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A= Annie Larris [Zak McKracken] B= Beavis [Beavis & Butthead] C= Chaos [Sonic Adventure] D= Dr. Fred [Maniac Mansion - Dott] E= Ermac [Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate] F= Fox Mc. Cloud [Starfox] G= Genjuro [Samurai Showdown] H= Hoagie [Dott] I = Iggy Koopa [Super Mario World] J = Jill [Jill of the Jungle] K= Ken [Street Fighter] L= Larry Laffer [Leisure Suit Larry] M= Michael Jackson [MoonWalker] N= Neon Tiger [Megaman X3] O= Otto Hannover [Hollywood Monsters] P= Peter Flinstone [The FLinstones] Q=Quint [Megaman 3 (Version de Gameboy)] R= Ryu [Streen Fighter] S= Sonic [Sonic] T= Trunks [Dragon Ball Z para Genesis xD U= Ulises Treephood [Monkey island] es el segundo nombre de guybrush segun los creditos del monkey 4 V= Vincent [Final Fantasy]
A= Annie Larris [Zak McKracken] B= Beavis [Beavis & Butthead] C= Chaos [Sonic Adventure] D= Dr. Fred [Maniac Mansion - Dott] E= Ermac [Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate] F= Fox Mc. Cloud [Starfox] G= Genjuro [Samurai Showdown] H= Hoagie [Dott] I = Iggy Koopa [Super Mario World] J = Jill [Jill of the Jungle] K= Ken [Street Fighter] L= Larry Laffer [Leisure Suit Larry] M= Michael Jackson [MoonWalker] N= Neon Tiger [Megaman X3] O= Otto Hannover [Hollywood Monsters] P= Peter Flinstone [The FLinstones] Q=Quint [Megaman 3 (Version de Gameboy)] R= Ryu [Streen Fighter] S= Sonic [Sonic] T= Trunks [Dragon Ball Z para Genesis xD U= Ulises Treephood [Monkey island] es el segundo nombre de guybrush segun los creditos del monkey 4 V= Vincent [Final Fantasy] W= Wally [Monkey Island]