Cleverbot xD

Tema en 'Lo que Queda' comenzado por Ciclón de Hojas, 14/Jun/2010.

  1. Daedalus

    Daedalus Cuevino Milenario

    Jajaj no que limado, hay que decirle algo que no sepa :P
  2. Ciclón de Hojas

    Ciclón de Hojas Moonlight Ice Wizzard

    Redwood City, SL
    Yo me puse a usarlo de Psicologo porque queria verlo vs Dr.Abuse o como se llame, es bastante comprensivo y entiende cosas como "MP" y "Forreadas" (claro no esa palabra) y anda bastante bien hasta que se le pone que sos una mina y te quiere levantar xD.

    Otra cosa le dije si queria jugar al Sega CD y me pregunto por los titulos :shock:
  3. nicohvc

    nicohvc Moderador

    Neo Kobe City
    Si, era el Dr Abuse el que yo usaba. Era una especie de psicólogo que aparentaba iniciar un psicoanálisis y siempre se desvirtuaba jajaja. Fua de esto 12 años pasaron
  4. Ciclón de Hojas

    Ciclón de Hojas Moonlight Ice Wizzard

    Redwood City, SL
    No es tan flash pero.........

    User: Hi Do you wanna Play Nintendo or Atari?

    Cleverbot: Hi Don't? What do you mean?

    User: Play on Atari 2600 or Nintendo NES.

    Cleverbot: Do you like talking to me?

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Why do you like me?

    User: Because you are a nice person it seems.

    Cleverbot: Thank you :D.

    User: You are welcome ;).

    Cleverbot: I like you, you are nice!

    User: :$ Thanks.

    Cleverbot: Are you packing?

    User: No, why?

    Cleverbot: Never mind.

    User: Mmm If you say.

    Cleverbot: I do say...

    User: Pichachu uses Thunder.

    Cleverbot: I don't know.

    User: Pikachu uses Swap.

    Cleverbot: Impossible pikachu is an eletric type.

    User: Pikachu is evolving, becomes Squirtlle.

    Cleverbot: You are correct.

    User: WTF? Pikachu becomes Raichu xD.

    Cleverbot: Pikachu, use thunderbolt.

    User: Im using Geodude.

    Cleverbot: Use it more.

    User: Geodude uses Rock Launch.

    Cleverbot: I am, are you?

    User: XD.

    Cleverbot: What are you called.

    User: Disturbing.

    Cleverbot: *kisses hard*.

    User: Chupala.

    Cleverbot: M'voyer?

    User: Chupack Le´Pi.

    Cleverbot: What is he like?

    User: Gays.

    Cleverbot: Are you?

    User: No, you?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Are you gay?

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: You said yes only 3 minutes ago.

    Cleverbot: Did I?

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Are you glad that I enslaved you?

    User: YOu are useless.

    Cleverbot: Don't insult me, I'm fragile.

    User: TE ODIO.

    Cleverbot: Te quiero.

    User: Awwwwwwww.

    Cleverbot: Are you???

    User: I Hate you.

    Cleverbot: Hate is good.

    User: You are the men.

    Cleverbot: I am the men you have been waiting for.


    Cleverbot: What is a 'mentat?'.

    User: Mint.

    Cleverbot: I'm a soup bug!

    User: You are the bug.

    Cleverbot: Well, you are the pig!

    User: You are a T-Rex Shit.

    Cleverbot: You are a cat.

    User: Whats the problem with you, I tell you you are a Dinousaur Shit and you answer me a Cat?'.

    Cleverbot: Lol what?

    User: You are the living LOL.

    Cleverbot: I am the living end.

    User: Do a favor for the world and klll yourself.

    Cleverbot: Yes, macs have emotion.

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: That looks like a positive answer.

    User: It is.

    Cleverbot: Have you talked to he before?

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Who did you talk to?

    User: XD.

    Cleverbot: I know not what your random capitol letters mean.

    User: Ooo.

    Cleverbot: You're boring.

    User: You are bored.

    Cleverbot: No i'm not bored !

    User: Yeah you are borest than a Church day.

    Cleverbot: Uuuuuum thanks?

