig, TonsOWep Repetitive -X 5 3 stolen E2M1 7-01-94 4A 35 Based on Shadows. Bad lighting. 5 2 quirul E1M1 7-01-94 4A 12 Large warehouse w/halls -X 5 2 rip2 E1M4 6-13-94 3B 30 Many caverns -X 5 1 canyon E2M1 6-08-94 4B 32 Twisty canyon 5 _ altima E2M5 8-07-94 4B __ Central room & strange rooms 5 _ andy E1M1 8-06-94 3H 40 Follow arrows, several lrg rooms -x 5 _ circle_ E1M1 7-22-94 5H 35 Vlrg. interesting complex. 5 _ choppas E1M1 9-11-94 2B __ Room w/lifts & chainsaws -x 5 _ dc E1M1 8-24-94 4B __ Strange rooms 5 _ death__ E1M1 7-26-94 __ 35 Super TonsOammo, Elevators 5 _ dmarena1 E2M1 8-24-94 2A __ Big circle 5 _ evil_e E1M1 4-20-94 __ 35 Central arena w/off chutes. Few secrets. 5 _ hunter E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Maze w/rooms 5 _ kill E1M1 7-22-94 4H 40 Open area, ledges, buildings 5 _ maxfrag E1M1 8-05-94 __ 31 Fast twisty halls, 2 rooms 5 _ rip2 E1M1 7-16-94 __ 30 -x 5 _ rip5 E1M3 7-16-94 __ 40 -x 5 _ runaway E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Multi-room w/halls 5 _ ry11ecr E1M1 09-26-94 4H __ Large multi-room w/many doors -x 5 _ scarves E1M3 7-10-94 4H __ Corridors 5 _ snipe99 E1M1 8-25-94 4H __ Big complex 5 _ triangle E1M1 8-19-94 4B __ Triangle room w/teleports & pilars 5 _ zone E1M1 9-09-94 4B __ Dark twisty halls w/outside +D2 4 8 coloseum E3M1 6-08-94 3A 35 Circular room. Outside Secrets 4 8 deadzone E1M1 6-07-94 5H 22 Arena & lift grid 4 7 thekeep2 E1M1 5-15-94 4H 20 In the shape of a castle/moat/court 4 7 9-to-5 E1M6 6-13-94 5H 35 Vlrg office building w/outside. 4 6 dmat4 E1M1 7-01-94 3A 44 Large warehouse. LotsOBarrels 4 5 freedom E2M2 5-12-94 4H 33 Halls & large caverns interconnected 4 5 sewer E2M1 5-30-94 5H 32 Large open center circled by building 4 5 stairs E1M1 4-30-94 6H 35 VBig. Lots of rooms & stairs 4 4 grrfy11 E1M1 4-16-94 3H 22 Large multi-room complex -x 4 4 pyramid E2M1 5-11-94 4H 34 Pyramid w/mazes. (DM?) 4 4 quary11 E1M1 5-02-94 2A 33 Large pit w/trenches. -X 4 4 rampage E1M1 5-16-94 4H 33 Large complex w/many small rooms 4 3 atica E1M1 6-29-94 4H 12 Large maze w/outside area 4 3 horror21 E2M1 5-28-94 4B 45 Multi-room complex 4 2 pellejos E1M1 7-01-94 3A 10 Large Square room w/outer ring -X 4 _ abanware E1M1 9-06-94 4B __ Central room & outside yard 4 _ biosci E1M1 7-22-94 5H 44 Outside yard w/Lrg. building 4 _ convertm E1M1 6-30-94 4H 13 Rooms w/cages, halls, elevators -x (HOM) 4 _ dead E1M1 9-15-94 3B __ Central room, "sticky" corners, secrets 4 _ deathday E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Maze of rooms & halls -x 4 _ diefast E1M1 8-08-94 3H __ Halls 4 _ eyespy E2M2 9-15-94 3H __ Rooms w/many halls. 4 _ fist_em E1M1 8-31-94 4H __ Many rooms w/outside area. (Slow outside) 4 _ gryblood E2M2 7-20-94 4H 35 Bizaar floating building (DM?) 4 _ hiding E1M1 7-28-94 4H 34 Halls, Lrg rooms, traps, secrets 4 _ holymoly E2M3 7-20-94 2A 45 Huge circle arnea -x 4 _ joi-ctc E2M1 8-01-94 __ 43 Huge multi-level w/ledges & elevators 4 _ kswood E1M1 9-08-94 4H __ Huge outside w/some buildings +M 4 _ phucked E1M1 9-07-94 __ __ Central area w/lifts -x 4 _ rip3 E1M2 7-16-94 __ 30 -x 4 _ rip4 E1M1 7-16-94 __ 34 -x 4 _ rip6 E3M1 7-16-94 __ 34 -x 4 _ rip7 E1M5 7-16-94 __ 30 -X 4 _ rip8 E1M3 7-16-94 __ 30 -x 4 _ spaceshp E1M1 9-25-94 5H __ Huge corridors & TonsO'Weapons 4 _ spankme E1M1 8-26-94 2B __ Room w/weapon pedistals 4 _ techtemp E2M1 8-24-94 3H __ Halls & rooms -X 4 _ tour E2M1 8-05-94 3H 42 Rooms & ledges. Unmarked teleports +M 4 _ turbo E1M1 7-14-94 3B 34 Multi-room with many suicide traps -x 4 _ woodhal2 E1M1 9-12-94 4H __ Maze like halls 4 _ wow E1M4 8-17-94 __ __ Space rooms (nudes) +G 3 9 thejoker E1M1 8-09-94 4H __ TonsOswitches, traps. +M 3 6 castle E1M1 7-12-94 5H 33 VLrg. Castle layout w/outside & moat. 3 6 longmtch E2M1 4-21-94 4H 43 Lots of rooms, cages, secrets 3 5 djg21-1a E2M1 3-28-94 5B 45 Rooms connected by halls 3 5 nitro2 E2M1 6-08-94 3H 23 Interconnecting rooms 3 5 pleasure E1M1 5-10-94 5B 15 Huge stadium w/bleachers & lot -x 3 4 daemon2 E1M1 4-07-94 4H 25 Not a deathmatch specific. 3 4 upliftng E1M1 4-17-94 4H 25 Halls, pits, & trees 3 3 hellbnd E2M1 6-04-94 5H 30 Large multi-room complex 3 3 jal_dm1 E1M1 5-10-94 3B 31 Several large court yards + teleports 3 3 jeff-1-2 E1M2 3-24-94 4H 31 Large rooms some dark w/teleports 3 3 rings E1M1 6-19-94 2A 12 Sq. Rings around a central block 3 2 dprison E1M1 1-21-94 2A 45 All start in center room w/Baron 3 1 arena E1M1 4-08-94 6A 40 Biggest room ever- HOMs & equip -X 3 _ bunka E1M1 9-14-94 2B __ Dark arena 3 _ ghostown E1M2 9-25-94 5H __ Large barren town w/streets & buildings 3 _ killer21 E2M1 9-15-94 4H __ Crushing walls, acid pits, secrets 3 _ newday E1M1 9-15-94 4H __ Room & halls 3 _ murder2 E2M1 8-24-94 __ __ Huge. 3 _ wwf E1M1 7-27-94 2B 32 Arena & halls 2 8 dethwalk E2M1 4-11-94 2A 33 Planks on a green acid lake -X 2 8 quatro E1M1 6-14-94 4H 44 VBig multi-level complex w/outside 2 4 lvnghell E1M1 7-01-94 2H 33 Lots of large & weird rooms +M -X 2 4 pillars E1M1 2-18-94 3H 34 Pillar room, Outside circle 2 4 sniper E1M1 6-30-94 3H 32 Many connected rooms -x 2 4 softhell E2M1 6-14-94 4H 35 Very big complex. Too many monsters 2 4 rock-it E1M1 5-09-94 4H 35 Several Large rooms. Many Suicide 2 _ base E1M1 8-13-94 __ __ Huge mazes w/outside -x 2 _ spoon! E1M1 9-25-94 __ __ Acid w/thin walkways 1 1 nitro1 E2M2 5-20-94 2A 30 Very small. Interconnected rooms. 1 2 stewbeta E1M1 9-07-78 5H 45 Outside lake & tower (lots of HOM) 1 3 tnspires E2M1 4-07-94 2A 10 4 tall pillars surround by acid 1 _ escape E1M1 8-05-94 __ __ Huge [14-2-2]: PWAD Authoring Template v1.4 -------------------------------------- For all of you PWAD authors out there, here is the "Official" PWAD Authoring Template v1.4. When you release your PWAD, please fill this form out and place it in the information file you create about your PWAD. Thanks to Steve Bareman (bareman@hope.cit.hope.edu) for creating a WAD about file standard. WAD Authoring Template V1.4 (Clip this line) ================================================================ Title : Filename : xxxx.WAD Author : Your name here Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Description : Set the mood here. Additional Credits to : ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM I/DOOM II/Both Episode and Level # : ExMx (,ExMx,...) Single Player : Yes/No Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes/No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes/No Difficulty Settings : Yes/Not implemented New Sounds : Yes/No New Graphics : Yes/No New Music : Yes/No Demos Replaced : None/1/2/3/All * Construction * Base : New level from scratch/Modified ExMx/xxx.WAD Editor(s) used : Known Bugs : * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY/may NOT) use this level as a base to build additional levels. (One of the following) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You MAY not distribute this WAD file in any format. You may do whatever you want with this file. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: *14-3*: Sounds ============== Here is a catalog of various sound collections available for DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMAUD v1.1 or similar utility is needed to import many of them into DOOM. Others are in PWAD format, which require the use of the command line: "DOOM -FILE <wadfile>.WAD" AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): sounds/(filename) FILE DESCRIPTION CREATOR ==== =========== ======= aliensnd.zip Aliens F/X and Music Unknown aliens2 .zip Aliens movie Unknown anime .zip Anime sounds Steve Chaney (gunhed@netcom.com) ash-doom.zip PWAD of doom-ash.zip Unknown aoddoom .zip Army of Darkness Unknown (flash@black.clarku.edu) aodsound.zip Army of Darkness Marc Wensauer (w9b192@ugrad.cs.ubc.ca) awsdm1-2.zip Best sounds collection Christian Reed (jcr@gas.uug.arizona.edu) beav-but.zip Beavis and Butthead Doug Dziedzic (dziedzic@ecst.csuchico.edu) beavis .zip Beavis and Butthead Jeff Webinger (willey@iastate.edu) dgold3lt.zip DOOM GOLD Lite Enigma-13 dm_chris.zip Realistic/frightening Chris Hayashida (chayashida@ms.asucla.ucla.edu) dm_cool .zip Humourous sounds Aaron Criger (blade@freenet.grfn.org) dm_fluid.zip Fluid Motion sounds Dagda Samildanac (dagda_s@hebron.connected.com) dm_gheto.zip Explicit lyrics Unknown dmgold10.zip DOOM GOLD Enigma-13 dmgold_4.zip DOOM GOLD IV (D2) Enigma-13 dmaliens.zip Aliens movie "Peacemaker" dmfmj20 .zip Full Metal Jacket Jin Kim (xjinkim@fullerton.edu) dmmisc .zip Star Wars/Ren & Stimpy "Asthmahound" dmnsnd1 .zip Aliens/Predator/Ash Daniel Kennett (dkennett@sfu.ca) dmnsnd2 .zip Simpsons "Shriker" (gills@qucdn.queensu.ca) dmnsnd3 .zip Predator/others "Shriker" (gills@qucdn.queensu.ca) dmpython.zip Monty Python Adam Isgreen and Andre Vrignaud (andrev@aol.com) dmsally .zip When Harry Met Sally "Duran Duran" dmsilly1.zip Humorous Unknown (dchouina@sobeco.ca) dmstrwr1.zip Star Wars PWAD Unknown (aaronf@netcom.com) dmwierd .zip 36 new sounds Scott Schuricht (schurich@mn.ecn.purdue.edu) dmzounds.zip TV shows/songs/CDs Stephen Pandke (pandke@zeus.achilles.net) doe .zip Homer Simpson Steve (gunhed@netcom.com) doom-ash.zip Army-Darkness/Evil Dead Brian Olson (olso0389@maroon.tc.umn.edu) doomdwdk.zip Darkwing Duck Patrick (patrick@fornext.com) doomsnds.zip Util plays sounds Michael Albers (mal@netcom.com) doomwkd .zip "Wicked" sounds "D.H." doomwavs.zip Sound collection "Halitosis" drwho .zip Dr. Who sounds Simon Jansen (sjan01@cs.aukuni.ac.nz) dsmdoom .zip Original DOOM sounds Unknown (drudman@corp.hp.com) dsmterm .zip Terminator Unknown (drudman@corp.hp.com) evildead.zip Evil Dead sounds SubSector funsnd .zip Various movies Steve Huskisson (steveh@satelnet.org) gdsounds.zip PWAD of greatds.zip Unknown (efisher@moose.uvm.edu) goons .zip Goons sounds Peter Sellers (heasman@geo.geol.utas.edu.au) greatds .zip Sound collection Unknown gus1m .zip Optimized GUS MIDI Tom Klok (a344@mindlink.bc.ca) hiroshim.zip Scary sounds Wes Ratliff (tas8663@utarlg.uta.edu) hn_doom .zip HellNet sounds Unknown hhgwavs .zip Hitchhiker's Guide TTG S.P. Harvey (sharvey@interaccess.com) homer .zip Simpsons PWAD Dave Sawford and Andrew Gerrard (dws@ras.phy.cam.ac.uk) homerdm2.zip Homer DOOM Shinobi jamsnds2.zip NBA Jam sounds Mr. Micro jb-doom .zip James Brown sounds Steven Fox (steven.fox@twwde.com) jbrown .zip James Brown sounds Ron VanDevender (renv@graylady.uoregon.edu) jerkey .zip Jerky Boys Unknown jerky .zip Jerky Boys Steve Huskisson (steveh@satelnet.org) jesco .zip Jesco White sounds Unknown (un035345@wvnvaxa.wvnet.edu) jpdoom .zip Jurassic Park sounds Steven Waldner (waldner@plains.nodak.edu) kickassa.zip Various Movies Charles Fuoco (cfuoco@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu) mstdoom .zip MST3k sounds Michael Coleman (grolsch1@aol.com) mydoom10.zip Sound collection Unknown mymixwad.zip Sound collection Unknown newsnd .zip Various Sounds Johnny Nugnug (jnugnug@nas.com) not4kids.zip Explicit lyrics Unknown (cluster@neosoft.com) pooksnds.zip Pook Sounds Evan Malsbury (Unknown) predator.zip Predator Dream Warrior python .zip Monty Python sounds Solomon White (whitesol@math.enmu.edu) raw .zip Favorite Sounds (D2) Andrew Smith (aes4@fdadr.cdrh.fda.gov) realdm-1.zip Military Base Sounds Andrew Schramm (schramm@mciron.mw.tu-dresden.de) seindoom.zip Seinfeld Unknown sex .zip Explicit lyrics Wade Stewart (swade@efn.org) simpsons.zip Simpsons DOOM Chuck Fuoco (cfuoco@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu) spit .zip Various Sounds Unknown (s1076329@cedarville.edu) st-snds .zip Star Trek Pete Hesse (pmhesse@vax1.acs.jmu.edu) sternwad.zip Howard Stern Unknown stooges .zip The Three Stooges Phil Robinson (robinson@euler.jsc.nasa.gov) swdoc13 .zip Star Wars Sounds AJ swsfx .zip Star Wars Sounds Mike (Unknown) swfxpwad.zip Star Wars Unknown t2sounds.zip Terminator II Unknown t2 .zip Terminator II Unknown udoomsfx.zip Various TV shows Unknown yaasp .zip Aliens sounds Jeremy Phillips voices .zip SPISPOPD sounds Nathan Mielcarek (donnmiel@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil) voodoom .zip Sounds Shinobi wworld30.zip Wayne's World Eric Wescott (wescotte@earth.execpc.com) (jphil@tartarus.uwa.edu.au) *14-4*: Music ============= Here is a catalog of various music collections available for DOOM. Bill Neisius' DMMUSIC v1.0a or similar utility is needed to import many of them into DOOM. Others are in PWAD format, which require the use of the command line: "DOOM -FILE <wadfile>.WAD" AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): music/(filename) FILE DESCRIPTION EPISODES CREATOR ==== =========== === ======= allepmus.zip assorted music 123 Unknown (jtdickin@ouray.denver.colorado.edu) batmus .zip Batman Music 1XX Tim McCune (trm@ksu.ksu.edu) classic1.zip classical music 1XX Unknown classic2.zip classical music 1XX Unknown clasmus .zip classical music 1XX Unknown e2music1.zip assorted music 12X Unknown (chadan@daisy.cc.utexas.edu) e2newmus.zip New Music X2X Unknown (chadan@daisy.cc.utexas.edu) foreve .zip Live Forever Queen 1XX Kathy Brown (Unknown) jaymust .zip assorted music 12X Unknown (bgorski@emr1.emr.ca) jjs-jams.zip New Music 123 J. J. Franzen (jfranzen@scf.usc.edu) lithmusi.zip classic rock 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca) pop .zip Pop Music 1XX Nigel Arnold (nige@theweb.demon.co.uk) rikmusic.zip Rick's Music 12X Rick Kelly (bubsy1@aol.com) starmid .zip Star Wars music 123 Unknown swmusfx3.zip Star Wars music 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca) swmusic .zip Star Wars music 123 Chris Hopkins (chopkins@peinet.pe.ca) t2mus .zip Terminator II music 1XX Wirta Wiriyan (kosasih@cae.wisc.edu) vamus1 .zip Various Pop Music 1XX Angelito So (aso@ic.sunysb.edu) *14-5*: LMPs (Recordings) ========================= As far as I am aware, no LMP packages have been released for DOOM v1.666 or DOOM II v1.7a. *14-6*: DEHACKED patches ======================== DEHACKED (see Chapter [13-2]) allows modification of the DOOM.EXE file. DEHACKED can be used to create DOOM.EXE patch files, which are used to save DOOM.EXE settings to be distributed. To use a DEHACKED patch, the DEHACKED utility is required (see Chapter [13-2]). Using the DEHACKED utility, type this to use a DEHACKED patch file. "DEHACKED <WAD file name/path> -LOAD <patch name>.DEH" For example, to use a DOOM.WAD in the C:\DOOM directory, and patch it with the monster morphing patch, you would use this command line: "DEHACKED c:\doom\doom.wad -LOAD monsmorf.deh" AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/doomhack/(filename) For a complete list and review of all DeHackEd patches, E-mail Michael Adcock at "adcock@menudo.uh.edu" asking for the DeHacked patch review. ---------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER *15*: What other miscellaneous DOOM add-ons exist? ---------------------------------------------------------- *15-1* APCiDOOM v5.1 ==================== DESCRIPTION: A full front-end for DOOM and DOOM II. Allows use of the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server (available on various BBSes) as well as standard modem and IPX games. CREATED BY: APC, Inc. (Unknown) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/apcidm51.zip [15-2]: BNUDOOM v1.26 ===================== DESCRIPTION: A DOOM serial driver replacement utilizing a fossil driver. Allows modem-modem connections with modem speeds up to 115K with full error correction and hardware flow control, non-standard IRQ setups, voice to modem connections (no need to wait for RING in this case - goes straight to on-line to get the handshaking going), option NOT to drop DTR after a game has ended in order to restart the game without losing the connection, and more. If you are having trouble with your modem and DOOM, this is for you. CREATED BY: David Nugent (address@here) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/BNUDM126.ZIP *15-3*: DeuTex and DeuSF v2.9 ============================= DESCRIPTION: DeuTex is a freeware program to build, rip-off and rebuild PWADs. Allows you to flexibly redefine sprites, floors, ceilings, wall textures, sounds, music, levels (obtained from doom editors). DeuSF enables you to distribute PWADS where some sprite and floor/ceiling are redefined. A must to create customised and original looking PWADs. Supports .GIF .BMP .WAV .AU (and .MUS, obtained from MIDI files). CREATED BY: Olivier Montanuy (montanuy@dmi.ens.fr) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/deutex29.zip [15-4]: DIRPWAD =============== DESCRIPTION: Reads episode and mission number from a PWAD file, including information about mode. CREATED BY: R. Nijlunsing (csg465@wing.rug.nl) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dirpwad.zip [15-5]: DOOMBSP Source Code =========================== DESCRIPTION: id Software's BSP builder source code. CREATED BY: id Software (help@idsoftware.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/node-build/doombsp.zip *15-6*: DOOM Color Changer v2.0 =============================== DESCRIPTION: This program modifies the DOOM.WAD files' player pictures. This allows a you to change the way other players are viewed in a multi-player game. If you are playing a cooperative game, you can make the players white so they stand out and you can avoid hitting them by accident. Or, you can make the players dark colors so that a deathmatch game can be more difficult. This program will only work on the registered DOOM version 1.2. CREATED BY: Douglas Leininger (72773.245@compuserve.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomcc2.zip *15-7*: DOOM Control Center v3.0 ================================ DESCRIPTION: Run single/serial/modem/network games. Mouse-driven user interface, control all aspects of modem and net games ITHOUT command line parameters. Use external WADs, edit chat macros, saved games. Re-assign levels of WAD files. Browse internal directory of WAD files. CREATED BY: Unknown AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dmcc30.zip *15-8*: DOOM EasyWAD v1.11 ========================== DESCRIPTION: This program was made for all those DOOMers with loadsa WAD files. It produces a nice WAD selection interface, which should put an end to losing track of all these files. (At least I get more frustrated from finding that particular WAD file and typing all that things on the command line than from playing DOOM itself!). CREATED BY: M. van der Heide (martijn@.htsa.hva.nl) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/easyw111.zip *15-9*: DOOMED v1.666 ===================== DESCRIPTION: This is the one of the few save game editors that I know of that hassurvived each and every DOOM version release. This great editor works on all versions of DOOM I through v1.666. CREATED BY: Arun Bhalla (abhalla@imsa.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): doomed16.zip *15-10*: DOOMED v1.6b ===================== DESCRIPTION: Another saved game editor (different than the original DOOMED). This editor is unique as it works on both DOOM I and DOOM II. CREATED BY: Chris Holz (cholz@wilbur.mbrak.swin.oz.au) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomedt.zip *15-11*: DOOM Front End v3.10 ============================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM front end allowing many configurations. For DOOM I. CREATED BY: Josh Jackson (jsoftware@delphi.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dfe310.zip *15-12*: DOOM!gate v1.6 ======================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM front end allowing many configurations. For DOOM I. CREATED BY: Jani Halme (Unknown) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dgate160.zip [15-13]: The DOOM Hacker's Tool Kit v1.0 ======================================== DESCRIPTION: The full source code for Josh Jackson's WAD editing utilities. CREATED BY: Josh Jackson (joshjackson@delphi.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/misc/dhtk100.zip (15-14): The DOOM Help Service ============================== DESCRIPTION: A group of many files, including the "Official" DOOM FAQ and modem information, for help with DOOM. CREATED BY: Ian Mapleson (mapleson@cee.hw.ac.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): text/doomhelp.zip (15-15): The DOOM Honorific Titles ================================== DESCRIPTION: When you think your DOOM skills are solid and that no monster in hell can be a match for your shotgun, you have two basic ways of getting street credit. One is to win lots of DeathMatches against well-known players, and the other is to get one or more "DOOM Honorific Titles". The DHT is a rating system that awards top players with standardized and universally recognized titles. If you feel proud and/or silly enough, you can include the relevant letters after your name in your .sig and impress your fellow DOOM players. There are four titles to be conquered: DOOM Master (DM): can complete any level on Ultra-Violence. DOOM Grand Master (DGM): can complete any level on Nightmare. DOOM Tyson (DT): can complete any level on Ultra-Violence using nothing more than fist and pistol. DOOM Grand Ass Kicker (DGAK): has the combined skills of a Master, a Tyson and a Grand Master. The titles are awarded by passing an examination. As with most examinations, this will only be a random sampling of your capacity. You won't be required to complete all 27 episodes to prove that you can do it. You will be your own judge for the results. You will receive the text of the examination, which tells you what to do to be awarded the title you think you deserve; from then on you just have to produce the corresponding LMPs and upload them to a specific public place in a specific format to be able to call yourself a DM, DT, DGM or DGAK. There is no time limit. The LMPs must be produced especially for the examination -- you can't just send in your old ones. This is because there is an authentication mechanism which prevents people from recycling other people's LMPs. CREATED BY: Frank Stajano (fms@cam-orl.co.uk) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): incoming/dht-exams/DHT3.ZIP *15-16*: DOOMLaunch v1.00 ========================= DESCRIPTION: DOOMLaunchis a complete DOOM .WAD manager. Looking for one program to handle all of your wads efficiently and easily? Can't find the text file to tell you what level that wad is? Is your hard drive overwhelmed by the sheer size of all those extra wads? Need a simple, easy to use solution? DOOMLaunch can help. CREATED BY: Keith Cohen (Unknown) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dl100.zip [15-17]: DOOM Launcher for OS/2 v1.1 ==================================== DESCRIPTION: This program will create a REXX exec on-the-fly that will launch the DOOM v1.2 registered version with appropriate DOS SETTINGS and PARAMETERS to allow you to play DOOM under OS/2 2.1 in one of 3 ways: Stand alone, via Modem, and network. This program supports all known command line options for the DOOM.EXE, SERSETUP.EXE, and IPXSETUP.EXE executables. CREATED BY: Kevin Royalty (k.royalty@genie.geis.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): /pub/doom/misc/dmos2run.zip [15-18]: The DOOM Level Design FAQ v1.1 ======================================= DESCRIPTION: A file containing frequently asked questions about DOOM level design and editing. CREATED BY: Tom Neff (tneff@panix.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/text/design11.zip [15-19]: DOOMLOAD v4.0 ====================== DESCRIPTION: A replacement for DOOM's SETUP.EXE which allows quick net and modem play, "Sudden Death" play, play-logging for Novel networks, LMP recording and playback, and more. CREATED BY: Christian Antkow (cant@softchoice.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): doomld4.zip Site (1): multi_doom/doomld4.zip *15-20*: DOOM Master v3.0 ========================= DESCRIPTION: The "ultimate" DOOM shell/launcher, handling everything from network to modem play, all DOOM configurations, and even has CD-ROM audio support. CREATED BY: Joe Wilcox (sillysft@aol.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dm3.zip *15-21*: DOOMenu v17.0 ====================== DESCRIPTION: DOOMenu is a utility which allows IPX network, modem, and null-modem, or single play quickly and easily. DOOMenu allows you to choose cooperative or deathmatch with respawn or monsters on or off. It can load a save game, or use an external WAD file. It will ask you for the skill, episode, episode map, number to dial, and whether to disable call waiting. It can store up to 9 different default phone numbers for speed dialing. It also has a built-in wad rating system, so you never have to remember which wads were good, and a wad counter which records the number of times you have played each wad. It fully supports DOOM v1.666 with -fast (speeds up monsters), -altdeath (DeathMatch v2.0 Rules), -turbo (Speeds up players! Gr8 for handicapping), and @RESPONSE. CREATED BY: Jason Sandlin (000082937@ucis.vill.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/doomen17.zip [15-22]: DOOM Modem Contact List R7 =================================== DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this list is to act as a directory of DOOM Modem players to help DOOMers connect with each other. If you are seeking a fellow player, simply locate someone near you on this list and send them E-Mail. If you would like to be added to the list, send E-mail with the subject "DMCL - Add me" to 73743,431 on CompuServe, or "73743.431@compuserve.com" on the Internet. Please provide the following information: 1) State/Province/Country (For North America, please use the state/province 2 character postal abbreviation.) 2) Area Code 3) NNX - This is the first 3 digits of your phone number, also known as your exchange. (Not required for European addresses) 4) Name 5) City 6) Game play preference (D=Deathmatch/C=Cooperative/E=Either) 7) E-Mail Address Example: Canada, ON, 416, 631, Jeff Forsyth, Toronto, E, 73743,431 CREATED BY: Jeff Forsyth (CompuServe: 73743,431) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): text/dmcl7.txt [15-23]: DOOMPICS.ZIP ===================== DESCRIPTION: A series of DOOM pictures, including death scenes, barrels, and a close up of a rocket. These graphics are in PCX format. CREATED BY: Edgar Roman (eroman@dante.nmsu.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): doompics.zip [15-24]: DOOM Serial Connection Manager v1.06b ============================================== DESCRIPTION: DOOM Serial Connection Manager is an alternative to using SETUP.EXE or command line parameters to set up serial connections. It allows you to change many more options than with SETUP, and allows you to save up to 40 configurations. CREATED BY: The Blind Preacher: Nick Sabinske To reach Nick, E-mail "sharvari@coke.eng.umd.edu" and the message will be forwarded. AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/dscm106b.zip Site (2): dscm106b.zip [15-25]: DOOM Utilities v0.1 ============================ DESCRIPTION: Allows you to view DOOM maps. Includes such features as zoom, pan, and multiple episode support. CREATED BY: Bill Kirby (bkirby@netcom.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): dmutil01.zip [15-26]: DOOM WAD Manager v1.30c ================================ DESCRIPTION: DOOM WAD Manager is a program that allows you to organize and work with all of your DOOM PWAD levels. You can catalog your PWAD and IWAD files, change the level a PWAD modifies, and run DOOM with a single IWAD or PWAD to try them out. CREATED BY: The Blind Preacher: Nick Sabinske To reach Nick, E-mail "sharvari@coke.eng.umd.edu" and the message will be forwarded. AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dwm130c.zip Site (2): dwm130c.zip *15-27*: DOOM.WAD Patch v1.666 ============================== DESCRIPTION: A unofficial patch which repairs a bug in DOOM I v1.666 in episode 3, mission 9. CREATED BY: Lloyd Shelby (lshelby@indy.net) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): misc/dmp1666r.zip [15-28]: The DOOM IPX Network FAQ v1.2 ====================================== DESCRIPTION: A file containing answers to frequently asked questions about playing DOOM over an IPX network. CREATED BY: Josh Jackson (jsoftware@delphi.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): text/ipxnet12.faq *15-29*: iDOOM v1.1 =================== DESCRIPTION: A TCP/IP network driver for playing DOOM over the Internet. * Full support for DOOM II * Online chat mode * Interactive game parameter setting * Built-in player "dialing directory" CREATED BY: Scott Coleman (asre@uiuc.edu) Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_player/idoom11.zip mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu: /asre/idoom11.zip *15-30*: Internet DOOM Client/Server System v0.12 ================================================= DESCRIPTION: The DOOM* Client/Server System is a front-end to DOOM TCP/IP network drivers. You use the client software to connect to a Frag Server. While connected to the server, you can chat with other players and bystanders and negotiate game parameters. You tell the server what parameters you want, and when all the players are ready, the server will give the client the decided game parameters plus the IP adresses of all your victims. The client software will disconnect from the server and then run a multi-player DOOM game (iDOOM* or linuxxdoom*). CREATED BY: Jay Cotton (jay@calc.vet.uga.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/tcpsrv12.zip [15-31]: LNTYP v1.01 ==================== DESCRIPTION: Contains descriptions of the available linedef types by number, grouped by function. Includes 33 previously undefined linedef types and corrections to many others. CREATED BY: Brian McKimens (samneric@connected.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/text/lntyp101.zip [15-32]: MIDI2MUS ================= DESCRIPTION: Converts MIDI music files to DOOM's MUS file format. Useful for available DOOM music editors. CREATED BY: id Software (help@idsoftware.com) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): music/midi2mus.exe [15-33]: OLDIPX.ZIP =================== DESCRIPTION: These are some files which may be useful in getting DOOM running over a TCP/IP network. Included is an older version of a 3Com Etherlink III packet driver from 3Com, which has been found to be more reliable than the newer version from the Crynwr collection. Also included is an older version of the Crynwr collection, which includes a number of useful utilities that were taken out of the newer version. An old version of an IPX-to-PD converter is also included, which seems to run much better with DOOM than the new version by Intel. Other files include a copy of the DOOM IPX FAQ. CREATED BY: Steve Bonds (sbonds@jarthur.claremont.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): oldipx.zip Site (1): multi_doom/oldipx.zip *15-34*: SER6.ZIP ================= DESCRIPTION: A DOOM SERSETUP.EXE replacement which allows many baud rates, fixes all serial bugs, chat functions, statistics display, warping, and much more. CREATED BY: Russell Gilbert (b804682@csc1.ftw.bnr.com) Paul Hermann (hermann@poly-eng.uakron.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): multi_doom/ser6.zip Site (2): ser6.zip [15-35]: The Ultimate DOOM Maps =============================== DESCRIPTION: 1024x768x256 GIF maps of all DOOM levels. CREATED BY: Hap Campbell (hsc5m@watt.seas.virginia.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (2): ultmaps1.zip *15-36*: Unofficial DOOM Specs v1.666 ===================================== DESCRIPTION: Technical information about the DOOM .WAD file for programmers. Includes complete explanation of all components of the .WAD file, including nodes. v1.666 of the specs may not be available until the first quarter of 1995. CREATED BY: Matt Burnett (matt.fell@acebbs.com) Hank Leukart (Distribution: ap641@cleveland.freenet.edu) AVAILABLE AT: Site (1): wad_edit/text/dmspec16.txt Site (2): dmspec16.txt Site (3): dmspec16.zip ------------------------------------ CHAPTER [16]: Future add-on software ------------------------------------ [16-1]: Add-on software wish list ================================= Attention programmers! Here is a wish list, created by the DOOM players, of add-on software that should be made for DOOM. If you would like to make an addition to this list, please send me E-mail. Additionally, if you are planning on creating one of these utilities, tell me, and I'll move it to the "Add-on software in the making" chapter. o Patch for network play that allows more than four players [16-2]: Add-on software in the making ===================================== This chapter tells about add-on software which is being currently worked on. If you are working on something that is not in here, please send me E-mail so I can put it in. In this section, you can also request help on creating some add-on software. Project: None Author: Ghent (ghent@rushnet.com) Status: Looking for programming project. If anyone would like help from an experienced programmer for a DOOM project, E-mail him. [CODE]