Ahhh eso si , me olvide de preguntarle a tavo , no sé que es lo de "Pirate Harrassment handbook " Mierda, parece que me olvide de más de las que pense xD 2002) GUYBRUSH {suspicious}Bueno, estan ahi dentro, pero no estan lo suficientemente caliente como para hacer algo
1988) TRENCHFOOT [pickup1][thinks guybrush may have been hitting on him] ¿Perdon? ¿Tengo que sacar el manual de Hostigamiento Pirata? 2002) GUYBRUSH {suspicious}Bueno, ahi están, pero no están lo suficientemente calientes como para hacer algo. Charchar, sos un fraude
2003) LECHUCK [process: needs to sound reasonably far away][Pickup1][Indiscernible] [LeChuck is MUBMLING something to a monkey. His voice is too quite to actually make out what he's saying. It might be:] Go and write with the shingle, the clam has almost grown feet.
2002) GUYBRUSH {suspicious}Bueno, they are in there, but they really aren't hot enough to do anything. ---------- 2003) LECHUCK [process: needs to sound reasonably far away][Pickup1][Indiscernible] [LeChuck is MUBMLING something to a monkey. His voice is too quite to actually make out what he's saying. It might be:] Go and write with the shingle, the clam has almost grown feet. 2004) MONKEY Ekk ekk oop. ---------- 2025) Trenchfoot
Err seh me dijieron que Trenchfoot era un nombre propio , house Y como queres que traduzca lo que dice el mono?
2003) LECHUCK [process: needs to sound reasonably far away][Pickup1][Indiscernible] [LeChuck is MUBMLING something to a monkey. His voice is too quite to actually make out what he's saying. It might be:] Go and write with the shingle, the clam has almost grown feet. NO ESTA EN BLANCO!! otro: 2153) Sealed Vacaylian Display Altar ---------- 2200) Animal matchmaking books
2003) LECHUCK [process: needs to sound reasonably far away][Pickup1][Indiscernible] [LeChuck is MUBMLING something to a monkey. His voice is too quite to actually make out what he's saying. It might be:] Ve y escribe con la tablilla, a la almeja casi le han crecido pies. (almeja u ostra, nose como esta en todas las traducciones) edit: 2153) Sealed Vacaylian Display Altar Altar Vacaylian sellado/cerrado En estos casos conviene simplificar siempre que se pueda(en mi opinion), display no es necesario ponerlo, lo importante es indicar q esta sellado. Sino quedaria "Altar demostrativo Vacaylian sellado".