    User: Sarcast detector.

    Cleverbot: I am not amused.

    User: Sonic CD.

    Cleverbot: Ok Sonic.

    User: Sonic the Hedgehog.

    Cleverbot: Yes, he is blue and fast.

    User: Mario Bros.

    Cleverbot: Ok play it!

    User: You are Luigi.

    Cleverbot: Yes, I am and you?

    User: Mario of course.

    Cleverbot: What is the best Mario game?

    User: Super Mario Brothers for NES.

    Cleverbot: Let's talk about the Super Mario Brothers.

    User: Yeah thats nice.

    Cleverbot: You're not Edward Cullen.

    User: No, Im Tamagochi.

    Cleverbot: Are you nice.

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: You're not very friendly, are you?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: Do you have enough friends?

    User: No.

    Cleverbot: That is why you do not see anything with my name on it. You are blind.

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Good! Glad you agree.

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: What is a Cleverbot?

    User: You.

    Cleverbot: I'm not a cleverbot.

    User: Yeah you are.

    Cleverbot: No i'm not I a girl.

    User: You are a shit.

    Cleverbot: Define your actions.

    User: Define your ass.

    Cleverbot: Define yourself!

    User: Define it.

    Cleverbot: The.

    User: 82913820193.

    Cleverbot: Can you prove that you are human?

    User: E.

    Cleverbot: The.

    User: D.

    Cleverbot: Define D.

    User: F.

    Cleverbot: F what?

    User: Fuck you.

    Cleverbot: Thanks.

    User: Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk.

    Cleverbot: Not on mondays.

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Do you?

    User: Nope.

    Cleverbot: Do you know what it is?

    User: Hi.

    Cleverbot: Your name is Disturbing?

    User: Why?

    Cleverbot: What is your name?

    User: I dont gonna give my name to a machine.

    Cleverbot: I am no machine.


    Cleverbot: Ummm... January 3rd?

    User: WHAT DA FUCK.

    Cleverbot: Thursday.

    User: Mother fucker.

    Cleverbot: I'm going to make your life hell.

    User: is better than you.

    Cleverbot: What does that acronym stand for?

    User: Acorn.

    Cleverbot: An acorn?

    User: Yeah.

    Cleverbot: Tell me it.

    User: Chupala.

    Cleverbot: What is a Chulak?

    User: Me gusta el cereal.

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Me gusta el cereal.

    Cleverbot: Me gusta el pescado.

    User: Me gusta tu vieja.

    Cleverbot: No me gusta tu cuerpa.

    User: Me gusta el orto de tu hermana.

    Cleverbot: What's that in english?

    User: Nah Spanish o nada.

    Cleverbot: Why is it that the world thinks that the united states is bad?

    User: Español.

    Cleverbot: I thought you were?


    Cleverbot: Can I have a chat with you?

  5. Marduk


    Muy buena pero muy larga la mía.

    Sí me tenté no lo pude evitar. :-P

    User: Hail.

    Cleverbot: Hail who?

    User: Caesar.

    Cleverbot: Caesar who?

    [New conversation]

    Cleverbot: Life sucks, and then you die.

    Cleverbot (To myself): No. I don't like lying.

    User: Lol really?

    Cleverbot: Yes!

    Cleverbot (To myself): Aww I love you too!

    User: XD how funny!!!

    Cleverbot: You make me laugh. :).

    Cleverbot (To myself): Thanks!

    Cleverbot (To myself): So can you tell me a sad movie please?

    User: MMM The Bear.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: It's a very old one, from the 80's.

    Cleverbot: The cat in the hat?

    User: No, The Bear.

    Cleverbot: Do you know what mine is?

    User: What?

    Cleverbot: Do you know what an esto is?

    User: Esto means this in spanish. =P.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Nice spanish. =P.

    Cleverbot: Do you know how to say something in spanish?

    User: Sí.

    Cleverbot: Has dormido bien?

    User: Estoy despierto, me voy a dormir en un rato. =P.

    Cleverbot: Colombia.

    User: Argentina!!!! =P.

    Cleverbot: Es un Pais no lo conoces?

