1566) GUYBRUSH {cocky}Tell ya what, if you act now I'll throw in a second magical golden artifact absolutely free! Te dire algo, si te lo llevas ahora incluiré un segundo artefacto magico dorado totalmente gratis! 1824) ELAINE [cutesy] {Cutesy}Pretty please with marsmallows? ?????..no creo q haya traduccion al castellano, de ultima le ponemos "porfaa...corazoncito?"
aca va el mio... arreglenlo a piacere... no lo quiero ver mas!! edit: lo deje con ambos idiomas para que sea mas facil chequear cada linea. edit: lo estoy corrigiendo un poco, ahora lo resubo
Hacha, te estoy corrigiendo algunos errores de coherencia con el juego voy por la linea 734, ajaj la verdad que jugarlo me ayudo terriblemente! Ahi termine de corregir todo Golden Axe:
genial, asi no lo miro masssssss un grande langer ja! edit: lo de 781) GUYBRUSH [reading] Una Ciudad de Dos Colas. lo habia dejado como "una ciudad de dos historias" para dar vuelta el titulo del libro de Dickens, como despues el de Hemingway, pero si la historia tira mas para ese lado, esta bien. Bien el chiste de pescados, yo no lograba decidirme entre lo del "colectivo que BALLENO" o "mi papa NADA"
851) TRENCHFOOT When McGillicutty finds out you slipped past US to get through the blockade, he'll have our heads on a pike! 956) LECHUCK {frustrated} I saw you put the Sea Horse stick thing in it, but other than that it justlooks like an oyster. 999) GUYBRUSH {Sarcastic} You know, I could have sworn it would be next to the rock. I mean, that's where I would have hidden it. 1001) TRENCHFOOT {Stern} I'm callin' the shots here. 1002) GUYBRUSH {Sarcastic} Ok, you pick a place then. 1003) TRENCHFOOT We dig by the rock again, but only because it's such a bleedin' small island. me queod a la mitad 1020) HARDTACK [miserable]{Sad} Técnicamente eso es cierto. McGillicutty me hubiera asesinado if you hadn't gotten me off the ship. 1048) GUYBRUSH One of nature's bludgeons. 1050) GUYBRUSH {Happy} Timmmm-boing? [as in TIMBER] 1057) GUYBRUSH {scared}Chico, thats a long way down! {surprised}I can see the broken altar down there! {suspicious}I guess I'm lucky I landed on top of it it instead of the other way around. 1058) GUYBRUSH [reading] Fishing Well. [commenting] {confused}Fishing well? {suspicious}They probably meant "wishing well," I'm sure it's just a typo. le puse esto, pero no sé [reading] Pozo Pescador. [commenting] {confused}¿Pozo Pescador? {suspicious}Probablemente sea "Pozo Deseador",estoy seguro que es solo un error de tipeo. 1063) GUYBRUSH {happy}Hey, no está mal! {default}Good enough to fool the undiscerning pirate eye anyway! 1060) GUYBRUSH {happy}Neat! 1099) MCGILLICUTTY [shouting across ships] {Stern} I don't think so, boy! The Chieftain is going to tell me exactly where to find the artifacts so I can get to Esponge Grande, or end up as sea gull pickings among the rocks when I run aground! 1101) GUYBRUSH [shouting across ships] {Incredulous} Rue? HA! [to himself] {Whiney} I really gotta look up that word. {Angry} And I won't leave that cursed sea sponge out there just waiting to take that away. 1120) GUYBRUSH {confused}Bien, here goes nothing...Here boys, come and get it... 1137) MCGILLICUTTY {Angry} Either you'll spill your guts or I will! 1138) MCGILLICUTTY [shouting across ships]{Angry} Ya best be watching your tongue, Guybrush Threepwood! 1156) GUYBRUSH {Cocky} Ya feelin' funny, punk? Well are ya? ARE YA? 1157) GUYBRUSH {Cocky} McGillicutty? Eres tan débil, deberías ser McGilli-PUTTY! 1160) ELAINE {stern}McGillicutty's men have got one of them stashed somewhere. {serious}Before you turned up I was about to go to Roe Island to follow up on a lead, and I've got LeChuck looking for the third one on Spoon Isle. 1161) GUYBRUSH {Cocky} Come on you Pox patterned poser, you couldn't hit me even though I'm standing still. jaja creo que son poquitras :rolleye: ayer pude jugar el juego y lo terminé... asi que pude enteder mas las cosas q traduje.
Ok gracias, supongo que están todos. Le puse 1157) GUYBRUSH {Cocky} McGillicutty? Eres tan débil, deberías ser McGilli-CUTRE! jaja malisimo. Ahí les vaila.