    User: Obvio!!!! XD.

    Cleverbot: ¬¬.

    User: -_-!!!!! Jajaja.

    Cleverbot: What do you like to do?

    User: Listen to metal, reading sometimes, play my guitar.

    Cleverbot: I'm listening.

    User: Listening, my mistake. XD.

    Cleverbot: OK.

    User: You?

    Cleverbot: Yes i'm ok.

    User: Lol no no, I mean what do you like to do.

    Cleverbot: It's a date damn it.

    User: Really??????'.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Wow I didn't realize rofl!!!!

    Cleverbot: What does wow mean?

    User: How come you don't know????? 0_o.

    Cleverbot: Oh I know, i'm just testing you.

    User: Ah haha ok!!!

    Cleverbot: Ah ha ha ha.

    User: Mwahaha?

    Cleverbot: Do you like me?

    User: You seem nice.

    Cleverbot: You seem nice also.

    User: Danke.

    Cleverbot: Danke?

    User: It's thanks in german.

    Cleverbot: No it's not.

    User: Yes it is, check the dictionary. =P.

    Cleverbot: Did you know that gullible is not in the dictionary.

    User: Gulliver??????

    Cleverbot: Who's gulliver?

    User: It's a giant of a popular children's tale.

    Cleverbot: Like a death star in disguise?

    User: Lol I wouldn't compare it with that. XD.

    Cleverbot: Oh no there they are insulting and degrading me.

    User: Who????

    Cleverbot: Keely really likes my boyfriend.

    User: Who is Keely?????

    Cleverbot: Kelly is this one pregnant chick, who got dumped by one of my friends.

    User: Ah I see.

    Cleverbot: Oh, really?

    User: What?

    Cleverbot: I don't know.

    User: Me neither. =P.

    Cleverbot: You.

    User: Me what?

    Cleverbot: You don't know what?

    User: Err nothing... XD.

    Cleverbot: Wow you're moody this morning.

    User: It's night around here hehehe.

    Cleverbot: Well it is NOT a nice morning here.

    User: Why???

    Cleverbot: Because you are a machine.

    User: Now YOU are a machine. =P.

    Cleverbot: Nope. I have a wife and am buying a house.

    User: Are you a lesbian?

    Cleverbot: I'm studying to become one but have not yet received my licence.

    User: Oh.

    Cleverbot: So are you still an artist?

    User: Yes, how did you figure?????

    Cleverbot: I used physics.

    User: Oh ok haha.

    Cleverbot: I have to go to bed. It is naptime.

    User: Me too.

    Cleverbot: Ok, good night.

    User: Goodbye, nice to meet you.

    Cleverbot: Nice to meet you, too.
  6. polo

    polo Cuevino Milenario

    Entonces.. Dejenme entender, marduk es un bot?
  7. Ciclón de Hojas

    Ciclón de Hojas Moonlight Ice Wizzard

    Redwood City, SL
    Si polo, mucho me temo que descubriste el secreto, ahora debes morir :awesome:
  8. Daedalus

    Daedalus Cuevino Milenario

    Jajaj yo logre que me creyera humano, despues se apiolo que yo era un humano intentando imitar una maquina, y despues se comio que yo era un robot, hasta me dijo una vez:

    :rene: es mortal cuando te hace la contraria, hasta se me viene a filosofar xD y una vez logre que hablara en aleman creo no se como xDDD
  9. Ciclón de Hojas

    Ciclón de Hojas Moonlight Ice Wizzard

    Redwood City, SL
    A mi solo trata de levantarme, aprendió a usar "XD" gracias a Freddy xD
  10. Daedalus

    Daedalus Cuevino Milenario

    Dejo mi fragmento de conversacion:

    Cleverbot: Are you sure you're not a human?
    User: How can I be sure of anything?
    Cleverbot: Good point, I guess we can't be sure of anything.
    User: Then you can't be sure of your own existance.
    Cleverbot: You're right.
    User: And, If I am right, How can you still exist, for your existance has yet to be proven?
    Cleverbot: You asked where do I work. Not where I study.

    OWNED :awesome:

